What Every Driver Writer Needs to Know

Handling IRPs: What Every Driver Writer Needs to Know


Microsoft Corporation

July 2004

The current version of this information is maintained at http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/driver/kernel/IRPs.mspx.

Applies to:
   Microsoft Windows 2000
   Microsoft Windows XP
   Microsoft Windows Server 2003
   Microsoft Windows codenamed "Longhorn"

Summary: This paper presents an overview of the I/O request packet (IRP) mechanism that is used in the Microsoft Windows family of operating systems. It is intended to provide driver writers with a greater understanding of how I/O works in the operating system, and how their drivers should manage and respond to I/O requests. (19 printed pages)


Definition 1: IRP as a Container for an I/O Request
Definition 2: IRP as a Thread-Independent Call Stack
Passing an IRP to the Next Lower Driver
Completing an IRP
Synchronous I/O Responses
Asynchronous I/O Responses
Life Cycle of a File Object
Data Transfer Mechanisms
I/O Control Codes (IOCTLs)
Success, Error, and Warning Status for IRP Completion
Building IRPs
Debugging I/O Problems
Call to Action and Resources


The Microsoft Windows family of operating systems communicates with drivers by sending input/output (I/O) request packets (IRPs). The data structure that encapsulates the IRP not only describes an I/O request, but also maintains information about the status of the request as it passes through the drivers that handle it. Because the data structure serves two purposes, an IRP can be defined as:

  • a container for an I/O request,

    – or –

  • a thread-independent call stack.

Considering IRPs from these two perspectives may help driver writers understand what their drivers must do to respond correctly to I/O requests.

For current documentation on routines and issues discussed in this paper, see the most recent version of the Microsoft Windows Driver Development Kit (DDK).

Definition 1: IRP as a Container for an I/O Request

The operating system presents most I/O requests to drivers using IRPs. IRPs are appropriate for this purpose because:

  • IRPs can be processed asynchronously.
  • IRPs can be cancelled.
  • IRPs are designed for I/O that involves more than one driver.

The IRP data-structure packages the information that a driver requires to respond to an I/O request. The request might be from user mode or from kernel mode; regardless of the request's origin, a driver requires the same information.

Every IRP has two parts, shown in Figure 1:

  • A header that describes the primary I/O request.
  • An array of parameters that describe subordinate requests (sometimes called sub-requests).

Figure 1. Structure of an IRP

The size of the header is fixed and is the same for every IRP. The size of the array of parameters depends on the number of drivers that will handle the request.

Contents of the IRP Header

An IRP is usually handled by a stack of drivers. The header of each IRP contains data that is used by each driver handling the IRP. While a given driver is handling an IRP, that driver is considered to be the current owner of the IRP.

The header of each IRP contains pointers to the following:

  • Buffers to read the input and write the output of the IRP.
  • A memory area for the driver that currently owns the IRP.
  • A routine, supplied by the driver that currently owns the IRP, which the operating system calls if the IRP is cancelled.
  • The parameters for the current sub-request.
  • In addition to the pointers, the IRP header contains other data that describes the nature and state of the request.

IRP Parameters

Following the IRP header is an array of sub-requests. An IRP can have more than one sub-request because IRPs are usually handled by a stack of drivers. Each IRP is allocated with a fixed number of such sub-requests, usually one for each driver in the device stack. This number typically matches the StackSize field of the top device object in the stack, though a driver in the middle of a stack could allocate fewer. If a driver must forward a request to a different device stack, it must allocate a new IRP.

Each sub-request is represented as an I/O stack location (a structure of type IO_STACK_LOCATION), and the IRP typically contains one such I/O stack location for each driver in the device stack to which the IRP is sent. A field in the IRP header identifies the I/O stack location that is currently in use. The value of this field is called the IRP stack pointer or the current stack location.

The IO_STACK_LOCATION structure includes the following:

  • The major and minor function codes for the IRP.
  • Arguments specific to these codes.
  • A pointer to the device object for the corresponding driver.
  • A pointer to an IoCompletion routine if the driver has set one.
  • A pointer to the file object associated with the request.
  • Various flags and context areas.

The IO_STACK_LOCATION does not contain the pointers to the input and output locations; these pointers are in the IRP itself. All the sub-requests operate on the same buffers.

Definition 2: IRP as a Thread-Independent Call Stack

Performing an I/O operation typically requires more than one driver for a device. Each driver for a device creates a device object, and these device objects are organized hierarchically into a device stack. IRPs are passed down the device stack from one driver to the next. For each driver in the stack, the IRP contains a pointer to an I/O stack location. Because the drivers can handle the requests asynchronously, an IRP is similar to a thread-independent call stack, as Figure 2 shows.

Figure 2. IRP as thread-independent call stack

On the left side of Figure 2, the thread stack shows how the parameters and return address for drivers A, B, and C might be organized into a call stack. On the right, the figure shows how these parameters and return addresses correspond to the I/O stack locations and IoCompletion routines in an IRP.

The asynchronous nature of IRP handling is critical to the operating system and the Windows Driver Model (WDM). In a synchronous, single-threaded I/O design, the application that issues a request, and each driver through which the request passes, must wait until all lower components have completed the request. Such a design uses system resources inefficiently, thus decreasing system performance.

The structure of the IRP provides for an inherently asynchronous design, enabling applications to queue one or more I/O requests without waiting. While the I/O request is in progress, the application thread is free to perform calculations or queue additional I/O requests. Because all the information required to process the request is encapsulated in the IRP, the requesting thread's call stack can be decoupled from the I/O request.

Passing an IRP to the Next Lower Driver

Passing an IRP to the next lower driver (also called forwarding an IRP) is the IRP equivalent of a subroutine call. When a driver forwards an IRP, it must populate the next I/O stack location with parameters, advance the IRP stack pointer, and invoke the next driver's dispatch routine. In essence, the driver is calling down the IRP stack.

To pass an IRP, a driver typically takes the following steps:

  1. Set up the parameters for the next I/O stack location. The driver can either:
    • Call the IoGetNextIrpStackLocation routine to get a pointer to the next I/O stack location, and then copy the required parameters to that location.
    • Call the IoCopyCurrentIrpStackLocationToNext routine (if the driver sets an IoCompletion routine in step 2), or the IoSkipCurrentIrpStackLocation routine (if the driver does not set an IoCompletion routine in step 2) to pass the same parameters used for the current location.
    Note   Drivers must not use the RtlCopyMemory routine to copy the current parameters. This routine copies the pointer to the current driver's IoCompletion routine, thus causing the IoCompletion routine to be called more than once.
  2. Set an IoCompletion routine for post-processing, if necessary, by calling the IoSetCompletionRoutine routine. If the driver sets an IoCompletion routine, it must call IoCopyCurrentIrpStackLocationToNext in step 1.
  3. Pass the request to the next driver by calling the IoCallDriver routine. This routine automatically advances the IRP stack pointer and invokes the next driver's dispatch routine.

Completing an IRP

When I/O is complete, the driver that completed the I/O calls the IoCompleteRequest routine. This routine moves the IRP stack pointer to point to the next higher location in the IRP stack, as Figure 3 shows.

Figure 3. IRP completion and stack pointer

Figure 3 shows the current I/O stack location after driver C has called IoCompleteRequest. The solid arrow on the left indicates that the stack pointer now points to the parameters and callback for driver B. The dotted arrow indicates the previous stack location. The hollow arrow on the right indicates the order in which the IoCompletion routines are called.

Note   For ease of explanation, this paper shows the I/O stack locations in the IRP "upside-down," that is, in inverted order from A to C instead of from C to A. Using an inverted diagram enables calls that proceed "down" the device stack to point downwards.

If a driver set an IoCompletion routine as it passed the IRP down the device stack, the I/O Manager calls that routine when the IRP stack pointer once again points to the I/O stack location for the driver. In this way, IoCompletion routines act as return addresses for the drivers that handled the IRP as it traversed the device stack.

An IoCompletion routine can return either of two status values:

  • STATUS_CONTINUE_COMPLETION—continues the upward completion of the IRP. The I/O Manager advances the IRP stack pointer and calls the next-higher driver's IoCompletion routine.
  • STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED—stops the upward completion of the IRP and leaves the IRP stack pointer at its current location. Drivers that return this status usually restart the upward completion of the IRP later by calling the IoCompleteRequest routine.

When every driver has completed its corresponding sub-request, the I/O request is complete. The I/O Manager retrieves the status of the request from the Irp- >IoStatus.Status field, and retrieves the number of bytes transferred from the Irp- >IoStatus.Information field.

Synchronous I/O Responses

Although the Windows operating system is designed for asynchronous I/O, most applications issue synchronous I/O requests.

One way to implement a synchronous I/O design is shown in the following code fragment.

// Register something that will set an event.
// (Not shown)

// Send the IRP down the device stack
IoCallDriver(nextDevice, Irp);

// Wait on an event to be signaled
KeWaitForSingleObject( &event, ... );

// Get the final status
status = Irp- >IoStatus.Status;

This design has a serious problem, however: the KeWaitForSingleObject routine uses the system-wide dispatcher lock. This lock protects the signal state of events, semaphores, and mutexes, and consequently is used frequently throughout the operating system. Requiring the use of this lock for every synchronous I/O operation would unacceptably hinder performance.

To avoid this problem, the IoCallDriver routine was designed to return a status value. If an I/O request is completed synchronously, IoCallDriver returns the completion status returned by the next lower driver. If a request is being processed asynchronously, IoCallDriver returns STATUS_PENDING.

If a request can be completed synchronously, a driver completes the IRP with a status value and returns the same status value from its dispatch routine. Drivers above it in the device stack can get the status in either of two ways:

  • In the dispatch routine, from the value returned by IoCallDriver.
  • In the IoCompletion routine, from the IoStatus.Status field of the IRP.

Figure 4 shows the two ways a driver or application can get the status of an IRP. For ease of explanation, the figure shows the IoCompletion routines in the same I/O stack location as the parameters with which they are called, instead of one location lower.

Figure 4. Status returned by IoCallDriver and available to IoCompletion routine

  • On the left side of Figure 4, the IoCallDriver routine returns the completion status reported by the next lower driver. On the right, the IoCompletion routines read the status from the IoStatus.Status field of the IRP. If the IRP completes synchronously, the IoCompletion routine for each driver is called before IoCallDriver returns, so the status value is available to the IoCompletion routine before it is available to the dispatch routine.
  • Figure 4 shows that driver C returns STATUS_SUCCESS, driver B returns STATUS_RETRY, and driver A returns STATUS_ERROR. The final status of the IRP is available only to the initiator of the request; other drivers can read only the status returned by the next-lower driver.

Because a driver returns STATUS_PENDING to indicate that an IRP will be completed asynchronously, drivers can determine which responses are synchronous and which are asynchronous. Therefore, an application's request for synchronous I/O can be coded as follows.

// Register something that will set an event.
// (Not shown)

// Send the IRP down the device stack
status = IoCallDriver(nextDevice, Irp);

if (status == STATUS_PENDING){
// Wait on an event to be signaled
KeWaitForSingleObject( &event, ... );

// Get the final status
status = Irp- >IoStatus.Status;

In this design, the KeWaitForSingleObject routine is called only if the request returns STATUS_PENDING. Therefore, the dispatcher lock is used only if the response is essentially asynchronous.

Asynchronous I/O Responses

A driver should return STATUS_PENDING from a dispatch routine when it cannot complete an I/O request synchronously in a timely manner. Understanding when to return STATUS_PENDING is a problem for many driver writers.

A driver must return STATUS_PENDING if:

  • Its dispatch routine for an IRP might return before the IRP is completed.
  • It completes the IRP on another thread.
  • The dispatch routine cannot determine the IRP's completion status before it returns.

The driver must call the IoMarkIrpPending macro before it releases control of the IRP and before it returns STATUS_PENDING. IoMarkIrpPending sets the SL_PENDING_RETURNED bit in the Control field of the current I/O stack location. Each time an I/O stack location is completed, the I/O Manager copies the value of this bit to the Irp- >PendingReturned field in the IRP header, as Figure 5 shows.

Figure 5. Propagating the pending bit

In Figure 5, Driver C's call to the IoMarkIrpPending macro sets the SL_PENDING_RETURNED bit in the Control field of Driver C's I/O stack location. When Driver C completes the IRP, the I/O Manager changes the IRP stack pointer to point to driver B, and propagates the value of the SL_PENDING_RETURNED bit to the PendingReturned field in the IRP header.

IoCompletion Routines and Asynchronous I/O Responses

If a driver sets an IoCompletion routine for an IRP, the IoCompletion routine can check the value of the Irp- >PendingReturned field to determine whether the IRP will be completed asynchronously.

If the value of the Irp- >PendingReturned field is TRUE, the IoCallDriver routine will return (or has already returned) STATUS_PENDING. If Irp- >PendingReturned is FALSE, IoCallDriver has already returned with the value in the Irp- >IoStatus.Status field. IoCompletion routines for intermediate drivers can similarly test Irp- >PendingReturned to determine how the result of their forwarded request is being handled.

Drivers that complete I/O requests asynchronously sometimes must perform additional processing as the IRP moves back up the device stack. The following code sets an IoCompletion routine when it forwards an IRP to the next lower driver, then waits on an event. Thus, it handles an asynchronous response in the same manner as a synchronous one.

KeInitializeEvent(&event, NotificationEvent, FALSE);

// Set a completion routine that will catch the IRP
IoSetCompletionRoutine(Irp, CatchIrpRoutine, &event, ...);

// Send the IRP down
status = IoCallDriver(nextDevice, Irp);

if (status == STATUS_PENDING) {

// Wait on some event that will be signaled
KeWaitForSingleObject( &event, ... );

// Get the final status
status = Irp- >IoStatus.Status;

The following code shows the IoCompletion routine set in the preceding fragment.

if (Irp- >PendingReturned) {

// Release waiting thread
KeSetEvent( Event, IO_NO_INCREMENT, FALSE );


The IoCompletion routine tests the value the Irp- >PendingReturned field. Based on this value, it sets an event only if STATUS_PENDING has been or will be returned to the caller. This avoids a call to the KeSetEvent routine, which uses the system-wide dispatcher lock.

The IoCompletion routine returns STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED. This status indicates to the I/O Manager that the current driver must perform additional processing while it owns the IRP. The I/O Manager stops the upward completion of the IRP, leaving the I/O stack location in its current position. The current driver still owns the IRP and can continue to process it in another routine. When the driver has completely processed the IRP, it should call the IoCompleteRequest routine to continue IRP completion.

Propagating the Pending Bit

Any time a driver handling an I/O request returns the response of the next-lower driver, the value of the pending bit in its I/O stack location (SL_PENDING_RETURNED in the Control field of the IO_STACK_LOCATION structure) must be the same as that of the next-lower driver. If the driver does not set an IoCompletion routine, the I/O Manager automatically propagates the value of the bit, freeing the driver of this responsibility. If the driver sets an IoCompletion routine, however, and the next-lower driver returns STATUS_PENDING, the current driver must mark its own I/O stack location as pending. For example,

// Forward request to next driver
IoCopyCurrentIrpStackLocationToNext( Irp );

// Send the IRP down
status = IoCallDriver( nextDevice, Irp );

// Return the lower driver's status
return status;

Because this example does not set an IoCompletion routine, the driver must not call the IoMarkIrpPending macro. The driver simply returns the same status as the next-lower driver, and the I/O Manager copies the value of the pending bit.

If the driver sets an IoCompletion routine, however, this code is insufficient for situations in which the lower driver returns STATUS_PENDING. In such situations, the driver must call the IoMarkIrpPending macro to set the SL_PENDING_RETURNED bit for its own I/O stack location. The driver must call IoMarkIrpPending from an IoCompletion routine; it must not make this call from its dispatch routine. Thus, the following code is incorrect.

// Forward request to next driver
IoCopyCurrentIrpStackLocationToNext( Irp );

// Send the IRP down
status = IoCallDriver( nextDevice, Irp );

// The following is an error because this driver
// no longer owns the IRP.
If (status == STATUS_PENDING) {

IoMarkIrpPending( Irp );

// Return the lower driver's status
return status;

This approach is incorrect because IoMarkIrpPending operates on the current I/O stack location. After IoCallDriver passes the IRP to the next lower driver, the current driver no longer owns the IRP. Thus, when the call to IoMarkIrpPending is executed, there is no current I/O stack location; in fact, if a lower driver completed the IRP, then the pointer is no longer valid. To avoid this problem, the driver must call IoMarkIrpPending from an IoCompletion routine. For example,

CompletionRoutine( ... )
if (Irp- >PendingReturned) {

// Return the lower driver's result. If the
// lower driver marked its stack location pending,
// so do we.
IoMarkIrpPending( Irp );

... //additional processing in IoCompletion routine


Drivers should use this code sequence only when returning the same status as the lower driver. If the driver does not set an IoCompletion routine, the I/O Manager automatically propagates the value of the SL_PENDING_RETURNED bit upwards to the next I/O stack location. A driver is not required to use an IoCompletion routine simply to call IoMarkIrpPending, but if a driver does have an IoCompletion routine, and a lower driver returns STATUS_PENDING, the IoCompletion routine must call IoMarkIrpPending.

Summary of Guidelines for Pending IRPs

Driver writers must follow certain guidelines when handling IRPs for which STATUS_PENDING can be returned. Ignoring these guidelines may cause post-processing to occur twice, resulting in a system crash, or it may prevent post-processing from occurring, resulting in a system hang.

The following are the fundamental guidelines for returning STATUS_PENDING:

  • If a driver returns STATUS_PENDING, it must first call the IoMarkIrpPending macro to mark the I/O stack location as pending.
  • Conversely, if a driver calls IoMarkIrpPending, it must return STATUS_PENDING.

In addition:

  • If a driver returns the same status as the next lower driver and sets an IoCompletion routine, the IoCompletion routine must call IoMarkIrpPending if the value of the Irp- >PendingReturned field is TRUE.
  • If a driver completes an I/O request on a different thread from that on which it received the request, its dispatch routine or IoCompletion routine must call IoMarkIrpPending, and its dispatch routine must return STATUS_PENDING.


By testing the value of the Irp- >PendingReturned field, a driver can take advantage of the pending bit to optimize post-processing work for an I/O request. For example, a driver can use the processor cache efficiently, thus improving throughput, by post-processing the IRP after the IoCallDriver routine returns a synchronous response. The logic of such an optimization is as follows:

  • In a synchronous I/O response, the thread that initiated the I/O request can perform post-processing if IoCallDriver does not return STATUS_PENDING. In this case, the IRP is complete when IoCallDriver returns, so the dispatch routine can perform any required processing.
  • In an asynchronous I/O response, the IoCompletion routine should perform the post-processing if IoCallDriver returns STATUS_PENDING. The IoCompletion routine must test the value of Irp- >PendingReturned, as described in IoCompletion Routines and Asynchronous I/O Responses earlier in this paper. If the value of Irp- >PendingReturned is TRUE, the IoCompletion routine performs the required post-processing.

The operating system uses this exact technique for read requests, write requests, and some I/O control codes (IOCTLs). Consequently, if a driver fails to follow the guidelines in Summary of Guidelines for Pending IRPs earlier in this paper, the operating system will perform post-processing twice or not at all.

Life Cycle of a File Object

A file object is created each time a device is opened. Each file object represents a single use of an individual file, and maintains state information for that use (such as current file offset). When the I/O Manager creates and opens a file object, it creates a handle to refer to the object. The IRP_MJ_CREATE, IRP_MJ_CLEANUP, and IRP_MJ_CLOSE requests define the life cycle of a file object.


An IRP_MJ_CREATE request notifies the driver that a new file object has been created. The I/O Manager typically sends an IRP_MJ_CREATE request when a user-mode application calls the CreateFile function or a kernel-mode driver calls the ZwCreateFile routine.

In an IRP_MJ_CREATE request, the current I/O stack location contains a FileObject structure, which identifies the file object to open. The FileObject structure specifies:

  • The name of the file to open in the FileObject- >FileName field.
  • Two pointers for driver use in the FileObject- >FsContext and FileObject- >FsContext2 fields.
Note   In a WDM device stack, only the functional device object (FDO) can use the two context pointers. File system drivers use special functions to share these fields among multiple drivers.

IRP_MJ_CREATE requests arrive in the context of the thread and the process that opened or created the file. A driver can record per-caller information, if required.

In response to a create request, the operating system checks access rights as follows:

  • If the request does not include a file name, the operating system checks the rights against the ACL for the device object opened by name.
  • If the request includes a file name, the operating system checks security only if the FILE_DEVICE_SECURE_OPEN characteristic is set in the DeviceObject- >Characteristics field. Otherwise, the driver is responsible for checking security.

If the request succeeds, the operating system saves the granted rights in the handle to the object, for use in subsequent I/O requests. For detailed information on driver security, see the Microsoft Windows Driver Development Kit (DDK).


An IRP_MJ_CLEANUP request notifies a driver that the last handle to a file object has been closed. This request does not indicate that the file object has been deleted.

The I/O Manager sends an IRP_MJ_CLEANUP request for a file object after the last handle to the object is closed. When a driver receives an IRP_MJ_CLEANUP request, the driver must complete any pending IRPs for the specified file object. After the IRPs have been completed, the I/O Manager destroys the file object. While the IRPs are pending, the I/O Manager cannot delete the object.

IRP_MJ_CLEANUP requests arrive in the context of the caller that attempts to close the last handle. If the driver recorded any information about the caller when the IRP_MJ_CREATE request arrived, it should release that information when it processes the IRP_MJ_CLEANUP request. If the file handle has been duplicated, however, the context for the IRP_MJ_CLEANUP request might not be the same as that for the corresponding IRP_MJ_CREATE request. Consequently, driver writers must be careful to determine the appropriate context when using process information during cleanup operations.

For example, an application can call the DuplicateHandle() function to duplicate a file handle into another process. If the new handle is closed last, after all the handles in the original process, the driver will receive an IRP_MJ_CLEANUP request on a handle in the new process context. The context still represents the caller, but it is not the same as the original caller that created the file object.


An IRP_MJ_CLOSE request notifies a driver that a file object has been deleted.

The I/O Manager sends an IRP_MJ_CLOSE request for a file object when both of the following are true:

  • All handles to the file object are closed.
  • No outstanding references to the object, such as those caused by a pending IRP, remain.

Unlike IRP_MJ_CREATE and IRP_MJ_CLEANUP requests, an IRP_MJ_CLOSE request does not arrive in the context of the caller.

In response to an IRP_MJ_CLOSE request, a driver should reverse whatever actions it performed in response to the corresponding IRP_MJ_CREATE request. Additional tasks depend on the design of the driver and the type of hardware it supports.

Data Transfer Mechanisms

The Windows family of operating systems supports three data transfer mechanisms:

  • Buffered I/O operates on a kernel-mode copy of the user's data.
  • Direct I/O accesses the user's data directly through Memory Descriptor Lists (MDLs) and kernel-mode pointers.
  • Method neither I/O (neither buffered nor direct I/O) accesses the user's data through user-mode pointers.

For standard I/O requests, such as IRP_MJ_READ and IRP_MJ_WRITE, drivers specify which transfer mechanism they support by modifying the value of the DeviceObject- >Flags field soon after creating the device.

Buffered I/O

To receive read and write requests as buffered I/O, the driver sets the DO_BUFFERED_IO flag in the DeviceObject- >Flags field during initialization. When a driver receives a buffered I/O request, the Irp- >AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer field contains the address of the kernel-mode buffer on which the driver should operate. The I/O Manager copies data from the kernel-mode buffer to the user-mode buffer during a read request, or from the user-mode buffer to the kernel-mode buffer during a write request.

Direct I/O

To receive read and write requests as direct I/O, the driver sets the DO_DIRECT_IO flag in the DeviceObject- >Flags field during initialization. When a driver receives a direct I/O request, the Irp- >MdlAddress field contains the address of an MDL that describes the request buffer. The MDL lists the buffer's virtual address and size, along with the physical pages in the buffer. The I/O Manager locks these physical pages before issuing the request to the driver, and unlocks them during completion. The driver must not use the user-mode buffer address specified in the MDL; instead, it must get a kernel-mode address by calling the MmGetSystemAddressForMdlSafe macro.

Neither Buffered nor Direct I/O

To receive neither buffered nor direct I/O requests, the driver sets neither the DO_BUFFERED_IO flag nor the DO_DIRECT_IO flag in the DeviceObject- >Flags field. When a driver receives such a request, the Irp- >UserBuffer field contains the address of the data pertaining to the request. Because this buffer is in the user address space, the driver must validate the address before using it. To validate the pointer, a driver calls the ProbeForRead or ProbeForWrite function within a try/except block. The driver must also perform all access to the buffer within a try/except block.

In addition, the driver must copy the data to a safe kernel-mode address in the pool, or on the stack before manipulating it. Copying the data to a kernel-mode buffer ensures that the user-mode caller cannot change the data after the driver has validated it.

Note   For detailed information on probing and on problems commonly seen in driver I/O paths, see Common Driver Reliability Issues.

I/O Control Codes (IOCTLs)

The I/O Manager sends an I/O control code (IOCTL) as part of the IRP for requests other than read or write requests. An IOCTL is a 32-bit control code that identifies an I/O or device operation. Requests that specify IOCTLs can have both input and output buffers.

The operating system supports two types of IOCTLs, which are sent in two different IRPs:

  • IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL requests can be sent from user mode or kernel mode. These requests are sometimes called public IOCTLs.
  • IRP_MJ_INTERNAL_DEVICE_CONTROL requests can be sent by kernel-mode components only. These requests are typically used for driver-to-driver communication and are sometimes called private IOCTLs.

For an IOCTL, the transfer mechanism is specified in the Method field of the control code. IOCTLs support the following transfer mechanisms:



In a METHOD_BUFFERED IOCTL, like a buffered read or write request, data transfer is performed through a copy of the user's buffer passed in the Irp- >AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer field. The lengths of the input and output buffers are passed in the driver's IO_STACK_LOCATION structure in the Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength field, and the Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength field. These values represent the maximum number of bytes the driver should read or write in response to the buffered IOCTL.

METHOD_BUFFERED IOCTLs are the most secure IOCTLs, because the buffer pointer is guaranteed to be valid and aligned on a natural processor boundary, and the data in the buffer cannot change.

The I/O Manager does not zero-initialize the output buffer before issuing the request. The driver is responsible for writing either valid data or zeroes in the output buffer, up to the return byte count it specifies in the Irp- >IoStatus.Information field. Failing to write valid data or zeroes could result in returning private kernel data to the user-mode application. Because this data could belong to another user, this error is considered a breach of system security.


An IOCTL that specifies METHOD_OUT_DIRECT or METHOD_DIRECT_TO_HARDWARE represents a read operation from the hardware. METHOD_OUT_DIRECT and METHOD_DIRECT_TO_HARDWARE can be used interchangeably.

In METHOD_OUT_DIRECT requests, the Irp- >AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer field contains a kernel-mode copy of the requestor's input buffer. The Irp- >MdlAddress field contains an MDL that describes the requestor's output buffer. The I/O Manager readies this buffer for the driver to write. As in read and write operations, the driver must call the MmGetSystemAddressForMdlSafe macro to get a kernel-mode pointer to the buffer described by the MDL.

The requestor's input buffer typically contains a pointer to a command that the driver should interpret or send to the device. The requestor's output buffer typically is the location to which the driver should transfer the result of the operation.


An IOCTL that specifies METHOD_IN_DIRECT or METHOD_DIRECT_FROM_HARDWARE requests a write operation to the hardware. METHOD_DIRECT_FROM_HARDWARE and METHOD_IN_DIRECT can be used interchangeably.

In METHOD_IN_DIRECT requests, the Irp- >AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer field contains a kernel-mode copy of the requestor's input buffer. The Irp- >MdlAddress field contains an MDL that describes the requestor's output buffer. The I/O Manager readies this buffer for the driver to read. As in read and write operations, the driver must call the MmGetSystemAddressForMdlSafe macro to get a kernel-mode pointer to the buffer described by the MDL.

The input and output buffers are typically used in similar ways for METHOD_OUT_DIRECT and METHOD_IN_DIRECT IOCTLs. The requestor's input buffer contains a command for the driver or device. The requestor's output buffer, however, contains the data for the driver to transfer to the device. In effect, it is a second input buffer.


A driver can define IOCTLs that use neither direct nor buffered I/O. METHOD_NEITHER IOCTLs have separate user-mode pointers for input and output buffers:

  • IrpSp- >Parameters.DeviceIoControl.Type3InputBuffer points to the input buffer.
  • Irp- >UserBuffer points to the output buffer.

The input and output buffer addresses are user-mode pointers. Therefore, drivers must validate these pointers before using them, by calling the ProbeForRead and ProbeForWrite routines within a try/except block. In addition, the driver must copy all parameters to kernel-mode memory (either in the pool or on the stack) before validating them.

Note   For detailed information on probing and on problems commonly seen in driver I/O paths, see Common Driver Reliability Issues.

Success, Error, and Warning Status for IRP Completion

When a driver completes an IRP with a success or warning status, the I/O Manager:

  • Copies the data from the buffer specified in the IRP back to the user's buffer, if the IRP specified METHOD_BUFFERED I/O. The driver specifies the number of bytes to be copied in the Irp- >IoStatus.Information field.
  • Copies the results from the IRP's status block (Irp- >IoStatus.Status and Irp- >IoStatus.Information) to the caller's original request block.
  • Signals the event specified by the caller that initiated the request.

Not all of these actions occur in all cases. For example, if a driver completes an IRP with an error status, the I/O Manager does not copy any data back to the user's buffer, and it copies only the value of the Irp- >IoStatus.Status field, not the value of the IoStatus.Information field. If a driver completes an IRP synchronously, the I/O Manager does not signal the event. If a driver completes an IRP asynchronously, the I/O Manager might or might not signal the event. Therefore, a driver that calls ZwReadFile, ZwDeviceIoControl, or similar ZwXxx routines should wait on the event only if the ZwXxx routine returns STATUS_PENDING.

The following values indicate error and warning status codes:

  • NTSTATUS codes 0xC00000000xFFFFFFFF are errors.
  • NTSTATUS codes 0x800000000xBFFFFFFF are warnings.

If the value of the Irp- >IoStatus.Status field is an error code, the operating system does not return any data, so the contents of the Irp- >IoStatus.Information field should always be zero. If the value of the Irp- >IoStatus.Status field is a warning code, the operating system can return data, so the contents of the Irp- >IoStatus.Information field can be nonzero.

A simple scenario can help explain this situation. Assume that an IRP requires a driver to return data in a buffer that is defined with the following two fields.

ULONG Length;
UCHAR Data []; // Variable length array

The Length field specifies the size required to retrieve the data. The application sends a ULONG request to get the Length, and then sends a second request with a bigger buffer to retrieve all the data. The driver, in turn, always expects the buffer to be at least the size of a ULONG data item.

If the buffer is large enough, the driver completes the IRP with STATUS_SUCCESS, and Length and Irp- >IoStatus.Information receive the number of bytes transferred.

If the buffer is not large enough to hold the data, the driver completes the IRP with the warning STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW. In this case, the data is too large for the buffer. The driver updates the Length with the size required, and writes sizeof(ULONG) into Irp- >IoStatus.Information.

If the buffer is too small to write the required length (that is, the buffer is smaller than sizeof(ULONG)), the driver completes the IRP with the error STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL and sets Irp- >IoStatus.Information to 0.

Building IRPs

Drivers can create two types of IRPs:

  • Threaded IRPs, also called synchronous requests.
  • Nonthreaded IRPs, also called asynchronous requests.

Threaded IRPs

Threaded IRPs are bound to the current thread of execution when they are created. When the thread terminates, any threaded IRPs associated with it are automatically cancelled.

Drivers create threaded IRPs by calling one of the following routines:

  • IoBuildSynchronousFsdRequest
  • IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest

IoBuildSynchronousFsdRequest allocates and builds a threaded IRP for a read or write request. IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest allocates and builds a threaded IRP to send an IOCTL.

When creating a threaded IRP, a driver specifies an event to signal when the IRP is complete and provides pointers to the buffers in which to return the requested data. When every sub-request in the IRP is complete (that is, when all the required drivers have completed the IRP), the entire request is complete. The I/O Manager then performs post-processing as follows:

  • Copies kernel-mode data to user-mode buffers to be returned to the caller. For example, ZwReadFile, IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest, and similar system support routines pass user-mode buffers.
  • Signals the event, if the response is asynchronous. If the IoCallDriver routine returns STATUS_PENDING, the caller should wait on the event.
  • Copies the value of the Irp- >IoStatus.Status field to the Irp- >UserIosb.Status field of the user I/O status block, if the response is asynchronous. If IoCallDriver returns STATUS_PENDING, the caller can read this field after the event is signaled.
  • Copies the value of the Irp- >IoStatus.Information field to the Irp- >UserIosb.Information field of the user I/O status block, if the response is asynchronous and the I/O request succeeded. If IoCallDriver returns STATUS_PENDING, the caller can read this field after the event is signaled. If the request returns an error status, the I/O Manager does not transfer any data to the user buffers, so the caller should treat the value at Irp- >UserIosb.Information as zero; some driver writers might prefer to zero-initialize the field as an added precaution.
  • Frees the IRP.

Nonthreaded IRPs

Nonthreaded IRPs are not associated with any thread. The driver that initiates a nonthreaded IRP must set a completion routine to "catch" the IRP when it is complete. The I/O Manager does not free nonthreaded IRPs; the driver that initiated the IRP must free it. Nonthreaded IRPs are intended for driver-to-driver communication.

Drivers create nonthreaded IRPs by calling one of the following routines:

  • IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest
  • IoAllocateIrp

IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest allocates and builds a nonthreaded IRP for a read or write request. IoAllocateIrp allocates an IRP for a driver to send to lower drivers in the same device stack or to another device stack.

IRP Cancellation

IRPs can be cancelled (sometimes described as "recalled"). When an IRP is cancelled, the driver that currently owns the IRP must complete it immediately.

A driver that requires special processing to cancel an IRP must either:

  • Supply an IoCancel routine to be notified when cancellation occurs, and test the Cancel flag in the IRP at various times during processing to determine whether the IRP has been cancelled.
  • Use the new cancel-safe IRP queuing routines (IoCsqXxx).

IRP cancellation can be difficult to code correctly, because cancellation is inherently asynchronous and race conditions can occur at numerous points. The cancel-safe IRP queues greatly simplify cancellation logic, and are strongly recommended for all new drivers. IRP cancellation is covered in the Microsoft Windows Driver Development Kit (DDK) and in Cancel Logic in Windows Drivers.

Debugging I/O Problems

Driver writers can use the Driver Verifier and extensions to the Microsoft debuggers to debug problems in handling IRPs.

Driver Verifier can catch errors in every aspect of IRP handling. It is provided with every version of the operating system, and runs best with a debugger attached. All driver writers must still provide and use test tools that exercise their driver, however, in order for Driver Verifier to detect errors. Use of the Driver Verifier and driver-specific test tools should be a standard part of debugging and development.

The !irp and !irpfind debugger extensions can help in tracing IRPs while debugging. The !irp extension displays detailed information about a specified IRP, and the !irpfind extension displays information about all IRPs in the system, or about one or more IRPs that meet specified criteria. For detailed information about these extensions, see the documentation in the Debugging Tools for Windows package.

Call to Action and Resources

Call to action for driver developers:
  • Understand when to return STATUS_PENDING for an IRP. Return STATUS_PENDING only if you have called the IoMarkIrpPending macro for the IRP, and conversely, call IoMarkIrpPending for an IRP only if you will return STATUS_PENDING.
  • Test the value of the Irp- >PendingReturned flag in IoCompletion routines to optimize post-processing of IRPs.
  • Understand the difference between error status and warning status, and what data the IRP contains for each type of status.
  • Use Driver Verifier to catch errors in IRP handling, and use debugger extensions to understand how individual IRPs are processed.




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