C++, fork(), IPCs using pipe. Multiple Forks, Multiple pipes, Example

What this page is for:

Earlier this winter, I was assigned a problem requiring the use of the fork() function

and pipes. I managed to find several basic examples along with very cryptic

documentation but overall didn’t find it very useful. After a bit of effort I managed

to sort of figure it out and was able to create the following solution to the problem I

had been assigned. I have added heavy commenting in the following code to help

explain what I found to be the finer points.


This is my effort to help students that might be working on similar problems.

And here’s the code!

The Code:



Travel Agent Simulation: by Steve Reilander


Program spawns 6 "travel agents" as child process from the main function.

Children are created with the fork() function.


Each process has access to the seats on a flight and can book them.

The program will protect the seats from other travel agents to avoid

overbooking problems.  This is accomplished using IPCs.  The IPCs

used in this exmaple are pipes.


Heavy commenting on sections here as this is intended as a helpful guide

for people learning about fork() and pipes.








using namespace std;


//control the number of travel agents - easy to change for test runs

const int NUMBER_OF_CHILDREN = 6;


//the program uses seats_left to know when the flight is totally

//booked and time to shut down.  The algorithm for this requires

//seats_left = ( 2 - number of children) to know it has completed



//required as a paramater for sending ints down a pipe

const int SIZE_OF_INT = sizeof(int);


//easy to change number of seats for different test runs

const int INITIAL_NUMBER_OF_SEATS = 100;


//travel agent function

void travel_agent (int* child_to_parent, int* parent_to_child, int id);


int main(){


//create 2 pipes to talk from children to parent and parent to children

                //create an int array of size 2, then declared a pipe with the pipe() function

                //using the array as a parameter as so:

int child_to_parent[2];

int parent_to_child[2];




                //array of 6 pidIDs.  used for joining threads at end of program

                //pid_t is the variable type needed

pid_t shut_down[NUMBER_OF_CHILDREN];


                //number of seats left

int seats_left = INITIAL_NUMBER_OF_SEATS;


                //for keeping track if we are in the parent of child for each fork

int pid;


                //create the travel agents

                for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_CHILDREN; i++){


//the fork

                                pid = fork();


//error catching.  a pid < 0 is returned when there is a failure

                                if (pid < 0){

                                                cout << "OH SNAP! Child " << i <<  " failed";

                                                return -1;



                                //if the pid is 0, we are in the child process.  output some useful

                                //information, and then start running the travel agent function.

                                //It is important to break the children from the for loop.  Otherwise they

                                //will continue the for loop from where they were created and thus create

                                //more children themselves!

                                if (pid == 0 ) {


                                                //output to show when children are created

                                                cout << "CHILD: " << i << " CREATED " <<  getpid() << endl;


                                                //start a travel agent function

travel_agent(child_to_parent, parent_to_child, i);




                                //if the pid is greater than 0, the parent is running.  we want to build

                                //an array of each pid, as this information will be useful later when we

                                //are ending the program.


                                                //build array of pids to wait for them to die

                                                shut_down[i] = pid;


                } //end child creation for loop



                if (pid>0){ //parent and control function

                                bool loop = true;


                                //in a loop

                                while (loop){


                                                //this is the IPC part of the main function.  we want to make sure that only one travel

                                                //agent can read the number of seats left at a time.  We also need to make sure that only

                                                //one agent can book a seat at a time.  If we don't protect the seats_left variable, we will

                                                //be able to over book the flight, which we want to avoid.


                                                //we accomplish the protection of the critical section with pipes.  when a process

                                                //reads from a pipe, if there is nothing in it to read, it will wait for something

                                                //to be written into it before continuing.  When something is written into a pipe, that

                                                //data can only be read once and only by one process.  If there are 5 processes all waiting

                                                //to read the same pipe and then there is one write to the pipe, only ONE of the 5

                                                //waiting processes will get to read what was written and continue, while the other 4 will

                                                //keep waiting.


                                                //we will start by writing the current seats_left variable into the parent_to_child pipe. 

                                                //and in the travel agent function, they will start by reading from the parent_to_child pipe. 


                                                //the travel agent will, after reading from the child_to_parent pipe, book a seat, and then

                                                //write the value of the remaining seats back to the parent by the child_to_parent pipe.


                                                //this is basically forcing all of the travel agents to read the seats_left variable one at a time

                                                //and doesn't allow the the main function to write the seats_left while a travel agent is booking

                                                //a seat.


                                                //write to the children seats_left and then wait for a response from the children

                                                write(parent_to_child[1], &seats_left, SIZE_OF_INT);

                                                 read(child_to_parent[0], &seats_left, SIZE_OF_INT);


//if there are seats left, output how many are left

if (seats_left > 0)

cout << "the main just read seats_left: " << seats_left << endl;


//when seats_left < PARENT_CONTROL, all children have finished their loops

if (seats_left < PARENT_CONTROL){

loop = false;

cout << "Parent exit loop. PID: " << getpid() << endl;




                                //here is a solution to an interesting problem, known as Zombies.  A zombie is a child process that

                                //continues running after the parent has terminated.  Without this next for loop, it is possible to get

                                //zombies.  This is what waitpid is for.  waitpid will force the current process to wait for another process

                                //to terminate before continuing.  in the for loop, we force main to wait for each of its children to terminate

                                //before continuing.

                                for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_CHILDREN; i++){

                                                cout << "Waiting for PID: " << shut_down[i] << " to finish" << endl;

                                                waitpid(shut_down[i], NULL, 0);

                                                cout << "PID: " << shut_down[i] << " has shut down" << endl;




                //this is the joined section of the program.  All processes, parent and children, will run this section

                //with the waitpid code, the last line shown will always be "There are no ZOMBIES".  If we remove the waitpid

                //section it will be possible to see output ater "There are no ZOMBIES", and it will even be possible to see

                //output after a new prompt line.


                //check to see all children closed

cout << "Did we all Join?  There will be 7 of us if we did.  PID: "  << getpid() << endl;

if (pid>0)

                                cout << "There are no ZOMBIES!" << endl;


                return 0;



void travel_agent (int* child_to_parent, int* parent_to_child, int id){

bool loop = true;


//do a loop

                while (loop){


//declare seats_left as a local variable

int seats_left = 0;

//wait for parent to write, then process seats left

read(parent_to_child[0], &seats_left, SIZE_OF_INT);


//if there are seats left, write out how many and then 'book' a seat

//declare thread number, and pid

if (seats_left > 0){

cout << "I am Child: " << id << " There are: " << seats_left << " seats, booking one!";

cout << " My PID is : " << getpid() << endl;



//if we booked the last seat, stop looping

if (seats_left == 0)



//tell the parent how many seats are left and get off the CPU (don't be a hog)

write(child_to_parent[1], &seats_left, SIZE_OF_INT);




//if there are no seats left, stop looping and write back to the parent    


loop = false;


write(child_to_parent[1], &seats_left, SIZE_OF_INT);




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