
       国外的计算机爱好者自己制作计算机的真不少。Bill Buzbee使用TTL 74系列集成块制作的magic-1计算机,网站是www.homebrewcpu.com,这两天仔细看了看这个网站,作者写的真详细。包括制作计算机过程遇到什么问题,如何解决;计算机的架构和电路图;相关的homemake computer网站和书籍。大概浏览之后收获真不少,首先解决了资料少的问题。下面是Bill Buzbee提供的资料:

Useful books:

bulletDigital Computer Electronics, by Albert Paul Malvino, McGraw-Hill, 1977   
bulletUnderstanding Digital Computers, by Forrest Mims III, Radio Shack,  2nd. Edition,1987.
bulletPrinciples of Digital Computer Design, Volume 1, by Abd-elfattah M. Abd-alla and Arnold C. Meltzer, Prentice-Hall, 1976.
bulletOperating Systems Design and Implementation, by Tanenbaum & Woodhull, Prentice Hall, 1997 [the Minix book]
bulletA Retargetable C Compiler: Design and Implementation, by Fraser and Hanson, Addison-Wesley, 1995 [the lcc book]
bulletBit-Slice Microprocessor Design, by Brick & Mick, McGraw Hill, 1980.
bulletBuild a Microcomputer, AMD, 1976-1979.  A series of seven booklets describing designs using AMD's am2900 family of bit-slice parts.   The parts of the series are:
bulletChapter I - Computer Architecture
bulletChapter II - Microprogrammed Design
bulletChapter III - The Data Path

Chapter IV - The Data Path, Part II

bulletChapter V - Program Control Unit
bulletChapter VI - Interrupt
bulletChapter VII - Direct Memory Access

Magazine articles:

bulletEGO: A Homebuilt CPU, Part 1: The Software, by Clifford Kelley, Byte Magazine, September 1985.
bulletEGO: A Homebuilt CPU, Part 2: The Hardware, by Clifford Kelley, Byte Magazine, October 1985.
bulletRoger Amidon's Spider, a 12-bit homebrew machine.  Byte Magazine, August 1976 (pps. 88-89).  Also featured on the cover of the Byte's April 1977 edition.

        除了 Understanding Digital Computers和BYTE 杂志不好找以外,其他国家图书馆都可以找到,真是太高兴了,只是全只有英文版,只能硬着头皮看英文书了。 Understanding Digital Computers也在淘宝上花了8元买到了第一版。



    今天去国家图书馆看《Digital Computer Electronics 》、《Principles of Digital Computer Design 》、《Bit-Slice Microprocessor Design》,这三本书都很不错,前两本都降到了使用最简单计算机的架构和实现,外国人写的书真是不错,看了之后让我兴趣大增。
《Digital Computer Electronics》中的收获:
HLT指令,学了这么多年都不知道是做什么用的。这本书上写的是:HLT stands for halt, This instructions tells the computer to stop processing data. HLT marks the end of a program,similar to the way a period marks a sentence. You must use a HLT instruction at the end of every SAP-1 program, otherwise, you get computer trash(meaningless answer caused by runaway processing).
   2. 控制器:比喻成交响乐队的指挥家,既形象又容易理解。


《Digital Computer Electronics
1.Memory and read-only memory
Memory is the section of a computer that stores the program an data needed to solve a problem. A typical memory is equivalent to thousands of registers, each store a binary word.
    Read-only memory is equivalent to a group of registers, each permanently storing a binary word. By a-pplying the right control signals, you can read the word stored in any register.("Read" means to make theregister contents apper at the output terminals of the ROM.)

2.  Bus
A bus is a group of wires used a common word path by several registers.
In Fig. 6-27, vertical wires W3, W2, W1 and W0, are a bus; these wires are a common transmission path between the registers. As shown, the input data bits for A register come from the W bus; at the same time, the output lines of the A register connect back to the W 
bus.  Likewise,  the remaining outputs connected to the W bus. 
Register Transfers 
       The beauty of bus organization is the ease of transferring a word from one register to another. To begin with, the same clock signal dr-ives all registers. But nothing happens until you apply control inputs. In other words, as long as all LOAD and ENABLE inputs are low,  the registers are isolated from the W bus.
        To transport a word from one regsiter to another, make the appropriate control inputs high. For instance, here's how to transfer the contens of register A to register D. Make EA and Lo high, then, the contents of A apper on the W bus and, at the same time, register D is set up for loading from the W bus, when the next positive clock arrives, wod A is stored in D.
        Wiring a computer used to be a real headache. Registers, ALUs, memories, and other circuits have to commuicate and interact injust the right way, at the right time, and int the right order. This is why earlier computers posed an enormous wiring problem.






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