Android13 BitmapFactory decodeStream流程分析


public class BitmapFactory {
    public static Bitmap decodeStream(@Nullable InputStream is, @Nullable Rect outPadding,
            @Nullable Options opts) {
        // we don't throw in this case, thus allowing the caller to only check
        // the cache, and not force the image to be decoded.
        if (is == null) {
            return null;

        Bitmap bm = null;

        Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_GRAPHICS, "decodeBitmap");
        try {
            if (is instanceof AssetManager.AssetInputStream) {
                final long asset = ((AssetManager.AssetInputStream) is).getNativeAsset();
                bm = nativeDecodeAsset(asset, outPadding, opts, Options.nativeInBitmap(opts),
            } else {
                bm = decodeStreamInternal(is, outPadding, opts);

            if (bm == null && opts != null && opts.inBitmap != null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Problem decoding into existing bitmap");

            setDensityFromOptions(bm, opts);
        } finally {

        return bm;


public class BitmapFactory {
    private static Bitmap decodeStreamInternal(@NonNull InputStream is,
            @Nullable Rect outPadding, @Nullable Options opts) {
        // ASSERT(is != null);
        byte [] tempStorage = null;
        if (opts != null) tempStorage = opts.inTempStorage;
        if (tempStorage == null) tempStorage = new byte[DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE];
        return nativeDecodeStream(is, tempStorage, outPadding, opts,


static jobject nativeDecodeStream(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jobject is, jbyteArray storage,
        jobject padding, jobject options, jlong inBitmapHandle, jlong colorSpaceHandle) {

    jobject bitmap = NULL;
    std::unique_ptr<SkStream> stream(CreateJavaInputStreamAdaptor(env, is, storage));

    if (stream.get()) {
        std::unique_ptr<SkStreamRewindable> bufferedStream(skia::FrontBufferedStream::Make(
                std::move(stream), SkCodec::MinBufferedBytesNeeded()));
        SkASSERT(bufferedStream.get() != NULL);
        bitmap = doDecode(env, std::move(bufferedStream), padding, options, inBitmapHandle,
    return bitmap;



static jobject doDecode(JNIEnv* env, std::unique_ptr<SkStreamRewindable> stream,
                        jobject padding, jobject options, jlong inBitmapHandle,
                        jlong colorSpaceHandle) {
    // Set default values for the options parameters.
    int sampleSize = 1;
    bool onlyDecodeSize = false;
    SkColorType prefColorType = kN32_SkColorType;
    bool isHardware = false;
    bool isMutable = false;
    float scale = 1.0f;
    bool requireUnpremultiplied = false;
    jobject javaBitmap = NULL;
    sk_sp<SkColorSpace> prefColorSpace = GraphicsJNI::getNativeColorSpace(colorSpaceHandle);

    // Update with options supplied by the client.
    if (options != NULL) {
        sampleSize = env->GetIntField(options, gOptions_sampleSizeFieldID);
        // Correct a non-positive sampleSize.  sampleSize defaults to zero within the
        // options object, which is strange.
        if (sampleSize <= 0) {
            sampleSize = 1;

        if (env->GetBooleanField(options, gOptions_justBoundsFieldID)) {
            onlyDecodeSize = true;

        // initialize these, in case we fail later on
        env->SetIntField(options, gOptions_widthFieldID, -1);
        env->SetIntField(options, gOptions_heightFieldID, -1);
        env->SetObjectField(options, gOptions_mimeFieldID, 0);
        env->SetObjectField(options, gOptions_outConfigFieldID, 0);
        env->SetObjectField(options, gOptions_outColorSpaceFieldID, 0);

        jobject jconfig = env->GetObjectField(options, gOptions_configFieldID);
        prefColorType = GraphicsJNI::getNativeBitmapColorType(env, jconfig);
        isHardware = GraphicsJNI::isHardwareConfig(env, jconfig);
        isMutable = env->GetBooleanField(options, gOptions_mutableFieldID);
        requireUnpremultiplied = !env->GetBooleanField(options, gOptions_premultipliedFieldID);
        javaBitmap = env->GetObjectField(options, gOptions_bitmapFieldID);

        if (env->GetBooleanField(options, gOptions_scaledFieldID)) {
            const int density = env->GetIntField(options, gOptions_densityFieldID);
            const int targetDensity = env->GetIntField(options, gOptions_targetDensityFieldID);
            const int screenDensity = env->GetIntField(options, gOptions_screenDensityFieldID);
            if (density != 0 && targetDensity != 0 && density != screenDensity) {
                scale = (float) targetDensity / density;

    if (isMutable && isHardware) {
        doThrowIAE(env, "Bitmaps with Config.HARDWARE are always immutable");
        return nullObjectReturn("Cannot create mutable hardware bitmap");

    // Create the codec.
    NinePatchPeeker peeker;
    std::unique_ptr<SkAndroidCodec> codec;
        SkCodec::Result result;
        std::unique_ptr<SkCodec> c = SkCodec::MakeFromStream(std::move(stream), &result,
        if (!c) {
            SkString msg;
            msg.printf("Failed to create image decoder with message '%s'",
            return nullObjectReturn(msg.c_str());

        codec = SkAndroidCodec::MakeFromCodec(std::move(c));
        if (!codec) {
            return nullObjectReturn("SkAndroidCodec::MakeFromCodec returned null");

    // Do not allow ninepatch decodes to 565.  In the past, decodes to 565
    // would dither, and we do not want to pre-dither ninepatches, since we
    // know that they will be stretched.  We no longer dither 565 decodes,
    // but we continue to prevent ninepatches from decoding to 565, in order
    // to maintain the old behavior.
    if (peeker.mPatch && kRGB_565_SkColorType == prefColorType) {
        prefColorType = kN32_SkColorType;

    // Determine the output size.
    SkISize size = codec->getSampledDimensions(sampleSize);

    int scaledWidth = size.width();
    int scaledHeight = size.height();
    bool willScale = false;

    // Apply a fine scaling step if necessary.
    if (needsFineScale(codec->getInfo().dimensions(), size, sampleSize)) {
        willScale = true;
        scaledWidth = codec->getInfo().width() / sampleSize;
        scaledHeight = codec->getInfo().height() / sampleSize;

    // Set the decode colorType
    SkColorType decodeColorType = codec->computeOutputColorType(prefColorType);
    if (decodeColorType == kRGBA_F16_SkColorType && isHardware &&
            !uirenderer::HardwareBitmapUploader::hasFP16Support()) {
        decodeColorType = kN32_SkColorType;

    sk_sp<SkColorSpace> decodeColorSpace = codec->computeOutputColorSpace(
            decodeColorType, prefColorSpace);

    // Set the options and return if the client only wants the size.
    if (options != NULL) {
        jstring mimeType = getMimeTypeAsJavaString(env, codec->getEncodedFormat());
        if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
            return nullObjectReturn("OOM in getMimeTypeAsJavaString()");
        env->SetIntField(options, gOptions_widthFieldID, scaledWidth);
        env->SetIntField(options, gOptions_heightFieldID, scaledHeight);
        env->SetObjectField(options, gOptions_mimeFieldID, mimeType);

        jint configID = GraphicsJNI::colorTypeToLegacyBitmapConfig(decodeColorType);
        if (isHardware) {
            configID = GraphicsJNI::kHardware_LegacyBitmapConfig;
        jobject config = env->CallStaticObjectMethod(gBitmapConfig_class,
                gBitmapConfig_nativeToConfigMethodID, configID);
        env->SetObjectField(options, gOptions_outConfigFieldID, config);

        env->SetObjectField(options, gOptions_outColorSpaceFieldID,
                GraphicsJNI::getColorSpace(env, decodeColorSpace.get(), decodeColorType));

        if (onlyDecodeSize) {
            return nullptr;

    // Scale is necessary due to density differences.
    if (scale != 1.0f) {
        willScale = true;
        scaledWidth = static_cast<int>(scaledWidth * scale + 0.5f);
        scaledHeight = static_cast<int>(scaledHeight * scale + 0.5f);

    android::Bitmap* reuseBitmap = nullptr;
    unsigned int existingBufferSize = 0;
    if (javaBitmap != nullptr) {
        reuseBitmap = &bitmap::toBitmap(inBitmapHandle);
        if (reuseBitmap->isImmutable()) {
            ALOGW("Unable to reuse an immutable bitmap as an image decoder target.");
            javaBitmap = nullptr;
            reuseBitmap = nullptr;
        } else {
            existingBufferSize = reuseBitmap->getAllocationByteCount();

    HeapAllocator defaultAllocator;
    RecyclingPixelAllocator recyclingAllocator(reuseBitmap, existingBufferSize);
    ScaleCheckingAllocator scaleCheckingAllocator(scale, existingBufferSize);
    SkBitmap::HeapAllocator heapAllocator;
    SkBitmap::Allocator* decodeAllocator;
    if (javaBitmap != nullptr && willScale) {
        // This will allocate pixels using a HeapAllocator, since there will be an extra
        // scaling step that copies these pixels into Java memory.  This allocator
        // also checks that the recycled javaBitmap is large enough.
        decodeAllocator = &scaleCheckingAllocator;
    } else if (javaBitmap != nullptr) {
        decodeAllocator = &recyclingAllocator;
    } else if (willScale || isHardware) {
        // This will allocate pixels using a HeapAllocator,
        // for scale case: there will be an extra scaling step.
        // for hardware case: there will be extra swizzling & upload to gralloc step.
        decodeAllocator = &heapAllocator;
    } else {
        decodeAllocator = &defaultAllocator;

    SkAlphaType alphaType = codec->computeOutputAlphaType(requireUnpremultiplied);

    const SkImageInfo decodeInfo = SkImageInfo::Make(size.width(), size.height(),
            decodeColorType, alphaType, decodeColorSpace);

    SkImageInfo bitmapInfo = decodeInfo;
    if (decodeColorType == kGray_8_SkColorType) {
        // The legacy implementation of BitmapFactory used kAlpha8 for
        // grayscale images (before kGray8 existed).  While the codec
        // recognizes kGray8, we need to decode into a kAlpha8 bitmap
        // in order to avoid a behavior change.
        bitmapInfo =
    SkBitmap decodingBitmap;
    if (!decodingBitmap.setInfo(bitmapInfo) ||
            !decodingBitmap.tryAllocPixels(decodeAllocator)) {
        // SkAndroidCodec should recommend a valid SkImageInfo, so setInfo()
        // should only only fail if the calculated value for rowBytes is too
        // large.
        // tryAllocPixels() can fail due to OOM on the Java heap, OOM on the
        // native heap, or the recycled javaBitmap being too small to reuse.
        return nullptr;

    // Use SkAndroidCodec to perform the decode.
    SkAndroidCodec::AndroidOptions codecOptions;
    codecOptions.fZeroInitialized = decodeAllocator == &defaultAllocator ?
            SkCodec::kYes_ZeroInitialized : SkCodec::kNo_ZeroInitialized;
    codecOptions.fSampleSize = sampleSize;
    SkCodec::Result result = codec->getAndroidPixels(decodeInfo, decodingBitmap.getPixels(),
            decodingBitmap.rowBytes(), &codecOptions);
    switch (result) {
        case SkCodec::kSuccess:
        case SkCodec::kIncompleteInput:
            return nullObjectReturn("codec->getAndroidPixels() failed.");

    // This is weird so let me explain: we could use the scale parameter
    // directly, but for historical reasons this is how the corresponding
    // Dalvik code has always behaved. We simply recreate the behavior here.
    // The result is slightly different from simply using scale because of
    // the 0.5f rounding bias applied when computing the target image size
    const float scaleX = scaledWidth / float(decodingBitmap.width());
    const float scaleY = scaledHeight / float(decodingBitmap.height());

    jbyteArray ninePatchChunk = NULL;
    if (peeker.mPatch != NULL) {
        if (willScale) {
            peeker.scale(scaleX, scaleY, scaledWidth, scaledHeight);

        size_t ninePatchArraySize = peeker.mPatch->serializedSize();
        ninePatchChunk = env->NewByteArray(ninePatchArraySize);
        if (ninePatchChunk == NULL) {
            return nullObjectReturn("ninePatchChunk == null");

        jbyte* array = (jbyte*) env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(ninePatchChunk, NULL);
        if (array == NULL) {
            return nullObjectReturn("primitive array == null");

        memcpy(array, peeker.mPatch, peeker.mPatchSize);
        env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(ninePatchChunk, array, 0);

    jobject ninePatchInsets = NULL;
    if (peeker.mHasInsets) {
        ninePatchInsets = peeker.createNinePatchInsets(env, scale);
        if (ninePatchInsets == NULL) {
            return nullObjectReturn("nine patch insets == null");
        if (javaBitmap != NULL) {
            env->SetObjectField(javaBitmap, gBitmap_ninePatchInsetsFieldID, ninePatchInsets);

    SkBitmap outputBitmap;
    if (willScale) {
        // Set the allocator for the outputBitmap.
        SkBitmap::Allocator* outputAllocator;
        if (javaBitmap != nullptr) {
            outputAllocator = &recyclingAllocator;
        } else {
            outputAllocator = &defaultAllocator;

        SkColorType scaledColorType = decodingBitmap.colorType();
        // FIXME: If the alphaType is kUnpremul and the image has alpha, the
        // colors may not be correct, since Skia does not yet support drawing
        // to/from unpremultiplied bitmaps.
                bitmapInfo.makeWH(scaledWidth, scaledHeight).makeColorType(scaledColorType));
        if (!outputBitmap.tryAllocPixels(outputAllocator)) {
            // This should only fail on OOM.  The recyclingAllocator should have
            // enough memory since we check this before decoding using the
            // scaleCheckingAllocator.
            return nullObjectReturn("allocation failed for scaled bitmap");

        SkPaint paint;
        // kSrc_Mode instructs us to overwrite the uninitialized pixels in
        // outputBitmap.  Otherwise we would blend by default, which is not
        // what we want.

        SkCanvas canvas(outputBitmap, SkCanvas::ColorBehavior::kLegacy);
        canvas.scale(scaleX, scaleY);
        decodingBitmap.setImmutable(); // so .asImage() doesn't make a copy
        canvas.drawImage(decodingBitmap.asImage(), 0.0f, 0.0f,
                         SkSamplingOptions(SkFilterMode::kLinear), &paint);
    } else {

    if (padding) {
        peeker.getPadding(env, padding);

    // If we get here, the outputBitmap should have an installed pixelref.
    if (outputBitmap.pixelRef() == NULL) {
        return nullObjectReturn("Got null SkPixelRef");

    if (!isMutable && javaBitmap == NULL) {
        // promise we will never change our pixels (great for sharing and pictures)

    bool isPremultiplied = !requireUnpremultiplied;
    if (javaBitmap != nullptr) {
        bitmap::reinitBitmap(env, javaBitmap,, isPremultiplied);
        // If a java bitmap was passed in for reuse, pass it back
        return javaBitmap;

    int bitmapCreateFlags = 0x0;
    if (isMutable) bitmapCreateFlags |= android::bitmap::kBitmapCreateFlag_Mutable;
    if (isPremultiplied) bitmapCreateFlags |= android::bitmap::kBitmapCreateFlag_Premultiplied;

    if (isHardware) {
        sk_sp<Bitmap> hardwareBitmap = Bitmap::allocateHardwareBitmap(outputBitmap);
        if (!hardwareBitmap.get()) {
            return nullObjectReturn("Failed to allocate a hardware bitmap");
        return bitmap::createBitmap(env, hardwareBitmap.release(), bitmapCreateFlags,
                ninePatchChunk, ninePatchInsets, -1);

    // now create the java bitmap
    return bitmap::createBitmap(env, defaultAllocator.getStorageObjAndReset(),
            bitmapCreateFlags, ninePatchChunk, ninePatchInsets, -1);






Canvas drawImage


Android13 Canvas drawImage流程分析-CSDN博客

Bitmap createBitmap


jobject createBitmap(JNIEnv* env, Bitmap* bitmap,
        int bitmapCreateFlags, jbyteArray ninePatchChunk, jobject ninePatchInsets,
        int density) {
    bool isMutable = bitmapCreateFlags & kBitmapCreateFlag_Mutable;
    bool isPremultiplied = bitmapCreateFlags & kBitmapCreateFlag_Premultiplied;
    // The caller needs to have already set the alpha type properly, so the
    // native SkBitmap stays in sync with the Java Bitmap.
    assert_premultiplied(bitmap->info(), isPremultiplied);
    bool fromMalloc = bitmap->pixelStorageType() == PixelStorageType::Heap;
    BitmapWrapper* bitmapWrapper = new BitmapWrapper(bitmap);
    if (!isMutable) {
    jobject obj = env->NewObject(gBitmap_class, gBitmap_constructorMethodID,
            reinterpret_cast<jlong>(bitmapWrapper), bitmap->width(), bitmap->height(), density,
            isPremultiplied, ninePatchChunk, ninePatchInsets, fromMalloc);

    if (env->ExceptionCheck() != 0) {
        ALOGE("*** Uncaught exception returned from Java call!\n");
    return obj;
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