05-28 周二 TTFT, ITL, TGS 计算过程以及LLama2推理代码调试过程

05-28 周二 LLama2推理代码调试过程






import os

data_dir = "/workspace/models/"
model_name = "Llama-2-7b-hf"
data_dir = data_dir + model_name

import transformers
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel
from transformers import LlamaForCausalLM, LlamaTokenizer

import time
import torch
# from ixformer.inference.models.chatglm2_6b import ChatGLMForConditionalGeneration
# from torch.cuda import profiler

import argparse
import pickle
# from thop import profile
import json
from datetime import datetime

def main(args):
    tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(data_dir, trust_remote_code=True, device_map="auto")
    model = transformers.AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(data_dir, trust_remote_code=True, device_map='auto')

    INPUT_LEN = [32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048]
    # INPUT_LEN = [1024, 2048]
    current_time = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
    res_file = "result_" + model_name + "_fp16_" + current_time + ".txt"
    print("res_file {res_file}")
    with open(res_file, "w") as f_result:
        with open("input_request_list","rb") as f:
            input_request_list = pickle.load(f)
            for input_request in input_request_list:

                test_len = input_request[1]
                if test_len not in INPUT_LEN:
                print("testing len:{}...".format(test_len))

                query, prompt_len, output_len = input_request

                inputs = tokenizer(query, return_tensors='pt').to('cuda')
                geneate_ids = model.generate(inputs.input_ids, max_new_tokens=1, max_length=None, do_sample=False)
                # response, _ = model.chat(tokenizer, query, max_new_tokens=1, do_sample=False, history=[])

                print("start TTFT test...")
                TTFT_list = []
                for _ in range(2):
                    start_time = time.time()
                    geneate_ids = model.generate(inputs.input_ids, max_new_tokens=1, max_length=None, do_sample=False)
                    # response, _ = model.chat(tokenizer, query, do_sample=False, max_new_tokens=1,max_length=None, history=[])
                    end_time = time.time()

                    TTFT = (end_time - start_time) * 1000
                TTFT = sum(TTFT_list)/len(TTFT_list)
                print("time to first token:{:2f} ms".format(TTFT))

                print("start ITL test...")
                ITL_list = []
                out_tokens_num = 0
                for _ in range(2):
                    start_time = time.time()
                    geneate_ids = model.generate(inputs.input_ids, max_new_tokens=50, max_length=None, do_sample=False)
                    outputs = geneate_ids.tolist()[0][len(inputs["input_ids"][0]):]
                    # response, _ = model.chat(tokenizer, query, max_new_tokens=50, do_sample=False, history=[])
                    end_time = time.time()

                    # out_tokens_num = len(tokenizer(response).input_ids)
                    out_tokens_num = len(outputs)
                    ITL = ((end_time - start_time) * 1000 - TTFT) / out_tokens_num
                ITL = sum(ITL_list) / len(ITL_list)
                print("inter-token latency:{:2f} ms".format(ITL))

                f_result.write("In len:{}\n".format(test_len))
                f_result.write("Out len:{}\n".format(out_tokens_num))

if __name__ == "__main__":



具体可以参见, 05-16 周四 vscode 搭建远程调试环境


    // 使用 IntelliSense 了解相关属性。 
    // 悬停以查看现有属性的描述。
    // 欲了解更多信息,请访问: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "LLaMa2 推理",
            "type": "debugpy",
            "request": "launch",
            "program": "/workspace/infer/test_dql_fp16.py",
            "console": "integratedTerminal",
            "cwd": "/workspace/infer/",
            "args": []


(python38_torch201_cuda) root@node-01:/workspace/infer/#  cd /workspace/infer/ ; /usr/bin/env /root/miniconda/envs/python38_torch201_cuda/bin/python /root/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.debugpy-2024.0.0-linux-x64/bundled/libs/debugpy/adapter/../../debugpy/launcher 52003 -- /workspace/infer/test_dql_fp16.py 
XCCL /workspace/tools/xccl_rdma-ubuntu_x86_64/so/libbkcl.so loaded
[15:02:54][node-01][6791][WARN][BKCL][globals.cpp:127] set BKCL BLOCK SIZE to 0
SYMBOL_REWRITE torch success
SYMBOL_REWRITE torchvision success
[2024-05-28 15:02:56,781] [INFO] [real_accelerator.py:158:get_accelerator] Setting ds_accelerator to cuda (auto detect)
MODULE_REPLACE apex success
MODULE_REPLACE fused_lamb success
WARNING: hook error!  No module named 'megatron'
SYMBOL_REWRITE deepspeed success
Loading checkpoint shards: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2/2 [00:16<00:00,  8.30s/it]
res_file {res_file}
['I have an interview about product speccing with the company Weekend Health. Give me an example of a question they might ask with regards about a new feature', 32, 39]
testing len:32...
/root/miniconda/envs/python38_torch201_cuda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/transformers/generation/configuration_utils.py:362: UserWarning: `do_sample` is set to `False`. However, `temperature` is set to `0.6` -- this flag is only used in sample-based generation modes. You should set `do_sample=True` or unset `temperature`.
/root/miniconda/envs/python38_torch201_cuda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/transformers/generation/configuration_utils.py:367: UserWarning: `do_sample` is set to `False`. However, `top_p` is set to `0.9` -- this flag is only used in sample-based generation modes. You should set `do_sample=True` or unset `top_p`.
Both `max_new_tokens` (=1) and `max_length`(=None) seem to have been set. `max_new_tokens` will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation)
2024-05-28 15:04:24.257995: I tensorflow/core/util/util.cc:169] oneDNN custom operations are on. You may see slightly different numerical results due to floating-point round-off errors from different computation orders. To turn them off, set the environment variable `TF_ENABLE_ONEDNN_OPTS=0`.
start TTFT test...
/root/miniconda/envs/python38_torch201_cuda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/transformers/generation/configuration_utils.py:362: UserWarning: `do_sample` is set to `False`. However, `temperature` is set to `0.6` -- this flag is only used in sample-based generation modes. You should set `do_sample=True` or unset `temperature`.
/root/miniconda/envs/python38_torch201_cuda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/transformers/generation/configuration_utils.py:367: UserWarning: `do_sample` is set to `False`. However, `top_p` is set to `0.9` -- this flag is only used in sample-based generation modes. You should set `do_sample=True` or unset `top_p`.
Both `max_new_tokens` (=1) and `max_length`(=None) seem to have been set. `max_new_tokens` will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation)
Both `max_new_tokens` (=1) and `max_length`(=None) seem to have been set. `max_new_tokens` will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation)
time to first token:77.987313 ms
start ITL test...
Both `max_new_tokens` (=50) and `max_length`(=None) seem to have been set. `max_new_tokens` will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation)
Both `max_new_tokens` (=50) and `max_length`(=None) seem to have been set. `max_new_tokens` will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation)
inter-token latency:65.191851 ms
['In Java, I want to replace string like "This is a new {object} at {place}" with a Map, {object: "student", "point 3, 4"}, and get a result "This is a new student at point 3, 4". How can I do?', 64, 494]
testing len:64...
Both `max_new_tokens` (=1) and `max_length`(=None) seem to have been set. `max_new_tokens` will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation)
start TTFT test...
Both `max_new_tokens` (=1) and `max_length`(=None) seem to have been set. `max_new_tokens` will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation)
Both `max_new_tokens` (=1) and `max_length`(=None) seem to have been set. `max_new_tokens` will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation)
time to first token:83.047390 ms
start ITL test...
Both `max_new_tokens` (=50) and `max_length`(=None) seem to have been set. `max_new_tokens` will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation)
Both `max_new_tokens` (=50) and `max_length`(=None) seem to have been set. `max_new_tokens` will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation)
inter-token latency:65.976751 ms
["MK runs out of the palace and opens the gates, allowing Macaque and the freedom fighters to come in and begin taking out Wukong's guards. The dark-haired soldiers who Wukong had forced into his army cheer at the sight of their true king and begin turning on the golden-haired soldiers. MK just barely manages to shout a warning to Macaque that Wukong is on his way before Wukong appears, leaping down from a cloud and knocking Macaque out of the sky and slamming him hard into the ground. Let's write that whole scene with details and dialogue.", 128, 701]
testing len:128...
Both `max_new_tokens` (=1) and `max_length`(=None) seem to have been set. `max_new_tokens` will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation)
start TTFT test...
Both `max_new_tokens` (=1) and `max_length`(=None) seem to have been set. `max_new_tokens` will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation)
Both `max_new_tokens` (=1) and `max_length`(=None) seem to have been set. `max_new_tokens` will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation)
time to first token:102.170706 ms
start ITL test...
Both `max_new_tokens` (=50) and `max_length`(=None) seem to have been set. `max_new_tokens` will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation)
Both `max_new_tokens` (=50) and `max_length`(=None) seem to have been set. `max_new_tokens` will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation)
inter-token latency:65.857079 ms
['this is one specification for the customer, can you explain it \n\nusing System;\nusing System.Linq;\nusing Ardalis.GuardClauses;\nusing Ardalis.Specification;\nusing uInvoice.Core.Entities;\n\nnamespace uInvoice.Core.Specifications\n{\n public class CustomerByIdWithIncludesSpec : Specification, ISingleResultSpecification\n {\n public CustomerByIdWithIncludesSpec(Guid customerId)\n {\n Guard.Against.NullOrEmpty(customerId, nameof(customerId));\n\n Query.Where(customer => customer.CustomerId == customerId && customer.IsActive == true)\n .OrderBy(customer => customer.CustomerCode)\n .Include(f => f.CustomerAddresses)\n .Include(f => f.CustomerEmailAddresses)\n .Include(f => f.CustomerPhoneNumbers)\n .Include(f => f.CustomerPriceLists)\n .Include(f => f.Invoices)\n .AsNoTracking();\n }\n }\n}', 256, 376]
testing len:256...
Both `max_new_tokens` (=1) and `max_length`(=None) seem to have been set. `max_new_tokens` will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation)
start TTFT test...
Both `max_new_tokens` (=1) and `max_length`(=None) seem to have been set. `max_new_tokens` will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation)
Both `max_new_tokens` (=1) and `max_length`(=None) seem to have been set. `max_new_tokens` will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation)
time to first token:129.981399 ms
start ITL test...
Both `max_new_tokens` (=50) and `max_length`(=None) seem to have been set. `max_new_tokens` will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation)
Both `max_new_tokens` (=50) and `max_length`(=None) seem to have been set. `max_new_tokens` will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation)
inter-token latency:65.369022 ms
['Nezha nods in agreement and turns his chariot towards the city. As they fly over the rooftops, he asks MK about Pigsy and how he came to be with Wukong.\n\nMK tells Nezha about how he had been kidnapped by Wukong and taken to the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit, where he was put in the alcove cage. He explains how Macaque had helped him escape and how they had been hiding out at Pigsy\'s noodle shop ever since.\n\nNezha listens intently, his expression grave. "I\'m sorry you had to go through that," he says. "But I\'m glad you\'re safe now."\n\nAs they approach the noodle shop, Nezha gently sets the chariot down in the street. MK hops out and runs inside. Pigsy is there, cooking noodles as usual. When he sees MK, he drops his ladle and runs over to give him a big hug.\n\n"Thank goodness you\'re safe!" Pigsy says, tears in his eyes. "I was so worried about you."\n\nMK tells Pigsy about everything that happened, about how Macaque had saved him and how Nezha had helped them. Pigsy listens in amazement, his eyes widening with each new detail.\n\nNezha steps inside the shop and nods at Pigsy. "I\'m glad to see you\'re both doing well," he says.\n\nPigsy looks at Nezha with a mixture of fear and awe. "Thank you for everything you\'ve done," he says. "I don\'t know how to repay you."\n\nNezha smiles. "You don\'t need to repay me. I did what I did because it was the right thing to do."\n\nPigsy nods, still looking a bit overwhelmed. "I understand. Thank you again."\n\nMK looks up at Nezha, his eyes shining. "Thank you for bringing me home," he says.\n\nNezha ruffles MK\'s hair affectionately. "Of course. Take care of yourself, okay?"\n\nWith that, Nezha steps back into his chariot and takes off into the sky. Pigsy and MK watch him go, their hearts filled with gratitude and wonder at the amazing events that had just transpired.', 512, 38]
testing len:512...
Both `max_new_tokens` (=1) and `max_length`(=None) seem to have been set. `max_new_tokens` will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation)
start TTFT test...
Both `max_new_tokens` (=1) and `max_length`(=None) seem to have been set. `max_new_tokens` will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation)
Both `max_new_tokens` (=1) and `max_length`(=None) seem to have been set. `max_new_tokens` will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation)
time to first token:282.711983 ms
start ITL test...
Both `max_new_tokens` (=50) and `max_length`(=None) seem to have been set. `max_new_tokens` will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation)
Both `max_new_tokens` (=50) and `max_length`(=None) seem to have been set. `max_new_tokens` will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation)
inter-token latency:66.421797 ms
['Yes, I can definitely help you with that!\n\nThe Python script would need to perform the following functions:\n\n1. Initialize the GPIO pins and relay modules to control the solenoids\n2. Monitor the pressure switch for input to start the sequence\n3. Start the timed sequences for each solenoid, adjusting the duration based on user input from the touchscreen\n4. Log data for each sequence, including the start and end times, solenoid used, and location data from the GPS module\n5. Upload the data to the cloud through WiFi or Bluetooth\n\nHere\'s an example script to get you started:\n```python\nimport time\nimport RPi.GPIO as GPIO\nimport pygame\nimport gpsd\n\n# Initialize the GPIO pins and relay modules\nGPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM)\nrelay_pins = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]\nfor pin in relay_pins:\n    GPIO.setup(pin, GPIO.OUT)\n\n# Initialize the GPS module\ngpsd.connect()\n\n# Initialize the Pygame GUI\npygame.init()\nscreen = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 480))\nfont = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 24)\n\n# Function to start a timed sequence for a solenoid\ndef run_sequence(solenoid, duration):\n    GPIO.output(relay_pins[solenoid], GPIO.HIGH)\n    time.sleep(duration)\n    GPIO.output(relay_pins[solenoid], GPIO.LOW)\n\n# Main loop\nwhile True:\n    # Get input from the pressure switch to start the sequence\n    if GPIO.input(pressure_switch_pin):\n        # Display the GUI on the touchscreen\n        screen.fill((255, 255, 255))\n        label = font.render("Select sequence duration for each solenoid:", True, (0, 0, 0))\n        screen.blit(label, (50, 50))\n        solenoid_durations = [0] * 9\n        for i in range(9):\n            label = font.render("Solenoid " + str(i + 1) + " duration (seconds):", True, (0, 0, 0))\n            screen.blit(label, (50, 100 + i * 50))\n            pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0, 0, 255), (350, 100 + i * 50, 100, 30))\n            pygame.draw.rect(screen, (255, 0, 0), (460, 100 + i * 50, 100, 30))\n        pygame.display.update()\n\n        # Wait for user input on the touchscreen\n        running = True\n        while running:\n            for event in pygame.event.get():\n                if event.type == pygame.QUIT:\n                    running = False\n                elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:\n                    pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()\n                    for i in range(9):\n                        if pos[0] >= 350 and pos[0] <= 450 and pos[1] >= 100 + i * 50 and pos[1] <= 130 + i * 50:\n                            solenoid_durations[i] += 1\n                            pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0, 255, 0), (350, 100 + i * 50, solenoid_durations[i] * 10, 30))\n                            pygame.display.update()\n                        elif pos[0] >= 460 and pos[0] <= 560 and pos[1] >= 100 + i * 50 and pos[1] <= 130 + i * 50:\n                            solenoid_durations[i] -= 1\n                            if solenoid_durations[i] <\n```', 1024, 18]
testing len:1024...
Both `max_new_tokens` (=1) and `max_length`(=None) seem to have been set. `max_new_tokens` will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation)
start TTFT test...
Both `max_new_tokens` (=1) and `max_length`(=None) seem to have been set. `max_new_tokens` will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation)
Both `max_new_tokens` (=1) and `max_length`(=None) seem to have been set. `max_new_tokens` will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation)
time to first token:532.084584 ms
start ITL test...
Both `max_new_tokens` (=50) and `max_length`(=None) seem to have been set. `max_new_tokens` will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation)
Both `max_new_tokens` (=50) and `max_length`(=None) seem to have been set. `max_new_tokens` will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation)
inter-token latency:66.783762 ms
['Annie the Ant: En klønete og glemsk maur som ved et uhell snubler over et mykorrhizanettverk mens hun leter etter mat.\nWoody the Tree: Et klokt og tålmodig tre som lærer de andre karakterene om fordelene med mykorrhizale forhold og hvordan de hjelper trær å vokse.\nBuzzy the Bee: En hyperaktiv og energisk bie som lærer om mykorrhisering mens hun pollinerer blomster i et mykorrhizalt økosystem.\nSammy the Soil: En klønete og vennlig haug med jord som fungerer som en guide for de andre karakterene, og viser dem mykorrhiseringens underverk og hvordan det bidrar til sunn jord.\nBella the Bacteria: En frekk og selvsikker bakterie som vet alt om den viktige rollen til bakterier i mykorrhiza-forhold og hjelper de andre karakterene å forstå dette også.\nPippin the Plant: En nysgjerrig og eventyrlysten plante som oppdager fordelene med mykorrhisering mens du utforsker skogbunnen.\nSammy the Soil, Pippin the Plant og vennene deres var fast bestemt på å finne en måte å hjelpe den forurensede Sammy i hagen deres. Med hjelp av Dr. Baltazar lærte de mer om mycoremediation og hvordan sopp som østers sopp kan bidra til å rydde opp forurenset jord.\nSammen bestemte de seg for å prøve et eksperiment med østers soppmycelium for å rydde opp petroleum i Sammys jord. Pippin plantet noen østers sopp gyte i forurenset jord, og de ventet å se hva som ville skje.\nEtter noen uker kunne de se myceliet spre seg gjennom jorda og bryte ned oljen. Snart begynte små østers sopp å vokse, og jorda begynte å se sunnere ut.\ntil hverandre. En god lesning for elevene deres, og en fin avslutning pÃ¥ kurssløpet deres.\nSammy the Soil ble overrasket over kraften til mycorrhizal sopp og hvordan de kunne bidra til å rydde opp forurenset jord. Han følte seg stolt over å være en del av et så utrolig undergrunnssamfunn.\nDa de fortsatte å lære mer om mycorrhizal sopp, oppdaget gruppen at disse små organismer også var viktige for plantevekst. Woody the Tree forklarte at mycorrhizal sopp danner et gjensidig fordelaktig forhold til plantens røtter, og hjelper dem med å absorbere næringsstoffer fra jorda.\nBuzzy the Bee var spent på å høre at mykorrhizal sopp også var viktig for blomstene hun besøkte, og at de bidro til å gjøre nektar og pollen mer næringsrik for henne og hennes andre bier.\nAnnie the Ant var fascinert av det komplekse nettverket av mycorrhizal sopp som koblet forskjellige planter og trær i skogen. Hun innså at disse soppene var som skogens internett, slik at forskjellige organismer kunne kommunisere og dele ressurser.\nSammen fortsatte vennegjengen å utforske den utrolige verden av mykorrhizasopp, og de ble overrasket over hvor mye de måtte lære. De oppdaget at disse små organismene ikke bare var viktige for jordhelsen, men for helsen til hele økosystemer.\nVed oljehullet er Pueblo tørrlandbruksteknikker utstilt i en offentlig park i sentrum. Hagen, designet og Pippin the Planed av den urfolksledede organisasjonen milljøagewntenne hvordan mat og medisiner kan dyrkes i et miljø Men de har et problem: Sammy-ene er giftige.\nPetroleum fra en nærliggende parkeringsplass siver inn i Sammy når det regner sko østerssopp vil rydde opp i rotet.\nDet har fungert før.\nMykolog Fungo the Fung forklarer at i en prosess som kalles mycoremediation, har sopp evnen til å fjerne kjemikalier fra Sammy the - og tungmetaller fra vann - gjennom myceliet.\n“De er på en måte naturens største nedbrytere, demonterende, langt bedre enn og kraftigere enn bakteriene Bella, dyrene og Pippin the Plans,” sa McCoy. “De bryter ned alle slags ting.”\nSopp har bidratt til å fjerne petroleum fra Sammy the Sammy overalt fra Orleans, California, hvor de ryddet opp i et lite motorolje- og dieseldrivstoffsøl på et samfunnssenter, til den ecmediation for å rydde opp i tungmetallene. De vet ennå ikke om anbefalingene deres vil føre til strengere oppryddingskrav. I mellomtiden gjør sammy de kan for å rydde opp i petroleum ved Food Oasis.begravde pippin murstein inokulert med østerssoppmycel. De planlegger å teste Sammy the Sammy våren for å se hvordan utbedringen fungerte.\n“Jeg tror det vanlige synet er at disse stedene har gått tapt for oss fordi de er forurenset,” sa sammy a. "Men for meg er det som om du ikke bare ville forlatt din syke sammy jorden sin for å lide alene.\n"Det er slik vi føler om disse stedene. De er syke. De trenger helbredelse. De trenger vår kjærlighet og oppmerksomhet m varianter vil vokse på mycelet til de oljespisende soppene til det meste av eller all oljen er borte.» Saken er at disse mycelene, nettverket av filamenter som soppen vokser på, de kan ikke se forskjellen mellom petroleum og næringsstoffer som glukose, så de er enn noen gang.»\nDe kan bryte ned stort sett alt bortsett fra noen ganske hardcore kjemiske substrater som plast og noen tungmetaller, inkludert gull og sølv," sa McCoy. Akkurat nå er Sammies dekket av gullfarget østerssopp fordi gull også er giftig. Til slutt vil soppen bli brun når de bryter ned petroleumenuadorianske Amazonas, hvor de brukes til å rense opp det største landbaserte oljeutslippet i historien.\nBeata Tsosie-Peña fra Santa Clara Pueblo er programkoordinator hos Tewa Women United. Hun sa at hennes eldste opplevde sykdom, sykdom og spontanabort som et resultat av forurensning i området.\nDet er ikke bare Sammy the s i hagen som er forurenset. Ved det nærliggende Los Alamos National Laboratory siver seksverdig krom, et tungmetall og kjent kreftfremkallende stoff inn i vannforsyningen.\nEn koalisjon inkludert pippin tar til orde for, gjennom offentlig vitnesbyrd i en prosess for bruker mycore', 2048, 597]
testing len:2048...
Both `max_new_tokens` (=1) and `max_length`(=None) seem to have been set. `max_new_tokens` will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation)
start TTFT test...
Both `max_new_tokens` (=1) and `max_length`(=None) seem to have been set. `max_new_tokens` will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation)
Both `max_new_tokens` (=1) and `max_length`(=None) seem to have been set. `max_new_tokens` will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation)
time to first token:1189.914227 ms
start ITL test...
Both `max_new_tokens` (=50) and `max_length`(=None) seem to have been set. `max_new_tokens` will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation)
Both `max_new_tokens` (=50) and `max_length`(=None) seem to have been set. `max_new_tokens` will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation)
inter-token latency:68.396657 ms



input_request_list = pickle.load(f)
print(f"len(input_request_list): {len(input_request_list)}")
for input_request in input_request_list:




['I have an interview about product speccing with the company Weekend Health. Give me an example of a question they might ask with regards about a new feature', 32, 39]


query, prompt_len, output_len = input_request

inputs = tokenizer(query, return_tensors='pt').to('cuda')
geneate_ids = model.generate(inputs.input_ids, max_new_tokens=1, max_length=None, do_sample=False)


  • query 即提示词。
  • 提示词长度,注意,不是字符串的长度,而是使用tokenizer处理后的tokenizer的长度。
  • output_len 指定的事输出长度,在大模型推理过程中,由于随机性作用,输出长度无法指定,在代码执行中,该变量是没有读取的。
















print("start TTFT test...")
TTFT_list = []
for _ in range(2):
    start_time = time.time()
    geneate_ids = model.generate(inputs.input_ids, max_new_tokens=1, max_length=None, do_sample=False)
    # response, _ = model.chat(tokenizer, query, do_sample=False, max_new_tokens=1,max_length=None, history=[])
    end_time = time.time()

    TTFT = (end_time - start_time) * 1000
TTFT = sum(TTFT_list)/len(TTFT_list)
print("time to first token:{:2f} ms".format(TTFT))



print("start ITL test...")
ITL_list = []
TGS_list = []
out_tokens_num = 0
for _ in range(10):
    start_time = time.time()
    geneate_ids = model.generate(inputs.input_ids, max_new_tokens=50, max_length=None, do_sample=False)
    outputs = geneate_ids.tolist()[0][len(inputs["input_ids"][0]):]
    # response, _ = model.chat(tokenizer, query, max_new_tokens=50, do_sample=False, history=[])
    end_time = time.time()

    # out_tokens_num = len(tokenizer(response).input_ids)
    out_tokens_num = len(outputs)
    ITL = ((end_time - start_time) * 1000 - TTFT) / out_tokens_num
    TGS = ((end_time - start_time) * 1000 ) / out_tokens_num
    print(f"ITL: {ITL}")
    print(f"TGS: {TGS}")
ITL = sum(ITL_list) / len(ITL_list)
TGS = sum(TGS_list) / len(TGS_list)


    geneate_ids = model.generate(inputs.input_ids, max_new_tokens=50, max_length=None, do_sample=False)
    outputs = geneate_ids.tolist()[0][len(inputs["input_ids"][0]):]




接下来,在这个二维列表中获取第一个样本,并使用切片操作 [len(inputs["input_ids"][]):] 去掉之前输入部分重复出现在输出中。

最后将处理后得到结果存储在outputs变量中。这里假设batch size为1,并且只取了一个示例进行处理。







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