Eulerian Tour

本文介绍了如何在给定的无向图中找到一条使用每条边恰好一次的路径(欧拉路径)或闭合路径(欧拉回路)。通过判断图中每个节点的度数,可以确定是否存在欧拉路径或欧拉回路。算法首先从任意节点开始,通过递归方式遍历所有节点,确保所有节点的边都被使用。如果存在未使用的边,则找到新的路径并将其插入当前路径中,直到所有边都被使用。该算法的时间复杂度为O(m + n),适用于邻接表形式的图。最后,文章给出了一个具体的图执行示例和两个相关问题:飞机跳跃和奶牛排队,进一步解释了欧拉路径在实际问题中的应用。

    Eulerian Tour

Sample Problem: Riding The Fences

Farmer John owns a large number of fences, which he must periodically check for integrity. Farmer John keeps track of his fences by maintaining a list of their intersection points, along with the fences which end at each point. Each fence has two end points, each at an intersection point, although the intersection point may be the end point of only a single fence. Of course, more than two fences might share an endpoint.

Given the fence layout, calculate if there is a way for Farmer John to ride his horse to all of his fences without riding along a fence more than once. Farmer John can start and end anywhere, but cannot cut across his fields (the only way he can travel between intersection points is along a fence). If there is a way, find one way.

The Abstraction

Given: An undirected graph

Find a path which uses every edge exactly once. This is called an Eulerian tour. If the path begins and ends at the same vertex, it is called a Eulerian circuit.

The Algorithm

Detecting whether a graph has an Eulerian tour or circuit is actually easy; two different rules apply.

  • A graph has an Eulerian circuit if and only if it is connected (once you throw out all nodes of degree 0) and every node has `even degree'.
  • A graph has an Eulerian path if and only if it is connected and every node except two has even degree.
  • In the second case, one of the two nodes which has odd degree must be the start node, while the other is the end node.

The basic idea of the algorithm is to start at some node the graph and determine a circuit back to that same node. Now, as the circuit is added (in reverse order, as it turns out), the algorithm ensures that all the edges of all the nodes along that path have been used. If there is some node along that path which has an edge that has not been used, then the algorithm finds a circuit starting at that node which uses that edge and splices this new circuit into the current one. This continues until all the edges of every node in the original circuit have been used, which, since the graph is connected, implies that all the edges have been used, so the resulting circuit is Eulerian.

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