
Phase correlation

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In image processingphase correlation is a method of image registration

and uses a fast frequency-domain approach to estimate 

the relativetranslative offset between two similar images.




The following image demonstrates the usage of phase correlation to determine relative translative movement 

between two images corrupted by independent Gaussian noise. The image was translated by (30,33) pixels. 

Accordingly, one can clearly see a peak in the phase-correlation representation at approximately (30,33).

Phase correlation.png


Given two input images \ g_a and \ g_b:

Apply a window function (e.g., a Hamming window) on both images to reduce edge effects.

 Then, calculate the discrete 2D Fourier transform of both images.

\ \mathbf{G}_a = \mathcal{F}\{g_a\}, \; \mathbf{G}_b = \mathcal{F}\{g_b\}

Calculate the cross-power spectrum by taking the complex conjugate of the second result, 

multiplying the Fourier transforms together elementwise, and normalizing this product elementwise.

\ R = \frac{ \mathbf{G}_a \circ \mathbf{G}_b^*}{|\mathbf{G}_a \mathbf{G}_b^*|}

Where \circ is the Hadamard product (entry-wise product).

Obtain the normalized cross-correlation by applying the inverse Fourier transform.

\ r = \mathcal{F}^{-1}\{R\}

Determine the location of the peak in \ r.

\ (\Delta x, \Delta y) = \arg \max_{(x, y)}\{r\}


Commonly, interpolation methods are used to estimate the peak location to non-integer values, 

despite the fact that the data are discrete.

 Because the Fourier representation of the data has already been computed, 

it is especially convenient to use the Fourier shift theorem with real-valued shifts for this purpose.

 It is also possible to infer the peak location from phase characteristics in Fourier space 

without the inverse transformation, as noted by Stone [1]


The method is based on the Fourier shift theorem

Let the two images \ g_a and \ g_b be circularly-shifted versions of each other:

\ g_b(x,y) \ \stackrel{\mathrm{def}}{=}\   g_a((x - \Delta x) \bmod M, (y - \Delta y) \bmod N)

(where the images are \ M \times N in size).

Then, the discrete Fourier transforms of the images will be shifted relatively in phase:

\mathbf{G}_b(u,v) = \mathbf{G}_a(u,v) e^{-2 \pi i (\frac{u \Delta x}{M} + \frac{v \Delta y}{N}) }

One can then calculate the normalized cross-power spectrum to factor out the phase difference:

\begin{align}  R(u,v) &= \frac{ \mathbf{G}_a \mathbf{G}_b^*}{|\mathbf{G}_a \mathbf{G}_b^* |} \\         &= \frac{ \mathbf{G}_a \mathbf{G}_a^* e^{2 \pi i (\frac{u \Delta x}{M} + \frac{v \Delta y}{N}) }}{|\mathbf{G}_a \mathbf{G}_a^* e^{2 \pi i (\frac{u \Delta x}{M} + \frac{v \Delta y}{N}) }|} \\         &= \frac{ \mathbf{G}_a \mathbf{G}_a^* e^{2 \pi i (\frac{u \Delta x}{M} + \frac{v \Delta y}{N}) }}{|\mathbf{G}_a \mathbf{G}_a^*|} \\         &= e^{2 \pi i (\frac{u \Delta x}{M} + \frac{v \Delta y}{N}) }\end{align}
虚指数的幅度通常为1, \ \mathbf{G}_a \mathbf{G}_a^* 的相位通常为0。

since the magnitude of an imaginary exponential always is one, and the phase of \ \mathbf{G}_a \mathbf{G}_a^* always is zero.

The inverse Fourier transform of a complex exponential is a Kronecker delta, i.e. a single peak:

\ r(x,y) = \delta(x + \Delta x, y + \Delta y)

This result could have been obtained by calculating the cross correlation directly.

 The advantage of this method is 

that the discrete Fourier transform and its inverse can be performed using the fast Fourier transform

which is much faster than correlation for large images.


Unlike many spatial-domain algorithms, the phase correlation method is resilient to noise, occlusions, 

and other defects typical of medical or satellite images.[citation needed]


The method can be extended to determine rotation and scaling differences between two images 

by first converting the images to log-polar coordinates. Due to properties of the Fourier transform

the rotation and scaling parameters can be determined in a manner invariant to translation.[2][3]


In practice, it is more likely that \ g_b will be a simple linear shift of \ g_a

rather than a circular shift as required by the explanation above. 

In such cases, \ r will not be a simple delta function, which will reduce the performance of the method.

 In such cases, a window function (such as a Gaussian or Tukey window) 

should be employed during the Fourier transform to reduce edge effects, 

or the images should be zero padded so that the edge effects can be ignored.

 If the images consist of a flat background, with all detail situated away from the edges, 

then a linear shift will be equivalent to a circular shift,

 and the above derivation will hold exactly. The peak can be sharpened by using edge or vector correlation. [4]

For periodic images (such as a chessboard), phase correlation may yield ambiguous results 

with several peaks in the resulting output.


Phase correlation is the preferred method for television standards conversion

as it leaves the fewest artifacts.


  1. ^ Harold S. Stone, "A Fast Direct Fourier-Based Algorithm for Subpixel Registration of Images", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, V. 39, No. 10, Oct. 2001, pp.2235-2242.
  2. ^ E. De Castro and C. Morandi "Registration of Translated and Rotated Images Using Finite Fourier Transforms", IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, Sept. 1987
  3. ^ B. S Reddy and B. N. Chatterji, “An FFT-based technique for translation, rotation, and scale-invariant image registration”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 5, no. 8 (1996): 1266–1271.
  4. ^ http://www.jprr.org/index.php/jprr/article/viewFile/355/148


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### 回答1: 相位激光测距的电路系统设计主要包括激光发射、光接收、信号调理、相位测量和距离计算等关键环节。 首先是激光发射部分。电路系统需要一个激光二极管来发射激光束。该二极管需要一个恒流源来为其供电,并配备适当的保护电路来避免过流或过压。 其次是光接收和光电转换。电路系统需要一个光电二极管来接收激光束,并将光信号转换为电信号。光电二极管负责将光信号转化为电流信号,并需配备适当的功率放大器来增强信号强度。 信号调理是为了满足接收到的信号的处理要求。一般情况下,需要进行放大、滤波、稳定化等处理,以提高信号的质量和稳定性。信号调理还包括对接收到的信号进行模数转换,将连续的模拟信号转换为离散的数字信号。 相位测量是激光测距中的关键环节。电路系统需要一个高精度的相位测量电路来测量光信号的相位差。相位测量电路一般采用锁相放大器等技术,能够准确测量相位的变化,并输出数字信号波形。 最后是距离计算部分。根据相位测量得到的相位差,可以通过相位到距离的转换公式来计算出目标物体与激光器之间的距离。距离计算部分一般使用微处理器或FPGA等计算设备来进行数字信号处理,并最终输出距离测量结果。 相位激光测距的电路系统设计需要考虑到苛刻的工作环境和高精度的测量要求。合理选择和设计每个环节的电路元件,保证电路的稳定性和准确性,能够实现精确的测距功能,并满足实际应用的需求。 ### 回答2: 《相位激光测距的电路系统设计.pdf》是一篇关于相位激光测距电路系统设计的论文或文档。该文中介绍相位激光测距原理,并详细阐述了电路系统设计方案。 相位激光测距是一种利用激光束测量目标物体距离的方。它通过测量激光束经过目标物体后的相位变化来计算距离。相位变化可以用电路进行采集和处理,因此电路系统设计是相位激光测距中的关键部分。 设计的电路系统包括激光发射器、光电探测器、模数转换器、滤波器、放大器等多个组件。激光发射器负责发射激光束,光电探测器用于接收激光束反射后的信号。模数转换器将光电探测器接收到的模拟信号转换为数字信号,然后经过滤波器和放大器进行信号处理和放大。 在电路系统设计中,需要注意电路的稳定性、精度和抗干扰能力。激光测距是一种高精度的测量方,所以电路系统需要具备高精度的信号处理能力。同时,考虑到实际应用环境的干扰,电路系统还应具备一定的抗干扰能力,以保证测量结果的准确性。 此外,电路系统设计还需考虑功耗、成本和体积等因素。功耗低可以延长电池寿命或减少能源消耗。成本低可以降低产品成本,提高市场竞争力。体积小可以方便集成到激光测距仪器中,提升使用便捷性。 总之,《相位激光测距的电路系统设计.pdf》是一篇介绍相位激光测距的电路系统设计的文档。该文详细说明了激光测距的原理和电路系统的设计方案,包括电路组件的选择和配置,并强调了电路系统的稳定性、精度、抗干扰能力以及功耗、成本和体积等因素的重要性。 ### 回答3: 相位激光测距的电路系统设计.pdf文件是关于相位激光测距技术的电路设计的文档。 相位激光测距是一种常见的激光测距技术,利用激光光束的相位差来计算距离。电路系统设计是相位激光测距技术的重要组成部分,决定了测量精度和可靠性。 该文件中可能包含以下内容: 1. 激光发射电路设计:设计合适的激光发射电路,以控制激光的频率和强度。该电路通常包括激光二极管的驱动电路和功率控制电路。 2. 激光接收电路设计:设计适当的激光接收电路,以接收激光反射回来的信号。该电路通常包括光电二极管或光敏电阻,以及放大器和滤波器等电路,用于处理接收到的光信号。 3. 相位测量电路设计:设计用于测量激光光束的相位差的电路。相位差是计算距离所必须的关键参数。该电路通常包括锁相放大器、计数器和相位计算器等组件。 4. 数据处理电路设计:设计用于处理和分析测量结果的电路。该电路可以包括数据转换和数字信号处理等功能,以提供准确和可靠的测量结果。 此外,该文件可能还包括其他相关内容,如电源电路设计、保护电路设计和通信接口设计等。 总体而言,相位激光测距的电路系统设计文件是为了指导相位激光测距仪器的工程师和技术人员设计、开发和制造高性能、精确测距设备的指南。


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