








An explosively growing line of research on xx studies a new paradigm of yy: [details of the paradigm]
xx has enjoyed tremendous growth and exhibited a wealth of development at both the conceptual and application levels
In recent years, with the vigorous development of xx yy has attracted more and more interest in both zz
Successful applications have been demonstrated in areas spanning xx, xx
xx has found numerous applications in xx field, particularly in the last two decade
a theoretical understanding of GANs is an on-going research topic
Abundant research has been conducted on xx
a widely-used technique for solving many kinds of vision and graphics tasks ranging from view synthesis, to re-lighting, to pose and shape estimation, to 3D-aware image synthesis and editing.
xx have become prevalent in recent years. 盛行的,普遍的
GANs excel at synthesizing photo-realistic images. Their conditional extension, conditional GANs, allows controllable image synthesis and enables many computer vision and graphics applications such xxx
We consider the task of …
A key challenge in this task is …
xx addresses this issue by integrating xx into xx and enabling xx.



The main drawback of such models
lagged far behind 现在新领域的方法远远落后于过去某一领域的技术
A body of works 一批工作 / Prior attempts …
Several follow-up studies propose to …
xx hamper the applicability of the method. (妨碍了他的广泛应用)
A prominent difficulty
unmet needs of 不满足的需求
One prominent hurdle (突出的障碍) of the existing method is xx
xx has a long history [ref 1,2,3]
We argue that it is more desirable to xx
an inevitable problem 不可避免的问题 has two severe difficulties:
The image quality still lags far behind (落后) other methods
in contrast, previous work
several attempts are being made to … 现有的一些工作已经在怎么做了
xx is still lagging 现有方法还依旧是落后的
Existing approaches to address this problem can be roughly divided into three categories. The first category of works utilizes xx. The second line of works adopt xx.
in contrast, previous work … / In parallel work
A thread of recent research/studies
While these methods compensate … by …, this task remains challenging.
xx is an important but less explored problem
This serves as a major bottleneck, as multiple-view data is hard to acquire.
xx circumvent a fundamental difficulty 避开了一个很难的问题
To circumvent xx 别人的工作为了回避
counteract xx 为了抵消什么缺点
发展很久了但应用到什么领域还是新的 | 这个问题还没有被深入研究,同时很具有研究价值
Despite its potential to serve as a powerful method to xx, this problem remains much less explored.
Despite its practical importance, up to our knowledge, we are the first to address this unexplored problem.
Existing approaches can not well | have not been well studied
To our knowledge, this is the first study in which the has not been proposed yet
Looking at the research in recent years, there is an overwhelming evidence in support of xx credited to xx.
With the rapid developments in xx


讲自己的方法;先笼统地说一下方法,然后具体地 specifically

To address the above problem, we propose xx
To answer this question, we conduct a comprehensive empirical study by xx


一般开头都是 In this work, ….

Instead of investigating xx, we seek to xx.
In this work, we propose a new approach, [Name]
We propose to exploit
Technically/Concretely/Crucially/Specifically… , we propose a xx model …
In this work we demonstrate that
To tackle the problem, we extend
Here we put forward a new view of
To alleviate these issues, we design techniques
To compensate for xx 为了缓解
To overcome aforementioned limitations we present a new
bridges the gap between xx and yy
To tackle the problem, we extend
the crux of xxx 关键点
We mitigate problem
This model has several benefits,
in addition to achieving more compelling and complicated xx,



We analyse and investigate multiple design choices for representing neural implicit surfaces, ranging form monolithic MLP models over single-grid to multi-resolution grid representations.
The experiments in the paper would be more compelling
while this study presented in this paper focus on xx, is also applicable to other domains
As a result, our approach inherits xx 好处 and yy 好处, seperated from zz 不好的方法, which 具体不好的点。
We empirically demonstrate the advantage of xx over existing approaches on a variety of xx tasks:
We evaluate our method on both tasks of 2D image synthesis and 3D-aware image synthesis. On a wide range of datasets including [xx data], [model name] exhibits consistent improvements over the baselines.
Qualitative and quantitative results show the superiority of our approach over existing methods in preserving identity as well as generating realistic high quality images.
We validate our approach through quantitative and qualitative results and demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art results for the task of StyleGAN inversion and real image editing.
Our experiments show that the novel method outperforms previous work


In summary, our main technical contributions are
Overall, the main contributions and benefits of our algorithm are summarized as follows:
Our proposed framework has several theoretical and practical contributions:
To summarize, our work provides the following novelties:
Code and models will be provided upon acceptance.
The reminder of this paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, we review previous studies that are closely related to the general scope of our work. In Sect. 3, we introduce specific techniques involved in . In Sect. 4, we discuss different possibilities for . We document the implementation details, experimental settings, and comparative results in Sect. 5. In the end, we conclude this paper in Sect. 7.


Our work aims to answer the following question / Can this been done in an unsupervised manner
The research question we are addressing in this work is, whether an event stream from a DVS moving around the scene is sufficient to reconstruct a 3D representation of a static scene, e.g., NeRF.
What extent has this inability of convolution persisted insidiously inside other tasks
Is it possible to reconstruct the 3D shape of a single 2D image by exploiting the 3D-alike image manipulation effects produced by GANs?
It naturally raises a question: does a discriminator with a fixed capacity meet the demand of such a dynamic training environment?
Thus, in this paper, we aim toaddress the following questions: Do MAML and ANIL provably learn high-qualityrepresentations? If so, why?
Hence, anatural question to ask is,
In this paper, we focus on xx
Our work can be classified as a category-specific 3D aware neural novel view synthesis method.
Our [model name] can be categorized into representation learning as well as architecture design for GANs.
Closed to our approach is xx, where they xx. Different from their work, we use


xx marries (y method) with [z method]

our framework combines the benefits of xx with those of yy, enabling zz

we incorporate xx into our model

its effective integration with xx

Tuning the generator to accommodate a given input image (描述你的方法) is not new~\cite{}, we first introduce this approach to the field of StyleGAN-based editing.
(最好还要写出我不是生硬地套过来,是因地制宜的,或者效果更好,达到了我的目的) In contrast to the aforementioned work, our technique maintains the unique editing capabilities, while preserving identity accurately.


for ease of notation, we will simply write the xxx
For convenience, we follow the convention for xx by letting subscripts denote absolute yy
For clarity, we omit z from hereon forward
we dropped the vector arrows for ease of notation.
for more details, we refer readers to sb
we assume a fixed, and remove the subscript xx notation to simplify notation.
which we will call a “diffusion model” for brevity
Detailed theoretical analysis will be elaborated later.




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