The overview of Deep Learning


This article focus on the deep learning in computer vision areas organial by me. If you want to copy something, please referring this. Thank you.

1 History

The main challenges of deep learning are to solve the tasks which can be solved easily by human beings but hardly for computers.
At begining, features be got by traditional way, just like getting the color and texture of the object picture to make the computer can get the ROI. It’s called engineered handcraft feature by model pattern.
By the ability of the computation growing up and the GPU get more powerful use, there is a possibility to make sample units to compose the most complex model with ANN.

2 Networks

2.1 Basic unit

So let’s talk about the most excited part of the most basic function of the deep learning as the basic unit of the net.
y = f ( w x + b ) y=f(wx+b) y=f(wx+b)

x is the input of the layer, y is output of the layer. w is called the weight which can be trained by the obtained result. the wx+b is easily regarded as the liner relation, and the result of it is unlimited.If we want make it limited, we can use the activation function. The f(.) is a nonlinear function named activation function which commonly uses sigmoid function and ReLU function.

2.2 Autoencoder(AE)

Autoencoder (AE) is a kind of basic networks

2.3 Stacked Autoencoder (SAE)

2.4 Deep Belief Network (DBN)

2.5 Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

Convolution is a kind of method to find the relation of the pixels from the input images.using a kernels can get the features from the image.

2.6 Generative Adversarial Networks(GANs)

GANs is a kind of model like zero-sum two players game, one is named generative model which can generate the data from the orginal data distribution.

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Satellite maps have become an essential tool for various applications, including navigation, agriculture, urban planning, and disaster response. One of the critical challenges in using satellite maps is path planning, which involves finding the optimal path between two locations while considering various constraints such as terrain, obstacles, and weather conditions. Over the years, several path planning algorithms have been developed for satellite maps, and this literature review aims to provide an overview of the research in this field. One of the earliest and most popular path planning algorithms for satellite maps is Dijkstra's algorithm. This algorithm uses a graph-based approach to find the shortest path between two points while avoiding obstacles. However, Dijkstra's algorithm has limitations when dealing with large-scale maps or dynamic environments, and several variants have been proposed to overcome these limitations. For example, A* algorithm is an extension of Dijkstra's algorithm that uses heuristics to reduce the search space and improve efficiency. Another popular path planning algorithm for satellite maps is the Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) algorithm. RRT is a probabilistic algorithm that generates a tree of random samples and connects them to form a path. RRT has been shown to be effective in dealing with complex environments and non-holonomic constraints. However, RRT has limitations when dealing with dynamic obstacles or multi-objective optimization problems. In recent years, machine learning techniques have been applied to path planning for satellite maps. For example, Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) algorithms have been used to learn optimal paths in complex and dynamic environments. DRL algorithms use a combination of deep neural networks and reinforcement learning to learn policies that maximize a reward function. These algorithms have shown promising results in various applications, including autonomous navigation and robotics. Another recent development in path planning for satellite maps is the integration of satellite data with other data sources such as social media and sensor data. This integration allows for more accurate and real-time path planning, which is essential in disaster response and emergency situations. In conclusion, path planning for satellite maps is a challenging and evolving field, and several algorithms and techniques have been proposed over the years. While graph-based algorithms and RRT remain popular choices, machine learning techniques such as DRL have shown promising results. The integration of satellite data with other data sources is also a promising direction for future research.


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