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原创 2017多校训练Contest5: 1008 Rikka with Subset hdu6092

Problem DescriptionAs we know, Rikka is poor at math. Yuta is worrying about this situation, so he gives Rikka some math tasks to practice. There is one of them:Yuta has n positive A1−An and

2017-08-20 17:53:44 390

原创 2017多校训练Contest5: 1006 Rikka with Graph hdu6090

Problem DescriptionAs we know, Rikka is poor at math. Yuta is worrying about this situation, so he gives Rikka some math tasks to practice. There is one of them:For an undirected graph G with

2017-08-20 17:51:59 271

原创 2017多校训练Contest5: 1001 Rikka with Candies hdu6085

Problem DescriptionAs we know, Rikka is poor at math. Yuta is worrying about this situation, so he gives Rikka some math tasks to practice. There is one of them:There are n children and m ki

2017-08-20 17:48:22 356

原创 2017多校训练Contest4: 1007 Matching In Multiplication hdu6073

Problem DescriptionIn the mathematical discipline of graph theory, a bipartite graph is a graph whose vertices can be divided into two disjoint sets U and V (that is, U and V are each independ

2017-08-20 17:42:53 365

原创 2017多校训练Contest4: 1005 Lazy Running hdu6071

Problem DescriptionIn HDU, you have to run along the campus for 24 times, or you will fail in PE. According to the rule, you must keep your speed, and your running distance should not be less than

2017-08-20 17:39:39 415

原创 2017多校训练Contest4: 1004 Dirt Ratio hdu6070

Problem DescriptionIn ACM/ICPC contest, the ''Dirt Ratio'' of a team is calculated in the following way. First let's ignore all the problems the team didn't pass, assume the team passed Xproblems

2017-08-20 17:37:15 343

原创 2017多校训练Contest4: 1003 Counting Divisors hdu6069

Problem DescriptionIn mathematics, the function d(n) denotes the number of divisors of positive integer n.For example, d(12)=6 because 1,2,3,4,6,12 are all 12's divisors.In this prob

2017-08-20 17:31:33 278

原创 2017多校训练Contest4: 1012 Wavel Sequence hdu6078

Problem DescriptionHave you ever seen the wave? It's a wonderful view of nature. Little Q is attracted to such wonderful thing, he even likes everything that looks like wave. Formally, he defines

2017-08-20 17:26:33 368

原创 2017多校训练Contest4: 1011 Time To Get Up hdu6077

Problem DescriptionLittle Q's clock is alarming! It's time to get up now! However, after reading the time on the clock, Little Q lies down and starts sleeping again. Well, he has 5 alarms, and i

2017-08-20 17:20:46 259

原创 2017多校训练Contest4: 1009 Questionnaire hdu6075

Problem DescriptionIn order to get better results in official ACM/ICPC contests, the team leader comes up with a questionnaire. He asked everyone in the team whether to have more training.

2017-08-20 17:20:38 257

原创 2017多校训练Contest3: 1011 RXD's date hdu6066

Problem DescriptionAs we all know that RXD is a life winner, therefore he always goes out, dating with his female friends.Nevertheless, it is a pity that his female friends don't like extremely

2017-08-16 16:08:51 313

原创 2017多校训练Contest3: 1008 RXD and math hdu6063

RXD is a good mathematician.One day he wants to calculate:∑i=1nkμ2(i)×⌊nki−−−√⌋output the answer module 109+7.1≤n,k≤1018μ(n)=1(n=1)μ(n)=(−1)k(n=p1p2…pk)μ(n)=0(other

2017-08-16 16:05:44 284

原创 2017多校训练Contest3: 1005 RXD and dividing hdu6060

Problem DescriptionRXD has a tree T, with the size of n. Each edge has a cost.Define f(S) as the the cost of the minimal Steiner Tree of the set S on tree T. he wants to divide 2,3,4,5

2017-08-16 16:03:17 333

原创 2017多校训练Contest3: 1004 Kanade's sum hdu6059

Problem DescriptionGive you an array A[1..n],you need to calculate how many tuples (i,j,k) satisfy that (ijk) and ((A[i] xor A[j])(A[j] xor A[k]))There are T test cases.1≤T≤201≤∑n≤

2017-08-16 16:01:20 259

原创 2017多校训练Contest3: 1003 Kanade's sum hdu6058

Problem DescriptionGive you an array A[1..n]of length n. Let f(l,r,k) be the k-th largest element of A[l..r].Specially , f(l,r,k)=0 if r−l+1k.Give you k , you need to calculate ∑

2017-08-16 15:57:49 246

原创 2017多校训练Contest2: 1006 Funny Function hdu6050

Problem DescriptionFunction Fx,ysatisfies:For given integers N and M,calculate Fm,1 modulo 1e9+7. InputThere is one integer T in the first line.The next T lines,each line

2017-08-16 15:53:44 247

原创 2017多校训练Contest2: 1011 Regular polygon hdu6055

Problem DescriptionOn a two-dimensional plane, give you n integer points. Your task is to figure out how many different regular polygon these points can make. InputThe input file con

2017-08-16 15:50:59 277

原创 2017多校训练Contest2: 1009 TrickGCD hdu6053

Problem DescriptionYou are given an array A , and Zhu wants to know there are how many different array B satisfy the following conditions?* 1≤Bi≤Ai* For each pair( l , r ) (1≤l≤r≤n) , 

2017-08-16 15:49:23 285

原创 2017多校训练Contest2: 1003 Maximum Sequence hdu6047

Problem DescriptionSteph is extremely obsessed with “sequence problems” that are usually seen on magazines: Given the sequence 11, 23, 30, 35, what is the next number? Steph always finds them too

2017-08-16 15:45:17 296

原创 2017多校训练Contest2: 1001 Captain is coding hdu6045

Problem DescriptionDerek and Alfia are good friends.Derek is Chinese,and Alfia is Austrian.This summer holiday,they both participate in the summer camp of Borussia Dortmund.During the summer

2017-08-16 15:42:06 300



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