1. 简介
2. 安装
2.1. 安装license
2.2. 安装Purify
3. 使用
3.1. 查看帮助
3.2. 使用步骤 ATTACH
3.4. 定位BUG在源代码中的位置 ATTACH
3.5. 查找泄漏的内存 ATTACH
3.7. 隐藏消息 ATTACH
4. 保存/载入结果
4.1. 保存结果
4.2. 载入结果
5. API
6. 命令选项
6.1. Build-time options
6.2. Runtime options
1 简介
2 安装
2.1 安装license
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ License Setup IBM Corporation Version: 2.198 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Using License Setup You are running the license_setup command as cnaps2. Output from license_setup will be copied to a log file. When you exit license_setup or license_setup completes, the location of the log file is displayed. The -help option can be used to display license_setup command line options. All of your inputs will be saved for future runs of license_setup. You can enter a q, q! or ? at any prompt: q Will save your inputs and quit license_setup. q! Quit license_setup without saving your inputs. Note that the 'Rational' directory is always saved. ? Get help on the current prompt. Press the Enter key to continue, q to quit license_setup:
Rational PurifyPlus for Linux and UNIX - Enter Install Location Enter the location to install IBM Rational products. This will be referred to as the 'Rational' directory. In 'Rational' directory, license_setup will create a releases directory to keep all of the products by name and version. For example, in 'Rational'/releases, this install will create a 'PurifyPlus.' directory to install Rational PurifyPlus for Linux and UNIX The 'Rational' directory must be accessible from every machine where you plan to run these IBM Rational products. The 'Rational' directory path must be identical on each machine. Thus, an automount path like /tmp_mnt/rational should not be used because you cannot access this directory from every machine. Checking for 'Rational' directories.. None found. Press the Enter key to continue, q to quit license_setup:
Rational PurifyPlus for Linux and UNIX - Enter Install Location Enter the location to install IBM Rational products. This will be referred to as the 'Rational' directory. In 'Rational' directory, license_setup will create a releases directory to keep all of the products by name and version. For example, in 'Rational'/releases, this install will create a 'PurifyPlus.' directory to install Rational PurifyPlus for Linux and UNIX The 'Rational' directory must be accessible from every machine where you plan to run these IBM Rational products. The 'Rational' directory path must be identical on each machine. Thus, an automount path like /tmp_mnt/rational should not be used because you cannot access this directory from every machine. Checking for 'Rational' directories.. None found. Press the Enter key to continue, q to quit license_setup: Enter 'Rational' directory: /home/cnaps2
Initializing AIX JRE to display license agreement... Done. Please ignore the messages related to 'Could not lock System prefs.' It is a known issue with the JRE on AIX. Running LAP Tool: /home/cnaps2/releases/jre142.aix/jre/bin/java -classpath extras/LAP/lib/lapapp.jar:extras/LAP/lib/i18n.jar:/home/cnaps2/sqllib/java/db2java.zip:/home/cnaps2/sqllib/java/sqlj.zip:/home/cnaps2/sqllib/function:/home/cnaps2/sqllib/java/db2jcc_license_cu.jar:/home/cnaps2/sqllib/tools/clpplus.jar:/home/cnaps2/sqllib/tools/antlr-3.2.jar:/home/cnaps2/sqllib/tools/jline-0.9.93.jar:/home/cnaps2/sqllib/java/db2jcc.jar:. com.ibm.lex.lapapp.LAP -l extras/LAP/LA_files -text_only -s /home/cnaps2/releases/PurifyPlus. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 重要信息:请仔细阅读 下面提供了两个许可协议。 1. 评估程序的国际许可协议 2. 国际程序许可协议 如果被许可方为了生产性使用目的(而不是为了评估、测试、试用“先试后 买”或演示)获得本程序,单击下面的“接受”按钮即表示被许可方接受 国际程序许可协议,且不作任何修改。 如果被许可方为了评估、测试、试用“先试后买”或演示(统称为“评 估”)目的获得本程序:单击下面的“接受”按钮即表示被许可方同时接受 (i)评估程序的国际许可协议(“评估许可”),且不作任何修改;和 (ii)国际程序许可协议(“IPLA”),且不作任何修改。 按 Enter 键继续查看本许可协议或按 "1" 接受本协议,按 "2" 拒绝本协议,按 "3" 打印本协议,按 "5" 用英语查 看,或按 "99" 回到上一屏幕。 1
按1选择Rational PurifyPlus for Linux and UNIX
cnaps2 accepts the license agreement on 公元2014年07月31日 星期四 17时25分22秒. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rational PurifyPlus for Linux and UNIX Pr