Top 8 Autonomous Driving Open Source Projects One Must Try Hands-On

The past few years have seen active development in autonomous driving by organisations and academia. One of the standard practices in autonomous driving is developing and validating prototypes of driving in simulators. The researchers worldwide have been developing these simulators to support the training and development of such selfless driving systems. 

Let’s take a look at the top 8 autonomous driving open-source projects one must try their hands-on.


(The list is in no particular order)

1| Carla

About: Carla is an open-source simulator for autonomous driving research. It has been developed to encourage development, training as well as validation of autonomous urban driving systems. In addition to the open-source code and protocols, this simulator provides open digital assets, such as urban layouts, buildings and vehicles.

The simulation platform promotes flexible specification of sensor suites. Carla can be used to study the performance of three approaches to autonomous driving — modular pipeline, an end-to-end model trained via imitation learning, an end-to-end model trained via reinforcement learning (RL). Carla’s features include scalability via a server multi-client architecture, autonomous driving sensor suite, flexible API, fast simulation for planning and control, maps generation, traffic scenarios simulation, ROS integration, and autonomous driving baselines.

Know more here.


About: SUMMIT or Simulator for Urban Driving in Massive Mixed Traffic is a high-fidelity simulator that promotes the advancement and testing of crowd-driving algorithms. It simulates unregulated and dense urban traffic for heterogeneous agents regardless of the worldwide locations that OpenStreetMap supports. 

The SUMMIT simulator is built as an extension of CARLA and inherits the physics and visual realism for autonomous driving simulation. It supports a wide range of applications, including perception, vehicle control and planning, and end-to-end learning.

Know more here.

3| Flow

About: Flow is an open-source computational framework for deep RL and control experiments for traffic microsimulation. Developed by the members of the Mobile Sensing Lab at UC Berkeley, Flow is basically a deep reinforcement learning (RL) framework for mixed autonomy traffic.

This simulator is a traffic control benchmarking framework that gives a set of traffic control scenarios as benchmarks, tools for designing custom traffic scenarios, and integration with deep reinforcement learning and traffic microsimulation libraries.

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4| PGDrive

About: PGDrive is an open-ended and highly configurable driving simulator that integrates the key feature of the procedural generation (PG). The simulator defines multiple basic roadblocks such as ramp, fork, and roundabout with configurable settings and a range of diverse maps can be assembled from those blocks with procedural generation, which is further turned into interactive environments.

PGDrive is built upon the Panda3d and Bullet engine with optimised system design. The simulator can gain up to 500 simulation steps per second while running a single instance on PC. 

Know more here.

5| Deepdrive

About: Deepdrive is an open simulation platform built to accelerate progress and increase transparency in self-driving. The features of Deepdrive include support for Linux and Windows, interface through the Gym API using a reward function based on speed, safety, legality, and comfort, pre-trained example agent, training code, and dataset to get started building AI models. It is also enabled with up to eight cameras and a dataset of around 100GB and 8.2 hours. 

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6| AirSim

About: developed by Microsoft, AirSim is an open-source, cross-platform simulation platform for autonomous systems. Built on Unreal Engine, AirSim supports software-in-the-loop simulation with popular flight controllers and hardware-in-loop with PX4 for physically and visually realistic simulations. 

AirSim is developed as an Unreal plugin which can be dropped into any unreal environment. The developers at Microsoft developed AirSim as a platform for researchers in AI and to experiment with deep learning, computer vision (CV) and reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms for driverless vehicles. 

Know more here.

7| LGSVL Simulator

About: LGSVL Simulator is an open-source autonomous vehicle simulator developed by LG Electronics America R&D Centre. It is an HDRP Unity-based multi-robot simulator for autonomous vehicle developers that provide an out-of-the-box solution that can meet developers’ needs to focus on testing their autonomous vehicle algorithms. 

The simulator currently has integration with TierIV’s Autoware and Baidu’s Apollo 5.0 and Apollo 3.0 platforms, can generate HD maps, and can be immediately used to test and validate a whole system.

Know more here.

8| Gym-Duckietown

About: Gym-Duckietown is a simulator for the Duckietown Universe. It is written in pure Python/OpenGL (Pyglet). The simulator works by placing RL agents inside of an instance of a Duckietown: a loop of roads with turns, intersections, obstacles, Duckie pedestrians, and other Duckiebots.

Duckietown is a fully-functioning autonomous driving simulator that can train and test machine Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Imitation Learning, or even classical robotics algorithms.

Know more here.

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泛化目标检测对于自动驾驶中的鱼眼摄像头:数据 泛化目标检测是指将模型从一种场景转移到另一种不同场景下的能力。在自动驾驶中,由于鱼眼摄像头的广角特性,它可以提供更广阔的视野范围,从而增强对道路上目标物体的感知能力。 要实现泛化目标检测,数据是至关重要的。首先,我们需要采集大量的鱼眼摄像头数据,以涵盖各种不同场景和驾驶条件,例如白天、夜间、不同天气条件以及不同道路类型。这些数据应该包括各种不同类型的目标物体,如车辆、行人和交通标志等。 为了增强泛化能力,数据应该覆盖多样性。我们需要在不同地理位置和城市之间进行数据采集,以捕捉不同地区的驾驶场景和道路条件。此外,还要注意在训练数据中包含一些较为罕见和复杂的场景,这样模型在遇到这些情况时也能够有效检测和处理。 在准备数据时,我们还需要考虑数据标注的准确性。由于目标检测需要标注每个图像中的目标位置和类别,对于鱼眼图像来说可能会更复杂。因此,在数据标注过程中需要使用专业工具和技术,确保目标物体的精确标注。 最后,为了提高数据的利用效率,可以使用数据增强技术来生成更多样性的训练样本。例如,可以通过旋转、扭曲和变换来生成具有不同角度和姿态的目标物体。 总结起来,泛化目标检测对于自动驾驶中的鱼眼摄像头需要大量多样性的数据。这些数据应该涵盖不同的场景、驾驶条件和地理位置。在数据准备和标注时,需要注意数据的准确性和多样性,以及使用数据增强技术来提高数据利用效率。




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