
Tempotron (论文传送门)

V ( t max ⁡ ⊕ ) > V t h r > V ( t max ⁡ ⊖ ) V\left(t_{\max } ^\oplus\right)>V_{\mathrm{thr}}>V\left(t_{\max } ^\ominus\right) V(tmax)>Vthr>V(tmax)

  • 神经元模型LIF

V ( t ) = ∑ i ω i ∑ t i K ( t − t i ) + V r e s t V(t)=\sum_{i} \omega_{i} \sum_{t_{i}} K\left(t-t_{i}\right)+V_{\mathrm{rest}} V(t)=iωitiK(tti)+Vrest

K ( t − t i ) = V 0 ( exp ⁡ [ − ( t − t i ) / τ ] − exp ⁡ [ − ( t − t i ) / τ s ] ) K(t-t_i) = V_{0}\left(\exp \left[-\left(t-t_{i}\right) / \tau\right]-\exp \left[-\left(t-t_{i}\right) / \tau_{\mathrm{s}}\right]\right) K(tti)=V0(exp[(tti)/τ]exp[(tti)/τs])

t i t_i ti表示脉冲发放时刻, τ \tau τ表示膜电势整合的延迟参数, τ s \tau_s τs表示突触电流的延迟参数, V 0 V_0 V0表示归一化因子,它使得PSP取决于突触效率 ω \omega ω V 0 V_0 V0的计算步骤为:设 V 0 V_0 V0为0,求最大 K K K所在时刻,然后代入 t m a x t_{max} tmax求方程的倒数即为 V 0 V_0 V0
V 0 = τ τ s τ − τ s ln ⁡ τ τ s V_0 = \frac{\tau \tau_s}{\tau-\tau_s}\ln\frac{\tau}{\tau_s} V0=ττsττslnτsτ
结合 y = e − x y = e^{-x} y=ex函数特性( x x x越大衰减越快)以及脉冲的基本形式(钟形), τ \tau τ势必是大于 τ s \tau_s τs的,原文取 τ / τ s = 4 \tau / \tau_s = 4 τ/τs=4,且比例越大,膜电势上升和下降所需时间比越小(尾巴越长)。


def compute_norm_factor(self, tau, tau_s):
    tmax = (tau * tau_s * np.log(tau/tau_s)) / (tau - tau_s)
    v_max = self.K(1, tmax, 0)
    V_0 = 1/v_max
    return V_0

def K(self, V_0, t, t_i):
		if t < t_i:
    		value = 0
        value = V_0 * (np.exp(-(t-t_i)/self.tau) - np.exp(-(t-t_i)/self.tau_s))
    return value
def compute_spike_contributions(self, t, spike_times):
    N_synapse = len(spike_times)
    spike_contribs = np.zeros(N_synapse)
    for neuron_pos in xrange(N_synapse):
        for spike_time in spike_times[neuron_pos]:
            spike_contribs[neuron_pos] += self.K(self.V_norm, t, spike_time)
    return spike_contribs
def compute_membrane_potential(self, t, spike_times):
    spike_contribs = self.compute_spike_contributions(t, spike_times)
    total_incoming = spike_contribs * self.efficacies
		# add sum and add V_rest to get membrane potential
    V = total_incoming.sum() + self.V_rest
		return V
  • 网络训练

E ± = ± ( V thr  − V ( t max  ) ) Θ ( ± ( V thr  − V ( t max  ) ) ) Θ ( x ) = { 1 , x ≥ 0 0 , x < 0 E_{\pm}=\pm\left(V_{\text {thr }}-V\left(t_{\text {max }}\right)\right) \Theta\left(\pm\left(V_{\text {thr }}-V\left(t_{\text {max }}\right)\right)\right)\\ \Theta(x)=\begin{cases} 1, x\geq0 \\ 0,x<0\end{cases} E±=±(Vthr V(tmax ))Θ(±(Vthr V(tmax )))Θ(x)={1,x00,x<0
− d E ± d ω i = ± ∑ t i < t max ⁡ K ( Δ t i ) ± ∂ V ( t max ⁡ ) ∂ t max ⁡ d t max ⁡ d ω i -\frac{\mathrm{d} E_{\pm}}{\mathrm{d} \omega_{i}}=\pm \sum_{t_{i}<t_{\max }} K\left(\Delta t_{i}\right) \pm \frac{\partial V\left(t_{\max }\right)}{\partial t_{\max }} \frac{d t_{\max }}{d \omega_{i}} dωidE±=±ti<tmaxK(Δti)±tmaxV(tmax)dωidtmax
因为 t m a x t_{max} tmax的定义是膜电势最大的时刻,因此突触传递效率的更新规则如下:
Δ ω i = λ ∑ t i < t max  K ( t max ⁡ − t i ) \Delta \omega_{i}=\lambda \sum_{t_{i}<t_{\text {max }}} K\left(t_{\max }-t_{i}\right) Δωi=λti<tmax K(tmaxti)鉴于Tempotron应用于二层网络,其输出希望对 ⊕ \oplus 模式发放脉冲,而对 ⊖ \ominus 模式不发放脉冲,因此对应于最大膜电势要大于脉冲发放阈值,而对另一种模式小于脉冲发放阈值。注意:在T时间内,输出神经元只负责计算膜电势,只在最后判断响应对错时才将其与阈值进行比较。也就是说,Tempotron算法的输出层最多只发放一个脉冲(发不发无所谓,我们关心的是最大膜电势),因此它也无法扩展到多层神经网络中使用。

t m a x = τ τ s τ − τ s ( ln ⁡ τ τ s + ln ⁡ ∑ ω i exp ⁡ ( t i τ ) ∑ ω i exp ⁡ ( t i τ s ) ) t_{max} = \frac{\tau \tau_s}{\tau -\tau_s}\left( \ln \frac{\tau}{\tau_s} + \ln \frac{\sum\omega_i\exp(\frac{t_i}{\tau})}{\sum\omega_i\exp(\frac{t_i}{\tau_s})}\right) tmax=ττsττs(lnτsτ+lnωiexp(τsti)ωiexp(τti))


def adapt_weights(self, spike_times, target, learning_rate):
		tmax = self.compute_tmax(spike_times)
    vmax = self.compute_membrane_potential(tmax, spike_times)
    if (vmax >= self.threshold) == target:
		dw = self.dw(learning_rate, tmax, spike_times)
    if target is True:
        self.efficacies += dw
        self.efficacies -= dw

def dw(self, learning_rate, tmax, spike_times):
    spike_contribs = self.compute_spike_contributions(tmax, spike_times)
		update = learning_rate * spike_contribs
		return update

def compute_tmax(self, spike_times):
		spikes_chron = [(time, synapse) for synapse in xrange(len(spike_times)) for time in spike_times[synapse]]
    spikes = [(s[0], self.efficacies[s[1]]) for s in spikes_chron]
    times = np.array([spike[0] for spike in spikes])
    weights = np.array([spike[1] for spike in spikes])

    sum_tau = (weights*np.exp(times/self.tau)).cumsum()
    sum_tau_s = (weights*np.exp(times/self.tau_s)).cumsum()

    div = sum_tau_s/sum_tau
    boundary_cases = div < 0
    div[boundary_cases] = 10

    tmax_list = self.tau*self.tau_s*(self.log_tts + np.log(div))/(self.tau - self.tau_s)
    tmax_list[boundary_cases] = times[boundary_cases]

    vmax_list = np.array([self.compute_membrane_potential(t, spike_times) for t in tmax_list])

    tmax = tmax_list[vmax_list.argmax()]
    return tmax


知乎Jay Wang的启发,想到了Tempotron的容量其实不大,不能使用大规模的训练集进行训练,除非有非常高效的编码方法,因为作者提到,Tempotron的类别信息不是嵌入在脉冲数和单个神经元的脉冲时序中,而是在同步性之中。当样本数量增多后,同类输入的产生的输出也会有很大差异。


  • 附:最大模电势时刻推导

  • 这里将一个神经元的多个脉冲理解成多个相同权重的神经元分别发放一个脉冲,从而使得膜电势计算公式有如下变化
    V ( t ) = ∑ ω i ∑ t i V 0 ( exp ⁡ ( − t − t i τ s ) − exp ⁡ ( − t − t i τ ) )    ⟹    V ( t ) = V 0 ∑ ω i ( exp ⁡ ( − t − t i τ s ) − exp ⁡ ( − t − t i τ ) ) V(t) = \sum \omega_i \sum \limits _{t_i}V_0\left(\exp(-\frac{t-t_i}{\tau_s})-\exp(-\frac{t-t_i}{\tau})\right)\\ \implies V(t) = V_0 \sum \omega_i \left(\exp(-\frac{t-t_i}{\tau_s})-\exp(-\frac{t-t_i}{\tau})\right) V(t)=ωitiV0(exp(τstti)exp(τtti))V(t)=V0ωi(exp(τstti)exp(τtti))最大膜电势时刻其导数为0
    V ′ ( t ) = V 0 ∑ ω i ( 1 τ s exp ⁡ ( − t − t i τ s ) − 1 τ exp ⁡ ( − t − t i τ ) ) = 0    ⟹    1 τ s ∑ ω i exp ⁡ ( t i τ s ) exp ⁡ ( − t m a x τ s ) = 1 τ ∑ ω i exp ⁡ ( t i τ ) exp ⁡ ( − t m a x τ )    ⟹    exp ⁡ ( − t m a x τ s ) 1 τ s ∑ ω i exp ⁡ ( t i τ s ) = exp ⁡ ( − t m a x τ ) 1 τ ∑ ω i exp ⁡ ( t i τ )    ⟹    − t m a x τ s + ln ⁡ 1 τ s + ln ⁡ ∑ ω i exp ⁡ ( t i τ s ) = − t m a x τ + ln ⁡ 1 τ + ln ⁡ ∑ ω i exp ⁡ ( t i τ )    ⟹    τ − τ s τ τ s t m a x = ln ⁡ τ τ s + ln ⁡ ∑ ω i exp ⁡ ( t i τ s ) ∑ ω i exp ⁡ ( t i τ )    ⟹    t m a x = τ τ s τ − τ s ( ln ⁡ τ τ s + ln ⁡ ∑ ω i exp ⁡ ( t i τ s ) ∑ ω i exp ⁡ ( t i τ ) ) V^{\prime}(t) = V_0 \sum \omega_i \left( \frac{1}{\tau_s}\exp(-\frac{t-t_i}{\tau_s})-\frac{1}{\tau}\exp(-\frac{t-t_i}{\tau})\right) = 0\\ \implies \frac{1}{\tau_s}\sum \omega_i\exp(\frac{t_i}{\tau_s})\exp(-\frac{t_{max}}{\tau_s})=\frac{1}{\tau}\sum \omega_i\exp(\frac{t_i}{\tau})\exp(-\frac{t_{max}}{\tau})\\ \implies \exp(-\frac{t_{max}}{\tau_s}) \frac{1}{\tau_s}\sum \omega_i\exp(\frac{t_i}{\tau_s})=\exp(-\frac{t_{max}}{\tau})\frac{1}{\tau}\sum \omega_i\exp(\frac{t_i}{\tau})\\ \implies -\frac{t_{max}}{\tau_s} +\ln\frac{1}{\tau_s}+\ln\sum \omega_i\exp(\frac{t_i}{\tau_s})=-\frac{t_{max}}{\tau}+\ln\frac{1}{\tau}+\ln\sum \omega_i\exp(\frac{t_i}{\tau})\\ \implies \frac{\tau-\tau_s}{\tau \tau_s}t_{max} = \ln \frac{\tau}{\tau_s}+ \ln \frac{\sum\omega_i\exp(\frac{t_i}{\tau_s})}{\sum\omega_i\exp(\frac{t_i}{\tau})} \\ \implies t_{max} = \frac{\tau \tau_s}{\tau -\tau_s}\left( \ln \frac{\tau}{\tau_s} + \ln \frac{\sum\omega_i\exp(\frac{t_i}{\tau_s})}{\sum\omega_i\exp(\frac{t_i}{\tau})}\right) V(t)=V0ωi(τs1exp(τstti)τ1exp(τtti))=0τs1ωiexp(τsti)exp(τstmax)=τ1ωiexp(τti)exp(τtmax)exp(τstmax)τs1ωiexp(τsti)=exp(τtmax)τ1ωiexp(τti)τstmax+lnτs1+lnωiexp(τsti)=τtmax+lnτ1+lnωiexp(τti)ττsττstmax=lnτsτ+lnωiexp(τti)ωiexp(τsti)tmax=ττsττs(lnτsτ+lnωiexp(τti)ωiexp(τsti))
    ∑ ω i exp ⁡ ( t i τ s ) ∑ ω i exp ⁡ ( t i τ ) \frac{\sum\omega_i\exp(\frac{t_i}{\tau_s})}{\sum\omega_i\exp(\frac{t_i}{\tau})} ωiexp(τti)ωiexp(τsti)是不能小于等于0的,不然 t m a x t_{max} tmax便不会存在,当出现小于0的情况时,手动设置其比值为10。


[1] The tempotron: a neuron that learns spike timing–based decisions

[2] Python代码:dieuwkehupkes/Tempotron

[3] Matlab代码:laurence-lin/tempotron
[4] SNN-Tempotron

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好的,以下是一个简单的Spike Response Model (SRM)的Matlab实现代码: ``` % SRM model parameters tau_m = 10; % Membrane time constant (ms) theta = -50; % Membrane threshold (mV) tau_s = 2; % Synaptic time constant (ms) w = 1; % Synaptic weight % Simulation parameters dt = 0.1; % Time step (ms) T = 1000; % Simulation time (ms) t = 0:dt:T; % Time vector % Input spike train spikes = zeros(size(t)); spikes(1:100:end) = 1; % Membrane potential and spike train v = zeros(size(t)); spike_train = zeros(size(t)); % Simulation loop for i = 2:length(t) dvdt = (-v(i-1) + w*spikes(i-1))/tau_m; v(i) = v(i-1) + dt*dvdt; if v(i) > theta spike_train(i) = 1; v(i) = 0; end end % Plot results figure; subplot(2,1,1); plot(t, spikes); title('Input spike train'); xlabel('Time (ms)'); ylabel('Spike train'); subplot(2,1,2); plot(t, spike_train); title('Output spike train'); xlabel('Time (ms)'); ylabel('Spike train'); ``` 在上面的代码中,我们首先设置了SRM模型的参数,包括膜时间常数tau_m、膜阈值theta、突触时间常数tau_s和突触权重w。然后,我们设置了模拟的参数,包括时间步长dt、模拟时间T和时间向量t。接下来,我们创建了一个输入脉冲列spikes。我们使用一个简单的方法,在每100个时间步长之间设置一个脉冲,以模拟一个周期为100ms的输入信号。然后,我们使用模拟循环来计算SRM模型的膜电位v和输出脉冲列spike_train。如果膜电位v超过了阈值theta,我们就会发射一个脉冲,并将膜电位v重置为0。最后,我们绘制了输入脉冲列和输出脉冲列。 希望这个代码能够帮助你更好地理解SRM模型。


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