[英语精学]---[A-Talk] 美丽又实用的物理学 (一):27minutes to end(35minutes)

美丽又实用的物理学-专访耶鲁大学著名物理学家Ramamurti Shankar博士 (一):27minutes to end(35minutes)


don’t accept things without question

if you don’t learn to question everything constantly, you maybe a student , but you’ll never do research.

for example, AI is a very hot subject, a very lively subject , we learn it’s algorithm,
for example , deep learn algorithm, why it must the algorighm, what’s the really
meaning of the algorithm? we shouldn’t just accept it without question

Make sure you like the subject
There’s no point in doing something if you don’t like it, make sure you like it ,it won’t be hard.

Try to learn a lot of other things.
because very often the most interesting thing lies in the intersection of two areas.
Try to get an office with people from another groups
they will tell you a problem they cannot solve,
but you will say: wait a minute, we have seen something like that in my filed.


When you say you have a theory, it doesn’t means you woke up and dream about something.
Theory is very responsible way to speculate what will happen.
it got consequences, it can be tested, if you cannot test it , it’s not a theory.



27minutes to end(35 minutes):

Host: Are there any other words you’d like to say to your students,actually millions of students that you may not have met them before.?
Prof. Shankar: 你好,谢谢!
Host: Haha,excellent, And also are there any way,how would you like to encourage, encourage them to study physics,to get invole in physics?

get invole in
invole in 使参与[陷入,牵扯到]

Prof Shankar: I would say, yes,physics is like any subject,it requires a lot of work . If you are not ready for the work, do something else.
but second thing, be your own cirtic,
don’t fool yourself into thinking you understood something when you didn’t .

don’t fool yourself into thinking 不要愚弄自己
you understood something when you didn’t 当你不知道的时候,你明白了

Don’t stop because sometimes,when you’re doing a research, something doesn’t make sense, doesn’t make sense because it is wrong. It’s not your fault.

make sense 有意义,行得通

But if you don’t learn to question everything constantly, just accept everything , you maybe a student and you’ll never do research.全盘接受,那你可能只是个学生,做不了研究
If it’s right , eventually, it will make sense to you. 如果是对的,最终,对你而言还是有意义的。
so don’t accept things without questioning.
then talk physics with your friends ,It’s ok, you don’t have to do everything alone , 多和朋友讨论,没必要单独研究。

it’s OK, don’t have to do everything alone 没必要单独研究

it’s a collaborative effort, you’ll learn better when you talk to people. 努力合作,与人交流你会学到更多。
If you look at collect in Geneva, large head-wrong collect, there are 2000 people working on a project , so it’s ok 5 people work on a project. You’ll learn a lot while discussing physics or anything with your friends.
I would say these are the three things to become a good physicist. 这是成为优秀物理学家我提出的三条建议。
and finally make sure you like the subject(学科), there’s no point (没有意义)in doing something if you don’t like it .Make sure you like it . it won’t be hard.那就不难了。

there’s no point in doing something. 做某事情没有意义
it won’t be hard. 那就不难了。

Host: Very good,very good. Even though if you don’t want to become a physicist like you mentioned previously,(就像你前面提到的那样),there’s always something you can use the knowledge from the physics, you study can help you.

like you mentioned previously, 就像你前面提到的那样

Prof. Shankar : Yes, we all learn things which are not in our field ,right, I learned about the sales,because in some sense(在某种程度上,在某种意义上) that affects my life, So physics will affact your life,

in some sense 在某种程度上

Be aware of it ,(要注意), Even if you don’t become a physicist, when you do physics, you learn a few things which are important.

Even if you don’t become a physicist, when you do physics, 即使在学物理的时候你并不打算做物理学家
you learn a few things which are important. 你还是会学到一些重要的东西

you learn how to make responsible predictions, 你会学到如何做出负责任的预测
When you say you have a theory, doesn’t mean you woke up and dream about something. 并不意味着凭空而来

you woke up and dream about something. 凭空而来

Theory is very responsible way to speculate what will happen. 理论是以非常负责任的方式来推测会发生什么

speculate/ˈspɛkjəˌlet/ 思索,推测

It got consequences , It can be tested. If you cannot test it , it’s not a theory. 它所产生的后果,可以被测试,如果不能被测试,它就不是理论了。

If you test it and doesn’t work , you have to be ready to give it up. 如果你测试了,它不可行,你最好是放弃。

it doesn’t work 不可行
it works 可行
you have to be ready 你最好还是…

If it works , even your oppenent have to accept that you are right . 如果可行,即使你的对手也要承认:你是对的。

so these are aspects of scientific thinking that many people do not know. 这就是很多人不知道的科学思维方式

these are aspects of scientific thinking 这些是科学思维方式

They say well, I talked to this physicist, he believed that, the other physicist says no, the opposite is ture , (另一位认为不对,事实正好相反)

They are believing nobody knows what’s going on, That’s not true. (他们认为没人知道到底怎样),那是不对的。

nobody knows what’s going on 没人知道到底怎样
what’s going on 到底怎样

In any living subject (在任何现有的学科中) that would be piteous when there’s not clear who’s right. 难分孰对孰错是可悲的。

living subject 现有的学科中
piteous 可悲的
when there’s 当有….
not clear 不清,不明
when there’s not clear who’s right 当有谁是正确分不清的时候=难分孰对孰错

It’s not because anybody is lying.并不是因为有人在说谎
because it takes a while to figure out who is right. 而是搞清楚真相需要花时间。

takes a while 需要花一些时间
to figure out who is right 搞清楚谁是对的

When you are at a subject where you can actually establish who is right to everybody’s satisfaction 当你在某个学科时可以说谁是对的,这样大家都满意
That’s not like many other things in life , many other things , some people would say it’s good, some people would say it’s bad. 这不像生活中其他事情,生活中的一些事情,有些人说它好,有些人说不好。
They can argue, they’ll say “let’s agree to disagree”, 他们可以争辩,他们会说“ 要么保留各自意见,接受分歧 ”。

agree to disagree 保留意见,接受分歧。

In physics ,you cannot agree to disagree(你不能接受分歧), there’s only one answer
and in the end, everybody has to agree. That ‘s what I like about physics.

Host: wow, in your opinion, do you , what do you expect that’s gonna happen in the development of physics in the future.?

Prof. Shankat: Yup, the physics is evolving a lot. (物理学现在发展很快)
by hitting gluons and electrons harder and harder. (通过电子间更猛烈的撞击)

gluons 胶子

force them to have energies.(迫使他们产生能量) , There I think we have risk the limit now,

risk the limit now 已经达到风险极限

I think large collect is about (to have) the most powerful machine (我认为大型收益器将会有更强的动力)

be about to 是指将要发生某事。是指可以预见的,并且确定要发生的.
eg. She is about to have a baby in 8 month.

I expect to see it in the next 20 years ,maybe they’s build somthing more
But particle physics is very relevant in other areas like astrophysics

for example , in the early universe(早期的宇宙) you have much much more engery than you can ever(你永远无法) produce to machine. (你永远也无法在机器上生产出来)

A new particles is up here (有一个新的粒子在这边), Strings maybe relevent, strings may not be relevant in daily life.(弦论可能和宇宙有关,可能和日常生活没太大关系) . or even collector the can be relevant in early universe (可能收集器和早期宇宙也有关联)。

so ,if you look at particle physics in that way, very relevant is other areas.(如果你以这种方式看待粒子物理,那就和很多领域相关)

Now I work in condensed matter physics,(现在我从事凝聚态物理的研究),super conductors , semi-conductors and so on,
there’s a very different kind of challenge.

in particle physics, you don’t know what are the fundamental particles .(在粒子物理学中,你不知道什么是基本粒子)
you don’t know what forces are between them
(你不知道他们中间有什么力量) And that’s when you finally discover(这就是你最后发现的)

In my new field, like superconductors , everyone knows(而我的新领域,像是超导体,人人 都知道), who the main actors are , electrons, Everyone knows(主要是电子的活力)
the forces between electrons even by watching called coloums laws (电子之间的力,看看排列定律就行了)。So we know the laws, we know the particles, what’s there to do ? (所以我们知道定律,我们知道粒子有什么可做的?)
What happens is if you got two particles, you can figure out everything , (问题是如果只是两颗粒子,你能弄清所有东西)

if you got two particles 如果只是两颗粒子

If you got million,million,million particles, they will do something you cannot simply guess given the basic laws.

they will do something you cannot simply guess (from the) given the basic laws . 你就不能从已知的基本定律中简单地想象

They will do something very surprising cos when you put a large number of particles, because of the largeness(因为这个数量很庞大)
there’s an unexpected quality to what they do(它会产生你意想不到的结果)

there’s an unexpected quality to what they do 有一种出乎意料的性质对他们所做的的事情

so super conductor was a big mystery. Why is a material has not residence(为什么某种材料不存在了) when you cool it below some temperature (当你冷却到一定温度时). it was unknown for 50 years, 50 years is a long time in physics.
Ball tried to solve it , Fineman tried to solve it nobody could figure it out what it was. (没人能解决得了).
Then Berlin, Cooper and Treefur, they figured out what it is (然后Berlin,Cooper 和Treefur,他们弄清楚了)
it is all standard physics , you still couldn’t figure out why given those laws, (都是标准物理学,你还是不能理解,为什么考虑这些定律后)
this was the implication (得出这样的结论)

this was the implication 这就是寓意

For example , given the laws of physics, I can tell you how a cell will work. given our cell will work, in principle, I can tell you how you will work, (举例来说,已知物理学原理,我们就知道细胞是如何运作的,知道细胞是如何运作的,从原理上来说,就能得出你人体是如何运作的)
but I don’t claim to know I can figure out how you are thinking (我不是想宣称,我能知道你的所思所想) just because I know the laws of physics because there are many steps you gotta go through(因为我知道物理定律,因为确实要经过很多步骤) and if you add very simple laws(如果你把很简单的定律) (to) the complexity of the phenomena , they are unexpected things (添加到复杂的现象里,就会有难以想象的事情)

gonna (非正式用语informal english)确实,将要(going to),正式用语不用gonna,必须用going to

so, that’s the area where physics will never go out of style (这就是物理学永远不会过时的地方)

that’s the area where 这就是…的地方/…的方面
that’s the area where phyiscs will never go out of style. 这就是物理学永远不会过时的地方

Finally astrophysics is in a very interesting stage now,(最后,天体物理学也处于一个非常有趣的阶段)

stage 阶段

Astrophysics used to be a subject where not much is happening (天体物理学曾经是一个没有太大发展的课题)

used to be 曾经是一个…
not much is happening 没有太大发展
a subject where not much is happening 一个没有太大发展的课题

now it’s very vibrant, surpprisely expansion of the universe
(现在很活跃,急速扩张的宇宙 )

vibrate vt .振动,摆动
vibrant adj , 振动的,响亮的,充满生机的
it’s very vibrant 它很活跃

expansion of certain stages that have been discovered. (已经发现的某些阶段扩张(很惊人))

stages 阶段
that have been discovered 已经发现的

what’s behind it? Should you modify Enstain’s equation or not ? (这背后是什么呢?要不要修改爱因斯坦的方程式呢?)
that’s a big mystery 这是一个大谜团

There are particles that do predose which are hard to see in daily life (初始的粒子在日常生活中很难看见)

predose 初始剂量,预剂量
do predose 前剂量

but they can play a very big role in astrophysics (但他们可以在天体物理学中发挥很大的作用)

play a very big role 发挥很大作用,扮演很重要的角色

so, it’s a very lively field (所以,这是一个非常活跃的领域)

lively field = vibrant field
field 领域
stage 阶段

I don’t think we’re going to run out of questions in the near future. (我不认为我们的问题在不久的将来会问完=我们在不久的奖励会遇到无穷无尽的问题)

run out of (用完,耗尽)

Host: Excellent , I can predict there’s gonna be more amazing things happen in the field of physics (很好,我可以预测在未来,在那个领域会有很大惊人的发现)
Prof. Shankar: Absolutely yes, if people think it is over, they are not thinking straight (绝对是的,如果人们认为它已经完了,他们不是条理性思维=那是不明智的)

straight adj,adv 笔直地
thinking straight 条理性思维

Host: and also we encourage the youngsters(同样我们也会鼓励年轻人), more youngsters who are interested in physics get involved in this field(更多对物理感兴趣的年轻人,投身到物理学领域中) .

involve in 使参与[陷入,牵扯到]
get involved in this field 投身到这个领域中
field n. 领域 = area

Prof. Shankar: Yes, I would say one more thing, if they go to graduate school (是的,我还要再说一点,如果他们要去读研)

graduate <美>毕业生
graduate student 研究生
graduate school 研究生院
go to graduate school 去读研

don’t jump in your area of research too early (不要太早确定你的研究领域)

jump in 投入
area n. 领域 = field
area of research 研究领域
don’t jump in your area of research too early 不要太早确定你的研究领域

don’t think you know what you want to do, you don’t (不要以为你知道你想做什么,你不知道)

don’t think 不要以为…

Try to learn a lot of other things cos very often the most interesting thing(尝试学习大量其他东西,因为往往最有趣的事情)

try to learn 尝试学习
very often 往往
most interesting thing 最有趣的事情

lies in the intersection of two areas. (出现在两个领域的结合处)

areas = fields 领域
intersection 结合部位
lies in 存在于

only a person who konws tow areas can solve that problem. (只有通晓两个领域的人才能解决这个问题)

Host: you cannot restrain yourself into one area(你不能把自己限制在一个领域?)

restrain 限制
restrain yourself into 把你自己限制在..

Prof. Shankar: No , you cannot, (对的,你不能(限制)) ,
you will get a job (你会找到一份工作)

get a job 找到一份工作

you will make a living , but you will get tired after a while . (你可以养活自己,但是你用不了多久就会厌倦)

make a living 谋生,赚钱过活,养家糊口
get tired 疲倦
after a while 用不了多久,不久,一会儿,

This way , if you go to a conference or a seminar (这样,你可以取参加会议,参加研讨会)

seminar 研讨会

listen to what other people are saying (听听别人是怎么说的)

listen to what other people are saying 听听别人是怎么说的

The graduate students try to get an office with people from another groups (研究生可以尝试和其他团体的人一起讨论)

Talk to everybody because then you will learn different ways of thinking(与他们交谈,你会学到不同的思考角度)

They will tell you a problem they cannot solve.
but you say “wait a minute, we have seen something like that in my field.” (你会说,等等,在我的专业里好像有类似问题)

wait a minute 等等,等一会
we have seen something like that 我们见到过类似这样的问题
in my field = in my area 在我的专业(领域),

Then you collaborate and figure it out(你们通力合作,解决了这个问题)
That’s the fun part. (这就是乐趣所在)

that’s the fun part 这就是乐趣所在

Host: Good ,very good ,very interesting, it’s like there are some notion. (很好,非常有趣,有种观念)

it’s like 它就像
notion 观念,概率,意见(note n.vt. 笔记,记录)
there are some notion 有一些观念,有一些概念

old notion is like physics can be boring but after talking to you
I’ll say physics is very lively and interesting.(我要说,物理也非常有活力,也很有趣) and very practical and useful (很有实践意义,也很有用)

lively adj.adv = vibrant adj, adv (vibrate v) 活跃的,有活力的,

Prof. Shankar: yes ,it’s both , useful and beautiful (是的,既有用又美妙)

Host: Excellent ,excellent, yup. Thank you so much for talking the interview,
it’s a real pleasure to have you here.

Prof. Shankar : i’m very happy to be in China

Host : Let’s say goodbye to the audience together, shall we? (让我们一起向观众说再见吧)
Prof Shankar: Goodbye audience

Host: Please continue to follow our program



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