[英语精学]---[A-Talk] 美丽又实用的物理学 (二):18minutes to 27minutes


Prof Shankar: And in term of teaching ,teaching was not priority at Harvard, but I found at Yale,it’s always priority from begining, but things have changed like Aric Mariu is here, hs is from Harvard, he has spent so much years thinking about teaching

Host: Where , where did the pressure come from ?
Are there any other words you ‘d like to say to the students, actually millions of students that you may not have met them before.
And also are there any way , how would you like to encourage , encourage them to study physics , to get involved in physics ?


Host: wow, wow, that really makes me even more interested in physics now.

Prof. Shankar: Well, I will see you in my classroom next year.

Host: I’m looking forward to it.
Excellent,excellent, And also a .. you also wrote textbooks right? which are of the same names as the courses?

Prof. Shankar: Oh,yes, After I finished these lectures, I thought I was done.(我还以为结束了)

I thought I was 我还以为我….
done. …(事情已经做完)
I thought I was done 我还以为我做完了(结束了)

The person who’s very instrumental , her name is professor Diana Clami Claminer,

instrumental : the person or thing is one of the most important influences in causing it to happen. 最有帮助的,最起作用的
instrumental music 乐器

She said why don’t you write a book based on these lectures. Because when you talk in the movie,sometimes,the handwriting is not clear, sometimes you don’t say it right, then you cut it yourself(自己会卡壳).

cut it 停止,卡壳
you cut it yourself 你自己会卡壳

Then you go back and change it, she said how about a book in which everything is presented clearly, and equations are written legibly.

legible /ˈledʒ.ə.bəl/ : legible writing or print can be read easily. (笔迹)清晰的,易读的
e.g. Her handwriting is barely legible . 她写的字几乎无法辨认。
barely : by the smallest amount . 刚刚好,差一点就不到。= just only

Then you also think more and write everything more accurately. why don’t you do that ?
They have the transcripts of all my lectures, they gave me the transcripts

transcript : an exact written copy of something . 文字记录,抄本 .

so i tried to write the book as still i’m talking to you. the way I was talking to my class (我上课的时候也是这样)

So, it’s based on the transcripts, I always talk about me as me and you as you ( 所以这都是基于手抄本,我就像在上课,你是课上的学生)

So that we’re still having the same conversation . (就像我们进行着这样的谈话)

in the book that we had in the classroom.(看书的感觉和上我的课时的感受一样)

and I’ve written 4 books, I think I had the greatest pleasure writing these two books (我觉得写这两本书给我带来了最大的愉悦)

Because here I relive my teaching experience (因为这里我重温了我的教学经验) and the others are sitting and writting equations (其他的则是坐下来写方程式)

relive verb. to remember clearly an experience that happened in the past 重温,回味

Here’s like doing it one more time with the class. (就像是在课堂上再做一次一样)

Host: So they do one more time, or do the online study first, then read your books.

Prof. Shankar: that will really help them better understand the whole course. (这样可以更好地帮助学生了解整个课程)

Host: Very good. and how , in your opinion,
what make your books different from other books of physics?

Prof. Shankar: My , one of the reasons was physics book at least in America is getting very expensive, they would cost about 200 dollars for the two parts. (像这样的两册要花费200美元)

So, my books, each one is sold for 20 to 25 dollars at Amazon and I like that when Yale press said we can produce it for 25 bucks.( 我很喜欢耶鲁印刷的时候跟我说我们可以只卖20美元).

bucks: ( informal ) a dollar

I said good , What’s the use of writing a book that people cannot afford to buy ( 写一本人们买不起的书有什么用呢?)

What’s the use of …. 干…有什么用呢?
people cannot afford to buy 人们买不起
afford /əˈfɔːd/ : can afford . : to be able to buy .买得起,有时间做,能做

Secondly, you can actually lift my book with one hand. (你可以轻易用一只手举起我的书)
it is very light, And it’s in two parts (很轻,而且是分两部分的)

it is very light 很轻
it’s in two parts 是分两部分

so you take the first part in our backpack for one semester. (所以你可以在背包里第一学期放第一本书) . second one ,second part(第二学期放第二本书)

backpack : a large bag used to carry things on your back. 背包,旅行包
semester /sɪˈmes.tər/ . (大学的) 学期

I drew all the drawings myself(所有的图都是我画的)
so that the cost of production is not very high

Host: wow, you put lots of energies and efforts in writing these two books. (哇,对这两本书您真是花了很多心力)

Prof Shankar: I think what really happend was the big books are very good (我认为真实情况是:大部头的书固然很好)

what really happend was 真实情况是

they have a lot of information, they have a lot of pictures, but sometimes ,in the class, you have to throw away a lot of this stuff, you cannot cover all the materials

so you have to cut down from that size to that size and then I said “why not write a book of that size from the beginning” , so that everything there is absolutely essential (这里面所有的东西都是绝对必须的).

just go to the basic idea and ask yourself this chapter, this big , if I’ve only 30 minutes, what will I say that will convey the main ideas, (如果只有30分钟,要说些什么能涵盖主旨), then you just put that in your book . I think that was my attitude in teaching , that’s my attitude in writing the book .

Host : very good , cut (to) the chase, go to the essentials , the basics, (很好,直奔精髓和主题)

chase/tʃeɪs/ vt. 追求,追捕 . n. 猎物
cut to the chase 直入主题 , = go to the essentials , the basics

Prof. Shanker: : Get to the point and then take your time to elaborate on the point (抓住要点,然后花时间详细说明这一点), You’ll fhind that there’s enough time.

elaborate /ɪˈlæbərət/ vi.详尽说明
vt. adj.
get to the point and then take your time to elaborate on the point.

Sometimes, when I first started teaching the course, I modfied it because previously, it was for three semesters. (我会做一些修改,因为之前都是三个学期讲完)

previously, it was for three semesters. 之前都是三个学期讲完.
for three semesters=安排三个学期的时间
previously 以前

not two, and yet it did not have relativity, it did not have quantum mechanics . (而不是两个,并且,不包括相对论和量子力学 ) these were the two big revelations from the last century.(这两个上世纪最重要的物理学启示) they were not in the course because they said “we don’t have time”. (他们没有出现在课程里面,因为他们说时间不够)

they were not in the courses 他们没有出现在课程里面
we don’t have time 我们没时间

so then I worked with my colleagues and I decided we will teach it in two semesters and we’ll also do relativity and quantum mechanics
(并且我们也要教relativity and quantum mechanics), so that’s one of the features of book which is in there.

Host: Excellent, so they’re really encouraging. the users or out audience yep to get a chance to read your book. And also it’s a good combination to read your books and also learn your course online at Netease Online Open Courses, that will be super beneficial to them.

Prof. Shankar: yup , I think each has its own advangages. (每个都有它各自的优点)

Host: Excellent, excellent, can you tell us about your personal experience? (个人经历)

personal experience 个人经历

like you are, you have been teaching at Yale for 40 years, that shows how dedicated you are (这显示出您是多么的敬业) in teaching and you know in the field of physics , can you tell us when and how did you first have your interest in physics? (您能告诉我们最初是如何对物理学产生兴趣的吗?)

Prof . Shankar: An,so I grew up in India and when I was 16 or 17, I took an entrance examination to which called Indian Institute of technology, (我参加了IIT的入学考试) , very famous institutions which used to be five of them, (曾经是五所非常著名的学校)
it tooks only 200 people in each institution from the entire country.(每个学院在全印度招生人数只有200人) , so you have to study, study, and study like you do here for the exam (就像你们这参加高考一样)

entire country 全国
it tooks only 200 people in each institution 它只招生200名学生每个学院
like you do here for the exam 就像你们这高考一样

But if you get in(一旦你考入) , you are set for life(你的生活就有了保障),guaranteed job, guaranteed income, so I did that and I became studying electrical engineering.

if you get in 一旦你考入
you are set for life,你的生活就有了保障
so I did that ,所以(我考入了)

I never thought about whether I like it or not 我从来没想过自己是否喜欢

I never thought about 我从来没想过

I just did it because I was an obedient son and a good student I studied whatever they told me . 我这么做仅仅是因为我是一个听话的儿子,一个好学生。他们说什么我就学什么。

obedient adj. willing to do what you have been told to do by someone in authority 听话的
I did it just because …. 我这么做仅仅是因为
I studied whatever they told me 他们说什么我就学什么
I did whatever they told me. 他们说什么我就做什么

But in my second year, my brother who was teaching at Colony University, sent me two volumes of lectures by Richard Fineman, Fineman’s a great inspiring physicist and a lecturer

Colony n. a country or area controlled politically by a more powerful country that is often far away: Australia and New Zealand are former British colonies.

so I started reading those books just for fun and somehow, something happened in the middle of the book.

somehow , something happened 不知不觉地,产生了潜移默化的影响

then I said “this is what I want to do in life”.

this is what I want to do in life 这才是我想要做的事。

so I told my father I wanted to stop being an engineer. I wanted to be a physicist.

I wanted to stop being an engineer. 我不想做工程师了
I wanted to be a physicist 我想做物理学家

He said “look, why don’t you be more careful,
get degree in engineering when you’d get a job , if you still like physics you come back to tell me and I will support you.

look , why don’t you be more careful 你为什么不再仔细考虑一下呢?
get a job 找份工作
get degree in engineering when you’d get a job. 先得到工程学位,然后再找份工作
if you still like physics 如果你还是喜欢物理学
you come back to tell me 再来跟我说

So then I learned all the topics by myself and with the help of a friend, then I wrote the Graduate Record Exam , GRE, so in those days ,GRE was very important ,

then I wrote the Graduate Record Exam ,GRE, 然后接着参加了GRE的考试

If you did well , you got admitted to a lot of places, Berkley admitted me.

if you did well 如果你考得好
admit 录取
get admit 被录取
you got admitted to a lot of places 很多地方都会要你
Berkley admitted me Berkley 录取了我.

And I went there and I said ” I’m tired of engineering, I want to do the kind of physics that’s absolutely no use.

I’m tired of engineering 我厌倦了工程学
the kind of physics that’s absolutely no use 那些完全没有用的物理学

what is the most useless part of physics?
they said ” it got to be the elementary part of physics. it has nothing to do with the read world”

the part of … … 的那部分…
got to be 口语表达, = should be
elementary = basic or simple or easy
has nothing to do with 和…没有关系

That’s what I changed, I studied elementary part of physics, I got my PHD in that field. Very different from engineering, and then I went to Harvard for 3 years when I was in a something called “society of fellows” gathering of most our fellows.

I got my PHD in that field 我获得了那个领域的博士学位
very different from engineering 和工程学完全不同
fellows 老乡
society of fellows 同乡会
I was in a something called “society of fellows” 我加入了一个同乡会

Host: so you also worked at Harvard

Prof. Shankar: No, it was after PHD. They let you do whatever you want for 3 years and they select about 8 people every year and you have to do nothing, you can do what you like and then I went to Yale, then I just never left.

do whatever you want 做你想做的,随心所欲
you have to do nothing 你什么都不用做
you can do what you like 你可以做你喜欢做的

Host: I see, you finally found your like destination ,your place

you finally found your like destination, your place. 你最终找到了你的目标,你的归宿

Prof. Shankar: Yes, Absolutely!, That is where I was mean to be.

That is where I was mean to be 这是我命中注定的地方

Host: Also Harvard and Yale, they are two most prestigious universities in the world . you were at them, you have worked at both places.

have worked at both place 两个地方都干过

Prof. Shankar: yes, I mean they are rivals , but I respect them.

rivals n. a person , group, etc . competing with others for the same thing or in the same area;

Host: Really? They think they are rivals?

Prof Shanker: yup, of course , they are always competing, compete in everything , science, football, whatever you like, but you can repect your competition . I respect the people in Harvard . First of all, they gave me three years at their own institution , which help me a lot in my career .

you can repect your competition 你会尊重你的竞争对手
I respect the people in Harvard 我尊敬在Harvard 的人
they gave me three years 他们给了我三年的时光
at their own instition 在他们的(机构)学院里

I just happen not to work there , but to work at Yale. but I would sent my good student there If I wanted to , if they were good , I would sent them there .

I just happen 我只是
I just happen not to 我只是没用
I just happen not to work there , 我只是没在那里工作
but to 而是
but to work at Yae 而是在耶鲁工作
but I would sent my good student there 但是我会把我的好学生送到那儿
if they were good , I would sent them there . 如果他们够优秀,我会把他们送去那里

Host: so the competition is really good to help them get better.

get better 变得更加优秀
help them get better 帮助他们变得更加优秀

Prof. Shankar: Yup, I think so, we get our students , faculty from there . we try to send them there, so we respect each other.

faculty /ˈfæk.əl.t̬i/ n. 全体教职员

Host : I see, my next question is also related to that, what are some differences have you found out , you know , working at Yale and working at Harvard

Prof Shankar: well, the differences as I saw it in my own life , they may not be universal differences, I found I was much more relaxed at Yale when I went to Yale, I felt a lot more pressure at Harvard. Yale, there’s less pressure, which is better for me.

feel pressure 觉得有压力
I felt a lot more pressure 我觉得压力更大
less pressure 压力小一些
which is better for me (这样)更加适合我

Host: where , where did the pressure come from ?

where did the pressure come from ? 压力从何而来?

Prof. Shankar: Just the need to prove your abilities constantly

just …. 就是….
just the need to … constantly 就是总是需要
prove your abilities 证明你的能力
just the need to prove your abilities constantly 就是总是需要不停证明自己的能力。

But Yale, I did not feel that pressure, for me , it’s better that way . sometime ,some people perform better when there’s pressure, some people perform better when there’s no pressure. For me , it is better under no pressure.

I did not feel that pressure 我没感到这种压力.
for me , it’s better that way . 对我来说,这种方式更好
for me, it is better under no pressure 对我来说,没有压力好些

And in terms of teaching, at those days at lease, teaching was not priority at Harvard, but I found at Yale. it’s always priority from the beginning . but things have changed like Eric. Mazur is here ,(但是事情已经变化了,就像Eric Mazur 这回也来参加A-Talk访谈). He is from Harvard , he’s spent so many years thinking about teaching , how to impove teaching, so I imagine things are very diffent now. when I first moved , this is one thing I noticed.

be not priority 没有优先权
teaching was not priority at Harvard 教学没有优先权在Harvard
imagine v. to form or have a mental picture or idea of something. 想象







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