[英语精学]---[A-Talk] 美丽又实用的物理学 (四):0minutes to 8minutes

Host: Hi, Mr. Shankar, welcome to Netease, welcome to A-Talk

Prof. Shankar: : I’m very very happy to be here

Host: It’s such a privilege to have you here,

Prof. Shankar: Well , not as much as a privilege for me to be here (好吧,还是我比较荣幸些) . because ever since I was a little boy, of course, I knew about China, I heard about the long history between the two countries. How Chinese Ambassadors WenChen and FuYang came into India , to exchange ideas and education. so I’m coming 1000 years later to do the same thing (所以1000年以后的我也做着同样的事情),

Host: It is kind of like a dream came true for you time time.(看起来就像是梦想成真啊)

Prof Shankar: Yes, every thing is amazing for me because I’ve imagined it (是的,一切都很棒,因为我曾想过) , and now I can actually see it .(现在我可以真实的看见这一切了) .

imagine /ɪˈmædʒɪn/ v . 想象,设想
now I can actually see it . 现在我可以真实的看见这一切了

And I’ve been travelling for two days since I came (我来了之后逛了两天) , saw the big attractions sometimes on my own. (自己看了一些大的景点) . I was telling you the things I like. (告诉你我喜欢的东西),Texis in BeiJing are the best. (北京的Texis最好)

I’ve been travelling for two days 逛了两天
attractions 景点
saw the big attractions on my own 自己看了一些大的景点

Host: Why? Why are they the best?

Prof Shankar:: Because you don’t have to argue with them (因为你不必和他们争吵), you don’t have to bargain with them. … then , it is also quite cheap (当然了,也很便宜)

you don’t have to … 你不必…., 你没必要….
bargain 讨价还价
you don’t have to bargain with them 你不必和他们讨价还价.
quite cheap 很便宜

Host: en ,reasonable price.

Prof Shankar:: Yup, and I like the bicycle system you have where you can pick up a bike and you ride somewhere and drop it out somewhere else, I like the system.

where you can pick up …. ride somewhere …. drop it out somewhere else
drop it out of 把它扔掉
drop it out somewhere else 把它扔到别的地方

Host: Yup, very convenient to ride a bicycle to do sightseeing in BeiJing (在北京骑自行车观光是很方便的)

Prof Shankar:: Yue, People are very helpful, because I got , my wife and I got lost in QingHua campus (我妻子和我在清华校园里迷路了), we did not even know where we lived and yet(我们甚至不知道自己住所的确切位置) , some young guy walked with us for 20 minutes and finally figured out where I lived and took us there

we did not even know 我们甚至不知道

Some young guy walked with us for 20 minutes and finally figured out where I lived and took us there. That’s my example of chinese hospitality (这真是中国人热情好客的典范啊)

finally figured it out 终于找到了
took us there 带我们到那里
hospitality /ˌhɒspɪˈtæləti/ , 殷勤好客

Host: you know , we are also quite curious about your teaching experience as you are teaching at Yale. Yale has been one of the most prestigious universities in the world. It is like a dreamplace many students would love to go to. can you tell us what it’s like teaching,working at Yale?

we are also quite cuirous about 我们也很好奇(很感兴趣) 对于…
prestigious: /prɛˈstidʒəs/ 受尊敬的,有声望的
distinguished: /dɪˈstɪŋgwɪʃt/ adj, 著名的,卓越的
It is a dreamplace many students would love to go to :无数学子梦寐以求:
what it is like …. (teaching, working at Yale ) 是怎样一种体验….?

Prof. Shankar: Yes, I’ve been at Yale for 40 years now. I came there at my late 20s, then I never left.

I’ve been at somewhere for … years now . 我已经在某地…年了
in one’s late 20s 20多岁(27~29)
in one’s early 20s 20多岁(21~23)
in one’s middle 20s 20多岁(24~26)
I came there at my … 我在我….年纪到了那里
she is in her mid 50s (她在她50多岁)

And I love the place, If you ask what I like, I like the students at Yale (我热爱那个地方,如果你要问我爱的是什么,我要说是Yale的学生) . They are very broad, interested in many different things (他们涉猎广泛,对很多事物都饶有兴趣)

broad /brɔd/ adj, 广泛的,宽阔的
many different things 很多事物
interested in many different things 对很多事物都饶有兴趣

I learn from them just as I teach them , very curious, and Yale university is very supportive of teaching

curious /ˈkjʊriəs/ 好奇的
just as 就好像
supportive adj 对…非常支持
supportive of
supportive of teaching 对教学非常支持

It is not true in all the place(并非所有地方都是这样), some place think teaching is a headache (有些地方把教学看做头痛的事), but Yale think teaching is a duty and a privilege (但Yale把教学看做是一种义务和特权)

It is not true in all the place 并非所有地方都是这样的
some place 有些地方
think something a headache 把某事看做头痛的事
duty n. 责任,义务
privilege n 特权,权益,特权荣幸

And If you are very famous and you say :I’m famous , I don’t want to teach(我是名人,我不想教学)”, they don’t accept that(Yale 是不会接受的), They will say if you are famous there is even more reason for you to be in the classroom in front of people. (如果你很有名气,你就更应该走进教室,站到人们面前)

there is even more reason for you 你就更应该
to be in the classroom 走入教室

So everybody at Yale has to teach and I like to teach (所以Yale每个人都必须教学,我喜欢教学), and when I first came to Yale, I was writting my first book on Quantum mechanics. a lot of places would say(很多地方会说) :”don’t write a book when you are young”

everybody at Yale has to … 在Yale的每个人都必须(不用in Yale,强调Yale,就用 at Yale)
when I first came(过去式) to Yale (came to :凡是回忆过去都用过去式)
I was(过去式) writting my first book on(关于…方面,用 on) Quantum mechanics(量子力学)
a lot of places(前面是a lot of ,所以places用复数) would say :很多地方会说

you know ,it is time to make your reputation and research(那是建立声望和做研究的大好时机) , but they encouraged me to write the book and they even financed the cost of typing of the book and producing it (甚至资助我的打印和生产成本)

finance n 金融,财政
vt. 为….提供资金
they even financed 他们甚至提供资金
the cost of typing of the book and producing it :打印和生产成本

And they value teaching(他们重视教学), if you are a good teacher, the chairman of the department knows you are a good teacher (如果你是一个好教师,系主任知道你是一个好老师的话), promotions are based to some extent on teaching (晋升在一定程度上取决于教学)

value 重视
they value(不是回忆具体事情,不用过去式) teaching 重视教学
promotions 晋升
be based on 取决于…
to some extent 在某种程度上
be based to some extent on … 在某种程度上取决于

I like the aspect of Yale (这方面我喜欢Yale) , so I always enjoy teaching, and I’m glad to be in a place that values teaching . (很高兴能在一个重视教学的地方工作)

aspect of …方面
I like the aspect of somebody/something 我喜欢某人/某事的这方面
bo be in a place that … 在一个….样的地方
I’m glad to be in a place that values teaching 很高兴能在一个重视教学的地方工作

Host: We all know that also the motto of Yale is , if it’s translated to English, it is called ” Light and Truth” (被称之为“光明和真理”), is that right? can you tell us how that is applied(体现) at Yale?

motto /ˈmɑ:toʊ/ 座右铭
applied 被应用,被体现

Prof. Shankar: oh.. that’s … you caught me by surprise (你让我大吃一惊). I haven’t thought about how it is applied (我还真的没想过是如何体现的呢)

caught /kɔt/ catch的过去式和过去分词
past simple and past participle(分词) of “catch”
I haven’t thought about 我还从来没想过….

When read the motto, I would say every education institution has to be about light and about truth. Light , so you don’t hide from anything ; truth , so you say it as it is.

has to be about 都必须是….
light, so you don’t hide from anything 光明,就是你不隐瞒什么
trugh, so you say as it is 真理,就是实事求是

It is critically important for academic people to have that freedom(学术界人士拥有这种自由至关重要) . The system of Tenure in American (在美国有一种终生制度) when you give a job called Tenure to a professor (你会得到一份称之为“终生教授”的工作), they can not fire you for saying anything(无论你说什么他们都不能解雇你)

academic 学术的
academic people 学术界人士
Tenure [ˈtenjə(r)] 终生职位

you may say something that’s popular with your university.(你可以说一些所在大学) with your goverment , with your colleagues, it doesn’t matter. you are free to say it (言论自由) , That ‘s part of “Light and Truth” and , (这就是”光明与真理”的部分含义)

be popular with 在…中流行的

The university does respect that freedom(大学尊重自由) , I talk now , I tell you whatever I want, I’m not worried that the president of Yale is listening to me. In my case , I’m not worried because I only have nice things to say about Yale, Even if I didn’t , I wouldn’t worry about it

I’m not worried that 我不用担心…
I would not worry about that 我也不用担心

That is the aspect of life at Yale and many university I really like (Yale大学和许多我真正喜欢的大学都是这样的).. and also truth as long as you are telling the truth (只要说的是实话,这本身同样是真理)

as long as 只要

Yup, telling the truth, you know, when you teach, you think everything you say is true (当你在教学的时候,你认为你所说的都是真实的) , you don’t have to lie in physics, but you can be wrong in physics.(你没必要在物理上撒谎,但是你可能在物理上弄错)

you don’t have to lie in physics 你没必要在物理上撒谎
you can be wrong in physics. 你可能在物理上弄错(搞错)

what if a student points out in the lecture that what you said is wrong (当一个学生在课堂上指出你所说的有错误时) , what are you goint to do(你会怎样做) ? you can tell them to be quiet or you can think about it and say (你可以让他们闭嘴或者思考一下这个问题,然后说“你知道吗?你是对的”),”you know what, you are right” ,There , you are teaching them something more than physics

there ,you are teaching them something more than physics 在这里,你教他们的比物理更多

You are teaching them that No.1 principle is academic honesty and integrity(你在教他们:学术的第一原则是诚实和正直). If I’m not right, I should be willing to accept that and I try to show that if in this on-line lectures. (如果我错了,就应该接受,即便是线上授课)

No .1 principle 第一原则

Once in a while , you will find out that I make mistakes(偶尔,你会发现我犯了错误),
the students point it out and I make a big fuss over that. (学生指出,我往往会小题大做) ,because I want them to feel that’s good. I want them to feel.

Once in a while 偶尔
fuss /fʌs/ noun: a show or anger, worry, or excitement 大惊小怪
make a big fuss over that 大惊小怪,小题大做

Sometimes they try to catch me when I’m right, and I tell them “sorry , try again”, They always want to catch me when I’m wrong and that’s a good thing, that is part of “Light an Truth”.

Host: :very good ,very good, so you like to encourage your students to challenge you , right ?

Prof. Shankar: : Yup, you want to be challenged because look, I’ve been teaching for 40 years. After a while , the subject gets boring , you know, the same Newton’s law (同样的牛顿定律) , the same law of quantum mechanics(同样的量子力学定律)

after a while 一会过后
the subject gets boring 这门学科会变得无趣

what makes it interesting is the students are different every year. they have different questions every year. and sometimes ,you say something for the 35th time that you think you know , and some student points out something that you never thought about (会有学生提出一些你从来没想过的问题)

some student points out something that you never thought about 会有学生提出一些你从来没想过的问题

so, that is why class participation is very very important, you have to encourage students to take part in class (你必须鼓励学生参与到课堂中来)

you have to encourage 你必须鼓励
take part in 参与…

Host: I see, a very good approach to encourage students to ask questions (我明白了,鼓励学生提问是非常好的做法) or look at the subject from different perspectives (或者从不同的角度来看待这门学科) , you never know, maybe they can help you to extend the subject to discover new area of field of the subject.

approach verb /əˈprəʊtʃ/ to come near or nearer , 接近,方法
perspectives noun. /pəˈspek.tɪv/ a particular way of considering something 角度,观点

Prof . Shankar: you are absolutely right. you tell them that your job is no done when you learn something. (你告诉他们, 学习了某些知识以后, 任务并没有结束), because one day you have to contribute to knowledge, otherwise we are learning the same thing ,right? but each year , there’s new stuff to learn , where do you think it comes from

be done (做)完了
your job is not done 你的任务并没有完成
otherwise 否则

Host: Exactly, you want knowledge to keep upgrading itself.

Prof . Shankar: you have to feel that it’s a work in progress. you should constantly modify it . Not by somebody else, but by you! the guy in the classroom or the girl in the classroom.

Not by somebody else , but by you! 不是被别人,而是被你

Host : very good ,very good ,that is right. You know ,before you came , your name actually preceded you. Your Yale Open Courses, they are showing on our platform — Neteasy Online Open Courses,

precede verb. to be or go before something or someone in time or space. (指时间或者空间上)处在…之前,先于

Actually ,there are two of them , one is the fundamentals of physics I and the other one is fundamentals of physics II and I checked the data the other day (我前几天查看了一下数据) , > the other day = a few days ago,句中用一般过去时。如:
I met her in the street the other day.几天前我在街上碰见过她。
I bought the watch the other day.这手表我是几天前买的。
without a doubt 毫无疑问

They have accumulated millions of video views, That show how popular you are and how popular your course is. Without a doubt(毫无疑问) , your course is one of the most popular international courses on our platform.

without a doubt 毫无疑问

Prof. Shankar: Thank you! I’m very grateful to Yale for giving me the opportunity to tape those courses

Host: Can you tell use “how did this happen?” how did this Yale Open Courses happen?

Prof. Shankar: Well, first of all, the fact I was even teaching that course…..

even .adverb. used to show that something is surprising , unusual, unexpected, or extreme 非正常的,超出正常范围








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