How to Create a Debug File in Shipping Execution [ID 290432.1]

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How to Create a Debug File in Shipping Execution [ID 290432.1]


Modified 15-OCT-2009     Type HOWTO     Status PUBLISHED


In this Document
     General Instructions
     Version Based Instructions

Applies to:

Oracle Shipping Execution - Version: 11.5.2 to 12.1
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Oracle Shipping Delivery Based - Version: 11.5.2 to 12.1


Generate debug files to be used to analyze code and assist Support and Development in resolving Shipping application issues.

General Instructions

A. For 11.5.10 (Family pack J) only: To further enhance debugging information, please insure Patch 5636116 (containing WSHDEBGB.pls - 115.17.11510.2) has been applied.

B. To improve performance and reduce the number and size of log files.

  • Set all profile options at the User level except for the log file locations (see C below).
  • After successfully generating the required files, reset the following profile options:
    • OM: Debug Level - set to 0
    • WSH: Debug Enabled - set to No
    • INV: Debug Trace - set to No
    • FND: Debug Log Enabled - set to No

C. The log file location profile options are:

  • WSH: Debug Log Directory
  • FND: Debug Log File for Middle-Tier
  • INV: Debug file

These profile options may be set at the Site level to any valid directory path. A valid path is any directory that can be written to by the database. To find available paths, run the following SQL statement:


select value from v$parameter where name = 'utl_file_dir'

If the profile options are also set to the same path as OM: Debug Log Directory profile option, files may be retrieved using the Order Management concurrent request Diagnostic: OM Debug File Retrieval (Order Management responsibility, Reports,Requests > Request > Single Request).

INV: Debug file and FND: Debug Log File for Middle-Tier must also include the name of the file to be generated. For example:

/<a utl_file_dir value>/inv<SR number>.dbg
/<a utl_file_dir value>/wms<SR number>.dbg


Version Based Instructions

For version based instructions, please select the appropriate version.

Versions 11.5.9 to 12.1.x

Listed are several methods for generating the log file, please click on the appropriate process.

      1. Shipping Transaction or Quick Ship forms
      2. Pick Release
      3. Interface Trip Stop - SRS
      4. API

A. To generate a debug file from the Shipping Transaction or Quick Ship forms:

5.   Set the following profile options:
OM: Debug Level - set to 5
WSH: Debug Enabled - set to Yes
WSH: Debug Level - set to Statement
WSH: Debug Log Directory - refer to General Instructions C above

6.   In the Shipping form go to Tools and check the Debug box. Please make a note of the file name displayed for later retrieval.

7.   Perform the action you wish to debug.

8.   Go to Tools and uncheck Debug.

9.   Provide the debug file from the directory specified in step 2.

10.        Reset profile options as described in General Instructions B above.

B. To generate debug information for Pick Release:

11.        Set the following profile options:
OM: Debug Level - set to 5
WSH: Debug Enabled - set to Yes
WSH: Debug Level - set to Statement
INV: Debug Trace - set to Yes
INV: Debug Level - set to 11
INV: Debug file - refer to General Instructions C above

12.        ONLY IF using Warehouse Management (WMS), set the following profile options:
FND: Debug Log Enabled - set to Yes
FND: Debug Log Level - set to Statement
FND: Debug Log Module - set to wms.plsql.%
FND: Debug Log Filename for Middle-Tier - refer to General Instructions C above

13.        In the Release Sales Order for Picking form go to Tools and check the Debug box. Please make a note of the file name displayed for later retrieval.

14.        Submit the pick release.

15.        Provide the Pick Selection List Generation log file (View > Requests > Find > click on View Log... for the appropriate file), the file displayed in Step 3, the INV: Debug file (if generated) and if using WMS, the FND: Debug Log Filename for Middle-Tier.

16.        Reset profile options as described in General Instructions B above.

C. To generate debug information for Interface Trip Stop - SRS:

17.        Set the following profile options:
OM: Debug Level - set to 5
INV: Debug Level - set to 10
WSH: Debug Enabled - set to Yes
WSH: Debug Level - set to Statement

18.        Set the Debug Level parameter to 1 (Debugging ON) .

19.        Submit the job.

20.        Provide the Interface Trip Stop log file (View > Requests > Find > click on View Log... for the appropriate file).

21.        Reset profile options as described in General Instructions B above.

D. To generate debug information for an APIs:

22.        Set the following profile options:
OM: Debug Level - set to 5
INV: Debug Level - set to 10
WSH: Debug Enabled - set to Yes
WSH: Debug Level - set to Statement
WSH: Debug Log Directory - refer to General Instructions C above

23.        Add the following line of code in the wrapper script which calls the API:



 l_file_name VARCHAR2(32767);

 l_return_status VARCHAR2(32767);

 l_msg_data VARCHAR2(32767);

 l_msg_count NUMBER;







24.        Submit the job.

25.        Provide the log file.

26.        Reset profile options as described in General Instructions B above.


Versions 11.5.2 to 11.5.8

Listed are several methods for generating the log file, please click on the appropriate process.

AA.      Pick Release

BB.      Interface Trip Stop - SRS

CC.      APIs

A. To generate debug information for Pick Release:

30.        Set the following profile options:
OM: Debug Level - set to 5
INV: Debug Level - set to 10

31.        In the Release Sales Order for Picking form go to Tools and check the Debug box.

32.        Submit the pick release.

33.        Provide the Pick Selection List Generation log file.

34.        Reset profile options as described in General Instructions B above.

B. To generate debug information for Interface Trip Stop - SRS:

35.        Set the following profile options:
OM: Debug Level - set to 5
INV: Debug Level - set to 10

36.        Set the Log Level parameter to 1 (Debugging ON) .

37.        Submit the job.

38.        Provide the log file.

39.        Reset profile options as described in General Instructions B above.

C. To generate debug information for an API:

40.        Set the following profile options:
OM: Debug Level - set to 5
INV: Debug Level - set to 10

41.        Add the following lines of code in the wrapper script which calls the API:





42.        Submit the job.

43.        Provide the log file.

44.        Reset profile options as described in General Instructions B above.






§  Oracle E-Business Suite > Order Management > Order Management > Oracle Shipping Execution











How to generate a debug file in OM [ID 121054.1]


Modified 30-JUN-2009     Type HOWTO     Status PUBLISHED


In this Document

Applies to:

Oracle Order Management - Version: 11.5 to 12.1
Oracle Order Management - Version: 11.5.1 to 12.0.6
Information in this document applies to any platform.
OEXOEORD, Sales Order Form, Concurrent Request
ConcurrentProgram:OEOIMP - Order Import


Steps to generate a debug file in Order Management (OM).
For generating a debug file from the Sales Order form UI, see item A below.
For generating a debug file for a concurrent request (like Order Import), see item B below.


A. To generate a debug file from the Sales Orders form:

  1. Set the following profile options:
    OM: Debug Level - set to 5
    OM: Debug Log Directory - any directory that can be written to by the database
    To check, run the following SQL statement:


select value from v$parameter where name = 'utl_file_dir'

Set profile option OM: Debug Log Directory at the Site & Application Level.

  1. If your issue involves pricing of an order, please set QP: Debug = Request Viewer On, but Debug Log is not visible in Viewer. Note: Earlier versions of the application, 11.5.7 and earlier, do not have this profile option value. Thus, you will set QP: Debug = Yes.
  2. In the Sales Orders form go to Tools -> Debug and select 'Write to a File'.
    Note: Later versions of the Sales Order form do not have this option. Simply click on Tools and check the Debug box. This will print out a file name - NOTE down this file name (the first letter in the file name is lower case 'L').
  3. Perform the action you wish to debug.
  4. Go to Tools -> Debug and select 'Turn Debug Off' to complete debugging. Or on later form versions just uncheck Debug.
  5. After you have completed generating the debug file, please set the value of the profile OM: Debug Level back to 0, otherwise there will be some performance impact. Retrieve the debug file from the directory specified in step 1. Note: Set QP: Debug = Request Viewer Off if your issue was a pricing issue. This will ensure no further data is written to the Pricing debug tables.

B. To generate debug information for a concurrent process:

  1. Set the profile option OM: Debug Level to 5. This will cause debug statements to be generated in the concurrent requestlog file.
    Note: It is best to set this profile at the User level so only the user who submits the concurrent request is impacted, as opposed to all concurrent requests generating debug messages.

C. To retrieve the debug file in 11.5.8 or higher versions:

  1. To retrieve the debug file, navigate to Order Management > Run Requests. Then choose:
    Diagnostics: OM Debug File Retrieval.
    Parameters: Give the name of the debug file noted in Step 3 above. Only give the file name, not the directory path. Remember the first letter in the file name is lower case 'L'.
  2. To view the debug and save, navigate to View > Requests > Relevent Request_id (button). Click View Output > Save file as "filename.txt". Upload the "filename.txt" file to MetaLink.






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