Real-Time Rendering——Chapter 8 Light and Color光和颜色

“Unweave a rainbow, as it erewhile made The tender-person’d Lamia melt into a shade.”
—John Keats

“如刚才拆解彩虹那般,让光鲜娇嫩的雷米亚黯然失色。" —约翰·济慈

Many of the RGB color values discussed in previous chapters represent intensities and shades of light. In this chapter we will learn about the various physical light quantities measured by these values, laying the groundwork for subsequent chapters, which discuss rendering from a more physically based perspective. We will also learn more about the often-neglected “second half” of the rendering process: the transformation of colors that represent scene linear light quantities into final display colors.


8.1 Light Quantities


The first step in any physically based approach to rendering is to quantify light in a precise manner. Radiometry is presented first, as this is the core field concerned with the physical transmission of light. We follow with a discussion of photometry, which deals with light values that are weighted by the sensitivity of the human eye. Our perception of color is a psychophysical phenomenon: the psychological perception of physical stimuli. Color perception is discussed in the section on colorimetry. Finally,we discuss the validity of rendering with RGB color values.


8.1.1 Radiometry


Radiometry deals with the measurement of electromagnetic radiation. As will be discussed in more detail in Section 9.1, this radiation propagates as waves. Electromagnetic waves with different wavelengths—the distance between two adjacent points with the same phase, e.g., two adjacent peaks—tend to have different properties. In nature, electromagnetic waves exist across a huge range of wavelengths, from gamma waves less than a hundredth of a nanometer in length to extreme low frequency (ELF) radio waves tens of thousands of kilometers long. The waves that humans can see comprise a tiny subset of that range, extending from about 400 nanometers for violet light to a bit over 700 nanometers for red light. See Figure 8.1.


Figure 8.1. The range of wavelengths for visible light, shown in context within the full electromagnetic spectrum. 


Radiometric quantities exist for measuring various aspects of electromagnetic radiation:overall energy, power (energy over time), and power density with respect to area, direction, or both. These quantities are summarized in Table 8.1.


Table 8.1. Radiometric quantities and units. 


In radiometry, the basic unit is radiant flux, . Radiant flux is the flow of radiant energy over time—power—measured in watts (W).


Irradiance is the density of radiant flux with respect to area, i.e., d/dA. Irradiance is defined with respect to an area, which may be an imaginary area in space, but is most often the surface of an object. It is measured in watts per square meter.


Before we get to the next quantity, we need to first introduce the concept of a solid angle, which is a three-dimensional extension of the concept of an angle. An angle can be thought of as a measure of the size of a continuous set of directions in a plane, with a value in radians equal to the length of the arc this set of directions intersects on an enclosing circle with radius 1. Similarly, a solid angle measures the size of a continuous set of directions in three-dimensional space, measured in steradians (abbreviated “sr”),which are defined by the area of the intersection patch on an enclosing sphere with radius 1 [544]. Solid angle is represented by the symbol ω.


In two dimensions, an angle of 2π radians covers the whole unit circle. Extending this to three dimensions, a solid angle of 4π steradians would cover the whole area of the unit sphere. The size of a solid angle of one steradian can be seen in Figure 8.2.



Figure 8.2. A cone with a solid angle of one steradian removed from a cutaway view of a sphere.The shape itself is irrelevant to the measurement. The coverage on the sphere’s surface is the key. 


Now we can introduce radiant intensity, I, which is flux density with respect to direction—more precisely, solid angle (d/dω). It is measured in watts per steradian.


Finally, radiance, L, is a measure of electromagnetic radiation in a single ray. More precisely, it is defined as the density of radiant flux with respect to both area and solid angle (d平方/dAdω). This area is measured in a plane perpendicular to the ray. If radiance is applied to a surface at some other orientation, then a cosine correction factor must be used. You may encounter definitions of radiance using the term “projected area” in reference to this correction factor.


Radiance is what sensors, such as eyes or cameras, measure (see Section 9.2 for more details), so it is of prime importance for rendering. The purpose of evaluating a shading equation is to compute the radiance along a given ray, from the shaded surface point to the camera. The value of L along that ray is the physically based equivalent of the quantity cshaded in Chapter 5. The metric units of radiance are watts per square meter per steradian.


The radiance in an environment can be thought of as a function of five variables(or six, including wavelength), called the radiance distribution [400]. Three of the variables specify a location, the other two a direction. This function describes all light traveling anywhere in space. One way to think of the rendering process is that the eye and screen define a point and a set of directions (e.g., a ray going through each pixel),and this function is evaluated at the eye for each direction. Image-based rendering,discussed in Section 13.4, uses a related concept, called the light field.


In shading equations, radiance often appears in the form Lo(x, d) or Li(x, d),which mean radiance going out from the point x or entering into it, respectively. The direction vector d indicates the ray’s direction, which by convention always points away from x. While this convention may be somewhat confusing in the case of Li,since d points in the opposite direction to the light propagation, it is convenient for calculations such as dot products.


An important property of radiance is that it is not affected by distance, ignoring atmospheric effects such as fog. In other words, a surface will have the same radiance regardless of its distance from the viewer. The surface covers fewer pixels when more distant, but the radiance from the surface at each pixel is constant.


Most light waves contain a mixture of many different wavelengths. This is typically visualized as a spectral power distribution (SPD), which is a plot showing how the light’s energy is distributed across different wavelengths. Figure 8.3 shows three examples. Notably, despite the dramatic differences between the middle and bottom SPDs in Figure 8.3, they are perceived as the same color. Clearly, human eyes make for poor spectrometers. We will discuss color vision in detail in Section 8.1.3.


Figure 8.3. SPDs (spectral power distributions) for three different light waves. The top SPD is for a green laser, which has an extremely narrow spectral distribution. Its waveform is similar to the simple sine wave in Figure 9.1 on page 294. The middle SPD is for light comprised of the same green laser plus two additional lasers, one red and one blue. The wavelengths and relative intensities of these lasers correspond to an RGB laser projection display showing a neutral white color. The bottom SPD is for the standard D65 illuminant, which is a typical neutral white reference intended to represent outdoor lighting. Such SPDs, with energy continuously spread across the visible spectrum,are typical for natural lighting.


All radiometric quantities have spectral distributions. Since these distributions are densities over wavelength, their units are those of the original quantity divided by nanometers. For example, the spectral distribution of irradiance has units of watts per square meter per nanometer.


Since full SPDs are unwieldy to use for rendering, especially at interactive rates,in practice radiometric quantities are represented as RGB triples. In Section 8.1.3 we will explain how these triples relate to spectral distributions.


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