给定表M,存在函数f(key),对任意给定的关键字值key,代入函数后若能得到包含该关键字的记录在表中的地址,则称表M为哈希(Hash)表,函数f(key)为哈希(Hash) 函数。
f(x) = x % 5; //哈希函数
int hashTble[5]; //哈希表
int value[5]; //存放数据的数组
- 先忘value[0]存入 'A' [对应ascii码为65] , value[1]存入'F' [对应ascii码为70]
- f(65) = 0; 那么hashTable[0] = 0;
- f(70) = 0; 那么hashTable[1] = 0;
这就产生了冲突 (hanhTable的0和1是指向的一样的位置)
- 解决方法:让存入hash表的值不一样
struct hash *hash_create(void); //创建一个hash表
void hash_destroy(struct hash *ht); //销毁hash表
int hash_insert(struct hash *ht, const char* key, void *data); //在hash表ht插入一个元素(key, data)
void *hash_lookup(struct hash *ht, const char* key); //在hash表ht中,通过key得到value的指针
/** * @file hash.c * @brief Implements a simple hash table. * @note Copyright (C) 2015 Richard Cochran <richardcochran@gmail.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "hash.h" #define HASH_TABLE_SIZE 200 struct node { char *key; void *data; struct node *next; }; struct hash { struct node *table[HASH_TABLE_SIZE]; }; static unsigned int hash_function(const char* s) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; *s; s++) { i = 131 * i + *s; } return i % HASH_TABLE_SIZE; } //创建hash表 struct hash *hash_create(void) { struct hash *ht = calloc(1, sizeof(*ht)); return ht; } //清除hash表 void hash_destroy(struct hash *ht, void (*func)(void *)) { unsigned int i; struct node *n, *next, **table = ht->table; for (i = 0; i < HASH_TABLE_SIZE; i++) { for (n = table[i] ; n; n = next) { next = n->next; if (func) { func(n->data); } free(n->key); free(n); } } free(ht); } //向hash表插入元素 int hash_insert(struct hash *ht, const char* key, void *data) { unsigned int h; struct node *n, **table = ht->table; // 通过hash函数,得到key对应的value【value是hash表的位置下标】 h = hash_function(key); //避免得到的value值 for (n = table[h] ; n; n = n->next) { if (!strcmp(n->key, key)) { /* reject duplicate keys */ return -1; } } //为插入的新元素(链表节点)分配内存 n = calloc(1, sizeof(*n)); if (!n) { return -1; } //为链表节点赋值 n->key = strdup(key); if (!n->key) { free(n); return -1; } n->data = data; n->next = table[h]; //将这个新元素的内存地址存入hash表 table[h] = n; return 0; } //通过key在hash表ht中得到data void *hash_lookup(struct hash *ht, const char* key) { unsigned int h; struct node *n, **table = ht->table; h = hash_function(key); for (n = table[h] ; n; n = n->next) { if (!strcmp(n->key, key)) { return n->data; } } return NULL; }
- 通过hash_function()得到key对应的value,即在hashTable的位置
- 把传入的key,data存入一个node
- 把hashTable[value]赋值为node的内存地址
- 先通过hash_function()算出value,即在hashTable的位置
- 通过hashTable[value],找到key对应的那个node
- 通过node可找到key对应的data
- 返回data作为hash_lookup()的返回值
- hash表的实现
4. hash表的应用场景
- 如果需要从链表中找到一个元素,那么就需要遍历链表。
- 为了解决根据关键字快速找到元素的存放地址,哈希表应运而生。它通过某种算法(哈希函数)直接根据关键字计算出元素的存放地址。
- 当不同的关键字可能产生出同样的hash值。解决方法可以是链式扩展:即把相同的hash值元素放到一个链表中。
- 参考实现:C语言实现的数据结构之------哈希表_smstong的博客-CSDN博客_c语言实现哈希表
- hashTable中的Header存储了tablesize个Node(10个链表),根据hash函数得到访问下标
- hh->Head[i].next来访问链表的第一个节点,根据next依次访问链表下一个节点
- 查找:通过key得到hash值,通过hash值遍历对应的链表。【即可实现链表的查找由遍历所有数据--->只需要遍历一部分数据!】
- 代码实现
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> typedef struct Element { int key; int value; // 可以是任何结构的数据 } Element; //数据存入单链表 typedef struct LinkTable { Element data; struct LinkTable* next; }Node; typedef struct HashTable { Node* Head; int tablesize; int elementsize; } HashTable; // 打印哈希表。 void PrintTable(HashTable *hh) { int ii; printf("=========\n"); for (ii = 0; ii < hh->tablesize; ii++) { Node *pp = hh->Head[ii].next; while (pp) { printf("[%d-%d] ", pp->data.key, pp->data.value); // printf("[%d-%s] ",pp->data.key,pp->data.value); pp = pp->next; } printf("\n"); } printf("=========\n"); } HashTable* InitHashTable(int size) { HashTable* hh = (HashTable*)malloc(sizeof(HashTable)); //分配单链表的头结点---size是几就有几个头链表 hh->Head = malloc(sizeof(Node) * size); memset(hh->Head, sizeof(Node)* size, 0x00); hh->tablesize = size; hh->elementsize = 0; } unsigned int hash(HashTable *hh, int key) { return key % hh->tablesize; // 对表长取余。 } Node* lookup(HashTable* hh, int key) { // 根据key算出hashvalue int hashvalue = hash(hh, key); // 遍历单链表看是否有key Node* tmp = hh->Head[hashvalue].next; while (tmp != NULL) { if (tmp->data.key == key) { printf("has key [%d]\n", key); return tmp; } tmp = tmp->next; } return NULL; } void Insert(HashTable* hh, Element* lt) { // find exist in hashtable? Node* result = lookup(hh, lt->key); if (result) { return; } // 根据key算出hashvalue int hashvalue = hash(hh, lt->key); printf("hashvalue = [%d]\n", hashvalue); // 更新链表结点的数据 Node* nd = malloc(sizeof(Node)); nd->data.key = lt->key; nd->data.value = lt->value; //根据hashvalue得到在链表的头结点数组的下标位置, 并插入nd结点 nd->next = hh->Head[hashvalue].next; hh->Head[hashvalue].next = nd; hh->elementsize++; } void delete(HashTable* hh, int key) { // find exist in hashtable? // Node* result = lookup(hh, key); // if (!result) { // printf("no this node\n"); // return; // } // 根据key算出hashvalue int hashvalue = hash(hh, key); // 遍历单链表看是否有key Node* tmp = hh->Head[hashvalue].next; Node *last = tmp; Node *next = NULL; while (tmp != NULL) { if (tmp->data.key == key) { printf("delete key [%d]\n", key); free(tmp); tmp = NULL; last->next = next; hh->elementsize--; break; } // update last and next node last = tmp; tmp = tmp->next; if (tmp) { next = tmp->next;} } } void freehashtable(HashTable *hh) { if (hh == NULL) return; //删除每个节点的链表 for (int i = 0; i < hh->tablesize; i++) { printf("hash pos[%d]\n", i); Node* tmp = hh->Head[i].next; Node* tmp2; while (tmp != NULL) { printf("key %d val = %d\n", tmp->data.key, tmp->data.value); tmp2 = tmp->next; free(tmp); tmp = tmp2; hh->elementsize--; } PrintTable(hh); hh->Head[i].next = NULL; } printf("hash count[%d]\n", hh->elementsize); } int main() { // 初始化哈希表。 HashTable *hh = InitHashTable(10); Element ee; { ee.key = 10; ee.value = 110; Insert(hh, &ee); ee.key = 10; ee.value = 110; Insert(hh, &ee); printf("count=%d\n", hh->elementsize); PrintTable(hh); // 打印哈希表 } { ee.key = 12; ee.value = 112; Insert(hh, &ee); PrintTable(hh); // 打印哈希表 delete(hh, 12); // 删除哈希表中关键字为12的数据元素。 PrintTable(hh); // 打印哈希表 } // 插入数据元素,关键字从10到20。 ee.key = 10; ee.value = 110; Insert(hh, &ee); ee.key = 11; ee.value = 111; Insert(hh, &ee); ee.key = 13; ee.value = 113; Insert(hh, &ee); ee.key = 14; ee.value = 114; Insert(hh, &ee); ee.key = 15; ee.value = 115; Insert(hh, &ee); ee.key = 16; ee.value = 116; Insert(hh, &ee); ee.key = 17; ee.value = 117; Insert(hh, &ee); ee.key = 18; ee.value = 118; Insert(hh, &ee); ee.key = 19; ee.value = 119; Insert(hh, &ee); // // 插入数据元素,关键字从20到30。 ee.key = 20; ee.value = 120; Insert(hh, &ee); ee.key = 21; ee.value = 121; Insert(hh, &ee); ee.key = 22; ee.value = 122; Insert(hh, &ee); ee.key = 23; ee.value = 123; Insert(hh, &ee); ee.key = 24; ee.value = 124; Insert(hh, &ee); ee.key = 25; ee.value = 125; Insert(hh, &ee); ee.key = 26; ee.value = 126; Insert(hh, &ee); ee.key = 27; ee.value = 127; Insert(hh, &ee); ee.key = 28; ee.value = 128; Insert(hh, &ee); ee.key = 29; ee.value = 129; Insert(hh, &ee); // // 插入数据元素,关键字从30到32。 ee.key = 30; ee.value = 130; Insert(hh, &ee); ee.key = 31; ee.value = 131; Insert(hh, &ee); ee.key = 32; ee.value = 132; Insert(hh, &ee); // delete(hh, 12); // 删除哈希表中关键字为12的数据元素。 printf("count=%d\n", hh->elementsize); PrintTable(hh); // 打印哈希表 // 在哈希表中查找关键字18。 Node *pp = lookup(hh, 18); if (pp == 0) printf("LookUp(18) failed.\n"); else printf("key=18,value=%d.\n", pp->data.value); freehashtable(hh); // 销毁哈希表 return 0; }