大数据基础:HQL 入门必练50题(1-15题)
01 赵雷 1990-01-01 男
02 钱电 1990-12-21 男
03 孙风 1990-05-20 男
04 李云 1990-08-06 男
05 周梅 1991-12-01 女
06 吴兰 1992-03-01 女
07 郑竹 1989-07-01 女
08 王菊 1990-01-20 女
01 语文 02
02 数学 01
03 英语 03
01 张三
02 李四
03 王五
01 01 80
01 02 90
01 03 99
02 01 70
02 02 60
02 03 80
03 01 80
03 02 80
03 03 80
04 01 50
04 02 30
04 03 20
05 01 76
05 02 87
06 01 31
06 03 34
07 02 89
07 03 98
create table student(sid int,sname string,sbirth string,ssex string) row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
create table course(cid int,cname string,tid int) row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
create table teacher(tid int,tname string) row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
create table score(sid int,cid int,sscore int) row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
select student.*,a.sscore as 01_score,b.sscore as 02_score
from student
inner join score a on student.sid=a.sid and a.cid=01
inner join score b on student.sid=b.sid and b.cid=02
where a.sscore>b.sscore;
select student.*,a.sscore as 01_score,b.sscore as 02_score
from student
inner join score a on student.sid=a.sid and a.cid=01
left join score b on student.sid=b.sid and b.cid=02
where a.sscore<b.sscore;
select a.sid,sname,avg_score from lianxi_1.student a
inner join
(select sid,avg(sscore) avg_score from lianxi_1.score group by sid having avg_score >= 60) b
on a.sid = b.sid;--结果未保留两位小数
select a.sid,sname,avg_score from lianxi_1.student a
inner join
(select sid,round(avg(sscore),2) avg_score
from lianxi_1.score group by sid having avg_score >= 60) b
on a.sid = b.sid;--所以此处无法运行无法运行
select a.sid,sname,b.avg_score from lianxi_1.student a
inner join
(select * from (select sid,round(avg(sscore),2) avg_score
from lianxi_1.score group by sid) t1 where t1.avg_score >= 60) b
on a.sid = b.sid;
select a.sid,sname,avg_score from lianxi_1.student a
left join
(select sid,avg(sscore) avg_score from lianxi_1.score group by sid) b
on a.sid = b.sid where avg_score < 60 or avg_score is null;--结果未保留两位小数,有强迫症的可自行优化
select sid,count(1) course_cn,sum(sscore) sum_score from score group by sid;
select a.sid id,sname,course_cn,sum_score from student a
inner join
(select sid,count(1) course_cn,sum(sscore) sum_score from score group by sid) b
on a.sid = b.sid;
select a.sid id,sname,course_cn,sum_score from student a
left join
(select sid,count(1) course_cn,sum(sscore) sum_score from score group by sid) b
on a.sid = b.sid;
select count(1) from teacher where tname like'李%';
select * from student a
inner join score b on a.sid = b.sid
inner join course c on b.cid = c.cid
inner join teacher d on c.tid = d.tid
where tname ='张三';
select t1.sid,sname,sbirth,ssex from student t1
left join
(select b.sid,tname from score b
inner join course c on b.cid = c.cid
inner join teacher d on c.tid = d.tid
where tname ='张三')t2
on t1.sid = t2.sid
where t2.tname is null;
select t1.sid, sname,sbirth,ssex from student t1 inner join
(select a.sid from
(select * from score where cid = 1) a inner join
(select * from score where cid = 2) b
on a.sid = b.sid) t2
on t1.sid = t2.sid --此步结束会乱序
order by t1.sid;
select t1.sid, sname,sbirth,ssex from student t1 inner join
select a.sid from score a inner join
(select sid from score where cid = 1) b on a.sid = b.sid
and cid = 2
) t2
on t1.sid = t2.sid --此步结束会乱序
order by t1.sid;
select a.sid,sname,sbirth,ssex from student a
where a.sid in (select sid from score where cid = 1)
and a.sid in (select sid from score where cid = 2);
select t1.sid,sname,sbirth,ssex from student t1 inner join
(select a.sid from
(select sid from score where cid = 1) a left join
(select sid from score where cid = 2) b
on a.sid = b.sid where b.sid is null
) t2
on t1.sid = t2.sid --若输出结果不止一条,此步结束会乱序
order by t1.sid;
--方法一:仅显示上过课的同学,未显示一门课都没上的“08 王菊”
select a.* from student a ,
(select sid,count(1) cn from score group by sid having cn < 3) b
where a.sid = b.sid;
-- 方法二:
select a.* from student a where a.sid not in
select b.sid from
(select sid,count(1) cn from score group by sid
having cn = 3) b
select * from
select sid,t1.cn,
case when count(t2.cid)<t1.cn then '1'
else '0' end as cc
(select count(1) as cn from course ) as t1 ,score as t2
group by t2.sid,t1.cn
) as t4
left join student t3 on t4.sid=t3.sid
where t4.cc=1;
-- 未显示一门课都没上的“08 王菊”
-- 方法四:
select a.* from student a where a.sid not in
select t1.sid from
(select sid,count(1) cn from score group by sid) t1
inner join
(select count(1) cnn from course) t2
on t1.cn = t2.cnn
select t1.sid,sname,sbirth,ssex from student t1 inner join
(select a.sid from score a
where cid in (select cid from score where sid = 1)
group by a.sid) t2
on t1.sid = t2.sid;
-- –备注:hive不支持group_concat方法,可用 concat_ws(’|’, collect_set(str)) 实现
select student.*,t1.course_id from student
join (select sid ,concat_ws('|', collect_set(cid)) course_id from score
group by sid having sid not in (1))t1
on student.sid = t1.sid
join (select concat_ws('|', collect_set(cid)) course_id2
from score where sid=1)t2
on t1.course_id = t2.course_id2;
select t1.sid,sname,sbirth,ssex from student t1
left join
(select b.sid,tname from score b
inner join course c on b.cid = c.cid
inner join teacher d on c.tid = d.tid
where tname ='张三')t2
on t1.sid = t2.sid
where t2.tname is null;
-- 代码思路:
select sid,sname,avg_score
select sid from score where sscore < 60;
select a.sid,count(1) cn from
(select sid from score where sscore < 60) a
group by a.sid having cn > 1;
select sid,avg(sscore) avg_score from score group by sid;
select t1.sid,sname,avg_score from student t1 inner join
(select sid,avg(sscore) avg_score from score group by sid) t2
on t1.sid = t2.sid
inner join
(select a.sid,count(1) cn from
(select sid from score where sscore < 60) a
group by a.sid having cn > 1) t3
on t2.sid = t3.sid;
大数据基础:HQL 入门必练50题(15-30题)