[230511] 2021年托福阅读真题第8篇|The Roots of Economic Transformation in England|16:55~17:30|22:6+|9:37-11:37





Paragraph 1: Meteorites are the keys to understanding how Earth and the solar system formed because, although superficially many meteorites do not look significantly different from most Earth rocks, close study shows that they are very different, with those differences holding clues to their distant origin. The most common type of meteorite——known collectively as the "chondrites"——contains clues about the kinds of material that went into the construction of our planet.

chondrite                n.[地质] 球粒状陨石

meteorite                n.陨石,陨星;流星

superficially            adv.表面地;浅薄地

hold clue to             抓住线索

P1 段落大意:球粒状陨石是理解地球和太阳系如何形成的关键,尽管许多陨石表面上看起来没有非常地不同,最近的研究表明它们非常的不同,这些不同包含着他们起源的线索。

1. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

O To understand how our solar system formed, it is important to determine the differences between Earth rocks and meteorites

O Despite their similar outward appearance, meteorites and Earth rocks are really very different, and the differences help explain how our solar system formed.

O The superficial similarity of meteorites to Earth rocks provides clues about how our solar system formed.

O While meteorites had a distant origin, their presence on Earth is a key to understanding how our solar system formed.



Paragraph 2: The chondrites are just one of a variety of meteorite types, all ancient, but each with a different history——and each containing clues about how Earth and other planets formed and evolved. For example, the members of one group, the iron meteorites, are made up of solid iron metal, alloyed (or mixed) with a modest amount of nickel. All the evidence indicates that these meteorites are similar to the metallic cores that inhabit the interiors of planets.

chondrites        / ˈkɑːnˌdraɪt /         n.[地质] 球粒状陨石

nickel        / ˈnɪkl /        n.镍(等于 nickel);五分镍币(美国和加拿大使用的)

metallic        / məˈtælɪk /        adj.含金属的,金属制的;(金属碰撞发出的)叮当声的;(色彩)似金属的,像金属般闪烁的;金属味的;尖利刺耳的,难听的


翻译:All the evidence indicates that these meteorites are similar to the metallic cores that inhabit the interiors of planets.所有的证据都表明,这些陨石类似于居住在行星内部的金属核。

P2 段落大意:chondrites是meteorite的一种,陨石的每一种都有不同的历史,包含着地球和其他星球形成和进化的线索。eg: 铁陨石,由固态铁金属组成,与适量镍合金混合。

2. According to the information in Paragraph 2, which of the following is true about iron meteorites?

O They are much more ancient than the chondrites.

O They are less similar to planets' metallic cores than chondrites.

O They came to Earth from other planets.

O They are solid metal objects.


Paragraph 3: In contrast to the iron meteorites, the chondrites are made up of a jumble of mineral grains, many of them familiar constituents of rocks on Earth, but also including pure iron metal—【A】—which does not occur in rocks on Earth——and small marble-like spherical objects called "chondrules" (it is from these that the chondrites take their name). The chaotic texture of chondrites indicates that they were formed in a process that randomly swept together their different components and cemented them together. The texture is also an instant clue to one of their most important characteristics: they have never been melted. Furthermore, mineral grains in the chondrites have provided the oldest ages ever measured by radiometric dating: they date from the very earliest days of the solar system. These two properties have led the geochemists who work on these intriguing objects to conclude that chondrites bring us something we cannot find on Earth or among other meteorite varieties: an unprocessed sample of the original material from which Earth and our neighboring planets were made. They appear to be unaltered samples of the solid matter that was floating around in the solar system just as Earth was being born; there is strong evidence 【B + D】that they come from small asteroids that never grew big enough to heat up and melt, as larger objects did.

chondrite        / ˈkɑːnˌdraɪt /                  n.[地质] 球粒状陨石

a jumble of         一堆……..

mineral grains        / ˈmɪnərəl ɡreɪn /   矿物粒度;矿物颗粒

constituent        / kənˈstɪtʃuənt /          n.选民;成分,构成要素;委托人


constituents        n.成分(constituent 的复数)

marble-like         adj.像大理石的;像弹珠的

spherical         / ˈsfɪrɪk(ə)l /        adj.球形的,球状的;(与)球体(有关)的;在球内(或球面上)形成的;天体的

chondrules        / ˈkɑndrʊl /       n.[地质] 陨石球粒

texture                                       n.质地,纹理;口感;(音乐或文学的)谐和统一感,神韵


swept together        扫在一起

cemented        / sɪˈmentɪd /                   adj.渗碳的;注水泥的;粘合的

                                                                 v.巩固;接合;粘合(cement 的过去分词形式)

radiometric        / ˌreɪdioʊˈmetrɪk /        adj.放射性测量的;辐射度的;辐射测量的

radiometric dating                                放射性定年法;同位素年龄测定

geochemists      / dʒiːoʊˈkemɪst /          n.地球化学家;地球化学工作者

​​​​meteorite varieties                               陨石品种

meteorite        / ˈmiːtiəraɪt /                    n.陨石,陨星;流星

asteroid         / ˈæstərɔɪd /                      n.小行星;海星        adj.星状的;类似海星的

asteroids                                                 n.[天]小行星(asteroid 的复数)

翻译:The chaotic texture of chondrites indicates that they were formed in a process that randomly swept together their different components and cemented them together. 球粒陨石的混沌结构表明,它们是在一个过程中形成的,这个过程将它们的不同成分随机地扫在一起,并将它们粘合在一起。

P3 段落大意:与​​​​​​​铁矿石相比,球粒状陨石由一堆矿物颗粒组成,其中许多是我们熟悉的地球岩石成分,但是也包括了纯铁,地球岩石里没有的成分,小的像大理石一样的球体被称为陨石球粒。// 球粒陨石的混沌结构表明,它们是在一个过程中形成的,这个过程将它们的不同成分随机地扫在一起,并将它们粘合在一起。质地也是特征的一个线索:从不融化!同位素年龄测定表明矿物颗粒是最久远的物质,地球学家得出结论:球粒状陨石带给我们无法在地球和或者其他种类陨石中发现的物质。

 3. The word chaotic in the passage is closest in meaning to

O characteristic        O disorganized        O smooth        O unusual

4. According to paragraph 3, which of the following is indicated by the texture of chondrites?

O They were formed by the same process as the rocks on Earth.

O They are made of metals and minerals of different ages.

O They have never been melted.

O They are held together by a marble-like material.

5. According to paragraph 3. which of the following can be inferred about the origin of chondrites?

O They resulted from mixing and joining of many of the same materials that also formed Earth and its nearby planets

O They were created when large asteroids broke apart as they neared early Earth

O They resulted from the repeated melting and hardening of other kinds of meteorites during the long process of Earth's formation.

O They formed from the heating up of small asteroids as they entered early Earth's atmosphere.


chaotic 混沌的;无序的;混乱的 = disorganized adj.杂乱无章的,无计划的;(人)无条理的



A the same materials

B large asteroids broke apart

C the repeated melting

D the heating up of small asteroids

Paragraph 4: The primitive nature of the chondrites has made them very important for information about Earth's overall chemical composition. You might wonder why these rare rocks from space should play such a key role when the whole Earth is right below our feet, ready for us to analyze. The answer, in brief, is that if we want to understand how Earth got to its present state, we have to know something about its initial, overall composition.  But we only have access to rocks from our planet's thin outermost skin——which is very different from the inaccessible interior. However, by using information from the chondrites as a reference point, and integrating that data with direct measurements on surface rocks and information about the interior obtained using remote sensing methods, geochemists have been able to work out models for Earth's overall composition that satisfy already obtained independent evidence such as the density of our planet.

primitive                adj.原始的,远古的;(器物等)粗糙的,简陋的;(人、动物或植物发展)早期的;(行为,思想,情感)本能的,自然的;(艺术风格)朴实无华的;原来的,原有的;(语言学)根词的,非派生的;(数)(代数或几何表达式)本原的;(生)原生的


nature                       n.大自然,自然界;性格,秉性;本质,特点;类型,种类;<古>具有某种特性的人

primitive nature        原始天性

information               n.消息,资料,情报;(计算机程序储存和使用的)数据,信息;问讯处,信息台;(向治安法院提起的)控告,起诉;知识

initial                        / ɪˈnɪʃ(ə)l /                adj.开始的,最初的;(字母)位于词首的



overall composition                总成分

outermost                                adj.最外面的;最远的

interior             adj.内部的,里面的;国内的,内政的;内心的,本质的;内陆的,腹地的



obtained           v.获得(obtain 的过去分词)

remote sensing methods                遥感方法

翻译:The primitive nature of the chondrites has made them very important for information about Earth's overall chemical composition.


P4 段落大意:球粒陨石的原始性质对于了解地球总体的化学成分来说非常重要。我们想知道地球如何发展到现在的状态,我们需要知道地球最初的和总体的成分。外面和里面非常不同。然而,通过应用来自球状陨石粒的信息,集成数据,使用遥感方法,地球化学家已经解出关于地球总成分的模型。

6. In describing our planet's interior as "inaccessible", the author means that the interior

O cannot be reached                                O is very deep

O has a very high temperature                O formed a long time ago

7. According to paragraph 4, studying chondrites helps scientists learn about which of the following?

O Earth's overall density

O The chemical composition of Earth's surface rocks

O Earth's original composition

O The age of Earth


inaccessible                adj.难到达的,不可及的;难懂的,难以理解的;难得到的,不可使用的;(人)不接受别人示好的,不可接近的

=cannot be reached        



The primitive nature of the chondrites has made them very important for information about Earth's overall chemical composition.


错选A 定位错误❌

Paragraph 5: An important concept in formulating these models is that the composition of Earth and the other "terrestrial planets (the solar system's inner, rocky planets, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) depends on the proportions of the main minerals found in the chondrites that each planet incorporated. A good example is iron, which is so abundant and so heavy that the well-known density variations among the terrestrial planets can almost entirely be attributed to differences in their iron contents. Grains of iron metal are abundant in the chondrites, but different chondrites contain different amounts. The reason Earth is much denser than Mars, according to the models, is that its chondrite-like building blocks happened to contain more iron. Similarly, other differences among the terrestrial planets can be understood in terms of different planets incorporating different amounts of the various constituents of chondrites. This is undoubtedly an overly simplistic description of what actually happened, but that does not invalidate the chondrites as a good starting point for understanding the composition of Earth and other planets.

formulating                v.使公式化;系统地阐述;制定……的配方(formulate 的 ing 形式)

terrestrial                 adj.地球的,地球上的;陆栖的,陆生的;陆地(上)的;陆地上的,地面上的(与卫星相对而言);(属于)类地行星的;<古>人间的,尘世的


rocky planets                        岩态行星

Mercury                / ˈmɜːrkjəri /      n.水星;墨丘利(罗马十二主神之一)


Venus                    / ˈviːnəs /         n.金星,太白星;<文>美女;帘蛤;(罗马神话)维纳斯

Mars                                                n.战神;[天] 火星

incorporated                / ɪnˈkɔːrpəreɪtɪd /        adj.组成公司的,股份有限的;合并的

v.包含,合并;组成公司;掺和,混合(成分)(incorporate 的过去式和过去分词)


chondrite-like                像球状粒陨石的

incorporating                   adj.合并        v.合并(incorporate 的现在分词)

overly                adv.过度地;极度地

simplistic        / sɪmˈplɪstɪk /        adj.过分简单化的;过分单纯化的

invalidate        / ɪnˈvælɪdeɪt /       v.(对论点、声明或理论)驳斥,证明是谬误的;使无效,使作废


An important concept in formulating these models is that the composition of Earth and the other "terrestrial planets (the solar system's inner, rocky planets, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) depends on the proportions of the main minerals found in the chondrites that each planet incorporated. 


Other differences among the terrestrial planets can be understood in terms of different planets incorporating different amounts of the various constituents of chondrites.


P5 段落大意:公式化这个模型的重要概念是了解地球的组成和其他的陆地行星,依赖每个行星发现的球状陨石粒中包含的主要矿物质成分。eg:iron铁,不同的chondrites包含不同的铁含量。类地行星之间的其他差异可以理解为不同的行星含有不同数量的各种球粒陨石成分。虽然过度简单化了chondrites的判别标准,但是依然是一个好的切入点理解地铁和其他行星的组成。

8. In paragraph 5. why does the author mention that different chondrites contain different amounts of iron?

O To suggest that some types of chondrites affected planets more than did others

O To help explain the differences in the densities of the terrestrial planets

O To indicate one important reason why using chondrites as a model for understanding the composition of Earth may be overly simplistic

O To emphasize the importance of iron in forming the terrestrial planets

粉色高亮部分——>B ✅

Paragraph 4: The primitive nature of the chondrites has made them very important for information about Earth's overall chemical composition. [■] You might wonder why these rare rocks from space should play such a key role when the whole Earth is right below our feet, ready for us to analyze. [■] The answer, in brief, is that if we want to understand how Earth got to its present state, we have to know something about its initial, overall composition. [■] But we only have access to rocks from our planet's thin outermost skin——which is very different from the inaccessible interior. [■] However, by using information from the chondrites as a reference point, and integrating that data with direct measurements on surface rocks and information about the interior obtained using remote sensing methods, geochemists have been able to work out models for Earth's overall composition that satisfy already obtained independent evidence such as the density of our planet.

9. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

What is more, geochemists have used these ancient rocks to explain the workings of Earth's crust, oceans, and other geological systems.

Where would the sentence best ft? Click on a square [■] to add the sentence to the passage.

利用primitive nature原始本质、特点:

了解地球总的化学成分构成信息➡️更多的是,explain the workings of Earth's crust, oceans, and other geological systems.

​​​​​​​解释地壳、海洋和其他地质系统的运作。A ✅

wonder——the answer



10. Directions: An introductory sentence tor a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.

Meteorites known as chondrites contain clues about the materials that went into the construction of the terrestrial planets.

A O There are a number of different types of chondrites, which are distinguished by their different histories and the amounts of solid iron and nickel metal alloyed in their metallic cores.

B O The age of chondrites can be determined by radiometric dating of the small marble-like spheres that, along with various mineral grains, were cemented together to make them up.

C O Various minerals occur in different proportions in different chondrites, suggesting that many differences among planets stem from their having incorporated different amounts of these minerals.

D O Chondrites are made up of ancient grains, including pure iron, that appear to be unaltered samples of the solid material present in the solar system when Earth was forming.

E O Information from chondrites has enabled geochemists to develop models for Earth's initial, overall chemical composition despite their lack of direct access to Earth's interior.

F O Iron is by far the most abundant of the main minerals found in chondrites, and this fact has been central to the formation of models of the composition of Earth and the other terrestrial planets. 

P1 段落大意:球粒状陨石是理解地球和太阳系如何形成的关键,尽管许多陨石表面上看起来没有非常地不同,最近的研究表明它们非常的不同,这些不同包含着他们起源的线索。

P2 段落大意:chondrites是meteorite的一种,每一种陨石都有不同的历史,包含着地球和其他星球形成和进化的线索。eg: 铁陨石,由固态铁金属组成,与适量镍合金混合。

P3 段落大意:与​​​​​​​铁矿石相比,球粒状陨石由一堆矿物颗粒组成,其中许多是我们熟悉的地球岩石成分,但是也包括了纯铁,地球岩石里没有的成分,小的像大理石一样的球体被称为陨石球粒。// 球粒陨石的混沌结构表明,它们是在一个过程中形成的,这个过程将它们的不同成分随机地扫在一起,并将它们粘合在一起。质地也是特征的一个线索:从不融化!同位素年龄测定表明矿物颗粒是最久远的物质,地球学家得出结论:球粒状陨石带给我们无法在地球和或者其他种类陨石中发现的物质。

P4 段落大意:球粒陨石的原始性质对于了解地球总体的化学成分来说非常重要。我们想知道地球如何发展到现在的状态,我们需要知道地球最初的和总体的成分。外面和里面非常不同。然而,通过应用来自球状陨石粒的信息,集成数据,使用遥感方法,地球化学家已经解出关于地球总成分的模型。

P5 段落大意:公式化这个模型的重要概念是了解地球的组成和其他的陆地行星,依赖每个行星发现的球状陨石粒中包含的主要矿物质成分。eg:iron铁,不同的chondrites包含不同的铁含量。类地行星之间的其他差异可以理解为不同的行星含有不同数量的各种球粒陨石成分。虽然过度简单化了chondrites的判别标准,但是依然是一个好的切入点理解地铁和其他行星的组成。

【A】 有不同种类的meteorites,其中一种为chondrite ——>❌

【B】radiometric dating(放射性定年法;同位素年龄测定)定位在第三段,

[The chaotic texture of chondrites indicates that they were formed in a process that randomly swept together their different components and cemented them together.


 ​​​​​​​Furthermore, mineral grains in the chondrites have provided the oldest ages ever measured by radiometric dating: they date from the very earliest days of the solar system.  ]

along with various mineral grains


【D】P3段 黄色高亮部分

【E】P4段 黄色高亮部分

【F】翻译选项:​​​​​​​铁是迄今为止在球粒陨石中发现的最丰富的主要矿物,这一事实对地球和其他类地行星组成模型的形成至关重要。Iron is by far the most abundant of the main minerals found in chondrites, and this fact has been central to the formation of models of the composition of Earth and the other terrestrial planets.

错选 BDE ✅

正解 CDE ❎




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