1 算法介绍
1.1 TSP介绍
“旅行商问题”(Traveling Salesman Problem,TSP)可简单描述为:一位销售商从n个城市中的某一城市出发,不重复地走完其余n-1个城市并回到原出发点,在所有可能路径中求出路径长度最短的一条。
1.2 遗传算法求解tsp模型
巡回旅行商问题(TSP)是一个组合优化方面的问题,已经成为测试组合优化新算法的标准问题。应用遗传算法解决 TSP 问题,首先对访问城市序列进行排列组合的方法编码,这保证了每个城市经过且只经过一次。接着生成初始种群,并计算适应度函数,即计算遍历所有城市的距离。然后用最优保存法确定选择算子,以保证优秀个体直接复制到下一代。采用有序交叉和倒置变异法确定交叉算子和变异算子。
一般都是随机生成一个规模为 N 的初始群体。在这里,我们定义一个s行t列的pop矩阵来表示群体,t 为城市个数 + 1,即 N + 1,s 为样本中个体数目。在本文探讨了 30 个城市的 TSP 问题,此时 t 取值 31,该矩阵中每一行的前 30 个元素表示经过的城市编号,最后一个元素表示适应度函数的取值,即每个个体所求的距离。
4.交叉算子是产生新个体的主要手段。它是指将个体进行两两配对,以交叉概率 Pc 将配对的父代个体的部分结构加以替换重组生成新个体的操作。本文中采用有序交叉法来实现。有序交叉法的步骤描述如下:
5.变异操作是以较小的概率 Pm 对群体中个体编码串上的某位或者某些位作变动,从而生成新的个体。本文中采用倒置变异法:假设当前个体 X为(1 3 7 4 8 0 5 9 6 2),如果当前随机概率值小于 Pm,则随机选择来自同一个体的两个点mutatepoint(1) 和 mutatepoint(2),然后倒置两点的中间部分,产生新的个体。例如,假设随机选择个体 X 的两个点“7”和“9”,则倒置该两个点的中间部分,即将“4805”变为“5084”,产生新的个体 X 为(1 3 7 5 0 8 4 9 6 2)。
2 部分代码
nn=40; % number of cities asz=10; % area size asx x asz ps=3000; % population size ng=5000; % number of generation pm=0.01; % probability of mutation of exchange 2 random cities in the path (per gene, per genration) pm2=0.02; % probability of mutation of exchange 2 peices of path (per gene, per genration) pmf=0.08; % probability of mutation of flip random pece of path r=asz*rand(2,nn); % randomly distribute cities % r(1,:) -x coordinaties of cities % r(2,:) -y coordinaties of cities % % uncomment to make circle: % % circle % al1=linspace(0,2*pi,nn+1); % al=al1(1:end-1); % r(1,:)=0.5*asz+0.45*asz*cos(al); % r(2,:)=0.5*asz+0.45*asz*sin(al); dsm=zeros(nn,nn); % matrix of distancies for n1=1:nn-1 r1=r(:,n1); for n2=n1+1:nn r2=r(:,n2); dr=r1-r2; dr2=dr'*dr; drl=sqrt(dr2); dsm(n1,n2)=drl; dsm(n2,n1)=drl; end end % start from random closed pathes: G=zeros(ps,nn); % genes, G(i,:) - gene of i-path, G(i,:) is row-vector with cities number in the path for psc=1:ps G(psc,:)=randperm(nn); end figure('units','normalized','position',[0.05 0.2 0.9 0.6]); subplot(1,2,1); % to plot best path: hpb=plot(NaN,NaN,'r-'); ht=title(' '); hold on; % plot nodes numbers for n=1:nn text(r(1,n),r(2,n),num2str(n),'color',[0.7 0.7 0.7]); end plot(r(1,:),r(2,:),'k.'); % plot cities as black dots axis equal; xlim([-0.1*asz 1.1*asz]); ylim([-0.1*asz 1.1*asz]); subplot(1,2,2); hi=imagesc(G); title('color is city number'); colorbar; xlabel('index in sequence of cities'); ylabel('path number'); pthd=zeros(ps,1); %path lengths p=zeros(ps,1); % probabilities for gc=1:ng % generations loop % find paths length: for psc=1:ps Gt=G(psc,:); pt=0; % path length summation for nc=1:nn-1 pt=pt+dsm(Gt(nc),Gt(nc+1)); end % last and first: pt=pt+dsm(Gt(nn),Gt(1)); pthd(psc)=pt; end ipthd=1./pthd; % inverse path lengths, we want to maximize inverse path length p=ipthd/sum(ipthd); % probabilities [mbp bp]=max(p); Gb=G(bp,:); % best path % update best path on figure: if mod(gc,5)==0 set(hpb,'Xdata',[r(1,Gb) r(1,Gb(1))],'YData',[r(2,Gb) r(2,Gb(1))]); set(ht,'string',['generation: ' num2str(gc) ' best path length: ' num2str(pthd(bp))]); set(hi,'CData',G); drawnow; end % crossover: ii=roulette_wheel_indexes(ps,p); % genes with cities numers in ii will be put to crossover % length(ii)=ps, then more probability p(i) of i-gene then more % frequently it repeated in ii list Gc=G(ii,:); % genes to crossover Gch=zeros(ps,nn); % childrens for prc=1:(ps/2) % pairs counting i1=1+2*(prc-1); i2=2+2*(prc-1); g1=Gc(i1,:); %one gene g2=Gc(i2,:); %another gene cp=ceil((nn-1)*rand); % crossover point, random number form range [1; nn-1] % two childrens: g1ch=insert_begining(g1,g2,cp); g2ch=insert_begining(g2,g1,cp); Gch(i1,:)=g1ch; Gch(i2,:)=g2ch; end G=Gch; % now children % mutation of exchange 2 random cities: for psc=1:ps if rand<pm rnp=ceil(nn*rand); % random number of sicies to permuation rpnn=randperm(nn); ctp=rpnn(1:rnp); %chose rnp random cities to permutation Gt=G(psc,ctp); % get this cites from the list Gt=Gt(randperm(rnp)); % permutate cities G(psc,ctp)=Gt; % % return citeis back end end % mutation of exchange 2 peices of path: for psc=1:ps if rand<pm2 cp=1+ceil((nn-3)*rand); % range [2 nn-2] G(psc,:)=[G(psc,cp+1:nn) G(psc,1:cp)]; end end % mutation of flip randm pece of path: for psc=1:ps if rand<pmf n1=ceil(nn*rand); n2=ceil(nn*rand); G(pscs,n1:n2)=fliplr(G(psc,n1:n2)); end end G(1,:)=Gb; % elitism end
3 仿真结果
4 参考文献
[1]谢胜利, 唐敏, 董金祥. 求解TSP问题的一种改进的遗传算法[J]. 计算机工程与应用, 2002, 38(008):58-60.
[2]文艺, and 潘大志. "用于求解TSP问题的改进遗传算法." 计算机科学 43.0z1(2016):90-92.
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