


⛄ 内容介绍


⛄ 完整代码

% This code is just a front-end to source separation algorithms. 
% Purpose: 
% 1) generate synthetic data 
% 2) call some source separation algorithm 
% 3) display the results 
% The data are CM (constant modulus signals and QAM4. 
% The mixing matrix  is randomly generated. 
% Comments, bug reports, info requests are appreciated 
% and should be directed to cardoso@sig.enst.fr (Jean-Francois Cardoso) 
% Author : Jean-Francois Cardoso CNRS URA 820 / GdR TdSI / Telecom Paris 
close all;
N  = 4  ;  % N = number of sensors (add the relevant lines in S= ...) 
M  = 3   ;  % M = number of sources 
T  = 200  ;  % sample size 
NdB  = -15   ;  % kind of noise level in dB 
disp('Each of the following plots shows the COMPLEX PLANE.') 
disp('Each point is a sample of a source signal, of a sensor output') 
disp('or a separated signal as indicated.') 
while 1 
% the source signals 
S= [ ... 
exp(2*i*pi*rand(1,T))          ;   % constant modulus random phase 
exp(2*i*pi*rand(1,T))          ;   % constant modulus random phase 
(2*fix(2*rand(1,T))-1+i*(2*fix(2*rand(1,T))-1))/sqrt(2) ;  % QAM4 
% random mixing matrix 
disp('Mixing matrix');disp(A); 
for is=1:M, 
 plot(S(is,:),'.');title('One of the source signals'); 
 axis('square'); axis('equal'); axis([-2 2 -2 2]); 
fprintf('\nStrike any key to mix\n');pause; 
% mixing and noising 
noiseamp = 10^(NdB/20)/sqrt(2) ; % (the sqrt(2) accounts for real+imaginary powers) 
X= A*S + noiseamp*(randn(N,T)+i*randn(N,T)); 
for is=1:min([ N 4]), 
 plot(X(is,:),'.');title('One of the mixed signals'); 
 axis('square');axis('equal');%axis([-2 2 -2 2]); 
fprintf('\nStrike any key to unmix\n');pause; 
% Separation 
fprintf('\nIdentification running ......\n'); 
for is=1:M, 
 plot(Se(is,:),'.');title('One of the separated signals'); 
 axis('square');axis('equal');axis([-2 2 -2 2]); 
% Performance 
disp('The global (sepration*mixing) matrix should be close to a permutation'); 
disp('The following shows its squared entries (rejection levels)'); 
fprintf('\nStrike any key for a different mixture\n');pause; 
end; %endless loop
function [A,S]=jade(X,m) 
% Source separation of complex signals with JADE. 
% Jade performs `Source Separation' in the following sense: 
%   X is an n x T data matrix assumed modelled as X = A S + N where 
% o A is an unknown n x m matrix with full rank. 
% o S is a m x T data matrix (source signals) with the properties 
%      a) for each t, the components of S(:,t) are statistically 
%         independent 
%   b) for each p, the S(p,:) is the realization of a zero-mean 
%      `source signal'. 
%   c) At most one of these processes has a vanishing 4th-order 
%      cumulant. 
% o  N is a n x T matrix. It is a realization of a spatially white 
%    Gaussian noise, i.e. Cov(X) = sigma*eye(n) with unknown variance 
%    sigma.  This is probably better than no modeling at all... 
% Jade performs source separation via a  
% Joint Approximate Diagonalization of Eigen-matrices.   
% Input : 
%   * X: Each column of X is a sample from the n sensors 
%   * m: m is an optional argument for the number of sources. 
%     If ommited, JADE assumes as many sources as sensors. 
% Output : 
%    * A is an n x m estimate of the mixing matrix 
%    * S is an m x T naive (ie pinv(A)*X)  estimate of the source signals 
% Version 1.5.  Copyright: JF Cardoso.   
% See notes, references and revision history at the bottom of this file 
[n,T]  = size(X); 
%%  source detection not implemented yet ! 
if nargin==1, m=n ; end; 
% A few parameters that could be adjusted 
nem  = m;    % number of eigen-matrices to be diagonalized 
seuil  = 1/sqrt(T)/100;% a statistical threshold for stopping joint diag 
%%% whitening 
if m<n, %assumes white noise 
   [U,D]   = eig((X*X')/T);  
   ibl   = sqrt(puiss(n-m+1:n)-mean(puiss(1:n-m))); 
   bl   = ones(m,1) ./ ibl ; 
   W  = diag(bl)*U(1:n,k(n-m+1:n))'; 
   IW   = U(1:n,k(n-m+1:n))*diag(ibl); 
else    %assumes no noise 
   IW   = sqrtm((X*X')/T); 
   W  = inv(IW); 
Y  = W*X; 
%%% Cumulant estimation 
R  = (Y*Y' )/T ; 
C  = (Y*Y.')/T ; 
Yl  = zeros(1,T); 
Ykl  = zeros(1,T); 
Yjkl  = zeros(1,T); 
Q  = zeros(m*m*m*m,1) ; 
index  = 1; 
for lx = 1:m ; Yl   = Y(lx,:); 
for kx = 1:m ; Ykl   = Yl.*conj(Y(kx,:)); 
for jx = 1:m ; Yjkl  = Ykl.*conj(Y(jx,:)); 
for ix = 1:m ;  
  Q(index) = ... 
  (Yjkl * Y(ix,:).')/T -  R(ix,jx)*R(lx,kx) -  R(ix,kx)*R(lx,jx) -  C(ix,lx)*conj(C(jx,kx))  ; 
  index  = index + 1 ; 
end ; 
end ; 
end ; 
%% If you prefer to use more memory and less CPU, you may prefer this 
%% code (due to J. Galy of ENSICA) for the estimation the cumulants 
%ones_m = ones(m,1) ;  
%T1   = kron(ones_m,Y);  
%T2   = kron(Y,ones_m);   
%TT   = (T1.* conj(T2)) ; 
%TS   = (T1 * T2.')/T ; 
%R   = (Y*Y')/T  ; 
%Q  = (TT*TT')/T - kron(R,ones(m)).*kron(ones(m),conj(R)) - R(:)*R(:)' - TS.*TS' ; 
%%%computation and reshaping of the significant eigen matrices 
[U,D]  = eig(reshape(Q,m*m,m*m));  
[la,K]  = sort(abs(diag(D))); 
%% reshaping the most (there are `nem' of them) significant eigenmatrice 
M  = zeros(m,nem*m);  % array to hold the significant eigen-matrices 
Z  = zeros(m)  ; % buffer 
h  = m*m; 
for u=1:m:nem*m,  
  Z(:)     = U(:,K(h)); 
  M(:,u:u+m-1)  = la(h)*Z; 
  h    = h-1;  
%%% joint approximate diagonalization of the eigen-matrices 
%% Better declare the variables used in the loop : 
B   = [ 1 0 0 ; 0 1 1 ; 0 -i i ] ; 
Bt  = B' ; 
Ip  = zeros(1,nem) ; 
Iq  = zeros(1,nem) ; 
g  = zeros(3,nem) ; 
G  = zeros(2,2) ; 
vcp  = zeros(3,3); 
D  = zeros(3,3); 
la  = zeros(3,1); 
K  = zeros(3,3); 
angles  = zeros(3,1); 
pair  = zeros(1,2); 
c  = 0 ; 
s  = 0 ; 
encore  = 1; 
V  = eye(m);  
% Main loop 
while encore, encore=0; 
 for p=1:m-1, 
  for q=p+1:m, 
   Ip = p:m:nem*m ; 
  Iq = q:m:nem*m ; 
  % Computing the Givens angles 
   g  = [ M(p,Ip)-M(q,Iq)  ; M(p,Iq) ; M(q,Ip) ] ;  
   [vcp,D] = eig(real(B*(g*g')*Bt)); 
  [la, K]  = sort(diag(D)); 
   angles  = vcp(:,K(3)); 
  if angles(1)<0 , angles= -angles ; end ; 
   c  = sqrt(0.5+angles(1)/2); 
   s  = 0.5*(angles(2)-j*angles(3))/c;  
   if abs(s)>seuil, %%% updates matrices M and V by a Givens rotation 
     encore     = 1 ; 
    pair     = [p;q] ; 
     G     = [ c -conj(s) ; s c ] ; 
    V(:,pair)   = V(:,pair)*G ; 
     M(pair,:)  = G' * M(pair,:) ; 
    M(:,[Ip Iq])   = [ c*M(:,Ip)+s*M(:,Iq) -conj(s)*M(:,Ip)+c*M(:,Iq) ] ; 
   end%% if 
  end%% q loop 
 end%% p loop 
end%% while 
%%%estimation of the mixing matrix and signal separation 
A  = IW*V; 
S  = V'*Y ; 
return ; 
% Note 1: This version does *not* assume circularly distributed 
% signals as 1.1 did.  The difference only entails more computations 
% in estimating the cumulants 
% Note 2: This code tries to minimize the work load by jointly 
% diagonalizing only the m most significant eigenmatrices of the 
% cumulant tensor.  When the model holds, this avoids the 
% diagonalization of m^2 matrices.  However, when the model does not 
% hold, there is in general more than m significant eigen-matrices. 
% In this case, this code still `works' but is no longer equivalent to 
% the minimization of a well defined contrast function: this would 
% require the diagonalization of *all* the eigen-matrices.  We note 
% (see the companion paper) that diagonalizing **all** the 
% eigen-matrices is strictly equivalent to diagonalize all the 
% `parallel cumulants slices'.  In other words, when the model does 
% not hold, it could be a good idea to diagonalize all the parallel 
% cumulant slices.  The joint diagonalization will require about m 
% times more operations, but on the other hand, computation of the 
% eigen-matrices is avoided.  Such an approach makes sense when 
% dealing with a relatively small number of sources (say smaller than 
% 10). 
% Revision history 
% Version 1.5 (Nov. 2, 97) :  
% o Added the option kindly provided by Jerome Galy 
%   (galy@dirac.ensica.fr) to compute the sample cumulant tensor. 
%   This option uses more memory but is faster (a similar piece of 
%   code was also passed to me by Sandip Bose). 
% o Suppressed the useles variable `oui'. 
% o Changed (angles=sign(angles(1))*angles) to (if angles(1)<0 , 
%   angles= -angles ; end ;) as suggested by Iain Collings 
%   <i.collings@ee.mu.OZ.AU>.  This is safer (with probability 0 in 
%   the case of sample statistics) 
% o Cosmetic rewriting of the doc.  Fixed some typos and added new 
%   ones. 
% Version 1.4 (Oct. 9, 97) : Changed the code for estimating 
% cumulants. The new version loops thru the sensor indices rather than 
% looping thru the time index.  This is much faster for large sample 
% sizes.  Also did some clean up.  One can now change the number of 
% eigen-matrices to be jointly diagonalized by just changing the 
% variable `nem'.  It is still hard coded below to be equal to the 
% number of sources.  This is more economical and OK when the model 
% holds but not appropriate when the model does not hold (in which 
% case, the algorithm is no longer asymptotically equivalent to 
% minimizing a contrast function, unless nem is the square of the 
% number of sources.) 
% Version 1.3 (Oct. 6, 97) : Added various Matalb tricks to speed up 
% things a bit.  This is not very rewarding though, because the main 
% computational burden still is in estimating the 4th-order moments. 
% Version 1.2 (Mar., Apr., Sept. 97) : Corrected some mistakes **in 
% the comments !!**, Added note 2 `When the model does not hold' and 
% the EUSIPCO reference. 
% Version 1.1 (Feb. 94): Creation 
% Contact JF Cardoso for any comment bug report,and UPDATED VERSIONS. 
% email : cardoso@sig.enst.fr  
% or check the WEB page http://sig.enst.fr/~cardoso/stuff.html  
% Reference: 
%  @article{CS_iee_94, 
%   author = "Jean-Fran\c{c}ois Cardoso and Antoine Souloumiac", 
%   journal = "IEE Proceedings-F", 
%   title = "Blind beamforming for non {G}aussian signals", 
%   number = "6", 
%   volume = "140", 
%   month = dec, 
%   pages = {362-370}, 
%   year = "1993"} 
%  Some analytical insights into the asymptotic performance of JADE are in 
% @inproceedings{PerfEusipco94, 
%  HTML   = "ftp://sig.enst.fr/pub/jfc/Papers/eusipco94_perf.ps.gz", 
%  author       = "Jean-Fran\c{c}ois Cardoso", 
%  address      = {Edinburgh}, 
%  booktitle    = "{Proc. EUSIPCO}", 
%  month   = sep, 
%  pages   = "776--779", 
%  title   = "On the performance of orthogonal source separation algorithms", 
%  year   = 1994} 
% jade.m ends here

⛄ 运行结果


⛄ 参考文献

[1] 王瑜, 李小波, 毛云翔,等. 基于JADE盲源分离算法的雷达信号研究[J]. 现代防御技术, 2017, 45(1):6.

[2] 郭晓乐, 邱炜, 李向阳,等. 基于JADE盲源分离的主瓣抗干扰算法研究[J]. 火控雷达技术, 2018, 47(4):5.

[3] 骆鹿, 王庆. JADE算法在盲信号分离中的应用[J]. 中国新技术新产品, 2010(4):2.

[4] 杨世锡, 焦卫东, 吴昭同. 应用JADE盲分离算法分离统计相关源[J]. 振动工程学报, 2003, 16(4):4.

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