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原创 Solidity 070 SimpleRequireContract

This Solidity contract, SimpleRequireContract, defines a function that divides a constant by an input number, enforcing that the input is positive, and returns a status based on whether the division result exceeds 10.

2024-07-29 00:21:08 301

原创 Solidity 069 TryCatch

This Solidity code defines two contracts, SimpleDivision for safely dividing two numbers, and TryCatchExample which demonstrates error handling during division using try-catch to log results or errors.

2024-07-29 00:13:55 504

原创 Solidity 068 Migrations

This contract is a basic implementation and may be used as a starting point for more complex migration management systems.

2024-03-09 09:08:21 401

原创 Solidity-067 First

The contract does not include any explicit error handling or access control mechanisms, which may need to be implemented based on specific requirements.

2024-03-09 09:03:03 426

原创 Solidity -064 AssemblyScopes

This example is a great way to understand how scoping works in Solidity's inline assembly and the importance of managing variable visibility across different scopes.

2024-03-03 20:47:53 293

原创 Solidity _063 CallingContract

using inline assembly and low-level calls (call, delegatecall, etc.) requires careful handling to avoid security vulnerabilities. Always ensure you're familiar with the best practices and security considerations when working with these features in Solidity

2024-03-03 20:43:02 716

原创 Solidity 062 MemoryAssembly

when working with inline assembly, it's crucial to be cautious as it allows for low-level manipulation of the EVM, which can lead to security vulnerabilities if not handled carefully.

2024-03-03 20:36:57 438

原创 Solidity 061ReturnValues

Functions in Solidity can return multiple values and accept various data types as inputs or outputs.

2024-02-27 08:19:45 383

原创 Solidity-060 AssemblyUsage

Demonstrating assembly variables and simple operations

2024-02-27 08:14:33 773

原创 Solidity-059 StorageAssembly

A function that demonstrates the use of inline assembly to directly manipulate storage

2024-02-27 08:07:57 922

原创 Solidity 058 ViewFunction

ViewFunction contract for clarity and functionality can involve several steps, including adding detailed documentation,

2024-02-25 00:00:46 276

原创 Solidity-057 UsingCallFunction

This contract demonstrates basic state management through a balance variable and includes functions to modify and access this balance.

2024-02-24 23:51:52 976

原创 Solidity 056 SimpleFallBack

The fallback function is a special function in Solidity that does not have a name and does not take any arguments. It is called when the contract receives plain Ether without any data or if none of the functions match the given function identifier.

2024-02-24 23:28:25 319

原创 Solidity_055 SendAndTransferSample

This method uses require to check conditions and reverts the transaction if they're not met, providing a safer mechanism for Ether transfers.

2024-02-24 01:12:47 436

原创 Solidity 054PureFunction

This contract is a basic example to illustrate the structure and syntax of Solidity smart contracts.

2024-02-24 00:15:44 401

原创 Solidity 053Parameters

The contract itself serves as a basic example of how to handle single and multiple parameters and return values in Solidity functions, including the use of tuples for returning multiple values efficiently.

2024-02-18 09:51:31 673

原创 Solidity_ 052 FallbackAndReceive

EtherBox and UsingCall, designed to interact with the Ethereum blockchain.

2024-02-18 09:45:39 540

原创 Solidity 051 ContractWithoutModifier

The Solidity contract ContractWithoutModifier showcases an approach to implementing access control without the use of modifiers, directly incorporating access checks within the function bodies.

2024-02-14 11:38:26 694

原创 Solidity 050ContractWithModifier

This Solidity contract, named ContractWithModifier, demonstrates the use of modifiers for access control within a smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain.

2024-02-14 11:32:46 341

原创 049 MyMathLibrary

Added brief descriptions at the beginning of the MyMathLibrary and MyMathContract to explain their purposes.

2024-02-11 00:41:57 435

原创 Solidity 046 Mathmatics

(IMaths) and provides an implementation for a function that calculates the square of a number.

2024-02-08 19:26:29 230

原创 Solidity 045 LibraryClient

Mylibrary is a separate contract you interact with, need an instance of it, which requires additional steps not covered here due to the assumption it's a library.

2024-02-08 19:22:15 320

原创 Solidity 044 Interface

It consists of an interface IHelloWorld, a contract that implements this interface named HelloWorld, and another contract Client that interacts with the HelloWorld contract.

2024-02-07 23:02:30 1058

原创 Solidity 043 Reheritance

It consists of three contracts: ParentContract, ChildContract, and Client.

2024-02-07 22:52:17 630

原创 Solidity 042 IMaths

Function declarations expand the IMaths interface to include basic arithmetic operations (Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide) as well as a more complex operation (Power).

2024-02-06 20:05:57 783

原创 Solidity -041 GeneralStructure

Each feature is illustrated with an example within the contract to showcase its practical application. The getAge function, in particular, demonstrates how to work with these features together.

2024-02-06 19:55:22 982

原创 Solidity 040 FunctionPolymorphism

The Solidity compiler differentiates between them based on the parameter type.

2024-02-06 19:44:43 428

原创 Solidity-039 ContractPolymorphism

This code demonstrates basic contract interactions, inheritance, and polymorphism in Solidity, showcasing how derived contracts can override functions from their base contracts to alter their behavior.

2024-02-05 20:16:10 471

原创 Solidity 038Constructor

This contract is a basic example demonstrating state variables, constructors, and functions in Solidity. It allows users to set and get a value, showcasing interaction with smart contract state.

2024-02-05 20:08:24 430

原创 Solidity 037Address

The HelloWorld contract is a simple storage contract for an unsigned integer, providing basic functionality to set and retrieve the value.

2024-02-05 19:57:47 350

原创 Solidity_036 Abstract

Abstract contracts are contracts that have at least one function without its implementation or in the case when you don't provide arguments for all of the base contract constructors.

2024-02-04 19:54:24 494

原创 Solidity - 035 WhileLoop

These comments are designed to provide detailed insights into each part of the contract, from the purpose of the mapping and counter to the specifics of how the while loop functions.

2024-02-04 19:37:18 844

原创 Solidity-034 ReturnValue

he contract is designed to store and manage the block number of a transaction within the Ethereum blockchain.

2024-02-04 19:28:54 459

原创 Solidity-033 IfElse

IfElseExample contract is designed to manage and evaluate different request states using an enumerated type called requestState.

2024-01-28 20:47:32 348

原创 Solidity: 032 LoopContinue

"ForLoopExampleContinue," is designed to demonstrate the use of a for loop and the continue statement in Ethereum smart contract development. It stores Ethereum block numbers along with their corresponding indexes and allows users to retrieve.

2024-01-28 20:40:51 384

原创 Solidity-031 LoopExample

The "ForLoopExample" Solidity smart contract serves as an illustrative example of how to utilize a for loop to store and emit Ethereum block numbers as events.

2024-01-28 01:48:28 341

原创 Solidity-030 ForLoop

This Solidity smart contract demonstrates the use of a for loop to store and emit Ethereum block numbers as events.

2024-01-28 01:42:43 398

原创 Explainable AI (XAI): Bridging the Gap Between Humans and AI

XAI emerges as a critical component in ensuring that AI remains a tool that we can trust and understand.

2024-01-26 20:26:27 308

原创 Solidity- 029 DowhileLoop

Describes the contract's purpose, its key components (mapping and counter), and the functionality of the setNumber and getNumbers functions along with their associated event.

2024-01-26 20:19:50 280

原创 Solidity-028AddressValidations

Ethereum addresses from provided digital signatures, adhering to Ethereum's message signing standards, thereby ensuring authenticity and integrity of transactions on the blockchain.

2024-01-25 20:19:53 593



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