【Python Learning Daily】Day1

        Today I have find a series of Python which I think is better than Udemy's 100Days of learning python cause I have some foundation of C and little of C++ and 100Days it's little bit prolix for the man who have program basic to learning python to begin.And this course series is my old friend CS50 from the Harvard University. 

        In this summer vacation,Why I learning this so late cause I also want to be a professional programer also want to fully learning knowleadge of Artifical Intellengent but as matter of fact I only have one year to do these cause I will take part in Chinese Master Interence exam, and also will suffer undergraduate class in my university(my major is Architecture) ,Time is too short for finish all  so I have try learning JAVA and to try will I suit for program engineering. And the truth is I'm more happy and eager to learning math's glamour and computer's content and why is that,not for the long things about leangue rules and design mode(LOL this terrible feeling and learning mode just as same as I learning Architecture), thus I think I'm very clear with what I want and how to do that, so as remind things are: Probobility,Exam 408 stuffs,Python,computer mathmatics.By the way, I'm very like to learning how to program the  application in mode time devices with Andrio and Apple so if I have more time I will learning Buffer(cause it's origin code can run both two types of device).

        So, the important thing is: 408 = Probability = Python = Computer Mathmatic > Buffer And should make sure that each assignment has the : vedioclass & exercise & Ask and answer  &reflect.        

#SS1:Say hello to user 

#1.01 command technique in python
#   1) """  commands  """ :These three double quotes also the technique of COMMAND
You can see it's very good example for this technique of command cause it's not compile

#   2)This is means the "pseudocode"
#you can see it also not be compile we called this pseudocode

#1.02 print(*objects, sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stdout, flush=False)
#   1)*objects :  the print function can take any number of objects[0,....]
print("what is your name?")#print a string
name = input()

#   2)end='\n',: every line it will print \n
print("hello,",end="")# <-> 1.02.2
print(name)# <-> 1.02.2

print("hello,",end="\n")# <-> 1.02.2
print(name)# <-> 1.02.2

print("hello,",name,end="???")# <-> 1.02.2
print(name)# <-> 1.02.2

#   3)sep=' ', : sep is short for separator in English, so it means the defult seperator is a ' '
print("hello,",name,sep="!!!")#<-> 1.02.3

#   4)print has many way wo connect different variables some may similar as C
print("C type_Hello",name)#C print type 

print("python type_Hello,"+name)#python type

print(f"python3.6 type_Hello {name}")#python3.6 type
#   More details about print:https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#print

#1.03 C's \ as the Escape Character as well as in python
print("Test for Escap Character hello,\"friend\"")#<-> 1.03

#1.04  String Method 
#   1)method-remove whitespace form str
name = name.strip()
print("test for str method strip your name:"+name)

#   2)method-Capitialize user's name's first letter 
name = name.capitalize()
print("test for str mothod capitalize your name:"+name)

#   3)method-title based capitalization:
name = name.title();
print("test for str mothod title your name:"+name)

#4)How to Chain functions together,EX:remove whitespace form str and method-Capitialize user's name's first letter  
name = name.strip().title()#This muliti methods will do the method from left to right

#5)#You can do this in the function,it will more tighter and neater
name = input("What's your name? ").strip().title()
print("test for str mothod muliti your name:"+name)

#1.05 Split user's name into first name and last name
#   1)Assign both of those values from the sequence at once to some variables
first,last = name.split(" ")#goning to have the effect from right to left,of putting the first value in the first variable,the second value in second variable
print(f"test for str mothod assign multiple your name {first}")
print(f"test for str mothod assign multiple your name {last}")


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