EE213 - Lab 1

Lab1: Introduction to MATLAB

Creating vectors

x = [3 4 7 11] % create a row vector(spaces)
  • if the statement does not end with a semicolon, the results will be printed on the Command Window.
  • If the statement ends with a semicolon, the results will NOT be printed on the Command Window. Two ways to view the results
    • Type the name of the variable in the Command Window.
    • Double-click on the name of the variable on the Workspace.
  • x = 3:10;
  • x = 3:2:21;
  • x = 8:-1:0
  • x = linspace(0, 1, 21) % creates 21 points equally spaced between 0 and 1
  • x = 0:0.05:1
  • length(x) % returns the number of entries in vector x
  • x(3) % return the 3rd element of x. Note that Matlab labels the array(vector and matrices) beginning with 1
  • Create a vector of even whole numbers between 31 and 75.
    x = 32:2:75
  • Let x = [2 5 1 6];
    • Add 16 to each element
      a = x + 16;
    • Compute the sum of all elements in x
      b = sum(x);
    • Compute the square root of each element
      c = sqrt(x);
      c = x .^ (0.5);
    • Compute the square of each element
      c = x .^ 2;
      c = x .* 2;
  • Element-wise operations: “.*”, “./”, “.^”. Let x = [3 2 6 8]; and y = [4 1 3 5]';(i.e, x and y should be column vectors). Compare the following operations.
    • x' * y and y' * x
    • x .* y
    • x * y
    • x .^ y
  • Create a vector x with the elements
    x n = ( − 1 ) n + 1 2 n − 1 ,   n   =   1 , 2 , . . . , 100 x_n={(-1)^{n+1}\over2n-1},\ n\ =\ 1,2,...,100 xn=2n1(1)n+1, n = 1,2,...,100
    and calculate the sum of all elements in x
    n = 1:100;
    x = ((-1) .^ (n + 1)) ./ (2 * n - 1); % note the use of .^ and ./
    y = sum(x);
  • We can use a for loop to do the task but it is not efficient.

Plotting Continuous Signals

  • MATLAB is dedicated to discrete signals. In order to work with a continuous signal, we need to generate enough samples over the interval of interest.
  • Plot the exponential signal x ( t ) = 2 e − 2 t x(t)=2e^{-2t} x(t)=2e2tover the interval t ∈ [ − 1 , 1 ] t\in [-1,1] t[1,1].
  • Plot another expoenential signal x ( t ) = 2 e − 4 t x(t)=2e^{-4t} x(t)=2e4tover the interval t ∈ [ − 1 , 1 ] t\in[-1,1] t[1,1] on the same figure.
  • Plot the sinusoid
    x 1 ( t ) = cos ⁡ ( 2 π f c t ) x_1(t)=\cos(2\pi f_ct) x1(t)=cos(2πfct)
    where f c = 4000 f_c=4000 fc=4000 Hz for two periods, i.e. t ∈ [ − T c , T C ] t\in [-T_c,T_C] t[Tc,TC] and where T c T_c Tc is the fundamental period
    fc = 4000; % frequency
    Tc = 1 / fc; % the fundamental period
    t = linspace(-Tc, Tc, 200); % 200 times instants from -Tc to Tc
    x1 = cos(2 * pi * fc * t);
    plot(t, x1, 'LineWidth', 2);
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
  • Plot another sinusoid given by
    x 2 ( t ) = 1.2 cos ⁡ ( 2 π f c ( t − t 0 ) ) x_2(t)=1.2\cos(2 \pi f_c(t-t_0)) x2(t)=1.2cos(2πfc(tt0))
    where f c = 4000 f_c=4000 fc=4000 Hz and t 0 = T / 4 t_0=T/4 t0=T/4 for t ∈ [ − T c , T c ] t\in[-T_c,T_c] t[Tc,Tc], Note that x 2 ( t ) x_2(t) x2(t) is an amplitude-scaled and time-shifted version of x ( t ) x(t) x(t) in the previous slide.

    fc = 4000;
    Tc = 1 / fc;
    t0 = Tc / 4;
    t = linspace(-Tc, Tc, 200);
    x2 = 1.2 * cos(2 * pi * fc * (t - t0));
    plot(t, x2, 'LineWidth', 2);


  • Plot the sum: x 3 ( t ) = x 1 ( t ) + x 2 ( t ) x_3(t)=x_1(t)+x_2(t) x3(t)=x1(t)+x2(t)

    x3 = x1 + x2


  • It is better to plot x 1 , x 2 , x 3 x1, x2, x3 x1,x2,x3 in the same figure.
    Use the subplot command. Type help subplot in Matlab to know the details.

    subplot(3, 1, 1);
    plot(t, x1, 'LineWidth', 2);
    xlabel('Time (second)');
    subplot(3, 1, 2);
    plot(t, x2, 'LineWidth', 2);
    xlabel('Time (second)');
    subplot(3, 1, 3);
    plot(t, x3, 'LineWidth', 2);
    xlabel('Time (second)');


Task 1

  • Plot the discrete sinusoid
    x [ n ] = cos ⁡ ( 1 6 π n ) x[n]=\cos({1\over6}\pi n) x[n]=cos(61πn)
    for n = 0 , 1 , 2 , . . . , 20 n=0,1,2,...,20 n=0,1,2,...,20 and conclude the period of the signal. Verify your observation by theoretical analysis(cf. Lecture 2).

    T = 2 π 1 6 π = 12 T = {2\pi\over{1\over 6}\pi}=12 T=61π2π=12

    n = 0:20;
    x = cos(1 / 6 * pi * n);
    plot(n, x, 'LineWidth', 2);


  • Plot the discrete sinusoid
    x [ n ] = cos ⁡ ( 2 n ) x[n]=\cos(2n) x[n]=cos(2n)
    to show that this signal is not periodic. Explain the reason.

    We can observe from the figure that this discrete signal is not periodic.

Task 2

Plot the discrete signal
cos ⁡ ( 1 6 π n ) + cos ⁡ ( 1 3 π n ) \cos({1\over 6}\pi n)+\cos({1\over3} \pi n) cos(61πn)+cos(31πn)
and conclude the period of the signal.

We can observe that the period of the signal is 12

Task 3

Let f 0 = 20 f_0=20 f0=20 Hz and T 0 = 1 f 0 T_0={1\over f_0} T0=f01. Compute and plot the following signal
x ( t ) = ∑ n = − N N a n e j 2 π n f 0 t x(t)=\sum_{n=-N}^{N}a_ne^{j2\pi nf_0t} x(t)=n=NNanej2πnf0t
where N = 5 N=5 N=5 and a n a_n an is given by
a n = { 0 n   e v e n − j 2 n n   o d d a_n= \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0 & n\ even\\ -{j\over 2n} & n\ odd \end{array} \right. an={02njn evenn odd
for t ∈ [ 0 , 2 T 0 ] t\in[0,2T_0] t[0,2T0]

f0 = 20;
T0 = 1 / f0;
N = 5;

t = linspace(0, 2 * T0, 2000);
x = 0;
for n = -N:N
    if mod(n, 2) == 0
        an = 0;
        an = -1i / (2 * n);
    x = x + an * exp(1i * 2 * pi * n * f0 * t);

plot(t, x, 'LineWidth', 2);


Task 4

Let f 1 = 20 f_1=20 f1=20 Hz and T 1 = 1 f 1 T_1={1\over f_1} T1=f11. Compute and plot the following signal
f ( t ) = 8 A π 2 [ sin ⁡ ( ω 1 t ) − 1 9 sin ⁡ ( 3 ω 1 t ) + 1 25 sin ⁡ ( 5 ω 1 t ) − . . . + ( − 1 ) k − 1 2 k 2 sin ⁡ ( k ω 1 t ) + . . . ] f(t)={8A\over \pi ^2}[\sin(\omega_1t)-{1\over9}\sin(3\omega_1t)+{1\over 25}\sin(5\omega_1t)-...+{(-1)^{{k-1}\over2}\over k^2}\sin(k\omega_1t)+...] f(t)=π28A[sin(ω1t)91sin(3ω1t)+251sin(5ω1t)...+k2(1)2k1sin(kω1t)+...]
where k k k is odd, A A A is a constant, k = 5 k=5 k=5, and t ∈ [ 0 , 2 T 1 ] t\in[0,2T_1] t[0,2T1]

f1 = 20;
T1 = 1 / f1;
w1 = 2 * pi / T1;
A = 1;

t = linspace(0, 2 * T1, 2000);
f = 0;
for k = 1:2:5
    f = f + 8 * A / (pi ^ 2) * (-1) ^ ((k - 1) / 2) / (k ^ 2) * sin(k * w1 * t);
plot(t, f, 'LineWidth', 2);


Task 5

Increase the value of N N N in Task 3 3 3 to N = 10 N=10 N=10 and N = 50 N=50 N=50 and N = 100 N=100 N=100. Give your comments on the results signal.


Increase the value of k k k in Task 3 3 3 to k = 11 k = 11 k=11 and k = 51 k = 51 k=51 and k = 101 k = 101 k=101. Give your comments on the results signal.


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