

We propose a new framework for estimating generative models via an adversarial process, in which we simultaneously train two models: a generative model G that captures the data distribution, and a discriminative model D that estimates the probability that a sample came from the training data rather than G. The training procedure for G is to maximize the probability of D making a mistake. This framework corresponds to a minimax two-player game. In the space of arbitrary functions G and D, a unique solution exists, with G recovering the training data distribution and D equal to 1/2 everywhere. In the case where G and D are defined by multilayer perceptrons, the entire system can be trained with backpropagation.

There is no need for any Markov chains or unrolled approximate inference networks during either training or generation of samples. Experiments demonstrate the potential of the framework through qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the generated samples.








The promise of deep learning is to discover rich, hierarchical models that represent probability distributions over the kinds of data encountered in artificial intelligence applications, such as natural images, audio waveforms containing speech, and symbols in natural language corpora. So far, the most striking successes in deep learning have involved discriminative models, usually those that map a high-dimensional, rich sensory input to a class label. These striking successes have primarily been based on the backpropagation and dropout algorithms, using piecewise linear units which have a particularly well-behaved gradient . Deep generative models have had less of an impact, due to the difficulty of approximating many intractable probabilistic computations that arise in maximum likelihood estimation and related strategies, and due to difficulty of leveraging the benefits of piecewise linear units in the generative context. We propose a new generative model estimation procedure that sidesteps these difficulties.






In the proposed adversarial nets framework, the generative model is pitted against an adversary: a discriminative model that learns to determine whether a sample is from the model distribution or the data distribution. The generative model can be thought of as analogous to a team of counterfeiters, trying to produce fake currency and use it without detection, while the discriminative model is analogous to the police, trying to detect the counterfeit currency. Competition in this game drives both teams to improve their methods until the counterfeits are indistiguishable from the genuine articles.



This framework can yield specific training algorithms for many kinds of model and optimization algorithm. In this article, we explore the special case when the generative model generates samples by passing random noise through a multilayer perceptron, and the discriminative model is also a multilayer perceptron. We refer to this special case as adversarial nets. In this case, we can train both models using only the highly successful backpropagation and dropout algorithms and sample from the generative model using only forward propagation. No approximate inference or Markov chains are necessary.





Related work

Until recently, most work on deep generative models focused on models that provided a parametric specification of a probability distribution function. The model can then be trained by maximizing the log likelihood. In this family of model, perhaps the most succesful is the deep Boltzmann machine. Such models generally have intractable likelihood functions and therefore require numerous approximations to the likelihood gradient. These difficulties motivated the development of “generative machines”–models that do not explicitly represent the likelihood, yet are able to generate samples from the desired distribution. Generative stochastic networks are an example of a generative machine that can be trained with exact backpropagation rather than the numerous approximations required for Boltzmann machines. This work extends the idea of a generative machine by eliminating the Markov chains used in generative stochastic networks.





Our work backpropagates derivatives through generative processes by using the observation that


观察到对 f 的期望求导就是对 f 自己求导,这也是为什么通过反向传播求解GAN

We were unaware at the time we developed this work that Kingma and Welling and Rezende et al had developed more general stochastic backpropagation rules, allowing one to backpropagate through Gaussian distributions with finite variance, and to backpropagate to the covariance parameter as well as the mean. These backpropagation rules could allow one to learn the conditional variance of the generator, which we treated as a hyperparameter in this work. Kingma and Welling and Rezende et al use stochastic backpropagation to train variational autoencoders (VAEs). Like generative adversarial networks, variational autoencoders pair a differentiable generator network with a second neural network. Unlike generative adversarial networks, the second network in a VAE is a recognition model that performs approximate inference. GANs require differentiation through the visible units, and thus cannot model discrete data, while VAEs require differentiation through the hidden units, and thus cannot have discrete latent variables. Other VAElike approaches exist but are less closely related to our method.



Previous work has also taken the approach of using a discriminative criterion to train a generative model. These approaches use criteria that are intractable for deep generative models. These methods are difficult even to approximate for deep models because they involve ratios of probabilities which cannot be approximated using variational approximations that lower bound the probability. Noise-contrastive estimation (NCE) involves training a generative model by learning the weights that make the model useful for discriminating data from a fixed noise distribution. Using a previously trained model as the noise distribution allows training a sequence of models of increasing quality. This can be seen as an informal competition mechanism similar in spirit to the formal competition used in the adversarial networks game. The key limitation of NCE is that its “discriminator” is defined by the ratio of the probability densities of the noise distribution and the model distribution, and thus requires the ability to evaluate and backpropagate through both densities.






Some previous work has used the general concept of having two neural networks compete. The most relevant work is predictability minimization. In predictability minimization, each hidden unit in a neural network is trained to be different from the output of a second network, which predicts the value of that hidden unit given the value of all of the other hidden units. This work differs from predictability minimization in three important ways: 1) in this work, the competition between the networks is the sole training criterion, and is sufficient on its own to train the network. Predictability minimization is only a regularizer that encourages the hidden units of a neural network to be statistically independent while they accomplish some other task; it is not a primary training criterion.

2) The nature of the competition is different. In predictability minimization, two networks’ outputs are compared, with one network trying to make the outputs similar and the other trying to make the outputs different. The output in question is a single scalar. In GANs, one network produces a rich, high dimensional vector that is used as the input to another network, and attempts to choose an input that the other network does not know how to process. 3) The specification of the learning process is different. Predictability minimization is described as an optimization problem with an objective function to be minimized, and learning approaches the minimum of the objective function. GANs are based on a minimax game rather than an optimization problem, and have a value function that one agent seeks to maximize and the other seeks to minimize. The game terminates at a saddle point that is a minimum with respect to one player’s strategy and a maximum with respect to the other player’s strategy.







解释与predictability minimization算法的区别

Generative adversarial networks has been sometimes confused with the related concept of “adversarial examples”. Adversarial examples are examples found by using gradient-based optimization directly on the input to a classification network, in order to find examples that are similar to the data yet misclassified. This is different from the present work because adversarial examples are not a mechanism for training a generative model. Instead, adversarial examples are primarily an analysis tool for showing that neural networks behave in intriguing ways, often confidently classifying two images differently with high confidence even though the difference between them is imperceptible to a human observer. The existence of such adversarial examples does suggest that generative adversarial network training could be inefficient, because they show that it is possible to make modern discriminative networks confidently recognize a class without emulating any of the human-perceptible attributes of that class.




解释与另一个名词adversarial examples的区别

Adversarial nets

The adversarial modeling framework is most straightforward to apply when the models are both multilayer perceptrons. To learn the generator’s distribution pg over data x, we define a prior on input noise variables pz(z), then represent a mapping to data space as G(z; θg), where G is a differentiable function represented by a multilayer perceptron with parameters θg. We also define a second multilayer perceptron D(x; θd) that outputs a single scalar. D(x) represents the probability that x came from the data rather than pg. We train D to maximize the probability of assigning the correct label to both training examples and samples from G. We simultaneously train G to minimize log(1 − D(G(z))). In other words, D and G play the following two-player minimax game with value function V (G; D):


当模型都是多层感知器时,对抗性建模框架最容易应用。为了了解生成器在数据x上的分布pg,我们定义了输入噪声变量pz(z)的先验,然后将到数据空间的映射表示为G(z;θg),其中G是由参数为θg的多层感知器表示的可微函数。我们还定义了第二个多层感知器D(x;θd)输出单个标量。D(x)表示x来自数据而不是pg的概率。我们训练D以最大化为训练样例和G的样本分配正确标签的概率。我们同时训练G以最小化log(1 - D(G(z)))。换句话说,D和G进行如下的二人极大极小博弈,其值函数为V (G;D):





log(1 - D(G(z))):当辨别器做得很好的时候是log1=0;做得不好时是负数,越不好越趋于负无穷


In the next section, we present a theoretical analysis of adversarial nets, essentially showing that the training criterion allows one to recover the data generating distribution as G and D are given enough capacity, i.e., in the non-parametric limit. See Figure 1 for a less formal, more pedagogical explanation of the approach. In practice, we must implement the game using an iterative, numerical approach. Optimizing D to completion in the inner loop of training is computationally prohibitive, and on finite datasets would result in overfitting. Instead, we alternate between k steps of optimizing D and one step of optimizing G. This results in D being maintained near its optimal solution, so long as G changes slowly enough. The procedure is formally presented in Algorithm 1.



In practice, equation 1 may not provide sufficient gradient for G to learn well. Early in learning, when G is poor, D can reject samples with high confidence because they are clearly different from the training data. In this case, log(1 − D(G(z))) saturates. Rather than training G to minimize log(1 − D(G(z))) we can train G to maximize log D(G(z)). This objective function results in the same fixed point of the dynamics of G and D but provides much stronger gradients early in learning.


在实际操作中,方程1可能无法提供足够的梯度,使G能够学好。在学习早期,当G较差时,D可以拒绝高置信度的样本,因为它们与训练数据明显不同。在这种情况下,log(1−D(G(z)))饱和。与其训练G最小化log(1−D(G(z)),不如训练G最大化log D(G(z))。这个目标函数的结果是G和D的动力学相同的不动点,但在学习的早期提供了更强的梯度。


V(G,D)的最后一项有点问题,早期时G比较弱,很容易把D训练得特别好,导致梯度无法求解。因此建议把最后一项改成最大化log D(G(z)),但是这种改法也有问题,后续工作会加以改进

Theoretical Results

The generator G implicitly defines a probability distribution pg as the distribution of the samples G(z) obtained when z ∼ pz. Therefore, we would like Algorithm 1 to converge to a good estimator of pdata, if given enough capacity and training time. The results of this section are done in a nonparametric setting, e.g. we represent a model with infinite capacity by studying convergence in the space of probability density functions.


生成器G隐式地定义了一个概率分布pg作为z ~ pz时得到的样本G(z)的分布。因此,如果给定足够的容量和训练时间,我们希望算法1收敛到pdata的一个很好的估计器。本节的结果是在非参数设置下得到的,例如,我们通过研究概率密度函数空间中的收敛性来表示具有无限容量的模型

We will show in section 4.1 that this minimax game has a global optimum for pg = pdata. We will then show in section 4.2 that Algorithm 1 optimizes Eq 1, thus obtaining the desired result.


我们将在4.1节中展示这个极大极小对策对于pg = pdata具有全局最优。然后,我们将在4.2节中说明,算法1优化了Eq 1,从而获得了期望的结果。







 Global Optimality of pg = pdata







Convergence of Algorithm 1



Advantages and disadvantages

This new framework comes with advantages and disadvantages relative to previous modeling frameworks. The disadvantages are primarily that there is no explicit representation of pg(x), and that D must be synchronized well with G during training (in particular, G must not be trained too much without updating D, in order to avoid “the Helvetica scenario” in which G collapses too many values of z to the same value of x to have enough diversity to model pdata), much as the negative chains of a Boltzmann machine must be kept up to date between learning steps. The advantages are that Markov chains are never needed, only backprop is used to obtain gradients, no inference is needed during learning, and a wide variety of functions can be incorporated into the model. Table 2 summarizes the comparison of generative adversarial nets with other generative modeling approaches.

The aforementioned advantages are primarily computational. Adversarial models may also gain some statistical advantage from the generator network not being updated directly with data examples, but only with gradients flowing through the discriminator. This means that components of the input are not copied directly into the generator’s parameters. Another advantage of adversarial networks is that they can represent very sharp, even degenerate distributions, while methods based on Markov chains require that the distribution be somewhat blurry in order for the chains to be able to mix between modes


与以前的建模框架相比,这个新框架有优点也有缺点。缺点主要是没有显式表示的pg (x)和D必须同步与G在训练(特别是G不能训练太多没有更新,为了避免“Helvetica场景”,即G崩溃太多相同的z值x的值有足够的多样性模型pdata),负链的玻耳兹曼机之间必须保持最新的学习步骤。它的优点是不需要马尔可夫链,只需要反向获取梯度,在学习过程中不需要推理,并且可以将各种各样的函数纳入模型。表2总结了生成对抗网络与其他生成建模方法的比较。




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