5–3 -4 The Universal Property of NAND and NOR Gates


Up to this point, you have studied combinational circuits implemented with AND gates, OR gates, and inverters.

In this section, the universal property of the NAND gate and the NOR gate is discussed.

The universality of the NAND gate means that it can be used as an inverter and that combinations of NAND gates can be used to implement the AND, OR, and NOR operations.

Similarly, the NOR gate can be used to implement the inverter (NOT), AND, OR, and NAND operations.

The NAND Gate as a Universal Logic Element

The NOR Gate as a Universal Logic Element

5–4 Combinational Logic Using NAND and NOR Gates

NAND Logic Diagrams Using Dual Symbols

这张图展示了在NAND逻辑电路图中如何使用双重符号。所有的NAND逻辑图都应该使用NAND符号来表示每个门的逻辑功能,且与之相对应的是负或门(negative-OR gate)符号,这两种符号被称为双重符号(dual symbols)。在绘制NAND逻辑图时,应该以这样的方式使用门符号:每个连到门的输入端都是泡沫对泡沫(bubble-to-bubble)或者非泡沫对非泡沫(nonbubble-to-nonbubble)。通常,一个泡沫输出不应该连接到一个非泡沫输入,反之亦然。



(a) 部分:

  • 输入A和B通过一个AND门,输出AB。
  • 这个AB与C通过一个OR门,输出ABC。
  • 然后,ABC与D通过一个AND门,输出ABCD。
  • 接着,ABCD与E通过一个OR门,输出ABCDE。
  • 最后,ABCDE与F通过一个AND门,得到最终输出ABCDEF。


(b) 部分:

  • 输入A和B通过一个AND门,同时C独立存在。
  • A和B的AND门与C通过一个OR门,同时D独立存在。
  • AB+C的结果与D通过一个AND门,同时E和F通过一个OR门。
  • 最终,这两个结果通过一个AND门得到最终的表达式。


NOR Logic

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Sure, I can help you with that. Here is a labelled schematic diagram of an SR latch built using two NAND gates: ``` +-----+ +-----+ ----|NAND1|---------------| | +--+--+ | | |SR|---------------|NAND2| +--+--+ | | ----|NAND3|---------------| | +-----+ +-----+ ``` In this diagram, the inputs S (set) and R (reset) are connected to the two NAND gates. The output of NAND1 is connected to the input of NAND2, and the output of NAND2 is connected to the input of NAND3. The outputs of NAND1 and NAND3 are the complementary outputs Q and Q̅, respectively. To understand how an SR latch works, let's consider the following scenarios: 1. When S=0 and R=0: Both inputs of NAND1 and NAND3 are high, which means their outputs are low. This makes the input of NAND2 high, which in turn makes its output low. This maintains the previous state of the latch, and both Q and Q̅ remain unchanged. 2. When S=1 and R=0: The high input of NAND1 makes its output low, which sets the input of NAND2 to low. The low input of NAND3 makes its output high, which in turn makes the input of NAND2 high. This causes the output of NAND2 to toggle, with Q becoming high and Q̅ becoming low. 3. When S=0 and R=1: The high input of NAND3 makes its output low, which resets the input of NAND2 to high. The low input of NAND1 makes its output high, which in turn makes the input of NAND2 low. This causes the output of NAND2 to toggle, with Q becoming low and Q̅ becoming high. 4. When S=1 and R=1: Both inputs of NAND1 and NAND3 are low, which means their outputs are high. This makes the input of NAND2 low, which in turn makes its output high. This causes the outputs of NAND1 and NAND3 to toggle, with Q and Q̅ both becoming low. In summary, an SR latch built using two NAND gates can latch and store a single bit of information. The latch operates in two stable states, depending on the values of the S and R inputs. When S=0 and R=0, the latch maintains its previous state. When S=1 and R=0, the latch sets its output to high. When S=0 and R=1, the latch resets its output to low. And when S=1 and R=1, the latch enters an undefined state where both outputs are low.


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