

      如果用一系列函数去实现上述运算,就不如MATLAB的表达简洁和美观。当然,利用C++的类和运算符重载,可以使矩阵运算显得简洁美观。但是,模仿MATLAB的矩阵运算仍然存在许多障碍,例如,用矩阵A进行奇异值分解可得三个矩阵:[S, V, D] = svd(A),以往的C++很难对赋值进行模仿,因为C和C++的函数返回值只能有一个值。另外,MATLAB矩阵中的块可以被赋值,只是改变了原矩阵的一部分值;而用C++的类重新构造一个矩阵块,则矩阵块与被赋值的原矩阵无关。


      (1) 如何定义任意多维数组?

      (2) 如果用类模仿,需要为二维、三维等定义多个类型吗?如何用一个类表示任意多维数组?

      (3) 如何使块赋值做出的修改影响原有矩阵的部分值?

      (4) 如何解决奇异值分解函数不能返回多个值赋给3个变量的问题?

      (5) 如何表达某一维的上下界以及步长,例如MATLAB的A[1:6, 1:6]以支持取块等操作?



      第(4)个问题的解决则依赖于C++引入的结构化类型推导,例如对于矩阵a使用auto [s, v, d] = a.svd()。第(5)个问题的解决则依赖于C++的类模板initializer_list,如此则MATLAB的A[1:6, 1:6]可用A[{1,6}][{1,6}]模拟,其中{1,6}的类型为initializer_list<int>实例类,若{...}有三个元素则可以描述维的步长。对于MATLAB的维用begin等符号,可用initializer_list的实例类initializer_list<const char*>表示。


#pragma once
#include <list>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class DIM {    //定义维类
    int* d, n;
    DIM(int x);
    DIM(const std::list<int>&); //定义DIM(const std::list<const char *>&),可支持begin等表示
    DIM(const DIM&);
    DIM& operator=(const DIM&);
    DIM& operator=(DIM&&);
    int& operator[](int x);
    operator int()const;
template <typename T> struct SVD;
template <typename T>
class MAT {
    T** const e;//存放元素
    long z;        //e的元素个数
    int *d;         //矩阵各维的界
    const int n; //维数
    bool o;        //是否原始矩阵
    MAT(int, Args...args)requires conjunction_v<is_same<int, Args>...>;
    MAT(const MAT&);
    operator T& ();
    MAT operator[](int x);
    MAT operator[](std::list<DIM> x);
    MAT operator+(const MAT&)const;
    MAT operator-(const MAT&)const;
    MAT operator*(const MAT&)const;
    MAT& operator=(const T&);
    MAT& operator=(T&&);
    MAT& operator=(const MAT&);
    MAT& operator=(MAT&&);
    MAT sum(int x)const;
    SVD<T>  svd( )const;
    void print();

template <typename T>
struct SVD { MAT<T> u, s, v; };
//template <typename T, typename...Args>
//SVD<T, Args...>  svd(const MAT<T, Args...>&);     //可以加上auto [U,S,V]=svd(A)


#include "MAT.h"
#include <type_traits>

DIM::DIM(int x):d(new int(x)),n(d?1:0)  {
    if (d == nullptr) throw "Memory allocation error when constructing DIM!";
DIM::DIM(const std::list<int>& x): d(nullptr), n(0) {
    int c = x.size();
    if (c != 2 && c != 3) throw "Boundary format error!";
    if (c == 2) {
        int f = x.front();
        int l = x.back();
        if(f>=l) throw "Boundary format error!";
        n = l - f + 1;
        d = new int[n];
        for (int s = 0; s < n; f++, s++) d[s] = f;
    int t[3], m=0;
    for (int s: x) {
        t[m] = s; m++;
    if (t[1] == 0) throw "Boundary format error!";
    if (t[1] > 0 && t[0] >= t[2]) throw "Boundary format error!";
    if (t[1] < 0 && t[0] <= t[2]) throw "Boundary format error!";
    if (t[1] > 0) {
        n = (t[2] - t[0]) / t[1]+1;
        d = new int[n];
        for (int s = 0; s < n; t[0]+=t[1], s++) d[s] = t[0];
    n = (t[2] - t[0]) / t[1] + 1;
    d = new int[n];
    for (int s = 0; s < n; t[0] += t[1], s++) d[s] = t[0];
DIM::DIM(const DIM& a) : d(new int[a.n]), n(d ? a.n : 0) {
    if(d == nullptr) throw "Memory allocation error when constructing DIM!";
    for (int x = 0; x < n; x++) d[x] = a.d[x];
DIM::DIM(DIM&& a) : d(a.d), n(a.n) {
    a.d = nullptr;
    a.n = 0;
DIM& DIM::operator=(const DIM&a) {
    if(this==&a) return *this;
    if (d) delete d;
    d = new int[a.n];
    if (d == nullptr) throw "Memory allocation error when constructing DIM!";
    for (n = 0; n < a.n; n++) d[n] = a.d[n];
    return *this;
DIM& DIM::operator=(DIM&&a) {
    if (this == &a) return *this;
    if (d) delete d;
    d = a.d;
    n = a.n;
    a.d = nullptr;
    a.n = 0;
    return *this;
int& DIM::operator[](int x) {
    if(x<0 || x>=n) throw "Subscriptin error for DIM!";
    return d[x];
DIM::operator int()const {
    return this->n;
DIM::~DIM() {
    if (d) {
        delete d; d = nullptr; n = 0;
template <typename T>
MAT<T>::MAT(): e(nullptr), z(0), d(nullptr), n(0), o(false) { }
template <typename T>
template <typename ...Args>
MAT<T>::MAT(int f, Args...args)requires conjunction_v<is_same<int, Args>...> : e(nullptr), n(0), o(true) {
    static_assert(conjunction_v<is_same<int, Args>...>, "dimensions must be integers");
    int s = sizeof...(Args);
    //bool b = conjunction_v<is_same<int, Args>...>;
    int* p = 1 + &f;      //第2维地址
    (int&)n = 1 + s;      //维数
    d = new int[n];        //为各维的界分配空间
    if (d == nullptr) throw "Memory allocation error when constructing MAT!";
    z = d[0] = f;
    for (int m = 0; m < s; m++)
        z *= d[m + 1] = p[m];
    (T**&)e = new T * [z] {nullptr};
    if (e == nullptr) throw "Memory allocation error when constructing MAT!";
    for (long x = 0; x < z; x++) {
        e[x] = new T{ 0 };
        if (e[x] == nullptr) throw "Memory allocation error when constructing MAT!";
template <typename T>
MAT<T>::MAT(const MAT& a): e(new T* [a.z]), z(e ? a.z : 0), d(new int[a.n]), n(d ? a.n : 0), o(true) {
    if (e == nullptr) throw "Memory allocation error when constructing MAT!";
    if (d == nullptr) throw "Memory allocation error when constructing MAT!";
    for (int m = 0; m < n; m++) d[m] = a.d[m];
    for (long x = 0; x < z; x++) {
        e[x] = new T{ 0 };
        if (e[x] == nullptr) throw "Memory allocation error when constructing MAT!";
        *e[x] = *a.e[x];
template <typename T>
MAT<T>::MAT(MAT&& a) : e(a.e), n(a.n), d(a.d), z(a.z), o(a.o) {
    (T**&)(a.e) = nullptr;
    a.z = 0;
    a.d = nullptr;
    (int&)(a.n) = 0;
    a.o = false;
template <typename T>
MAT<T>::~MAT() {
    if (e == nullptr) return;
    if (o == true) {
        for (long x = 0; x < z; x++)
            if (e[x] != nullptr) delete e[x];
    if (d != nullptr) delete[]d;
    (T**&)e = nullptr;
    z = 0;
    d = nullptr;
    (int &)n = 0;
    o = false;
template <typename T>
MAT<T> MAT<T>::operator[](int x) {
    if (n < 1) throw "decreasing dimension error!";
    if (x < 0 || x >= d[0]) throw "subscription overflow!";
    MAT<T> r;
    r.z = z / d[0];
    (int&)(r.n) = n - 1;
    (T**&)(r.e) = new T * [r.z]{ nullptr };
    if (r.e == nullptr) throw "Memory allocation error when decresing dimension!";
    long p = x * r.z;
    for (long h = 0; h < r.z; h++)     r.e[h] = e[p + h];
    r.d = new int[r.n];
    if (r.d == nullptr) throw "Memory allocation error when decresing dimension!";
    for (int m = 1; m < n; m++) r.d[m-1] = d[m];
    r.o = false;
    return r;
template <typename T>
MAT<T> MAT<T>::operator[](std::list<DIM> x) {
    if (n < 1) throw "decreasing dimension error!";
    int t = 0;
    for (DIM m : x) {
        t+=m.operator int();
        for(int f=0, k=m; f<k; f++)
            if (m[f] < 0 || m[f] >= d[0]) throw "subscription overflow!";
    MAT<T> r;
    r.z = z / d[0] * t;
    (int&)(r.n) = n;
    (T**&)(r.e) = new T * [r.z]{ nullptr };
    r.d = new int[r.n];
    if (r.d == nullptr) throw "Memory allocation error when decresing dimension!";
    r.d[0] = t;
    for (int m = 1; m < n; m++) r.d[m] = d[m];
    long rz = z / d[0];
    t = 0;
    for (DIM m : x) {
        for (int f = 0, k= m; f < k; f++) {
            long p = m[f] * rz;
            long q = t * rz;
            for (long h = 0; h < rz; h++)     r.e[q + h] = e[p + h];
    r.o = false;
    return r;
template <typename T>
MAT<T>::operator T& () {
    if(z!=1) throw "The number of elements must be 1 when fetching element!";
    return *e[0];
template <typename T>
MAT<T> MAT<T>::operator+(const MAT& a)const {
    if (z != a.z) throw "The size is not equal to each other when adding two MATs!";
    if (n != a.n) throw "The number of dimensions is not equal to each other when adding two MATs!";
    for (int m = 0; m < n; m++) {
        if (d[m] != a.d[m]) throw "The size of each dimension is not equal to each other when adding two MATs!";
    if (typeid(**e)!=typeid(**a.e)) "The type of element is not equal to each other when adding two MATs!";
    MAT<T> r(a);    //r.o=true即是分配元素内存的
    for (long h = 0; h < z; h++)     (*r.e[h]) += *e[h];
    return r;
template <typename T>
MAT<T> MAT<T>::operator-(const MAT& a)const {
    if (z != a.z) throw "The size is not equal to each other when substracting two MATs!";
    if (n != a.n) throw "The number of dimensions is not equal to each other when substracting two MATs!";
    for (int m = 0; m < n; m++) {
        if (d[m] != a.d[m]) throw "The size of each dimension is not equal to each other when substracting two MATs!";
    if (typeid(**e) != typeid(**a.e)) "The type of element is not equal to each other when substracting two MATs!";
    MAT<T> r(*this);    //r.o=true即是分配元素内存的
    for (long h = 0; h < z; h++)     (*r.e[h]) -= *a.e[h];
    return r;
//可实现一个较“通用”的矩阵乘法:检查n和a.n==2,对返回结果可定义MAT<T, Args...> r(),重新为r分配内存
MAT<int> MAT<int>::operator*(const MAT& a)const {
    if (n != 2 || a.n != 2) throw "The number of dimensions must be 2 when multiplying two MATs!";
    if (d[1] != a.d[0]) throw "The size of second dimension of first matrix is not equal to the size of first dimension of second matrix when multiplying two MATs!";
    if (typeid(**e) != typeid(**a.e)) "The type of element is not equal to each other when multiplying two MATs!";
    MAT<int> r(d[0], a.d[1]);        //r.o=true即是分配元素内存的
    for (int x = 0; x < d[0]; x++)
        for (int y = 0; y < a.d[1]; y++) {
            long p = x * a.d[1] + y;
            *r.e[p] = 0;
            for (int z = 0; z < d[1]; z++) {
                *r.e[p] += *e[x * d[1] + z] * *a.e[z * a.d[1] + y];
    return r;
MAT<double> MAT<double>::operator*(const MAT& a)const {
    if (n != 2 || a.n != 2) throw "The number of dimensions must be 2 when multiplying two MATs!";
    if (d[1] != a.d[0]) throw "The size of second dimension of first matrix is not equal to the size of first dimension of second matrix when multiplying two MATs!";
    if (typeid(**e) != typeid(**a.e)) "The type of element is not equal to each other when multiplying two MATs!";

    MAT<double> r(d[0], a.d[1]);        //r.o=true即是分配元素内存的
    for (int x = 0; x < d[0]; x++)
        for (int y = 0; y < a.d[1]; y++) {
            long p = x * a.d[1] + y;
            *r.e[p] = 0;
            for (int z = 0; z < d[1]; z++) {
                *r.e[p] += *e[x * d[1] + z] * *a.e[z * a.d[1] + y];
    return r;
template <typename T>
MAT<T>& MAT<T>::operator=(const T& t) {
    if (z != 1) throw "The number of elements must be 1 when fetching element!";
    *e[0] = t;
    return *this;
template <typename T>
MAT<T>& MAT<T>::operator=(T&& t) {
    if (z != 1) throw "The number of elements must be 1 when fetching element!";
    *e[0] = t;
    return *this;
template <typename T>
MAT<T>& MAT<T>::operator=(const MAT& a) {
    if (this == &a) return *this;
    if (o == false) {//赋值给非原生MAT:两个MAT的维的界必须相同
        if (z != a.z) throw "The size is not equal to each other when assigning an matrix!";
        if (n != a.n) throw "The number of dimensions is not equal to each other when assigning an matrix!";
        for (int m = 0; m < n; m++) {
            if (d[m] != a.d[m]) throw "The size of each dimension is not equal to each other when assigning an matrix!";
        if (typeid(**e) != typeid(**a.e)) "The type of element is not equal to each other when assigning an matrix!";
        for (long h = 0; h < z; h++)     (*e[h]) = *a.e[h];
    else {            //赋值给原生MAT:两个MAT的维的界可以相同
        if (e != nullptr && a.e != nullptr && typeid(**e) != typeid(**a.e)) "The type of element is not equal to each other when assigning an matrix!";;
        if (e) for (long x = 0; x < z; x++) if (e[x] != nullptr) delete e[x];
        (T**&)e = new T * [z = a.z];
        if (e == nullptr) throw "Memory allocation error when assigning an matrix!";
        for (long x = 0; x < z; x++) {
            e[x] = new T{ 0 };
            if (e[x] == nullptr) throw "Memory allocation error when assigning an matrix!";
            *e[x] = *a.e[x];  
        d = new int[(int&)n = a.n];
        if (d == nullptr) throw "Memory allocation error when assigning an matrix!";
        for (int m = 0; m < n; m++) (int&)(d[m]) = int(a.d[m]);
    return *this;
template <typename T>
MAT<T>& MAT<T>::operator=(MAT&& a) {
    if (this == &a) return *this;
    if (o && e) for (long x = 0; x < z; x++) if (e[x] != nullptr) delete e[x];
    if(e) delete[]e;
    if(d) delete[]d;
    (T**&)e = a.e;
    z = a.z;
    d = a.d;
    (int &)n = a.n;
    o = a.o;
    (T**&)(a.e) = nullptr;
    a.z = 0;
    a.d = 0;
    (int&)(a.n) = 0;
    a.o = false;
    return *this;

template <typename T>
SVD<T>  MAT<T>::svd( )const {
    SVD<T> s;
    return s;
template <typename T>
MAT<T> MAT<T>::sum(int x)const {
    MAT<T> m;
    return m;

template <typename T>
void MAT<T>::print( ){
    if (n != 2) throw "Not a 2 dimension matrix, can not print out!";
    for (long x = 0; x < d[0]; x++) {
        for (long y = 0; y < d[1]; y++) {
            cout << "\t" << *e[x * d[1] + y];
        cout << endl;
template  MAT<int>;
template MAT<int>::MAT(int);
template MAT<int>::MAT(int, int);
template MAT<int>::MAT(int, int, int);
template  MAT<double>;
template MAT<double>::MAT(int);
template MAT<double>::MAT(int, int);
template MAT<double>::MAT(int, int, int);


#include "MAT.h"

int main()
    MAT<int> m(3);
    MAT<int> a(3, 3);
    MAT<int> e(2, 3);
    MAT<double> n(3, 3, 3);
    string st = typeid(MAT<int>).name();
    st = typeid(MAT<double>).name();
    a[0][0] = 1;
    a[0][1] = 2;
    a[0][2] = 3;
    a[1][0] = 4;
    a[1][1] = 5;
    a[1][2] = 6;
    a[2][0] = 7;
    a[2][1] = 8;
    a[2][2] = 9;
    auto [s, v, d] = a.svd();
    std::list<int> b = { 0,2 };
    e = a[{0, DIM({ 1,2 })}];
    e[0][0] = 11;
    int z = e[0][0];
    e = a[{ 1, 2 }];    //也可以对块a[{1,2}]赋值,修改原始类的部分元素。
    e = e * a;

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