💥1 概述
📚2 运行结果
% are launch sites for the drones. Depots can be a static platform, a
% truck, a barge, a ship or another aircraft. The idea is to find the
% best depot locations using k-means and then optimally routing each
% of the drones around its respective depot such that the total distance
% traveled by the drones is minimized. Each customer (stop) is visited
% exactly once by its drone.
% Summary:
% 1. Each drone has the capability to deliver from its assigned depot
% constrained by range (1/2 drone range for ingress
% and egress)
% 2. For each stop, a customer is visited by a drone which is launched
% from the dopot, travels to the customer stop, then returns to
% the depot. A drone is constrained by range from depot and
% capacity or number of parcels. A drone may deliver to n-customers
% in one sortie based on drone capacity and range.
% 3. Entire algorithm is based on centering depots around k-means
% centroids, then creating routes for the drones around these
% centroids (depots) such that the time is minimized.
% INPUT Parameters: Structured or "Default" Inputs
% Input:
% USERCONFIG (structure) with zero or more of the following fields:
% defaultConfig.nCities = 30; %number stops
% defaultConfig.capacity = 3; %drone capacity (1,2,3)
% defaultConfig.range = 4; %(10, 15, 20)
% defaultConfig.nHubs = 5; %Number of depots (centroids)
% defaultConfig.speed = 2; %drone speed factor of truck =1
% defaultConfig.energy = 5e4; %(drone 5e4, 1e5, 2e5)
% defaultConfig.energyP = 5e4; %(drone 5e4, 1e5, 1.3e4)
% defaultConfig.energyT = 8.08e6; %(truck 8.08e6, 6.0e6)
% defaultConfig.energyTP = 4.04e4; %(truck , 4.04e4, 1.2e5)
% defaultConfig.cost = .04; % $0.04, $0.08, $0.20
% defaultConfig.costT = .70; % $0.70, $0.40
% defaultConfig.xy = % x,y coordinates of stops
% defaultConfig.dmat = []; %dist matrix
% defaultConfig.popSize = 200; %population size
% defaultConfig.numIter = 2.5e2; %1.25e3; %iterations
% defaultConfig.showProg = true; %show progress of route
% defaultConfig.showResult = true; %show results on completion
% defaultConfig.showWaitbar = false; %show wait bar
% Input Notes:
% 1. Rather than passing in a structure containing these fields, any/all of
% these inputs can be passed in as parameter/value pairs in any order instead.
% 2. Field/parameter names are case insensitive but must match exactly otherwise.
% Output:
% RESULTSTRUCT (structure) with the following fields:
% 'xy', xy, ...
% 'dmat', dmat, ...
% 'nHubs', nHubs, ...
% 'minTour', minTour, ...
% 'popSize', popSize, ...
% 'numIter', numIter, ...
% 'showProg', showProg, ...
% 'showResult', showResult, ...
% 'showWaitbar', showWaitbar, ...
% 'optRoute', optRoute, ...
% 'optBreak', optBreak, ...
% 'nCities', nCities, ...
% 'cap', cap, ...
% 'range', range, ...
% 'speed', speed, ...
% 'cost', cost, ...
% 'costT', costT, ...
% 'energy', energy, ...
% 'energyT', energyT, ...
% 'energyP', energyP, ...
% 'energyTP', energyTP, ...
% 'minEnergy', minEnergy, ...
% 'minEnergyP', minEnergyP, ...
% 'minCost', minCost, ...
% 'minTime', minTime, ...
% 'minDist', minDist);
🎉3 参考文献