💥1 概述
📚2 运行结果
clear, clc, close all
% load an audio file
[x, fs] = audioread('track.wav'); % load an audio file
x = x(:, 1); % get the first channel
% define analysis parameters
wlen = 1024; % window length (recomended to be power of 2)
hop = wlen/4; % hop size (recomended to be power of 2)
nfft = 4096; % number of fft points (recomended to be power of 2)
% perform STFT
win = blackman(wlen, 'periodic');
[S, f, t] = stft(x, win, hop, nfft, fs);
% calculate the coherent amplification of the window
C = sum(win)/wlen;
% take the amplitude of fft(x) and scale it, so not to be a
% function of the length of the window and its coherent amplification
S = abs(S)/wlen/C;
% correction of the DC & Nyquist component
if rem(nfft, 2) % odd nfft excludes Nyquist point
S(2:end, :) = S(2:end, :).*2;
else % even nfft includes Nyquist point
S(2:end-1, :) = S(2:end-1, :).*2;
% convert amplitude spectrum to dB (min = -120 dB)
S = 20*log10(S + 1e-6);
🎉3 参考文献
[1]Kaur D ,Kumar N ,Anand G , et al. Enhancement of energy storage in nanocomposite thin films: Investigating PVDF-ZnO and PVDF-TZO for improved dielectric and ferroelectric characteristics[J]. Physica Scripta,2024,99(3).