1 简介
2 部分代码
function Nimg = Gscale(img,levels,gsize,sigma)
% Function to generate a gaussian-pyramid for the given input image
% Input:
% img: input image-matrix grayscale
% levels: number of levels of the pyramid
% gsize: size of the gaussian kernel 高斯核的大小 [w h] ([5 5] normally provides a smooth output)
% sigma: sigma for gaussian kernel
% Output:
% Nimg: is a struct consisting of images from each level
% : Nimg.img;
% Usage:
% im = imread('cameraman.tif');
% Nimg = Gscale(im,3,[5 5],1.6);
% i = 2; %select a level
% figure; imshow(Nimg(i).img);
% Author: Pranam Janney Date: 24th July 2006 15:39
% Email: pranamjanney@yahoo.com
% Revised Version 1.0.1 Date: 04th August 2006, 10:50
%guassian filter with a sigma=1.6 %高斯滤波
g = fspecial('gaussian',gsize,sigma); %为高斯低通滤波,有两个参数,hsize表示模板尺寸,sigma为滤波器的标准值,单位为像素,
for i = 1:levels
if i == 1
im = imfilter(img,g,'conv');
Nimg(i).img = im;
%perform guassian filtering
im = imfilter(Nimg(i-1).img,g,'conv');
%perform downsampling (horizontal)
im1 = im(:,1:2:size(Nimg(i-1).img,2));
im2 = im1(1:2:size(Nimg(i-1).img,1),:);
%store it in a struct format
Nimg(i).img = im2;
3 仿真结果
4 参考文献
[1]陆吉. 基于改进ITTI模型的SAR图像目标检测[J]. 测绘与空间地理信息, 2018, 41(11):5.