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原创 Deep Learning by Andrew Ng --- Sparse Autoencoder

这是UFLDL的编程练习,因为只看到第一章节,还没有看到向量化,所以本篇博客只注意对算法的理解,没有注意向量化。因为进入机器学习领域也只有一个多月,许多错误之处望指出。 传统的神经网络一般用于监督学习(supervised learning),一般而言,SVM比传统的backpropagation分类算法更有效。但是最近神经网络在无监督学习(unsupervised learning)领域开始大放

2015-03-29 16:11:09 1403

转载 机器学习常见算法分类汇总


2015-03-27 16:28:33 1034

原创 Machine Learning by Andrew Ng --- Anomaly Detection and Recommender systems

In anomaly detection problems,every features corresponding to one formula of Gaussian distribution.To start anomaly detection,the steps you should do are the fellows:Using all the examples of each fe

2015-03-26 10:35:59 1148

原创 Machine Learing by Andrew Ng --- PCA

U can use PCA to speed up your learning algorithm,but before it ,U’d better to run your learning algorithm with no PCA first(This is What Andrew Ng said).And U can also compress data by using PCA.amazi

2015-03-21 16:42:54 925

原创 Machine Learning by Andrew Ng --- K-means

K-mean is a kind of cluster algorithm, It allows us to find characteristics in the No characteristic data. The two important steps of K-mean : One is that clustering every example to its right

2015-03-21 16:02:12 1089

转载 对话机器学习大神Yoshua Bengio

Yoshua Bengio教授(个人主页)是机器学习大神之一,尤其是在深度学习这个领域。他连同Geoff Hinton老先生以及 Yann LeCun(燕乐存)教授,缔造了2006年开始的深度学习复兴。他的研究工作主要聚焦在高级机器学习方面,致力于用其解决人工智能问题。他是仅存的几个仍然全身心投入在学术界的深度学习教授之一,好多其他教授早已投身于工业界,加入了谷歌或Facebook公司。

2015-03-20 16:46:52 1313

原创 Machine Learning by Andrew Ng --- Support Vector Machine

Aha, after the intricate BP neural network(I spend more than 24 hours to finish that exercise,but even i finish ,i am sure i am not understand BP neural network well),now i finally meet the powerful

2015-03-19 10:43:56 952

原创 Machine Learning by Andrew Ng --- neural network learning

The step of this exercise is show in the pdf which i have updoaded.Neural network of this exercise is not easy to finish,okay,let me show U.nnCostFunction:function [J grad] = nnCostFunction(

2015-03-14 13:50:52 1144

原创 Machine Learning by Andrew Ng --- Logistic Regression of Multi-class Classification

We will use Logistic Regression to recognize the number 1-10.Loading data,Plotting data.as the picture below:Vectorizing regularized logistic regressionThen learn t

2015-03-10 19:48:43 899

原创 Machine Learning by Andrew Ng --- Logistic Regression by using Regularization

When we face a problem like this :To create a classifier of this dataset,we may add some features by using Feature mapping.But,to avoid overfiting, we also should use Regularization :

2015-03-08 17:32:04 663

原创 Machine Learning by Andrew Ng --- Logistic Regression with two classes

this is a example to build a logistic regression model to predict whether a student gets admitted into a university.As usual,loading and plotting your data:and the plotData.m file is :

2015-03-08 16:43:14 873

原创 Machine Learning by Andrew Ng---Linear Regression with multiple variables

Just as last bog,input Octave commands show in the figure below: There are something different from last example with one variable,We should add a step namedFeature Normalization.using

2015-03-08 16:11:16 646

原创 Machine Learning by Andrew Ng ---Linear Regression with one variable

Linear Regression is often used for predicting .The simple step of Linear Regression is always like: step1  load your data     step2  plot your data     step3  use Gradien Descent to learn the

2015-03-08 14:48:26 1040


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