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原创 Causal Inference Notes 20230828

Notes learning

2023-08-28 09:01:18 74

原创 Align your Paragraph via Python-docx

Set your docx via python_docx.

2022-09-26 14:29:30 161

原创 Excel Learning 20200318

wanmen.orgPeifeng WANG M$ Lecturer13Tabledata update (accumulation): record list --> tableautomated new record adaption14Data Safetydata validation (to avoid unintended input)betw...

2020-03-18 20:53:24 131

原创 Excel Learning 20200317

wanmen.orgPeifengWANG M$ Lecturer9VLOOKUP(value, range, column, option)value: goalrange: data (goal in the 1st column)column: return valueoption: 0 accurate; 1 no more than.text-->n...

2020-03-17 12:40:36 115

原创 Excel Advanced 20200312

1.PivotTablegroup by year...2.Conditional Format$ is absolute reference label3.Dynamic statisticspivotTable in 97-03 xls vs. 07 xlsxpage: typeslicing4.Data Format

2020-03-16 08:46:56 195

原创 Excel Learning 20200315

wanmen.orgexcel course by WANG Peifeng (M$ MVP Lecturer)5.Orderuser defined order for specific requirementduplicated title via extra column of numbers (wage list example)6.Filterauto f...

2020-03-15 10:07:19 154

原创 Notes: Hardware-based Acceleration Design 20200227

17. Register 2 Register Construction TimeMax estimationComputationremarkThere are still other latency exists.18. Setup Time and Holding Time Check18.1. Input to FIFO path18.2. ...

2020-02-27 11:02:33 132

原创 Notes: Hardware-based Acceleration Design 20200226

16. Static Timing Analysis (STA)16.1. OverviewTime constraint verificaiton without simulationFaster than gate-level simulation No checking on cirtuit correctness No vector generated.Recall th...

2020-02-26 21:08:19 151

原创 Notes: Hardware-based Acceleration Design 20200225

12 Clock Related Constraint12.1. Clock Timing Constraintcreate get_portsset_dont_touch_networkSynthesis without clock circuit as all the rest parts are not determined and even synthesized, the...

2020-02-25 14:07:22 152

原创 Notes: Hardware-based Acceleration Design 20200220

10. Logic Synthesis10.1. three steps: translate, logic optimize, gate map10.2. design objects: clock, reference, cell, pin, net, etc. WHO IS WHO10.3. timingconstruction time: data stable time ...

2020-02-20 19:03:27 93

原创 Notes: Hardware-based Acceleration Design 20200219

7. FIFO7.1. Full and Empty7.1.1. Full but no more input7.1.2. Empty but no more outputSolution: an extra bit to identify the same cycle.Gray code for less meta-stability.7.2. Depth D...

2020-02-19 10:37:33 90

原创 Notes: Hardware-based Acceleration Design 20200211

4. RTL Design4.1. Rules4.2. space vs. frequency4.3. ping-pang4.4. pipeline5. Clock Zone and Metastability5.1. Synchronized vs. Asynchrony5.2. Metastability6. bit signal transmiss...

2020-02-11 16:20:51 130

原创 Notes: Hardware-based Acceleration Design 20200210

South-west Transportation UniversityDI ZhixiongMOOC China from icourse163.orghttps://www.icourse163.org/course/SWJTU-12074928061. Long tool line. Famous tool company: synopsis2. Verilog...

2020-02-10 11:47:54 99

原创 Shrink fonts to ur request

In beamer compiling, we can also use the font size control via:\tiny\scriptsize\footnotesize\small\normalsize\large\Large\LARGE\huge\HugeTo be frank, the first 4 types are what we may usu...

2018-11-30 10:58:24 139

原创 IEnumerable vs. IEnumerator

IEnumerable announces the signature of a method:GetEnumerator()which returns an instance that implemented IEnumerator.IEnumerator announces the signatures of 3 methods:Current()MoveNext()a...

2018-11-30 10:56:19 107

原创 A Morning in Tsinghua...

It is hard to express my feeling when entering the campus, in an autumn shower rain.Walking through the street towards the main building, I met cleaner, guard, cycler, photographer, and of course st...

2018-11-05 09:12:33 234

原创 Surface Recovery

Failure: 0xc0000225No excuse and explanations. Just failed again and again for the recovery via the official image "SurfacePro4_BMR_43_11.347.0.zip", with the failure above.Attempts:1. bing the ...

2018-10-01 13:49:37 1923

原创 eth0 setting for ECS on Aliyun

The other day, I tried to change my settings of my Aliyun ECS, and found the following:Mask: on purpose, I changed it to without any intension.Then I cannot do anything ...

2018-04-20 09:55:10 148

原创 How to count the indirect amount of your Chinese NSF...

It is curious to know that different funding amounts relates to different ratios.Currently in April 2018, the relationships are:20% if amount <= 5m;15% if 5m < amount <=10m;13% if 10m < am...

2018-04-10 13:07:53 181

原创 Why u have to put your java class into a package?

U may face this warning when trying to run your application based on spring-boot.** WARNING ** : Your ApplicationContext is unlikely to start due to a @ComponentScan of the default package.This is bec...

2018-03-30 15:18:24 82

原创 Traps to Install Idea Intellij on JDK

It's hard to say the integration of JDK on Intellij. The inbedded version is 1.8.0, while it cannot identify any JDK of the version 9 or 10. I have tried 9.0.1 and 10, neither works.Then if you want i...

2018-03-21 17:52:37 130

原创 Centos+Postgresql (Docker)

To share the experiences to create docker containers of databases, for stream duplication of data via master and slave.Windows home additon does not support Docker ce for windows.You may encou

2018-01-09 14:35:46 446

原创 Attention to Intel Online Connect (Thinkpad t470p)

Dear myself,Here is a formal reminder not to update your lenovo vantage at ease.Your whole day spent the day before yesterday is only due to your diligent click on the update button to install the

2017-12-31 07:27:52 916

原创 How to use String.split() to get all the separate words including the delimit (Java)

Today, I was trapped to saperate a string via different delimits while keeping the order of the words.I tried StringTokenizer, but it is obsolete and might not be supported in later versions.Some

2017-12-26 17:51:50 212

原创 Overriding equals() of Object (Java)

Today I encoutered a problem to compare to user-defined instances for value equavelence.It is necessary to override the equals() method derived from System.Object.I tried to make it as simple as

2017-12-21 15:55:46 230

原创 Generic Method in Java with Map

There is a chance to use generic and map in Java today and get the notes as the following:The generic type should be declared ahead of the name of the method, not as in C# after the name. publi

2017-12-19 17:02:21 159

原创 Understandings about micro-services

Why?The smaller the service is, the easier to be integrated and managed.History?Monolithic -> MVC -> RPC -> SOA -?> Microservice (running in its own process)How?Existing frameworksSpri

2017-12-08 16:36:38 192

原创 Jokes...

Here collects the experiences that a newbie encountered while bumping into the world of programmers.1. RED wordsI doubt why there should be so much red words on my IDE? Why should they be there? W

2017-12-05 15:53:58 179

原创 New Career...

My new part time job starts yesterday, as a programmer, which is not suitable for my personal positioning.However, it is just another attempt to change my life as a junior researcher. I just come to

2017-12-05 14:27:09 348

原创 Project trap

Last week I was trapped with a project application, not my own. Hope to complete it and turn back to my business asap.Cheer up!

2017-11-30 09:23:59 123

原创 Parallel Working

Could a person work in a multi-thread fashion?The answer is YES.The potential of a person is always to be explored...Cheers!

2017-11-24 06:42:09 121

原创 Accessing Varibles outside a Lambda (C#)

Lambda expression offers a way to wrap a function without complex definitions.The compiler creates an anonymous class for a Lambda expression at runtime and creates an instance when it is called. An

2017-11-22 17:28:06 130

原创 Extra Workloads

To be or not to be, this is a question.I should have devoted myself to research, but there are always some extra stuffs distracting me from the main stream.Should I reject the requests? Or should

2017-11-21 10:21:33 135

原创 NSF Route

BackgroundPolitical and Law Commission ProjectComplex relationshipsBig data Objectknowledge miningknowledge mergingMethodontology matchingontology evolutionExpectat

2017-11-20 16:27:31 165

原创 Innovative Cooperation

Today, we have a tour to the main cooperation named Inspur in Jinan.It is a good chance to get to know a real company closely.However, this is not the common tour to see some introduction to its p

2017-11-18 16:50:48 140

原创 Flight Yesterday

Fliied to Qingdao, for a project pre-research.Something improper happened to me is that I should have neglected the meat in the dish of fish after all the rest at the table finished. -_-|||Will st

2017-11-17 04:33:42 171

原创 ``this'' in C#

When to use `this' in the code?To avoid the nameing scopes, e.g. public class Rectangle:Shape{ public Rectangle(double w, double h):base(){ this.Width = w; this

2017-11-15 09:43:33 160

原创 Excuses for last two days...

Sunday is an extra work day, fixing the lab construction problems and managing the children.Monday is a common work day, but forgot all about the blog stuffs because it was not continued the day bef

2017-11-15 08:17:01 185

原创 Value-typed Field of a Reference-typed Argument (C#)

Suppose you have a method, say f, accepts a referenced typed parameter, say a.The referenced type has a value-typed field, say b.What if the b changes inside f? Will b changes as well after f for

2017-11-12 13:48:35 258

原创 Still Busy Yesterday...

I hate to delay, but it is real life.To install the air conditioners inside the lab, we need to coordinate with the door watcher for the keys, borrow the ladders and wheels, refine the design time a

2017-11-12 09:43:28 281



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