计网第一章The Network Core,Packet Switching,Circuit Switching,A Network of Networks

The Network Core

network core—the mesh of packet switches and links that interconnects the
Internet’s end systems

1.Packet Switching

To send a message from a source end system to a destination end
system, the source breaks long messages into smaller chunks of data known as pack-
ets. Between source and destination, each packet travels through communication
links and packet switches (for which there are two predominant types, routers and
link-layer switches).

1.1 Store-and-Forward Transmission

Store-and-forward transmission means that the packet switch must receive
the entire packet before it can begin to transmit the first bit of the packet onto the
outbound link.

consider the general case of sending one packet from source to des-
tination over a path consisting of N links each of rate R (thus, there are N-1 routers
between source and destination). Applying the same logic as above, we see that the
end-to-end delay is:
1.2 Queuing Delays and Packet Loss

Each packet switch has multiple links attached to it. For each attached link, the
packet switch has an output buffer (also called an output queue), which stores
packets that the router is about to send into that link. The output buffers play a key
role in packet switching. If an arriving packet needs to be transmitted onto a link but
finds the link busy with the transmission of another packet,
the arriving packet must
wait in the output buffer. Thus, in addition to the store-and-forward delays, packets
suffer output buffer queuing delays.

Since the amount of buffer space is finite, an
arriving packet may find that the buffer is completely full with other packets waiting
for transmission. In this case, packet loss will occur—either the arriving packet or
one of the already-queued packets will be dropped.

1.3 Forwarding Tables and Routing Protocols 转发表和路由协议

a router uses a packet’s destination address to index a forwarding table and determine the appropriate outbound link.

A routing protocol may, for example, determine the shortest path from each router to each destination and use the shortest path results to configure the forwarding tables in the routers.

2.Circuit Switching

In circuit-switched networks, the resources needed along a path (buffers, link
transmission rate) to provide for communication between the end systems are
reserved for the duration of the communication session between the end systems.

In packet-switched networks, these resources are not reserved; a session’s messages
use the resources on demand and, as a consequence, may have to wait (that is, queue)
for access to a communication link.

2.1 Multiplexing in Circuit-Switched Networks 多路复用在电路交换网络中的应用

A circuit in a link is implemented with either frequency-division multiplexing
(FDM) or time-division multiplexing (TDM).
通过电路交换网络将 640,000 位的文件从主机 A 发送到主机 B 需要多长时间。假设网络中的所有链路都使用具有 24 个slots的 TDM,比特率为 1.536 Mbps。此外,假设在主机 A 开始传输文件之前,需要 500 毫秒来建立端到端电路。发送文件需要多长时间?每个电路的传输速率为 (1.536 Mbps)/24 = 64 kbps,因此传输文件需要 (640,000 位)/(64 kbps) = 10 秒。在这 10 秒中,我们加上电路建立时间,有 10.5 秒来发送文件。请注意,传输时间与链路数量无关:如果端到端电路通过一个链路或一百个链路,则传输时间为 10 秒。

2.2 Packet Switching Vs Circuit Switching

Proponents of packet switching argue that
(1) it offers better sharing of transmission capacity than circuit switching and
(2) it is simpler, more efficient, and less costly to implement than circuit switching

3.A Network of Networks

oday’s Internet—a network of networks—is complex, consisting
of a dozen or so tier-1 ISPs and hundreds of thousands of lower-tier ISPs. The ISPs
are diverse in their coverage, with some spanning multiple continents and oceans,
and others limited to narrow geographic regions. The lower-tier ISPs connect to the
higher-tier ISPs, and the higher-tier ISPs interconnect with one another. Users and
content providers are customers of lower-tier ISPs, and lower-tier ISPs are customers
of higher-tier ISPs. In recent years, major content providers have also created their
own networks and connect directly into lower-tier ISPs where possible.


电路交换(circuit switching)和分组交换(packet switching)是计算机通信网络中两种不同的传输方式。 电路交换是一种传输方式,它在通信双方建立连接后,为其保留一条专用的通信线路(电路),直到通信结束。在建立连接前,通信双方的资源(带宽、端口等)将被保留,无法被其他通信使用。这种方式类似于打电话,通信双方在通话期间拥有独占的通信线路。虽然电路交换具有稳定和有序的传输特点,在通话期间通信质量较好,但是连接建立需要时间,并且当通信线路空闲时也无法被其他通信使用,因此通信资源利用率较低。 分组交换是另一种传输方式,它将数据分割成小的数据包(分组)进行传输。发送方将数据包发送到网络中,然后它们独立地通过不同的路径到达目标地址,最后在目标地址处重新组装成完整的数据。与电路交换不同,分组交换在传输数据前不需要建立连接,数据包可以按需发送,并且网络的资源可以被多个通信共享。分组交换的特点是资源利用率高,灵活性强,适应性强。然而,由于数据包在网络中可能选择不同的路径,因此数据包可能会以不同的顺序到达目标地址。 综上所述,电路交换和分组交换是两种不同的传输方式。电路交换通过建立连接来进行通信,资源利用率较低,但通信质量较好;分组交换将数据分割成小的数据包进行传输,资源利用率高,但可能导致数据包乱序到达。根据不同的通信需求和网络规模,可以选择合适的传输方式。




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