数据结构 C 代码 2.5: 多项式的加法

摘要: 多项式的加法是链表的基本应用, 也有助于理解压缩表示.

1. 代码 (2022 版)

先上代码, 再说废话.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>

 * Linked list of integers. The key is data. The key is sorted in non-descending order.
typedef struct LinkNode{
	int coefficient;
	int exponent;
	struct LinkNode *next;
} *LinkList, *NodePtr;

 * Initialize the list with a header.
 * @return The pointer to the header.
LinkList initLinkList(){
	LinkList tempHeader = (LinkList)malloc(sizeof(struct LinkNode));
	tempHeader->coefficient = 0;
	tempHeader->exponent = 0;
	tempHeader->next = NULL;
	return tempHeader;
}// Of initLinkList

 * Print the list.
 * @param paraHeader The header of the list.
void printList(LinkList paraHeader){
	NodePtr p = paraHeader->next;
	while (p != NULL) {
		printf("%d * x^%d + ", p->coefficient, p->exponent);
		p = p->next;
	}// Of while
}// Of printList

 * Print one node for testing.
 * @param paraPtr The pointer to the node.
 * @param paraChar The name of the node.
void printNode(NodePtr paraPtr, char paraChar){
	if (paraPtr == NULL) {
	} else {
		printf("The element of %c is (%d * x^%d)\r\n", paraChar, paraPtr->coefficient, paraPtr->exponent);
	}// Of while
}// Of printNode

 * Add an element to the tail.
 * @param paraCoefficient The coefficient of the new element.
 * @param paraExponent The exponent of the new element.
void appendElement(LinkList paraHeader, int paraCoefficient, int paraExponent){
	NodePtr p, q;

	// Step 1. Construct a new node.
	q = (NodePtr)malloc(sizeof(struct LinkNode));
	q->coefficient = paraCoefficient;
	q->exponent = paraExponent;
	q->next = NULL;

	// Step 2. Search to the tail.
	p = paraHeader;
	while (p->next != NULL) {
		p = p->next;
	}// Of while

	// Step 3. Now add/link.
	p->next = q;
}// Of appendElement

 * Polynomial addition.
 * @param paraList1 The first list.
 * @param paraList2 The second list.
void add(NodePtr paraList1, NodePtr paraList2){
	NodePtr p, q, r, s;

	// Step 1. Search to the position.
	p = paraList1->next;
	printNode(p, 'p');
	q = paraList2->next;
	printNode(q, 'q');
	r = paraList1; // Previous pointer for inserting.
	printNode(r, 'r');
	free(paraList2); // The second list is destroyed. 
	while ((p != NULL) && (q != NULL)) {
		if (p->exponent < q->exponent) {
			//Link the current node of the first list.
			printf("case 1\r\n");
			r->next = p;
			r = p;
			printNode(r, 'r');
			p = p->next;
			printNode(p, 'p');
		} else if ((p->exponent > q->exponent)) {
			//Link the current node of the second list.
			printf("case 2\r\n");
			r->next = q;
			r = q;
			printNode(r, 'r');
			q = q->next;
			printNode(q, 'q');
		} else {
			printf("case 3\r\n");
			//Change the current node of the first list.
			p->coefficient = p->coefficient + q->coefficient;
			printf("The coefficient is: %d.\r\n", p->coefficient);
			if (p->coefficient == 0) {
				printf("case 3.1\r\n");
				s = p;
				p = p->next;
				printNode(p, 'p');
				// free(s);
			} else {
				printf("case 3.2\r\n");
				r = p;
				printNode(r, 'r');
				p = p->next;
				printNode(p, 'p');
			}// Of if
			s = q;
			q = q->next;
			//printf("q is pointing to (%d, %d)\r\n", q->coefficient, q->exponent);
		}// Of if

		printf("p = %p, q = %p\r\n", p, q);
	} // Of while
	printf("End of while.\r\n");

	if (p == NULL) {
		r->next = q;
	} else {
		r->next = p;
	} // Of if

	printf("Addition ends.\r\n");
}// Of add

 * Unit test 1.
void additionTest1(){
	// Step 1. Initialize the first polynomial.
	LinkList tempList1 = initLinkList();
	appendElement(tempList1, 7, 0);
	appendElement(tempList1, 3, 1);
	appendElement(tempList1, 9, 8);
	appendElement(tempList1, 5, 17);

	// Step 2. Initialize the second polynomial.
	LinkList tempList2 = initLinkList();
	appendElement(tempList2, 8, 1);
	appendElement(tempList2, 22, 7);
	appendElement(tempList2, -9, 8);

	// Step 3. Add them to the first.
	add(tempList1, tempList2);
	printf("The result is: ");
}// Of additionTest1

 * Unit test 2.
void additionTest2(){
	// Step 1. Initialize the first polynomial.
	LinkList tempList1 = initLinkList();
	appendElement(tempList1, 7, 0);
	appendElement(tempList1, 3, 1);
	appendElement(tempList1, 9, 8);
	appendElement(tempList1, 5, 17);

	// Step 2. Initialize the second polynomial.
	LinkList tempList2 = initLinkList();
	appendElement(tempList2, 8, 1);
	appendElement(tempList2, 22, 7);
	appendElement(tempList2, -9, 10);

	// Step 3. Add them to the first.
	add(tempList1, tempList2);
	printf("The result is: ");
}// Of additionTest2

 * The entrance.
int main(){
	return 0;
}// Of main

2. 运行结果

7 * 10^0 + 3 * 10^1 + 9 * 10^8 + 5 * 10^17 +
8 * 10^1 + 22 * 10^7 + -9 * 10^8 +
The element of p is (7 * 10^0)
The element of q is (8 * 10^1)
The element of r is (0 * 10^0)
case 1
The element of r is (7 * 10^0)
The element of p is (3 * 10^1)
p = 9977536, q = 9977760
case 3
The coefficient is: 11.
case 3.2
The element of r is (11 * 10^1)
The element of p is (9 * 10^8)
p = 9977592, q = 9967144
case 2
The element of r is (22 * 10^7)
The element of q is (-9 * 10^8)
p = 9977592, q = 9967200
case 3
The coefficient is: 0.
case 3.1
The element of p is (5 * 10^17)
p = 9977648, q = 0
End of while.
Addition ends.
The result is: 7 * 10^0 + 11 * 10^1 + 22 * 10^7 + 5 * 10^17 +

7 * 10^0 + 3 * 10^1 + 9 * 10^8 + 5 * 10^17 +
8 * 10^1 + 22 * 10^7 + -9 * 10^10 +
The element of p is (7 * 10^0)
The element of q is (8 * 10^1)
The element of r is (0 * 10^0)
case 1
The element of r is (7 * 10^0)
The element of p is (3 * 10^1)
p = 9967200, q = 9967424
case 3
The coefficient is: 11.
case 3.2
The element of r is (11 * 10^1)
The element of p is (9 * 10^8)
p = 9967256, q = 9967480
case 2
The element of r is (22 * 10^7)
The element of q is (-9 * 10^10)
p = 9967256, q = 9977816
case 1
The element of r is (9 * 10^8)
The element of p is (5 * 10^17)
p = 9967312, q = 9977816
case 2
The element of r is (-9 * 10^10)
p = 9967312, q = 0
End of while.
Addition ends.
The result is: 7 * 10^0 + 11 * 10^1 + 22 * 10^7 + 9 * 10^8 + -9 * 10^10 + 5 * 10^17 +

Press any key to continue

3. 代码说明

  1. 我在写的时候都用了不少时间调拭, 所以将所有的调拭语句保留. 如果不喜欢, 可以将它们删除.
  2. 对几种情况的分析有一定难度. 特别是相加后系数为 0. 跨越这个障碍就会进阶!
  3. 相加后仅剩一个链表, 其它无用空间都被释放. 如果不喜欢这种方式, 可以申请新空间进行相加, 这样的代码其实会更简单.
  4. 根据同学们的建议将 main 的返回类型定义为 int, 以适用不同版本的编译器.
  5. 根据刘涛等同学挑的 bug 进行了修改, 并且把测试用例 (用单独的函数) 增加到两个.
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