Smale 论文列表: 粒计算方向,特别是属性约简

摘要: 本贴列出实验室在粒计算, 特别是属性约简方向的一些工作. 主要目的是保存 bib 方便以后引用.

1. SCI 期刊论文

1.1 名词性属性值划分与离散化

1.1.1 名词型属性值划分, 是属性约简的泛化. 本文将它转换成一系列的属性约简问题, 并证明了其最优子结构性质. 贪心选择性质可能不成立.
这也是我发表的第一篇 SCI 期刊论文.

    author  = {Fan Min and Qi-He Liu and Chun-Lan Fang},
    title   = {Rough sets approach to symbolic value partition},
    journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
    year    = {2008},
    volume  = {49},
    number  = {3},
    pages   = {689--700},
    doi     = {10.1016/j.ijar.2008.07.002}

1.1.2 温柳英基于 MinLiuFang2008Partition 继续做了一些工作.

    author  = {Liu-Ying Wen and  Fan Min},
    title   = {A granular computing approach to symbolic value partitioning},
    journal = {Fundamenta Informaticae},
    year    = {2015},
    volume  = {142},
    number  = {1-4},
    pages   = {337--371},
    doi     = {10.3233/FI-2015-1297}

1.1.3 名词型数据划分在多标签中的应用.

    author  = {Liu-Ying Wen and Chao-Guang Luo and Wei-Zhi Wu and Fan Min},
    title   = {Multi-label symbolic value partitioning through random walks},
    journal = {Neurocomputing},
    year    = {2020},
    volume  = {387},
    pages   = {195--209},
    doi     = {10.1016/j.neucom.2020.01.046}

1.1.4 离散化.

    author  = {Liu-Ying Wen and Fan Min and Shi-Yuan Wang},
    title   = {A two-stage discretization algorithm based on information entropy},
    journal = {Applied Intelligence},
    year    = {2017},
    volume  = {47},
    pages   = {1169--1185},
    doi     = {10.1007/s10489-017-0941-0}

1.2 代价敏感属性约简

1.2.1 考虑公共代价和序列因素, 建立一个代价敏感决策系统的体系, 包括 6 个基本模型. 这篇论文没有涉及任何算法, 但为后面的工作打下了数据模型的基础.

    author  = {Fan Min and Qi-He Liu},
    title   = {A hierarchical model for test-cost-sensitive decision systems},
    journal = {Information Sciences},
    year    = {2009},
    volume  = {179},
    issue   = {14},
    pages   = {2442--2452},
    doi     = {10.1016/j.ins.2009.03.007}

1.2.2 首次将测试代价引入属性约简问题.
这篇论文至今被引用 300 余次. 刚 online 的时候, 连续三个月下载量排名该刊第一, 这也是我没想到的, 甚至以为网站出 bug.

    author  = {Fan Min and Hua-Ping He and Yu-Hua Qian and William Zhu},
    title   = {Test-cost-sensitive attribute reduction},
    journal = {Information Sciences},
    year    = {2011},
    volume  = {181},
    issue   = {22},
    pages   = {4928--4942},
    doi     = {10.1016/j.ins.2011.07.010}

1.2.3 考虑了带误差范围的数值型数据的属性约简. 误差越小的仪器, 测试代价越大. 将处理数据从名词型扩展到数值型, 更有实际意义.

    author  = {Fan Min and William Zhu},
    title   = {Attribute reduction of data with error ranges and test costs},
    journal = {Information Sciences},
    year    = {2012},
    volume  = {211},
    pages   = {48--67},
    doi     = {10.1016/j.ins.2012.04.031}

1.2.4 将代价属性约简归结为一个约束满足问题. 可以由它衍生出不同的新的具体问题.

    author  = {Fan Min and Qing-Hua Hu and William Zhu},
    title   = {Feature selection with test cost constraint},
    journal = {International Journal of Approaximate Reasoning},
    year    = {2014},
    volume  = {55},
    number  = {1},
    pages   = {167--179},
    doi     = {10.1016/j.ijar.2013.04.003}

1.2.5 在 MinZhu2012Range 的基础上, 考虑了测量误差.
赵红的第一篇 SCI 论文.

    author    = {Hong Zhao and Fan Min and William Zhu},
    title     = {Cost-sensitive feature selection of numeric data with measurement errors},
    journal   = {Journal of Applied Mathematics},
    year      = {2013},
    volume    = {2013},
    pages     = {1--13},
    doi       = {10.1155/2013/754698}

1.2.6 在 ZhaoMinZhu2013Cost 的基础上, 考虑了正态分布的测量误差.

    author    = {Hong Zhao and Fan Min and William Zhu},
    title     = {Test-cost-sensitive attribute reduction of data with normal distribution measurement errors},
    journal   = {Mathematical Problems in Engineering},
    year      = {2013},
    volume    = {2013},
    pages     = {1--12},
    doi       = {10.1155/2013/946070}

1.2.7 使用蚁群算法做 MinHeQianZhu2011Test 提出的代价敏感属性约简.

    author    = {Zi-Long Xu and Hong Zhao and Fan Min and William Zhu},
    title     = {Ant colony optimization with three stages for independent test cost attribute reduction},
    journal   = {Mathematical Problems in Engineering},
    year      = {2013},
    volume    = {2013},
    pages     = {1--12},
    doi       = {10.1155/2013/510167}

1.2.8 考虑时间代价敏感约简. 时间具有重叠性, 即等待某项检测结果的时候, 可以做其它检测.

    author    = {Jin-Ling Cai and William Zhu and Hai-Jun Ding and Fan Min},
    title     = {An improved artificial bee colony algorithm for minimal time cost reduction},
    journal   = {International Journal of Machine Learning \& Cybernetics},
    year      = {2014},
    volume    = {5},
    issue     = {5},
    pages     = {743--752},
    doi       = {10.1007/s13042-013-0219-8}

1.2.9 在 MinZhu2012Range 的基础上, 考虑多目标优化.
方宇的第一篇 SCI.

    author    = {Yu Fang and Zhong-Hui Liu and Fan Min},
    title     = {Multi-objective cost-sensitive attribute reduction on data with error ranges},
    journal   = {International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics},
    year      = {2016},
    volume    = {7},
    issue     = {5},
    pages     = {783--793},
    doi       = {10.1007/s13042-014-0296-3}

1.2.10 使用 PSO 仿生算法来做.

    author    = {Yu Fang and Zhong-Hui Liu and Fan Min},
    title     = {{A PSO} algorithm for multi-objective cost-sensitive attribute reduction on numeric data with error ranges},
    journal   = {Soft Computing},
    year      = {2016},
    volume    = {21},
    pages     = {7173--7189},
    doi       = {10.1007/s00500-016-2260-5}

1.2.10 与决策粗糙集结合.

    author    = {Shu-Jiao Liao and Qing-Xin Zhu and Fan Min},
    title     = {Cost-sensitive attribute reduction in decision-theoretic rough set models},
    journal   = {Mathematical Problems in Engineering},
    year      = {2014},
    volume    = {2014},
    pages     = {1--14},
    doi       = {10.1155/2014/875918}

1.2.11 使用蚁群算法.

    author  = {Fan Min and Zhi-heng Zhang and Ji Dong},
    title   = {Ant colony optimization with partial-complete searching for attribute reduction},
    journal = {Journal of Computational Science},
    year    = {2017},
    pages   = {170--182},
    doi     = {10.1016/j.jocs.2017.05.007}

1.2.12 近似约简.

    author  = {Yu Fang and Fan Min},
    title   = {Cost-sensitive approximate attribute reduction with three-way decisions},
    journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
    year    = {2019},
    volume  = {104},
    pages   = {148--165},
    doi     = {10.1016/j.ijar.2018.11.003}

1.2.13 快速约简.

    author  = {Yu Fang and Xue-Mei Cao and Xin Wang and Fan Min},
    title   = {Three-way sampling for rapid attribute reduction},
    journal = {Information Sciences},
    year    = {2022},
    volume  = {609},
    pages   = {26--45},
    doi     = {10.1016/j.ins.2022.07.063}

1.3 粒关联规则

1.3.1 为粒关联规则进行数据离散化.
这种名气小, 经营不善的期刊, 特别拖.可惜这个方向最原创的论文被 Information Sciences 拒了, 所以我没再沿着它做.

    author    = {Xu He and Fan Min and William Zhu},
    title     = {Comparison of discretization approaches for granular association rule mining},
    journal   = {Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering},
    year      = {2014},
    volume    = {37},
    number    = {3},
    pages     = {157--167},
    doi      = {}

1.3.2 基于带参粗糙集的粒关联规则.
这篇论文是基于投 Information Sciences 那篇之后投的. 它都中了, 后者还处于审稿阶段.

    author    = {Xu He and Fan Min and William Zhu},
    title     = {Parametric rough sets with application to granular association rule mining},
    journal   = {Mathematical Problems in Engineering},
    year      = {2013},
    volume    = {2013},
    pages     = {1--13},
    doi      = {10.1155/2013/461363}

1.4 粗糙拟阵与覆盖粗糙集

1.4.1 王石平粗糙拟阵的论文, 我只是参与了讨论.

    author    = {Shi-Ping Wang and Qing-Xin Zhu and William Zhu and Fan Min},
    title     = {Matroidal structure of rough sets and its characterization to attribute reduction},
    journal   = {Knowledge-Based Systems},
    year      = {2012},
    volume    = {36},
    pages     = {155--161},
    doi       = {10.1016/j.ins.2012.07.030}   

1.4.2 王石平在覆盖粗糙集方面的工作

    author    = {Shi-Ping Wang and Qing-Xin Zhu and William Zhu and Fan Min},
    title     = {Quantitative analysis for covering-based rough set through the upper approximation number},
    journal   = {Information Sciences},
    year      = {2013},
    volume    = {220},
    number    = {20},
    pages     = {483--491},
    doi       = {10.1016/j.ins.2012.07.030}

1.4.3 王石平在粗糙拟阵方向的工作

    author    = {Shi-Ping Wang and William Zhu and Qing-Xin Zhu and Fan Min},
    title     = {Four matroidal structures of covering and their relationships with rough sets},
    journal   = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
    year      = {2013},
    volume    = {54},
    issue     = {9},
    pages     = {1361--1372},
    doi       = {10.1016/j.ijar.2013.07.001}

1.4.4 王石平在布尔矩阵分解方面的工作

    author    = {Shi-Ping Wang and William Zhu and Qing-Xin Zhu and Fan Min},
    title     = {Characteristic matrix of covering and its application to {B}oolean matrix decomposition},
    journal   = {Information Sciences},
    year      = {2014},
    volume    = {263},
    pages     = {186--197},
    doi       = {10.1016/j.ins.2013.10.018}

1.4.5 王石平在覆盖粗糙集方面的工作.

    author    = {Shi-Ping Wang and Qing-Xin Zhu and William Zhu and Fan Min},
    title     = {Equivalent characterizations of some graph problems by covering-based rough sets},
    journal   = {Journal of Applied Mathematics},
    year      = {2013},
    volume    = {2013},
    pages     = {1--7},
    doi       = {10.1155/2013/519173}

1.4.6 汤建国在粗糙拟阵方面的工作.

    author    = {Jian-Guo Tang and Kun She and Fan Min and William Zhu},
    title     = {A matroidal approach to rough set theory},
    journal   = {Theoretical Computer Science},
    year      = {2013},
    volume    = {471},
    pages     = {1--11},
    doi       = {10.1016/j.tcs.2012.10.060}

1.5 基于邻域粗糙集的分类器

1.5.1 基于邻域粗糙集的分类.
张本文访问 Smale 一年的成果.

    author    = {Ben-Wen Zhang and Fan Min and Davide Ciucci},
    title     = {Representative-based classification through covering-based neighborhood rough sets},
    journal   = {Applied Intelligence},
    year      = {2015},
    volume    = {43},
    issue     = {4},
    pages     = {840--854},
    doi       = {10.1007/s10489-015-0687-5}

1.5.2 基于 ZhangMin2015Representative 的工作, 几种相似度比较.

    author    = {Fu-Lun Liu and Ben-Wen Zhang and Davide Ciucci and Fan Min},
    title     = {A comparison study of similarity measures for covering-based neighborhood classifiers},
    journal   = {Information Sciences},
    year      = {2018},
    volume    = {448--449},
    pages     = {1--17}

2. 国际会议论文

2.1 球形邻域粗糙集用于属性约简.

    author    = {Yu Fang and Xue-Mei Cao and Xin Wang and Fan Min},
    title     = {Hypersphere neighborhood {R}ough {S}et for rapid attribute reduction},
    booktitle = {PAKDD},
    year      = {2022},
    pages     = {161--173},
    doi       = {10.1007/978-3-031-05936-0_13}

3. 核心及其它期刊论文

3.1 Semi-greedy 的思想可以用于多数启发式算法. 想到这个 idea 的时候很兴奋, 以为是 一个非常原创的 big idea. 但发现它在某些领域已经被提出来了. 不过这也不影响我们广泛地使用它.
本来以为 Granular Computing 会冲 SCI 的, 否则也不把这篇论文投上面了.

    author  = {Fan Min and Juan Xu},
    title   = {Semi-greedy heuristics for feature selection with test cost constraints},
    journal = {Granular Computing},
    year    = {2016},
    volume  = {1},
    issue   = {3},
    pages   = {199--211},
    doi     = {10.1007/s41066-016-0017-2}


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