


Bhv_AttackersMove::Body_ForestallBlock(PlayerAgent * agent)

  int S_count_no_move = 0 ;//一个计数变量,用于统计多少个周期未移动
  const rcsc::WorldModel & wm = agent->world();
  rcsc:Vector2D home_pos = Strategy::i().getPosition(wm.self().unum());
  rcsc::Vector2D block_point = home_pos;

  if (!block_point.isValid())
    return false;

  double dist_thr = 1.0;

 // agent->debugClient().addMessage("forestall");
 // agent->debugClient().setTarget(block_point);
 // agent->debugClient().addCircle(block_point, dist_thr);

  double dash_power = wm.self().getSafetyDashPower(

  if (rcsc::Body_GoToPoint(block_point, dist_thr, dash_power, 5, // cycle
      false, // no back dash
      true, // save recovery
      40.0 // dir_thr
    S_count_no_move = 0;
    return true;

#if 1

  if (S_count_no_move >= 10)
 //   rcsc::dlog.addText(rcsc::Logger::TEAM,
 //       __FILE__": forestall. long no move. attack to the ball");
 //   agent->debugClient().addMessage("ForestallAttack");
    return true;

  rcsc::AngleDeg body_angle = wm.ball().angleFromSelf() + 90.0;
  if (body_angle.abs() < 90.0)
    body_angle += 180.0;


  return true;

Bhv_AttackersMove::getDashPower(const PlayerAgent * agent,
    const Vector2D & target_point)
  const WorldModel & wm = agent->world();
  int mate_min = wm.interceptTable()->teammateReachCycle();
  int opp_min = wm.interceptTable()->opponentReachCycle();

  if (target_point.x > wm.self().pos().x
      && wm.self().stamina() > ServerParam::i().staminaMax() * 0.7
      && mate_min <= 8)
    Vector2D receive_pos = wm.ball().inertiaPoint(mate_min);
    if (std::fabs(receive_pos.y - target_point.y) < 15.0)
 //     dlog.addText(Logger::TEAM, __FILE__": getDashPower. chance. fast move");
      return ServerParam::i().maxPower();

  if (wm.self().pos().x > wm.offsideLineX()
      && (wm.existKickableTeammate() || mate_min <= opp_min + 2))
    Vector2D receive_pos = wm.ball().inertiaPoint(mate_min);
    if (target_point.x < receive_pos.x + 30.0
        && wm.self().pos().dist(receive_pos) < 30.0
        && wm.self().pos().dist(target_point) < 20.0)
//      dlog.addText(Logger::TEAM, __FILE__": getDashPower. offside max power");

      return ServerParam::i().maxPower();

  // decide dash power
  static bool s_recover_mode = false;
  if (wm.self().stamina() < ServerParam::i().staminaMax() * 0.4)
 //   dlog.addText(Logger::TEAM,
 //       __FILE__": getDashPower. change to recover mode.");
    s_recover_mode = true;
  else if (wm.self().stamina() > ServerParam::i().staminaMax() * 0.7)
//    dlog.addText(Logger::TEAM,
//        __FILE__": getDashPower. came back from recover mode");
    s_recover_mode = false;

  const double my_inc = wm.self().playerType().staminaIncMax()
      * wm.self().recovery();

  // dash power
  if (s_recover_mode)
    // Magic Number.
    // recommended one cycle's stamina recover value
 //   dlog.addText(Logger::TEAM, __FILE__": getDashPower. recover mode");
    return std::max(0.0, my_inc - 30.0);

  if (!wm.opponentsFromSelf().empty()
      && wm.opponentsFromSelf().front()->distFromSelf() < 1.0)
    // opponent is very close
    // full power
        __FILE__": getDashPower. exist near opponent. full power");
    return ServerParam::i().maxPower();

  if (wm.ball().pos().x < wm.self().pos().x
      && wm.self().pos().x < wm.offsideLineX())
    // ball is back
    // not offside
 //   dlog.addText(Logger::TEAM,
//        __FILE__": getDashPower. ball is back and not offside.");
    if (wm.self().stamina() < ServerParam::i().staminaMax() * 0.8)
      return std::min(std::max(5.0, my_inc - 30.0), ServerParam::i().maxPower());
      return std::min(my_inc * 1.1, ServerParam::i().maxPower());

  if (wm.ball().pos().x > wm.self().pos().x + 3.0)
    // ball is front
    if (opp_min <= mate_min - 3)
      if (wm.self().stamina() < ServerParam::i().staminaMax() * 0.6)
  //      dlog.addText(Logger::TEAM,
  //          __FILE__": getDashPower. ball is front. recover");
        return std::min(std::max(0.1, my_inc - 30.0),
      else if (wm.self().stamina() < ServerParam::i().staminaMax() * 0.8)
 //       dlog.addText(Logger::TEAM,
 //           __FILE__": getDashPower. ball is front. keep");
        return std::min(my_inc, ServerParam::i().maxPower());
 //       dlog.addText(Logger::TEAM,
//            __FILE__": getDashPower. ball is front. max");
        return ServerParam::i().maxPower();
 //     dlog.addText(Logger::TEAM,
 //         __FILE__": getDashPower. ball is front full powerr");
      return ServerParam::i().maxPower();

 // dlog.addText(Logger::TEAM, __FILE__": getDashPower. normal mode.");
  if (target_point.x > wm.self().pos().x + 2.0
      && wm.self().stamina() > ServerParam::i().staminaMax() * 0.6)
    return ServerParam::i().maxPower();
  else if (wm.self().stamina() < ServerParam::i().staminaMax() * 0.8)
    return std::min(my_inc * 0.9, ServerParam::i().maxPower());
    return std::min(my_inc * 1.5, ServerParam::i().maxPower());

Bhv_AttackersMove::doCheckCrossPoint( rcsc::PlayerAgent * agent )
    const rcsc::WorldModel & wm = agent->world();

    if ( wm.self().pos().x < 35.0 )
        return false;

    const rcsc::PlayerObject * opp_goalie = wm.getOpponentGoalie();
    if ( opp_goalie && opp_goalie->posCount() > 2 )
        rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::ROLE,
                            __FILE__": doCheckCrossTarget  goalie should be checked" );
        return false;
    rcsc::Vector2D opposite_pole( 46.0, 7.0 );
    if ( wm.self().pos().y > 0.0 ) opposite_pole.y *= -1.0;
    rcsc::AngleDeg opposite_pole_angle = ( opposite_pole - wm.self().pos() ).th();

    if ( wm.dirCount( opposite_pole_angle ) <= 1 )
        rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::ROLE,
                            __FILE__": doCheckCrossTarget enough accuracy to angle %.1f",
        return false;

    rcsc::AngleDeg angle_diff
        = agent->effector().queuedNextAngleFromBody( opposite_pole );
    if ( angle_diff.abs() > 100.0 )
        rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::ROLE,
                            __FILE__": doCheckCrossPoint. want to face opposite pole,"
                            " but over view range. angle_diff=%.1f",
        return false;

    agent->setNeckAction( new rcsc::Neck_TurnToPoint( opposite_pole ) );//转向操作
    agent->debugClient().addMessage( "NeckToOpposite" );
    rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::ROLE,
                        __FILE__": doCheckCrossPoint Neck to oppsite pole" );
    return true;

Bhv_AttackersMove::doGoToCrossPoint( rcsc::PlayerAgent * agent)
    rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::ROLE,
                        __FILE__": doGoToCrossPoint" );

    const rcsc::WorldModel & wm = agent->world();
    // tackle
    if ( Bhv_BasicTackle( 0.75, 90.0 ).execute( agent ) )

    // intercept check
    int self_min = wm.interceptTable()->selfReachCycle();
    int mate_min = wm.interceptTable()->teammateReachCycle();
    int opp_min = wm.interceptTable()->opponentReachCycle();

    if ( self_min < mate_min
         || ( mate_min != 0 // ! wm.existKickableTeammate()  //try mate_min > 1
              && self_min <= 6
              && wm.ball().pos().dist( M_home_pos ) < 10.0 )
         //|| wm.interceptTable()->isSelfFastestPlayer()
        rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::ROLE,
                            __FILE__": doGoToCross. get ball" );
        agent->debugClient().addMessage( "CrossGetBall" );

        rcsc::Body_Intercept2009().execute( agent );

        if ( self_min == 3 && opp_min >= 3 )
            agent->setViewAction( new rcsc::View_Normal() );

        if ( wm.self().pos().x > 30.0 )
            if ( ! doCheckCrossPoint( agent ) )
                agent->setNeckAction( new rcsc::Neck_TurnToGoalieOrScan() );
            agent->setNeckAction( new rcsc::Neck_TurnToBallOrScan() );
    // ball owner check
    if ( ! wm.interceptTable()->isOurTeamBallPossessor() )
        const rcsc::PlayerObject * opp = wm.getOpponentNearestToBall( 3 );

        if ( opp
             && opp->distFromSelf() < 2.0 ) //3.0?
            rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::ROLE,
                                __FILE__": doGoToCross. opp has ball" );
            agent->debugClient().addMessage( "CrossOppOwn(2)" );
            Bhv_BasicMove().execute( agent );
    // set target

    rcsc::Vector2D target_point = M_home_pos;
    rcsc::Vector2D trap_pos = ( mate_min < 100
                                ? wm.ball().inertiaPoint( mate_min )
                                : wm.ball().pos() );

    if ( mate_min <= opp_min
         && mate_min < 3
         && target_point.x < 38.0
         && wm.self().pos().x < wm.offsideLineX() - 1.0
         //&& target_point.x < wm.self().pos().x
         //&& std::fabs( target_point.x - wm.self().pos().x ) < 20.0
         && std::fabs( target_point.y - wm.self().pos().y ) < 5.0
         && std::fabs( wm.self().pos().y - trap_pos.y ) < 13.0
        target_point.y = wm.self().pos().y * 0.9 + M_home_pos.y * 0.1;
        rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::ROLE,
                            __FILE__": doGoToCross. chance keep current." );
        agent->debugClient().addMessage( "CrossCurPos" );
    // consider near opponent
    if ( target_point.x > 36.0 )
        double opp_dist = 200.0;
        const rcsc::PlayerObject * opp = wm.getOpponentNearestTo( target_point,
                                                                  &opp_dist );//参数不太理解,from to???
        if ( opp && opp_dist < 2.0 )
            rcsc::Vector2D tmp_target = target_point;
            for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
                tmp_target.x -= 1.0;

                double d = 0.0;
                opp = wm.getOpponentNearestTo( tmp_target, 10, &d );
                if ( ! opp )
                    opp_dist = 0.0;
                    target_point = tmp_target;
                if ( opp
                     && opp_dist < d )
                    opp_dist = d;
                    target_point = tmp_target;
            rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::ROLE,
                                __FILE__": doGoToCross. avoid(%.2f, %.2f)->(%.2f, %.2f)",
                                M_home_pos.x, M_home_pos.y,
                                target_point.x, target_point.y );
            agent->debugClient().addMessage( "Avoid" );

    if ( target_point.dist( trap_pos ) < 6.0 )
        rcsc::Circle2D target_circle( trap_pos, 6.0 );
        rcsc::Line2D target_line( target_point, rcsc::AngleDeg( 90.0 ) );
        rcsc::Vector2D sol_pos1, sol_pos2;
        int n_sol = target_circle.intersection( target_line, &sol_pos1, &sol_pos2 );

        if ( n_sol == 1 ) target_point = sol_pos1;
        if ( n_sol == 2 )
            target_point = ( wm.self().pos().dist2( sol_pos1 ) < wm.self().pos().dist2( sol_pos2 )
                             ? sol_pos1
                             : sol_pos2 );


        rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::ROLE,
                            __FILE__": doGoToCross. adjust ot avoid the ball owner." );
        agent->debugClient().addMessage( "Adjust" );
    // set dash power
    // check X buffer & stamina
    static bool s_recover_mode = false;
    if ( wm.self().pos().x > 35.0
         && wm.self().stamina()
         < rcsc::ServerParam::i().recoverDecThrValue() + 500.0 )
        s_recover_mode = true;//模式调整,个人觉得引入的模式机制很nice
        rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::ROLE,
                            __FILE__": doGoToCross. recover on" );

    if ( wm.self().stamina() > rcsc::ServerParam::i().staminaMax() * 0.5 )
        s_recover_mode = false;
        rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::ROLE,
                            __FILE__": doGoToCross. recover off" );
//根据体力调整 s_recover_mode 
    double dash_power = rcsc::ServerParam::i().maxPower();
    if ( s_recover_mode )
        const double my_inc
            = wm.self().playerType().staminaIncMax()
            * wm.self().recovery();
        dash_power = std::max( 1.0, my_inc - 25.0 );
        //dash_power = wm.self().playerType().staminaIncMax() * 0.6;
    else if ( wm.ball().pos().x > wm.self().pos().x )
        if ( wm.existKickableTeammate()
             && wm.ball().distFromSelf() < 10.0
             && std::fabs( wm.self().pos().x - wm.ball().pos().x ) < 5.0
             && wm.self().pos().x > 30.0
             && wm.ball().pos().x > 35.0 )
            dash_power *= 0.5;
    else if ( wm.self().pos().dist( target_point ) < 3.0 )
        const double my_inc
            = wm.self().playerType().staminaIncMax()
            * wm.self().recovery();
        dash_power = std::min( rcsc::ServerParam::i().maxPower(),
                               my_inc + 10.0 );
        //dash_power = rcsc::ServerParam::i().maxPower() * 0.8;
    else if ( mate_min <= 1
              && wm.ball().pos().x > 33.0
              && wm.ball().pos().absY() < 7.0
              && wm.ball().pos().x < wm.self().pos().x
              && wm.self().pos().x < wm.offsideLineX()
              && wm.self().pos().absY() < 9.0
              && std::fabs( wm.ball().pos().y - wm.self().pos().y ) < 3.5
              && std::fabs( target_point.y - wm.self().pos().y ) > 5.0 )
        dash_power = wm.self().playerType()
            .getDashPowerToKeepSpeed( 0.3, wm.self().effort() );
        dash_power = std::min( rcsc::ServerParam::i().maxPower() * 0.75,
                               dash_power );
        rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::ROLE,
                            __FILE__": doGoToCross. slow for cross. power=%.1f",
                            dash_power );
#if 1

    bool intentional = true;    //false;

    const Vector2D mate_trap_pos = wm.ball().inertiaPoint(mate_min);

    const double max_x = std::max(wm.offsideLineX(), mate_trap_pos.x);

    if (wm.existKickableTeammate() || mate_min <= 5 || mate_min <= opp_min + 1)
    else if (M_forward_player
    //&& wm.audioMemory().dribbleTime() != wm.time()
        && mate_min <= 2 && opp_min >= 3
        && mate_trap_pos.x > wm.offsideLineX() - 10.0
        && wm.self().stamina() > ServerParam::i().staminaMax() * 0.8
        && 5.0 < wm.self().pos().x && wm.self().pos().x < 27.0
        && wm.self().pos().x > max_x - 7.0 && wm.self().pos().x < max_x - 1.0
        && wm.self().pos().x < mate_trap_pos.x + 10.0
        && (std::fabs(mate_trap_pos.y - wm.self().pos().y) < 8.0
            || (mate_trap_pos - wm.self().pos()).th().abs() < 110.0
        //|| ( mate_trap_pos.x > wm.offsideLineX() - 8.0
        //     && std::fabs( mate_trap_pos.y - wm.self().pos().y ) < 20.0 )
        ) && wm.self().pos().dist(mate_trap_pos) < 20.0
        && std::fabs(M_home_pos.y - wm.self().pos().y) < 15.0)
      double x_diff = max_x - wm.self().pos().x;
      int dash_step = wm.self().playerType().cyclesToReachDistance(x_diff);
      if (mate_min < dash_step - 1)
        target_point.x = std::min(wm.self().pos().x + 20.0, 50.0);
        target_point.y = wm.self().pos().y * 0.8 + mate_trap_pos.y * 0.2;
        if (target_point.absY() > 8.0
            && target_point.absY() > M_home_pos.absY())
//          target_point.y = M_home_pos.y;
        intentional = true;
#endif // 1

    // positioning to make the cross course!!

    double dist_thr = wm.ball().distFromSelf() * 0.1;
    if ( dist_thr < 0.5 ) dist_thr = 0.5;

    agent->debugClient().addMessage( "GoToCross%.0f", dash_power );
    agent->debugClient().setTarget( target_point );
    agent->debugClient().addCircle( target_point, dist_thr );

    rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::ROLE,
                        __FILE__": doGoToCross. to (%.2f, %.2f)",
                        target_point.x, target_point.y );

    if ( wm.self().pos().x > target_point.x + dist_thr
         && std::fabs( wm.self().pos().x - target_point.x ) < 3.0
         && wm.self().body().abs() < 10.0 )
        agent->debugClient().addMessage( "Back" );
        double back_dash_power
            = wm.self().getSafetyDashPower( -dash_power );
        rcsc::dlog.addText( rcsc::Logger::ROLE,
                            __FILE__": doShootAreaMove. Back Move" );
        agent->doDash( back_dash_power );
        if ( ! rcsc::Body_GoToPoint( target_point, dist_thr, dash_power,
                                     5, // cycle
                                     false, // no back dash
                                     true, // save recovery
                                     30.0 // dir thr
                                     ).execute( agent ) )
            rcsc::Body_TurnToAngle( 0.0 ).execute( agent );
            if (intentional)
         //     agent->debugClient().addMessage("BreakAway");

          //    agent->debugClient().addMessage("Sayh");
              agent->addSayMessage(new PassRequestMessage(target_point));

         //     dlog.addText(Logger::TEAM, __FILE__": intention breakaway");
              agent->setArmAction(new Arm_PointToPoint(target_point));

    if ( wm.self().pos().x > 30.0 )
        agent->setNeckAction( new rcsc::Neck_TurnToGoalieOrScan() );
        agent->setNeckAction( new rcsc::Neck_TurnToLowConfTeammate() );
Bhv_AttackersMove::AttackersMove(PlayerAgent * agent)
  const WorldModel & wm = agent->world();

//  dlog.addText(Logger::TEAM,
//      __FILE__": AttackerOffensiveMove. target=(%.2f %.2f)", M_home_pos.x,
  //    M_home_pos.y);

  // tackle
  if (Bhv_BasicTackle(0.75, 90.0).execute(agent))
    return true;;

  int self_min = wm.interceptTable()->selfReachCycle();
  int mate_min = wm.interceptTable()->teammateReachCycle();
  int opp_min = wm.interceptTable()->opponentReachCycle();
 // dlog.addText(Logger::TEAM,
 //     __FILE__": execute. intercept cycle. self=%d, mate=%d, opp=%d", self_min,
 //     mate_min, opp_min);
  if (wm.self().stamina() > ServerParam::i().staminaMax() * 0.6
      && opp_min < 3
      && opp_min < mate_min - 2
      && (opp_min < self_min - 2 || opp_min == 0
          || (opp_min == 1 && self_min > 1))
      && wm.ball().pos().dist(M_home_pos) < 10.0
      && wm.ball().distFromSelf() < 15.0)
    if (Body_ForestallBlock(agent))//这个函数上面解释过,球员在块之间的移动
      agent->setNeckAction(new Neck_TurnToBall());
#ifdef DEBUG2014
      std::cerr << wm.time().cycle() << __FILE__ << wm.self().unum() << ": Body_ForestallBlock.\n";
      return true;

  if ((mate_min >= 2 && self_min <= 4)
      || (self_min <= mate_min + 1 && mate_min >= 4))
 //   dlog.addText(Logger::TEAM, __FILE__": execute. get ball");
 //   agent->debugClient().addMessage("AttGetBall");
    Vector2D face_point(52.5, wm.self().pos().y);

    Body_Intercept2009(true, face_point).execute(agent);
    if (self_min == 4 && opp_min >= 2)
      agent->setViewAction(new View_Wide());
    else if (self_min == 3 && opp_min >= 2)
      agent->setViewAction(new rcsc::View_Normal());
    agent->setNeckAction(new Neck_TurnToBallOrScan());
#ifdef DEBUG2014
    std::cerr << wm.time().cycle() << __FILE__ << wm.self().unum() << ": Body_Intercept.\n";
#endif // DEBUG2014

    return true;

  const Vector2D mate_trap_pos = wm.ball().inertiaPoint(mate_min);

  Vector2D target_point = M_home_pos;

  const double max_x = std::max(wm.offsideLineX(), mate_trap_pos.x);
//  dlog.addText(Logger::TEAM, __FILE__": max x = %.1f", max_x);

  if (wm.self().pos().x > max_x && wm.self().pos().x < 42.0
  //&& std::fabs( wm.self().pos().y - M_home_pos.y ) < 10.0
    target_point.y = wm.self().pos().y;

  if (std::fabs(mate_trap_pos.y - M_home_pos.y) < 15.0
      || mate_trap_pos.x > max_x - 5.0)
    if (target_point.x > max_x - 1.5)
      target_point.x = std::min(M_home_pos.x, max_x - 1.5);
    if (target_point.x > max_x - 3.0)
      target_point.x = std::min(M_home_pos.x, max_x - 3.0);
#if 1
  // 2008-04-23 akiyama
  if (mate_min >= 3 && wm.self().pos().dist2(target_point) < 5.0 * 5.0)
    double opp_dist = 1000.0;
    const PlayerObject * opp = wm.getOpponentNearestTo(target_point, 10,
    if (opp && opp_dist < 4.0 && std::fabs(opp->pos().y - target_point.y) < 2.0)
//             target_point.y += ( target_point.y > opp->pos().y
//                                 ? +3.0
//                                 : -3.0 );
      target_point.y = (
          target_point.y > opp->pos().y ?
              opp->pos().y + 2.0 : opp->pos().y - 2.0 );
//      dlog.addText(Logger::TEAM,
 //         __FILE__": adjust target point to avvoid opponent. y=%.1f",
 //         target_point.y);
#if 1
  // 2008-04-28 akiyama
  if (mate_min < 3 && std::fabs(wm.self().pos().y - M_home_pos.y) < 3.0)
    target_point.y = wm.self().pos().y * 0.9 + M_home_pos.y * 0.1;
 //   dlog.addText(Logger::TEAM,
  //      __FILE__": adjust target point to prepare receive. y=%.1f",
  //      target_point.y);

  bool breakaway = false;
  bool intentional = false;

  if (wm.existKickableTeammate() || mate_min <= 5 || mate_min <= opp_min + 1)
    if (wm.self().pos().x > max_x)
      if (std::fabs(mate_trap_pos.y - target_point.y) < 4.0)
        double abs_y = wm.ball().pos().absY();
        bool outer = (wm.self().pos().absY() > abs_y );
        if (abs_y > 25.0)
          target_point.y = (outer ? 30.0 : 20.0 );
        else if (abs_y > 20.0)
          target_point.y = (outer ? 25.0 : 15.0 );
        else if (abs_y > 15.0)
          target_point.y = (outer ? 20.0 : 10.0 );
        else if (abs_y > 10.0)
          target_point.y = (outer ? 15.0 : 5.0 );
        else if (abs_y > 5.0)
          target_point.y = (outer ? 10.0 : 0.0 );
          target_point.y = (outer ? 5.0 : -5.0 );

        if (wm.self().pos().y < 0.0)
          target_point.y *= -1.0;

   //     agent->debugClient().addMessage("AvoidOffside");
   //     dlog.addText(Logger::TEAM,
   //         __FILE__": avoid offside possibility. new_target=(%.1f %.1f)",
   //         target_point.x, target_point.y);
    else if (M_forward_player
    //&& wm.audioMemory().dribbleTime() != wm.time()
        && mate_min <= 2 && opp_min >= 3
        && mate_trap_pos.x > wm.offsideLineX() - 10.0
        && wm.self().stamina() > ServerParam::i().staminaMax() * 0.8
        && 5.0 < wm.self().pos().x && wm.self().pos().x < 27.0
        && wm.self().pos().x > max_x - 7.0 && wm.self().pos().x < max_x - 1.0
        && wm.self().pos().x < mate_trap_pos.x + 10.0
        && (std::fabs(mate_trap_pos.y - wm.self().pos().y) < 8.0
            || (mate_trap_pos - wm.self().pos()).th().abs() < 110.0
        //|| ( mate_trap_pos.x > wm.offsideLineX() - 8.0
        //     && std::fabs( mate_trap_pos.y - wm.self().pos().y ) < 20.0 )
        ) && wm.self().pos().dist(mate_trap_pos) < 20.0
        && std::fabs(M_home_pos.y - wm.self().pos().y) < 15.0)
      double x_diff = max_x - wm.self().pos().x;
      int dash_step = wm.self().playerType().cyclesToReachDistance(x_diff);
      if (mate_min < dash_step - 1)
        target_point.x = std::min(wm.self().pos().x + 20.0, 50.0);
        target_point.y = wm.self().pos().y * 0.8 + mate_trap_pos.y * 0.2;
        if (target_point.absY() > 8.0
            && target_point.absY() > M_home_pos.absY())
          target_point.y = M_home_pos.y;
        intentional = true;

 //     dlog.addText(Logger::TEAM, __FILE__": try breakaway=(%.1f %.1f)",
  //        target_point.x, target_point.y);
      breakaway = true;
  const double dash_power = (
      breakaway ?
          ServerParam::i().maxPower() : getDashPower(agent, target_point) );

  if (dash_power < 1.0)
    AngleDeg face_angle = wm.ball().angleFromSelf() + 90.0;
    if (face_angle.abs() > 90.0)
      face_angle += 180.0;
    agent->setNeckAction(new Neck_TurnToBallOrScan());
    return true;


  agent->debugClient().addMessage("AttackGo%.0f", dash_power);

  double dist_thr = std::fabs(wm.ball().pos().x - wm.self().pos().x) * 0.2
      + 0.25;
  //double dist_thr = wm.ball().pos().dist( target_point ) * 0.1 + 0.5;
  if (dist_thr < 1.0)
    dist_thr = 1.0;
  if (target_point.x > wm.self().pos().x - 0.5
      && wm.self().pos().x < wm.offsideLineX()
      && std::fabs(target_point.x - wm.self().pos().x) > 1.0)
    dist_thr = std::min(1.0, wm.ball().pos().dist(target_point) * 0.1 + 0.5);

 // agent->debugClient().setTarget(target_point);
//  agent->debugClient().addCircle(target_point, dist_thr);
 // dlog.addText(Logger::TEAM,
//      __FILE__": execute. go to (%.2f, %.2f) dash_power=%.2f", target_point.x,
//      target_point.y, dash_power);

  if (Body_GoToPoint(target_point, dist_thr, dash_power, 100, // cycle
      false, // back
      true, // stamina save
      25.0 // angle threshold
    if (intentional)
 //     agent->debugClient().addMessage("BreakAway");

  //    agent->debugClient().addMessage("Sayh");
      agent->addSayMessage(new PassRequestMessage(target_point));

 //     dlog.addText(Logger::TEAM, __FILE__": intention breakaway");
      agent->setArmAction(new Arm_PointToPoint(target_point));
    #ifdef DEBUG2014
    std::cerr << wm.time().cycle() << __FILE__ << wm.self().unum() << ": Body_GoToPoint.\n";
    #endif // DEBUG2014

    AngleDeg body_angle(0.0);

  if (agent->world().ball().posCount() <= 1)
    agent->setNeckAction(new Neck_ScanField());
    agent->setNeckAction(new Neck_TurnToBallOrScan());

  return true;






当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


