Creating a simple web prototype based on CppCMS

What is CppCMS ? CppCMS is a free high performance web development framework aimed at rapid web application development.It is different from other development frameworks like Python Django, java Servelets in the following ways;

  1. It is designed and tuned to handle extremely high loads.
  2. It uses modern C++ as the primary development language in order to achieve the first goal.
  3. It is designed for developing both Web Sites and Web Services.
This article is designed for how to create a web prototype by using CPPCMS & by the way it will introduce some knowledge on CPPCMS. Firstly, the tree of our project is as follows:

1. config.js

        "service" : {  
            "api" : "http",  
            "port" : 8081  
        "http" : {  
            "script_names" : ["/cppcms"]  

In the configuration,we setup our service to listen on port 8080 using HTTP protocol .We also provide the script_names(/cppcms) parameter that defines the path to the virtual "CGI Scripts" or in simple words the path that our application should be called from.

2. include

It contains the header file we need.  
1) site.h
#include <cppcms/application.h>
#include <cppcms/applications_pool.h>
#include <cppcms/service.h>

class Site : public cppcms::application {
    Site(cppcms::service &srv);
    void Page();
  • cppcms/application.h - the class application that every CppCMS application is derived from.
  • cppcms/applications_pool.h - class applications_pool - the class that manages user applications - creates new per HTTP request and caches them for future use.
  • cppcms/service.h - the service - central event loop of the network service.
Now we've defined our first application class  Site , that is derived from  cppcms::application . It should receive in its constructor a reference to the central CppCMS service that runs our application. And it's member function  Page()i s created for rendering the HTML web page and it's function implementation can be found in the file
#ifndef CONTENT_H  
#define CONTENT_H  
#include <cppcms/view.h>  
namespace Content  {  
struct PageContent : public cppcms::base_content {  

We need to include the header  <cppcms/view.h >  that will provide us with all the definitions required as a base for our content class.So we've created a small structure  PageContent    that would be rendered with an HTML template.But the PageConten t in our project is empty as this is a static web  page. 


Now we create a web using html.

    <% c++ #include "model/content.h" %>  
    <% skin page%>  
    <% view page_view uses Content::PageContent %>  
    <% template render() %>  
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">  
       <h1> Hello World!</h1>
    <% end template %>  
    <% end view %>  
    <% end skin %>  

We need to review the render rational of CPPCMS in the backend,namely how to convert  the .tmpl to C++ code. That is view. We define the skin view &template in the code above which will be converted into C++ code . See more details below. 
First, page_view will be implemented as a class, and it's in the namespace called page(defined by skin).Besides <% template render() %> will be seen as a render member function in the page_view class. Thus the HTML code between <HTML> and </HTML> will be converted to C++ code by function render(). See the result in file in directory view.

After rendering the page.tmpl,we got the code below, we can find it's almost C++ code and it can print out the web content through out stream.
#line 1 "../template/page.tmpl"
#include "model/content.h" 
#line 2 "../template/page.tmpl"
namespace page {
	#line 3 "../template/page.tmpl"
	struct page_view :public cppcms::base_view
	#line 3 "../template/page.tmpl"
	#line 3 "../template/page.tmpl"
		Content::PageContent &content;
	#line 3 "../template/page.tmpl"
		page_view(std::ostream &_s,Content::PageContent &_content): cppcms::base_view(_s),content(_content)
	#line 3 "../template/page.tmpl"
	#line 3 "../template/page.tmpl"
		#line 4 "../template/page.tmpl"
		virtual void render() {
			#line 16 "../template/page.tmpl"
			out()<<"  \n"
				"    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\">  \n"
				"    <html>  \n"
				"      <head>  \n"
				"        \n"
				"      </head>  \n"
				"      \n"
				"      <body>          \n"
				"       <h1> Hello World!</h1>\n"
				"      </body>  \n"
				"      \n"
				"    </html>  \n"
				"    ";
		#line 16 "../template/page.tmpl"
		} // end of template render
	#line 17 "../template/page.tmpl"
	}; // end of class page_view
#line 18 "../template/page.tmpl"
} // end of namespace page
#line 19 "../template/page.tmpl"
namespace {
#line 19 "../template/page.tmpl"
 cppcms::views::generator my_generator; 
#line 19 "../template/page.tmpl"
 struct loader { 
#line 19 "../template/page.tmpl"
  loader() { 
#line 19 "../template/page.tmpl""page");
#line 19 "../template/page.tmpl"
#line 19 "../template/page.tmpl"
#line 19 "../template/page.tmpl"
#line 19 "../template/page.tmpl"
 ~loader() {  cppcms::views::pool::instance().remove(my_generator); }
#line 19 "../template/page.tmpl"
} a_loader;
#line 19 "../template/page.tmpl"
} // anon 


#include "controller/site.h"  
#include <cppcms/url_dispatcher.h>  
#include "model/content.h"  
#include <cppcms/http_file.h>  
using namespace std;  
Site::Site(cppcms::service &srv):cppcms::application(srv) {
  dispatcher().assign("/page" , &Site::Page, this);
  void Site::Page() {   
  Content::PageContent content;  
  render("page","page_view", content);  

Before you read the code in please learn more details about  how to  connect different URLs to their associated functions in CppCMS on

On line 10, in our constructor, we map a URL to member function.We connect the regular expression /page to the member function number of this instance . So when the web server receives requests that match a script name /page ,the member function Page() in Site would be called. 

In the Page() implementation, we define a content object ,and the function render definition is as folllows:

void render(std::string template_name,base_content &content)

We employ it to render the page.tmpl in template.

Now lets setup our main function. First we create the service class that parses command line parameters and searches for configuration options

<span style="color:#222222;">#include "controller/site.h"
#include "model/content.h"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <cppcms/mount_point.h>
#include <cppcms/json.h>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <sstream>

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
    try {
        cppcms::service srv(argc, argv);
</span><span style="color:#009900;">//We tell the applications_pool class to use our application - Site - by providing it a predefined object factory cppcms::applications_factory<Site>(). We then so call mount our application to the pool so it will be used for request handling.</span><span style="color:#222222;">

</span><span style="color:#009900;">//And now we run our event loop.</span><span style="color:#222222;">;
    catch(std::exception const &e) {





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