


#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "format.h"

    m_ifmt_ctx = NULL;
    m_ofmt_ctx = NULL;
    m_ofmt       = NULL;
    m_bufAvalloc = NULL;
    m_fileName = NULL;
    for(int i=0; i<BUF_UNIT_NUM; i++)
        m_bufDeq.data[i].ptr = new unsigned char[UNIT_SIZE];
        m_bufDeq.data[i].size = 0;
        m_bufDeq.data[i].readsize = 0;
    m_bufDeq.head = 0;
    m_bufDeq.tail = 0;
    m_countFill = 0;
    m_frame_index = 0;
    m_startCode = 0;

    for(int i=0; i<BUF_UNIT_NUM; i++)
        delete []m_bufDeq.data[i].ptr;
        m_bufDeq.data[i].size = 0;
        m_bufDeq.data[i].readsize = 0;
    m_bufDeq.head = 0;
    m_bufDeq.tail = 0;

int ITAVFormat::read_data(void *opaque, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size)
    ITAVFormat* pThis = (ITAVFormat*)opaque;
    if(pThis->m_bufDeq.head == pThis->m_bufDeq.tail)
        return 0;
        int head = pThis->m_bufDeq.head;
        buf_size = FFMIN(buf_size, pThis->m_bufDeq.data[head].size);
        printf("ptr:%p,size:%u,buf_size=%u\n",pThis->m_bufDeq.data[head].ptr, pThis->m_bufDeq.data[head].size,buf_size);

        /* copy internal buffer data to buf */
        memcpy(buf, pThis->m_bufDeq.data[head].ptr+pThis->m_bufDeq.data[head].readsize, buf_size);

        pThis->m_bufDeq.data[head].readsize  += buf_size;
        pThis->m_bufDeq.data[head].size -= buf_size;

        if(pThis->m_bufDeq.data[head].size <= 0)
            pThis->m_bufDeq.data[head].readsize = 0;
            pThis->m_bufDeq.head = (pThis->m_bufDeq.head+1)%BUF_UNIT_NUM;

        return buf_size;
void ITAVFormat::init()

int ITAVFormat::fillBuffer(unsigned char* buff,int len)
    //buffer_data b
    if(buff == NULL)
        return TRUE;
    if(len > UNIT_SIZE)
        return FALSE;
    int tail = m_bufDeq.tail;
    m_bufDeq.data[tail].size = len;
    m_bufDeq.data[tail].readsize = 0;
    m_bufDeq.tail = (m_bufDeq.tail+1)%BUF_UNIT_NUM;
    if(m_countFill == 0)
        m_startCode = start();
        if(m_startCode < 0)
            return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

int ITAVFormat::writeFrame()
    int ret = -1;
    AVPacket pkt;
        AVStream *in_stream, *out_stream;
        //Get an AVPacket
        ret = av_read_frame(m_ifmt_ctx, &pkt);
        if (ret < 0)
            printf("ret = %d\n",ret);
        in_stream  = m_ifmt_ctx->streams[pkt.stream_index];
        out_stream = m_ofmt_ctx->streams[pkt.stream_index];

            //Write PTS
            AVRational time_base1=in_stream->time_base;
            //Duration between 2 frames (us)
            int64_t calc_duration=(double)AV_TIME_BASE/av_q2d(in_stream->r_frame_rate);

        //Convert PTS/DTS
        pkt.pts = av_rescale_q_rnd(pkt.pts, in_stream->time_base, out_stream->time_base, (AVRounding)(AV_ROUND_NEAR_INF|AV_ROUND_PASS_MINMAX));
        pkt.dts = av_rescale_q_rnd(pkt.dts, in_stream->time_base, out_stream->time_base, (AVRounding)(AV_ROUND_NEAR_INF|AV_ROUND_PASS_MINMAX));
        pkt.duration = av_rescale_q(pkt.duration, in_stream->time_base, out_stream->time_base);

        pkt.pos = -1;
        if (av_interleaved_write_frame(m_ofmt_ctx, &pkt) < 0) {
            printf( "Error muxing packet\n");
        //printf("Write %8d frames to output file\n",frame_index);
     return TRUE;
// av_probe_input_buffer2
int ITAVFormat::start()
    int ret,i;
    AVIOContext* pb = NULL;
    AVInputFormat* piFmt = NULL;
    m_bufAvalloc = (unsigned char*)av_malloc(32768);
    pb = avio_alloc_context(m_bufAvalloc, 32768, 0, (void*)this, ITAVFormat::read_data, NULL, NULL);

    if (av_probe_input_buffer(pb, &piFmt, "", NULL, 0, 0) < 0)
        return -1;
        printf("format:%s[%s]\n", piFmt->name, piFmt->long_name);
    m_ifmt_ctx = avformat_alloc_context();
    m_ifmt_ctx->pb = pb;

    if (avformat_open_input(&m_ifmt_ctx, "", piFmt, NULL) != 0){//iformat,priv_data赋值,pb, nbstreams,streams为null
        printf("Couldn't open input stream.(无法打开输入流)\n");
        return -2;

    if ((ret = avformat_find_stream_info(m_ifmt_ctx, 0)) < 0) {
        printf( "Failed to retrieve input stream information");
        return -3;
    avformat_alloc_output_context2(&m_ofmt_ctx, NULL, NULL, m_fileName);
    if (!m_ofmt_ctx) {
        printf( "Could not create output context\n");
        return -4;
        //goto end;
    m_ofmt = m_ofmt_ctx->oformat;
    for (i = 0; i < m_ifmt_ctx->nb_streams; i++) {
        //Create output AVStream according to input AVStream
        AVStream *in_stream = m_ifmt_ctx->streams[i];
        AVStream *out_stream = avformat_new_stream(m_ofmt_ctx, in_stream->codec->codec);
        if (!out_stream) {
            printf( "Failed allocating output stream\n");
            return -5;
        //Copy the settings of AVCodecContext
        if (avcodec_copy_context(out_stream->codec, in_stream->codec) < 0) {
            printf( "Failed to copy context from input to output stream codec context\n");
            return -6;
        out_stream->codec->codec_tag = 0;
        if (m_ofmt_ctx->oformat->flags & AVFMT_GLOBALHEADER)
            out_stream->codec->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER;
    //Output information------------------
    av_dump_format(m_ofmt_ctx, 0, m_fileName, 1);
    //Open output file
    if (!(m_ofmt->flags & AVFMT_NOFILE)) {
        ret = avio_open(&m_ofmt_ctx->pb, m_fileName, AVIO_FLAG_WRITE);
        if (ret < 0) {
            printf( "Could not open output file '%s'", m_fileName);
            return -7;
    //Write file header
    if (avformat_write_header(m_ofmt_ctx, NULL) < 0) { 
        printf( "Error occurred when opening output file\n");
        return -8;
    return TRUE;

void ITAVFormat::setFileName(char* fileName)
    m_fileName = fileName;

void ITAVFormat::finish()
    if(m_startCode < 0)
    //Write file trailer
    /* close output */
    if (m_ofmt_ctx && !(m_ofmt->flags & AVFMT_NOFILE))


H.264 封装MP4 的源码可以比较复杂,需要涉及到视频编码、封装格式等多个方面的知识。以下是一个简单的示例代码,可以实现将 H.264 裸流封装MP4 文件的功能: ```c #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define FRAME_RATE 25 #define BIT_RATE 4800000 typedef struct { FILE *fp; int width; int height; int frame_rate; int bit_rate; int gop_size; int frame_count; } MP4File; typedef struct { unsigned char *data; int size; int key_frame; int pts; } H264Frame; static void write_int(FILE *fp, int value) { unsigned char buf[4]; buf[0] = value >> 24; buf[1] = value >> 16; buf[2] = value >> 8; buf[3] = value; fwrite(buf, 1, 4, fp); } static void write_short(FILE *fp, short value) { unsigned char buf[2]; buf[0] = value >> 8; buf[1] = value; fwrite(buf, 1, 2, fp); } static void write_data(FILE *fp, unsigned char *data, int size) { fwrite(data, 1, size, fp); } MP4File *mp4_create(const char *filename, int width, int height, int frame_rate, int bit_rate) { MP4File *mp4 = (MP4File *)malloc(sizeof(MP4File)); memset(mp4, 0, sizeof(MP4File)); mp4->fp = fopen(filename, "wb"); if (!mp4->fp) { printf("failed to create mp4 file\n"); free(mp4); return NULL; } mp4->width = width; mp4->height = height; mp4->frame_rate = frame_rate; mp4->bit_rate = bit_rate; mp4->gop_size = frame_rate * 2; write_data(mp4->fp, (unsigned char *)"ftypisom", 8); write_int(mp4->fp, 0); write_data(mp4->fp, (unsigned char *)"isom", 4); write_data(mp4->fp, (unsigned char *)"mp42", 4); return mp4; } void mp4_destroy(MP4File *mp4) { if (mp4) { fclose(mp4->fp); free(mp4); } } void mp4_write_frame(MP4File *mp4, H264Frame *frame) { if (!mp4 || !frame) { return; } if (frame->key_frame) { write_data(mp4->fp, (unsigned char *)"mdat", 4); write_int(mp4->fp, 0); } int size = frame->size + 4; write_int(mp4->fp, size); if (frame->key_frame) { write_data(mp4->fp, (unsigned char *)"avc1", 4); write_short(mp4->fp, 0); write_short(mp4->fp, 0); write_short(mp4->fp, mp4->width); write_short(mp4->fp, mp4->height); write_int(mp4->fp, mp4->bit_rate); write_int(mp4->fp, mp4->frame_rate); write_short(mp4->fp, 1); write_short(mp4->fp, 12); write_data(mp4->fp, (unsigned char *)"avcC", 4); write_int(mp4->fp, 0x01); write_data(mp4->fp, frame->data + 4, 3); write_short(mp4->fp, 0xffe1); write_short(mp4->fp, 16); write_data(mp4->fp, (unsigned char *)"avcC", 4); write_data(mp4->fp, frame->data + 7, frame->size - 7); } else { write_data(mp4->fp, frame->data, frame->size); } mp4->frame_count++; } int main() { MP4File *mp4 = mp4_create("test.mp4", 1280, 720, FRAME_RATE, BIT_RATE); if (!mp4) { return 0; } FILE *h264 = fopen("test.h264", "rb"); if (!h264) { mp4_destroy(mp4); return 0; } H264Frame frame; memset(&frame, 0, sizeof(H264Frame)); frame.data = (unsigned char *)malloc(1024 * 1024); while (!feof(h264)) { size_t size = fread(frame.data, 1, 1024 * 1024, h264); frame.size = size; frame.key_frame = 1; frame.pts = mp4->frame_count * 90000 / mp4->frame_rate; mp4_write_frame(mp4, &frame); } free(frame.data); fclose(h264); mp4_destroy(mp4); return 0; } ``` 在这个示例中,我们首先定义了一个 MP4File 结构体,用于保存 MP4 文件的相关信息,比如宽高、帧率、码率等。mp4_create 函数用于创建 MP4 文件,它会写入 MP4 文件的头信息。mp4_write_frame 函数用于写入 H.264 数据帧,它会根据帧类型(关键帧或非关键帧)来写入相应的 MP4 Box。最后,在主函数中我们读入 H.264 裸流,并将其封装MP4 文件。 需要注意的是,这里只是一个简单的示例,实际的 MP4 封装格式可能比这个复杂得多,还需要考虑音频、时间戳等问题。如果需要进行更加复杂的封装,建议使用现有的一些开源封装,比如 FFmpeg 等。




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


