bulletproofs for r1cs

目前,https://github.com/dalek-cryptography/bulletproofs 中的main branch中禁用了yoloproofs feature,如需使用,可切换到 develop branch。

git checkout develop
cargo test --features "yoloproofs"
impl Default for PedersenGens {
    fn default() -> Self {
        PedersenGens {
            B_blinding: RistrettoPoint::hash_from_bytes::<Sha3_512>(

/// Represents a pair of base points for Pedersen commitments.
/// The Bulletproofs implementation and API is designed to support
/// pluggable bases for Pedersen commitments, so that the choice of
/// bases is not hard-coded.
/// The default generators are:
/// * `B`: the `ristretto255` basepoint;
/// * `B_blinding`: the result of `ristretto255` SHA3-512
/// hash-to-group on input `B_bytes`.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct PedersenGens {
    /// Base for the committed value
    pub B: RistrettoPoint,
    /// Base for the blinding factor
    pub B_blinding: RistrettoPoint,

/// The `BulletproofGens` struct contains all the generators needed
/// for aggregating up to `m` range proofs of up to `n` bits each.
/// # Extensible Generator Generation
/// Instead of constructing a single vector of size `m*n`, as
/// described in the Bulletproofs paper, we construct each party's
/// generators separately.
/// To construct an arbitrary-length chain of generators, we apply
/// SHAKE256 to a domain separator label, and feed each 64 bytes of
/// XOF output into the `ristretto255` hash-to-group function.
/// Each of the `m` parties' generators are constructed using a
/// different domain separation label, and proving and verification
/// uses the first `n` elements of the arbitrary-length chain.
/// This means that the aggregation size (number of
/// parties) is orthogonal to the rangeproof size (number of bits),
/// and allows using the same `BulletproofGens` object for different
/// proving parameters.
/// This construction is also forward-compatible with constraint
/// system proofs, which use a much larger slice of the generator
/// chain, and even forward-compatible to multiparty aggregation of
/// constraint system proofs, since the generators are namespaced by
/// their party index.
pub struct BulletproofGens {
    /// The maximum number of usable generators for each party.
    pub gens_capacity: usize,
    /// Number of values or parties
    pub party_capacity: usize,
    /// Precomputed \\(\mathbf G\\) generators for each party.
    G_vec: Vec<Vec<RistrettoPoint>>,
    /// Precomputed \\(\mathbf H\\) generators for each party.
    H_vec: Vec<Vec<RistrettoPoint>>,

impl BulletproofGens {
    /// Create a new `BulletproofGens` object.
    /// # Inputs
    /// * `gens_capacity` is the number of generators to precompute
    ///    for each party.  For rangeproofs, it is sufficient to pass
    ///    `64`, the maximum bitsize of the rangeproofs.  For circuit
    ///    proofs, the capacity must be greater than the number of
    ///    multipliers, rounded up to the next power of two.
    /// * `party_capacity` is the maximum number of parties that can
    ///    produce an aggregated proof.
    pub fn new(gens_capacity: usize, party_capacity: usize) -> Self {
        let mut gens = BulletproofGens {
            gens_capacity: 0,
            G_vec: (0..party_capacity).map(|_| Vec::new()).collect(),
            H_vec: (0..party_capacity).map(|_| Vec::new()).collect(),

    /// Returns j-th share of generators, with an appropriate
    /// slice of vectors G and H for the j-th range proof.
    pub fn share(&self, j: usize) -> BulletproofGensShare {
        BulletproofGensShare {
            gens: &self,
            share: j,

    /// Increases the generators' capacity to the amount specified.
    /// If less than or equal to the current capacity, does nothing.
    pub fn increase_capacity(&mut self, new_capacity: usize) {
        use byteorder::{ByteOrder, LittleEndian};

        if self.gens_capacity >= new_capacity {

        for i in 0..self.party_capacity {
            let party_index = i as u32;
            let mut label = [b'G', 0, 0, 0, 0];
            LittleEndian::write_u32(&mut label[1..5], party_index);
                &mut GeneratorsChain::new(&label)
                    .take(new_capacity - self.gens_capacity),

            label[0] = b'H';
                &mut GeneratorsChain::new(&label)
                    .take(new_capacity - self.gens_capacity),
        self.gens_capacity = new_capacity;

    /// Return an iterator over the aggregation of the parties' G generators with given size `n`.
    pub(crate) fn G(&self, n: usize, m: usize) -> impl Iterator<Item = &RistrettoPoint> {
        AggregatedGensIter {
            array: &self.G_vec,
            party_idx: 0,
            gen_idx: 0,

    /// Return an iterator over the aggregation of the parties' H generators with given size `n`.
    pub(crate) fn H(&self, n: usize, m: usize) -> impl Iterator<Item = &RistrettoPoint> {
        AggregatedGensIter {
            array: &self.H_vec,
            party_idx: 0,
            gen_idx: 0,

/// The `GeneratorsChain` creates an arbitrary-long sequence of
/// orthogonal generators.  The sequence can be deterministically
/// produced starting with an arbitrary point.
struct GeneratorsChain {
    reader: Sha3XofReader,

impl GeneratorsChain {
    /// Creates a chain of generators, determined by the hash of `label`.
    fn new(label: &[u8]) -> Self {
        let mut shake = Shake256::default();

        GeneratorsChain {
            reader: shake.xof_result(),

    /// Advances the reader n times, squeezing and discarding
    /// the result.
    fn fast_forward(mut self, n: usize) -> Self {
        for _ in 0..n {
            let mut buf = [0u8; 64];
            self.reader.read(&mut buf);

impl Default for GeneratorsChain {
    fn default() -> Self {
/// A [`ConstraintSystem`] implementation for use by the prover.
/// The prover commits high-level variables and their blinding factors `(v, v_blinding)`,
/// allocates low-level variables and creates constraints in terms of these
/// high-level variables and low-level variables.
/// When all constraints are added, the proving code calls `prove`
/// which consumes the `Prover` instance, samples random challenges
/// that instantiate the randomized constraints, and creates a complete proof.
pub struct Prover<'t, 'g> {
    transcript: &'t mut Transcript,
    pc_gens: &'g PedersenGens,
    /// The constraints accumulated so far.
    constraints: Vec<LinearCombination>,
    /// Stores assignments to the "left" of multiplication gates
    a_L: Vec<Scalar>,
    /// Stores assignments to the "right" of multiplication gates
    a_R: Vec<Scalar>,
    /// Stores assignments to the "output" of multiplication gates
    a_O: Vec<Scalar>,
    /// High-level witness data (value openings to V commitments)
    v: Vec<Scalar>,
    /// High-level witness data (blinding openings to V commitments)
    v_blinding: Vec<Scalar>,

    /// This list holds closures that will be called in the second phase of the protocol,
    /// when non-randomized variables are committed.
    deferred_constraints: Vec<Box<Fn(&mut RandomizingProver<'t, 'g>) -> Result<(), R1CSError>>>,

    /// Index of a pending multiplier that's not fully assigned yet.
    pending_multiplier: Option<usize>,

impl<'t, 'g> Prover<'t, 'g> {
    /// Construct an empty constraint system with specified external
    /// input variables.
    /// # Inputs
    /// The `bp_gens` and `pc_gens` are generators for Bulletproofs
    /// and for the Pedersen commitments, respectively.  The
    /// [`BulletproofGens`] should have `gens_capacity` greater than
    /// the number of multiplication constraints that will eventually
    /// be added into the constraint system.
    /// The `transcript` parameter is a Merlin proof transcript.  The
    /// `ProverCS` holds onto the `&mut Transcript` until it consumes
    /// itself during [`ProverCS::prove`], releasing its borrow of the
    /// transcript.  This ensures that the transcript cannot be
    /// altered except by the `ProverCS` before proving is complete.
    /// # Returns
    /// Returns a new `Prover` instance.
    pub fn new(pc_gens: &'g PedersenGens, transcript: &'t mut Transcript) -> Self {

        Prover {
            v: Vec::new(),
            v_blinding: Vec::new(),
            constraints: Vec::new(),
            a_L: Vec::new(),
            a_R: Vec::new(),
            a_O: Vec::new(),
            deferred_constraints: Vec::new(),
            pending_multiplier: None,
 	/// Creates commitment to a high-level variable and adds it to the transcript.
    /// # Inputs
    /// The `v` and `v_blinding` parameters are openings to the
    /// commitment to the external variable for the constraint
    /// system.  Passing the opening (the value together with the
    /// blinding factor) makes it possible to reference pre-existing
    /// commitments in the constraint system.  All external variables
    /// must be passed up-front, so that challenges produced by
    /// [`ConstraintSystem::challenge_scalar`] are bound to the
    /// external variables.
    /// # Returns
    /// Returns a pair of a Pedersen commitment (as a compressed Ristretto point),
    /// and a [`Variable`] corresponding to it, which can be used to form constraints.
    pub fn commit(&mut self, v: Scalar, v_blinding: Scalar) -> (CompressedRistretto, Variable) {
        let i = self.v.len();

        // Add the commitment to the transcript.
        let V = self.pc_gens.commit(v, v_blinding).compress();
        self.transcript.commit_point(b"V", &V);

        (V, Variable::Committed(i))

/// Represents a variable in a constraint system.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Variable {
    /// Represents an external input specified by a commitment.
    /// Represents the left input of a multiplication gate.
    /// Represents the right input of a multiplication gate.
    /// Represents the output of a multiplication gate.
    /// Represents the constant 1.
fn constrain(&mut self, lc: LinearCombination) {
        // TODO: check that the linear combinations are valid
        // (e.g. that variables are valid, that the linear combination evals to 0 for prover, etc).

impl From<Variable> for LinearCombination {
    fn from(v: Variable) -> LinearCombination {
        LinearCombination {
            terms: vec![(v, Scalar::one())],

/// Represents a linear combination of
/// [`Variables`](::r1cs::Variable).  Each term is represented by a
/// `(Variable, Scalar)` pair.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct LinearCombination {
    pub(super) terms: Vec<(Variable, Scalar)>,
 /// Consume this `ConstraintSystem` to produce a proof.
    pub fn prove(mut self, bp_gens: &BulletproofGens) -> Result<R1CSProof, R1CSError> {
        use std::iter;
        use util;

        // Commit a length _suffix_ for the number of high-level variables.
        // We cannot do this in advance because user can commit variables one-by-one,
        // but this suffix provides safe disambiguation because each variable
        // is prefixed with a separate label.
        self.transcript.commit_u64(b"m", self.v.len() as u64);

        // Create a `TranscriptRng` from the high-level witness data
        // The prover wants to rekey the RNG with its witness data.
        // This consists of the high level witness data (the v's and
        // v_blinding's), as well as the low-level witness data (a_L,
        // a_R, a_O).  Since the low-level data should (hopefully) be
        // determined by the high-level data, it doesn't give any
        // extra entropy for reseeding the RNG.
        // Since the v_blindings should be random scalars (in order to
        // protect the v's in the commitments), we don't gain much by
        // committing the v's as well as the v_blinding's.
        let mut rng = {
            let mut builder = self.transcript.build_rng();

            // Commit the blinding factors for the input wires
            for v_b in &self.v_blinding {
                builder = builder.commit_witness_bytes(b"v_blinding", v_b.as_bytes());

            use rand::thread_rng;
            builder.finalize(&mut thread_rng())

        // Commit to the first-phase low-level witness variables.
        let n1 = self.a_L.len();

        if bp_gens.gens_capacity < n1 {
            return Err(R1CSError::InvalidGeneratorsLength);

        // We are performing a single-party circuit proof, so party index is 0.
        let gens = bp_gens.share(0);

        let i_blinding1 = Scalar::random(&mut rng);
        let o_blinding1 = Scalar::random(&mut rng);
        let s_blinding1 = Scalar::random(&mut rng);

        let mut s_L1: Vec<Scalar> = (0..n1).map(|_| Scalar::random(&mut rng)).collect();
        let mut s_R1: Vec<Scalar> = (0..n1).map(|_| Scalar::random(&mut rng)).collect();

        // A_I = <a_L, G> + <a_R, H> + i_blinding * B_blinding
        let A_I1 = RistrettoPoint::multiscalar_mul(

        // A_O = <a_O, G> + o_blinding * B_blinding
        let A_O1 = RistrettoPoint::multiscalar_mul(

        // S = <s_L, G> + <s_R, H> + s_blinding * B_blinding
        let S1 = RistrettoPoint::multiscalar_mul(

        self.transcript.commit_point(b"A_I1", &A_I1);
        self.transcript.commit_point(b"A_O1", &A_O1);
        self.transcript.commit_point(b"S1", &S1);

        // Process the remaining constraints.
        self = self.create_randomized_constraints()?;

        // Pad zeros to the next power of two (or do that implicitly when creating vectors)

        // If the number of multiplications is not 0 or a power of 2, then pad the circuit.
        let n = self.a_L.len();
        let n2 = n - n1;
        let padded_n = self.a_L.len().next_power_of_two();
        let pad = padded_n - n;

        if bp_gens.gens_capacity < padded_n {
            return Err(R1CSError::InvalidGeneratorsLength);

        // Commit to the second-phase low-level witness variables

        let has_2nd_phase_commitments = n2 > 0;

        let (i_blinding2, o_blinding2, s_blinding2) = if has_2nd_phase_commitments {
                Scalar::random(&mut rng),
                Scalar::random(&mut rng),
                Scalar::random(&mut rng),
        } else {
            (Scalar::zero(), Scalar::zero(), Scalar::zero())

        let mut s_L2: Vec<Scalar> = (0..n2).map(|_| Scalar::random(&mut rng)).collect();
        let mut s_R2: Vec<Scalar> = (0..n2).map(|_| Scalar::random(&mut rng)).collect();

        let (A_I2, A_O2, S2) = if has_2nd_phase_commitments {
                // A_I = <a_L, G> + <a_R, H> + i_blinding * B_blinding
                // A_O = <a_O, G> + o_blinding * B_blinding
                // S = <s_L, G> + <s_R, H> + s_blinding * B_blinding
        } else {
            // Since we are using zero blinding factors and
            // there are no variables to commit,
            // the commitments _must_ be identity points,
            // so we can hardcode them saving 3 mults+compressions.

        self.transcript.commit_point(b"A_I2", &A_I2);
        self.transcript.commit_point(b"A_O2", &A_O2);
        self.transcript.commit_point(b"S2", &S2);

        // 4. Compute blinded vector polynomials l(x) and r(x)

        let y = self.transcript.challenge_scalar(b"y");
        let z = self.transcript.challenge_scalar(b"z");

        let (wL, wR, wO, wV) = self.flattened_constraints(&z);

        let mut l_poly = util::VecPoly3::zero(n);
        let mut r_poly = util::VecPoly3::zero(n);

        let mut exp_y = Scalar::one(); // y^n starting at n=0
        let y_inv = y.invert();
        let exp_y_inv = util::exp_iter(y_inv).take(padded_n).collect::<Vec<_>>();

        let sLsR = s_L1
        for (i, (sl, sr)) in sLsR.enumerate() {
            // l_poly.0 = 0
            // l_poly.1 = a_L + y^-n * (z * z^Q * W_R)
            l_poly.1[i] = self.a_L[i] + exp_y_inv[i] * wR[i];
            // l_poly.2 = a_O
            l_poly.2[i] = self.a_O[i];
            // l_poly.3 = s_L
            l_poly.3[i] = *sl;
            // r_poly.0 = (z * z^Q * W_O) - y^n
            r_poly.0[i] = wO[i] - exp_y;
            // r_poly.1 = y^n * a_R + (z * z^Q * W_L)
            r_poly.1[i] = exp_y * self.a_R[i] + wL[i];
            // r_poly.2 = 0
            // r_poly.3 = y^n * s_R
            r_poly.3[i] = exp_y * sr;

            exp_y = exp_y * y; // y^i -> y^(i+1)

        let t_poly = util::VecPoly3::special_inner_product(&l_poly, &r_poly);

        let t_1_blinding = Scalar::random(&mut rng);
        let t_3_blinding = Scalar::random(&mut rng);
        let t_4_blinding = Scalar::random(&mut rng);
        let t_5_blinding = Scalar::random(&mut rng);
        let t_6_blinding = Scalar::random(&mut rng);

        let T_1 = self.pc_gens.commit(t_poly.t1, t_1_blinding).compress();
        let T_3 = self.pc_gens.commit(t_poly.t3, t_3_blinding).compress();
        let T_4 = self.pc_gens.commit(t_poly.t4, t_4_blinding).compress();
        let T_5 = self.pc_gens.commit(t_poly.t5, t_5_blinding).compress();
        let T_6 = self.pc_gens.commit(t_poly.t6, t_6_blinding).compress();

        self.transcript.commit_point(b"T_1", &T_1);
        self.transcript.commit_point(b"T_3", &T_3);
        self.transcript.commit_point(b"T_4", &T_4);
        self.transcript.commit_point(b"T_5", &T_5);
        self.transcript.commit_point(b"T_6", &T_6);

        let u = self.transcript.challenge_scalar(b"u");
        let x = self.transcript.challenge_scalar(b"x");

        // t_2_blinding = <z*z^Q, W_V * v_blinding>
        // in the t_x_blinding calculations, line 76.
        let t_2_blinding = wV
            .map(|(c, v_blinding)| c * v_blinding)

        let t_blinding_poly = util::Poly6 {
            t1: t_1_blinding,
            t2: t_2_blinding,
            t3: t_3_blinding,
            t4: t_4_blinding,
            t5: t_5_blinding,
            t6: t_6_blinding,

        let t_x = t_poly.eval(x);
        let t_x_blinding = t_blinding_poly.eval(x);
        let mut l_vec = l_poly.eval(x);
        l_vec.append(&mut vec![Scalar::zero(); pad]);

        let mut r_vec = r_poly.eval(x);
        r_vec.append(&mut vec![Scalar::zero(); pad]);

        // XXX this should refer to the notes to explain why this is correct
        for i in n..padded_n {
            r_vec[i] = -exp_y;
            exp_y = exp_y * y; // y^i -> y^(i+1)

        let i_blinding = i_blinding1 + u * i_blinding2;
        let o_blinding = o_blinding1 + u * o_blinding2;
        let s_blinding = s_blinding1 + u * s_blinding2;

        let e_blinding = x * (i_blinding + x * (o_blinding + x * s_blinding));

        self.transcript.commit_scalar(b"t_x", &t_x);
            .commit_scalar(b"t_x_blinding", &t_x_blinding);
        self.transcript.commit_scalar(b"e_blinding", &e_blinding);

        // Get a challenge value to combine statements for the IPP
        let w = self.transcript.challenge_scalar(b"w");
        let Q = w * self.pc_gens.B;

        let G_factors = iter::repeat(Scalar::one())
            .chain(iter::repeat(u).take(n2 + pad))
        let H_factors = exp_y_inv
            .map(|(y, u_or_1)| y * u_or_1)

        let ipp_proof = InnerProductProof::create(

        // We do not yet have a ClearOnDrop wrapper for Vec<Scalar>.
        // When PR 202 [1] is merged, we can simply wrap s_L and s_R at the point of creation.
        // [1] https://github.com/dalek-cryptography/curve25519-dalek/pull/202
        for scalar in s_L1

        Ok(R1CSProof {
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