

1.infinite 无穷的
2.残疾人people with disabilities
4. 充满 thick with
5. 汗水sweat
6. 聚集到xxxx gathering up sw
7. 解暑 relieving summer heat
8. 不远处not far away
9. 小提琴violin
10.朴素 plain
11.穿得很朴素 was dressed plainly
12.气质 temperament
13.不自觉地 unconsciously
14.深邃的眼神 deep eyes
15.额头 forehead
16. 四肢 arms and legs
17. 导盲犬 seeing eye dog
18. 矿泉水 spring water
19. 手势 gesture
20. 低下头 lower one’s head
21. 轻轻地指向 gently point to
22. 全心全意 with heart and soul’
23. 音符 note
24. 清凉的风 cool wind
25. 放学 school is over

2021.3.5 生词

1.太阳在闪耀 the sun is shining
2.发酵 fermentation
3.令sb恶心 digust sb
4.我看得出神 be entranced
5.不可回收的,收回去的 unredeemable
6.风景 scenery
7.金字塔 pyramid
8.壮丽的 grand
9.夕阳 setting sun 仿佛 do sth: it was/is as if sb had done/did/do sth


1.淘气的 mischievous /naughty
2.水灵灵的眼睛 watery eyes
3.随时都会落泪 shed tears
4.些许头发 a little hair
5.小巧玲珑的嘴巴 cherry mouth/lips
6.哄小孩 cheer sb up.
7.我顺手捏了捏他的脸颊 pinch sb’s cheek without difficulty
8.不反抗 not resist
9.任由我摸 let me touch
10.变得贪吃 become greedy
11.干巴巴地望着我 look at me eagerly
12.我有点不自然 nervous
13.分给某人一半的食物 give sb half of sth
14.我赌气地说到 i said angrily
15.没收零花钱 take away sb’s pocket money
16.毫不留情面地说到 say without mercy
17.棒棒糖 lollipop
18.表情 expression
19.打他 beat/hit me
20.得意 proud
21.精于算计 good at calculating
22.不满 dissatisfied
23.把碗打破了 break the bowl
24.惩罚某人做某事 punish sb for doing sth
25.偷偷地 furtively

2021.3.8 生词

1、令人落泪的 tear-jerking
2、火辣的太阳 hot sun
3、裸露的 bare
4、暗淡的印记 dim mark
5、集体训练 group training
6、不约而同的约定 A coincident agreement
7、县 county
8、资格 qualification
9、一波未平一波又起 One wave has not leveled off another has risen
10、肺活量小 Lung capacity is small
11、频繁的换气 Frequent breathing
12、自卑 self-abased
13、不辜负某人的期望 Live up to / one’s expectations
14、肾上腺素 epinephrine
15、平时训练的记录 Records of regular training
16、观众的喝彩声 applause
17、周围洋溢着胜利带给我们的喜悦 joy was all around us
18、颤抖着的 quivery adj.
19、领奖台 podium

2021.3.9 生词

1、开放的社会 Open society
2、平等的社会 equal society
3、男权社会 patriarchal society
4、有封建思想的人 people with feudal idea
5、重男轻女 look up to men and down on women
6、帝王 emperor
7、当过和尚 used to be the monk
8、阴阳学说 yin-yang theory
9、婉约派 the representative of graceful group
10、近代史 modern history
11、为国效忠的热情 Passion to serve country
12、争议 The social dispute
13、女权社会 Women’s social
14、苦劳 Hardship
15、统治 rule/govern
16、现代化程度 degree of modernization
17、互补的 complementary
18、从古代流传下来 pass down to now
19、少了任何一方都不行 It can’t be without either of them

2021.3.11 生词

1.十月围城 Bodyguards and Assassins
2.正值战乱 During the war
3.民主和帝制的抗争 the struggle between democracy and Feudal system
4.革命者 revolutionist
5.赌徒 gambler
6.为后代造福 For the benefit of future generations
7.国家情怀 National feelings
8.胜似亲情 exactly like family affection
9.冰冷的身躯 Cold body
10.反派 villain
11.清朝官员 The qing dynasty officials
12.劝阻某人做某事 dissuade sb from doing sth
13.为…效力 Work for
14.侵略者 invader
15.不懂得变通 Not flexible
16.被革命卷进去 caught up in revolutionary
17.回避某事 avoid sth
18.学者 scholar
19.概念 concept
20.根植于 root in
21.制度 system
22.推翻 overturn
23.是用血换来的 be paid for with
24.回报祖国 repay the motherland


1.眺望远方 look into the distance
2.想要飞向远方 I want to fly far away
3.流淌 flow
4.诗和远方 poetry and distance
5.埋头苦干 put one’s back into sth
6.兢兢业业 active in work
7.不只有眼前的苟且 not only the present
8.脚踏实地 come down to earth/ reality
9.撸起袖子 Roll up his sleeves
10.不同于其他人 Different from other people
11.木偶 puppet
12.遥远的 distant
13.一直在苦苦追寻的东西 Something I have been searching for
14.漫长的人生 long life
15.明确你的目标 define your goal
16.挫折 setback
17.付出 很大的代价 paid dearly for sth
18.征服 conquer
19你的收获 gain

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