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原创 Unity 获得Log

Application.LogCallbackApplication.logMessageReceived or Application.logMessageReceivedThreaded 两者的区别是前者指接受来自unity自身主线程的log. 后者同时可以接受到别的线程的Log.using UnityEngine;using

2015-10-01 11:54:30 1071 1

原创 Unity3D TerrainSurface Shader

Shader "TerrainSurface"{Properties{_Mask ("Mask", 2D) = "black" {}_MainTex ("Albedo 0", 2D) = "white" {}_MainTex2 ("Albedo 1", 2D) = "white" {}_NormalMap ("NormalMap 0", 2D) = "bump"

2015-09-01 14:33:33 2201

转载 T4M在Unity5中运行出错修改

​- Import the T4m package and accept the automatic script updating.- Find "T4M 4 Textures.shader" (T4M/Shaders/ShaderModel2/Diffuse)- Edit shader above adding at the end of line 17 "nolightmap"

2015-08-27 20:27:51 5940

转载 Unity中的Path对应各平台中的Path

OS:Application.dataPath :                    Application/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/xxx.app/DataApplication.streamingAssetsPath : Application/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/xxx.app

2015-08-27 16:55:42 350

转载 Load Asset Bundle in Editor

public class DecryptAssetBundle : EditorWindow {  private string assetURL = ""; private static WWW request;  private static bool run = false; private static IEnumerator en = null;  [Me

2015-08-18 16:45:15 811

转载 unity跨线程操作的问题

/* Copyright (c) 2015 3shine.com * Anthor:penguin_ku(十月) * DateTime:2015/5/3 22:35:41 * FileName:MainTaskProcessor * MachineName: win8.1-04020905 * Version:V1.0.0.0 *  * Function: * 1、

2015-08-18 10:07:17 712

转载 ulua


2015-08-10 16:24:20 349

转载 Unity中可用Lua版本效率分析比较

Unity中可用Lua版本效率分析比较欢迎来到你的代码我的鱼,oooofish.com,本篇文章主要介绍Unity中可用的lua版本对比及分析。目前常见的unity lua库有以下:luainterface、ulua、nlua、unilua简单介绍luainterface: C#的lua桥接库作者Craig Presti项目位置:https://

2015-08-07 16:29:30 675

原创 C# coding-guidelines


2015-08-07 16:17:20 321

转载 "Optimize Game Objects" in ModelImporter inspector

MECANIM IMPROVEMENTSAdd a new option "Optimize Game Objects" in ModelImporter inspector. In short, this makes character rigs much faster.When turned on, the game object transform hierarchy

2015-08-06 17:20:34 1481

转载 C# MemoryStream和BinaryFormatter


2015-08-06 10:14:22 390

转载 C# Serializable

C# SerializableSystem.SerializableAttribute串行化是指存储和获取磁盘文件、内存或其他地方中的对象。在串行化时,所有的实例数据都保存到存储介质上,在取消串行化时,对象会被还原,且不能与其原实例区别开来。只需给类添加Serializable属性,就可以实现串行化实例的成员。并行化是串行化的逆过程,数据从存储介质中读取出来

2015-08-05 14:17:17 379

转载 Unity3D Mesh.bindposes

//The Bind Pose Matrices allow a raw vertex of the mesh (in local coordinates) to be transformed into world-space// and then to each bone's local coordinate space, after which each bone's animation

2015-08-03 14:45:59 3482

原创 Editor中侦听 Hierarchy 中发生变化

当hierarchy 中有物体被创建,重命名,改变父子关系或者被销毁时EditorApplication.hierarchyWindowChangedusing UnityEditor;using UnityEngine;public class ExampleCode { [MenuItem ("Example/Hierarchy Window Changed")

2015-07-22 20:55:10 643

翻译 unity3d calculatepath

NavMesh.CalculatePathpublic static function CalculatePath(sourcePosition:Vector3,targetPosition:Vector3,areaMask: int,path:NavMeshPath): bool; ParameterssourcePos

2015-07-15 12:01:34 1766 1

转载 托管代码 VS 非托管代码

什么是托管代码(managed code)?      托管代码是一microsoft的中间语言(IL),他主要的作用是在.NET   FRAMEWORK的公共语言运行库(CLR)执行代码前去编译源代码,也就是说托管代码充当着翻译的作用,源代码在运行时分为两个阶段:       1.源代码编译为托管代码,(所以源代码可以有很多种,如VB,C#,J#)       2.托管代码编译为micros

2015-07-15 10:43:57 636

转载 IEnumerable与IEnumerator在C#中的使用

一、示例:在C#中,凡是实现了IEnumerator接口的数据类型都可以用foreach语句进行迭代访问,可是,对于自定义类型如何实现这个接口以支持foreach的迭代呢? * 要实现这个功能,先来看看IEnumerable和IEnumerator接口的定义:public interface IEnumerable{      //IEnumerable只有一个方法,返

2015-07-12 14:31:58 365

原创 VS2013 自动生成 get set

private string _value;//定义变量//将上面定义好的变量,用鼠标将private string _value; 这段代码选中,然后按快捷键:Ctrl+r+e,这时会弹出一个小的窗体,直接按确定,再弹出一个小窗体,在按确定。页面上自动会在刚定义的私有变量下出现公有的变量,里面有get、set方面:public string Value{get { return

2015-07-07 15:19:22 1989 1

原创 Unity3D 解锁preview window 随意拖动

在preview window的顶部右键单击就可以解锁所以拖动了

2015-07-07 15:05:13 716

原创 Unity3D Editor在右键弹出菜单中添加 item

[MenuItem("Assets/StuffDoSomething")]    static void DoubleMass(MenuCommand command)    {    }

2015-07-07 14:28:22 2387

转载 Unity3D expand hierachry by code

public static void SetExpandedRecursive(GameObject go, bool expand)    {        var type = typeof(EditorWindow).Assembly.GetType("UnityEditor.SceneHierarchyWindow");        var methodInfo = type

2015-07-07 11:33:34 896

原创 Unity3D Lights

光照的两种方式:  一、基于顶点的。  二、基于像素的。   第一种开销小,但是功能少。第二少开销大,功能多,效果好。  Lights can be rendered using either of two methods:Vertex lighting calculates the illumination only at the vertices

2015-07-06 15:53:31 482

原创 Unity3D 资源路径

On a desktop computer (Mac OS or Windows) the location of the files can be obtained with the following code: path = Application.dataPath + "/StreamingAssets";On iOS, you should use: path =

2015-07-06 11:11:56 402

原创 Unity3D 获得GameObjectHierarchy 中的全路径

方式一、privatestaticstringGetGameObjectPath(Transform transform){string path= transform.name;while(transform.parent!=null){transform = transform.parent;path = transform.name

2015-07-03 09:59:24 3725

原创 unity3D 根据所在文件夹自动设置一些属性

12131415161718usingUnityEngine;usingSystem.Collections;usingUnityEditor;usingSystem.IO; publicclass  Post:AssetPostprocessor

2015-07-02 15:12:43 584

原创 Unity里面三角面数

unity里面三角面数为stats上显示的数值减去2. 可以用一个cube测试。 一个cube 12个三角面。上面显示的14.

2015-07-02 14:19:24 2823

原创 AS3 复制Object

public static function copy(value:Object):Object    {        var buffer:ByteArray = new ByteArray();        buffer.writeObject(value);        buffer.position = 0;        var result:Object =

2015-07-01 18:08:03 495

转载 FLex 4.0 Module里面Alert.show();出错问题

from:http://blog.csdn.net/jiangyu198558/article/details/7004964解决办法:在Application文件里添加import mx.managers.PopUpManager;private var pop:PopUpManager=new PopUpManager();即可同时Alert.show("t

2015-07-01 16:29:39 387

转载 Flex warning: unable to bind to property 'name' on class 'Object' (class is not an IEventDispatcher)

If you have built a custom item renderer for a DataGroup or List you may have come across warnings in your Flash Builder console output similar to this:warning: unable to bind to property

2015-07-01 16:21:18 791



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