Visual Enhancement using Constrained L0 Gradient Image Decomposition for Low Backlight Displays

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Visual Enhancement using Constrained L0 Gradient Image Decomposition for Low Backlight Displays

Soo-Chang Pei, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University, R.O.C.
Chih-Tsung Shen, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tzu-Yen Lee, Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering, National Taiwan University, R.O.C.

We propose a system to enhance the visual quality
of displays under low backlight. Our system can not
only prolong the battery life but also enhance visual
quality. First, we propose a constrained L0 gradient
image decomposition to separate base layer and
detail layer. Afterwards, we design a median-
preserving gamma correction for compensation and a
JND-based boosting for detail enhancement.
Experimental results show that our system
outperforms than the compared systems.

[Matlab Code]
Our code is only for generating the results. Please refer to [1] to find the corresponding notations of matrices:
[1] L. Xu, C. Lu, Y. Xu, and J. Jia, ¨Image smoothing via L0 gradient minimization,〃 Procedding of SIGGRAPH AISA 2011, 2011.

Experimental Results (Original Input, Linear-Scaled, Ours)

The left image is the original image using full backlight(100%).
The middle image is the linear-scaled result using 40% backlight.
The right image is our simulation using 40% backlight.
Due to the constrained L0 gradient image decomposition and the median-preserving gamma correction,
we can easily find out that our system generates brighter results while preserves more details as compared to the linear-scaled one.

The left image is original image using 100% backlight.
The middle image is linear-scaled simulation using 40% backlight.
The right image is our simulation using 40% backlight.
Even in only 40% backlight, our system still give better visual quality as compared to the original full 100% backlight case.
Besides, our result not only maintains the bright visual quality but also enhances the dark regions, such as water and the sculptures.
The linear-scaled result cannot preserve the details, especially when the difference between the operating pixel and its neighboring pixel is lower than its JND.

The left image is original image using 100% backlight.
The middle image is linear-scaled simulation using 40% backlight.
The right image is our simulation using 40% backlight.
Even in only 40% backlight, our system still shows the spring, the falling water and the sculpture. However, the linear-scaled method fails to show the falling water and the sculpture.
The reason of these degradations comes from the suppression to the range of the overall luminance.
If the difference is lower than JND, people cannot detect the difference and degrade the visual quality.

The left image is original image using 100% backlight.
The middle image is linear-scaled simulation using 40% backlight.
The right image is our simulation using 40% backlight.
As we can see that our result is brighter globally while our result is enhanced locally due to our JND-based detail boosting.
Inside the yellow rectangle, linear-scaled result fails to show the details of woods.
However, our result reveals these details successfully.

Subjective Experiments
First 15 persons:
We invite 15 persons to judge our proposed system.
5 is for good visual quality and 1 for poor quality.
ScalingLinearCheng et al.Tsai et al.Ours

Table shows the average of our subjective experimental results under low backlight.
As we can see that our method outperforms the compared methods.

Total 25 persons:
After revision, we totally invite 25 persons to judge our proposed system.
5 is for good visual quality and 1 for poor quality.
ScalingLinearCheng et al.Tsai et al.Ours

Table shows the average of our subjective experimental results under low backlight.
As we can see that our method outperforms the compared methods.

Real Image Data for Displays
We also provide the real image data. Please scale down your display to only 40% backlight.
[Real Image Data]

Parameter Issue ( lambda=0.05, lambda=0.01, lambda=0.001)

We adopt different value to balance the data term and the L0-norm of gradient.
Resuts obtained using parameter lambda = 0.001 are almost the same as the inputs. (Inputs can be founded in the slides of Real Image Data.)
Among numerous experiments, we recommand to adopt 0.01 in our constrained L0 gradient minimization.
Zero-reference deep curve estimation for low-light image enhancement代码(简称“ZR-DC”代码)是一项用于低光图像增强的计算机视觉技术。它是一种基于图像曲线估计的方法,通过在零参考条件下学习图像曲线,在不使用其他图像参考的情况下实现低光图像增强。这项技术是一种“无参考”方法,意味着它不需要额外的输入,而是直接从输入的低光图像中学习并生成增强后的图像。 具体来说,ZR-DC代码通过使用学习的图像曲线来计算图像的对数域,并将其映射回原始像素空间进行增强。在训练中,ZR-DC代码通过使用大量的低光图像和它们对应的增强图像进行训练。最终生成的模型可以用于增强各种低光图像,包括低对比度、暗影和失真等。 该代码是基于深度学习框架PyTorch实现的,包括网络的训练和测试代码。它还提供了一些实用工具,如数据加载器、图像可视化和性能评估工具。该代码已在多个数据集上进行了测试,包括LOL、SID和NPE等,结果表明,它比其他最先进的技术具有更好的性能。此外,该代码还可以应用于实际场景中的图像增强和视频增强等。 总之,ZR-DC代码是一种基于图像曲线估计的低光图像增强方法,它使用深度学习技术从零参考条件下学习图像曲线,并可生成高质量的增强图像。该代码具有良好的可扩展性和实用性,可以应用于多种场景下的低光图像增强问题。




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