A - Bi-shoe and Phi-shoe LightOJ - 1370
题目链接 : https://cn.vjudge.net/contest/183461#problem
Bamboo Pole-vault is a massively popular sport in Xzhiland. And Master Phi-shoe is a very popular coach for his success. He needs some bamboos for his students, so he asked his assistant Bi-Shoe to go to the market and buy them. Plenty of Bamboos of all possible integer lengths (yes!) are available in the market. According to Xzhila tradition,
Score of a bamboo = Φ (bamboo’s length)
(Xzhilans are really fond of number theory). For your information, Φ (n) = numbers less thann which are relatively prime (having no common divisor other than 1) ton. So, score of a bamboo of length 9 is 6 as 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8 are relatively prime to 9.
The assistant Bi-shoe has to buy one bamboo for each student. As a twist, each pole-vault student of Phi-shoe has a lucky number. Bi-shoe wants to buy bamboos such that each of them gets a bamboo with a score greater than or equal to his/her lucky number. Bi-shoe wants to minimize the total amount of money spent for buying the bamboos. One unit of bamboo costs 1 Xukha. Help him.
Input starts with an integer T (≤ 100), denoting the number of test cases.
Each case starts with a line containing an integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 10000) denoting the number of students of Phi-shoe. The next line containsn space separated integers denoting the lucky numbers for the students. Each lucky number will lie in the range[1, 106].
For each case, print the case number and the minimum possible money spent for buying the bamboos. See the samples for details.
Sample Input
1 2 3 4 5
10 11 12 13 14 15
1 1
Sample Output
Case 1: 22 Xukha
Case 2: 88 Xukha
Case 3: 4 Xukha
notprime[i]为真表明i为合数,否则i为素数(因为全局变量初始值为false,筛选法预处理只做一次,所以不需要初始化)。算法的核心就是不断将notprime[i]标记为true的过程,首先从小到大进行枚举,遇到notprime[i]为假的,表明i是素数,将i保存到数组primes中,然后将i的倍数都标记为合数,由于i*2、i*3、i*(i-1)在[1, i)的筛选过程中必定已经被标记为合数了,所以i的倍数只需要从i*i开始即可,避免不必要的时间开销。
虽然这个算法有两个嵌套的轮询,但是第二个轮询只有在i是素数的时候才会执行,而且随着i的增大,它的倍数会越来越少,所以整个算法的时间复杂度并不是O(n^2),而且远远小于O(n^2),在notprime进行赋值的时候加入一个计数器count,计数器的值就是该程序的总执行次数,对MAXP进行不同的值测试发现 int(count / MAXP) 的值随着MAXP的增长变化非常小,总是维持在2左右,所以这个算法的复杂度可以近似看成是O(n),更加确切的可以说是O(nC),其中C为常数,C一般取2。
int b[N] = {1, 1, 0};//素数表
void notprime()// 素数筛选法 Eratosthenes筛选法
for(int i = 2 ; i < N ; i++)
for(int j = i + i ; j <= N ; j += i)
b[j] = 1;
int main()
int t, n, m, z;
scanf("%d", &t);
for(z = 1; z <= t; z++)
long long sum = 0;
scanf("%d", &n);
scanf("%d", &m);
for(int i = m + 1 ; ; i++)
if(b[i] == 0)//是素数
sum += i;
printf("Case %d: %lld Xukha\n", z, sum);
return 0;