Accelerating Computer Vision Algorithms Using OpenCL on The Mobile GPU

Accelerating Computer Vision Algorithms Using OpenCL on The Mobile GPU

March 12th, 2013


Recently, general-purpose computing on graphics processing units (GPGPU) has been enabled on mobile devices thanks to the emerging heterogeneous programming models such as OpenCL. The capability of GPGPU on mobile devices opens a new era for mobile computing and can enable many computationally demanding computer vision algorithms on mobile devices. As a case study, this paper proposes to accelerate an exemplar-based inpainting algorithm for object removal on a mobile GPU using OpenCL. We discuss the methodology of exploring the parallelism in the algorithm as well as several optimization techniques. Experimental results demonstrate that our optimization strategies for mobile GPUs have significantly reduced the processing time and make computationally intensive computer vision algorithms feasible for a mobile device. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this work is the first published implementation of general-purpose computing using OpenCL on mobile GPUs.

(Guohui Wang, Yingen Xiong, Jay Yun and Joseph R. Cavallaro: “Accelerating Computer Vision Algorithms Using OpenCL on the Mobile GPU – A Case Study”, International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)}, May 2013, to appear. [PDF])

加速基于相似性模型匹配的On-The-Fly相似性保持哈希 摘要: 在软件工程中,模型匹配是一项核心任务,广泛应用于模型驱动工程、软件重构、需求管理、代码检查等领域。由于模型通常包含大量的元素和复杂的结构,模型匹配问题变得越来越具有挑战性。相似性匹配是一种流行的模型匹配方法,它通过计算语义相似度来匹配模型元素。然而,由于相似性匹配算法的计算复杂度很高,导致它们的效率低下。 为了提高相似性匹配的效率,我们提出了一种基于On-The-Fly相似性保持哈希的加速方法。该方法利用哈希表将元素映射到桶中,并在桶中使用相似性保持哈希函数计算相似性,从而避免了在匹配过程中进行昂贵的相似性计算。此外,我们还提出了一种基于哈希冲突的剪枝策略,以进一步提高匹配效率。 我们在多个数据集上进行了实验,并与现有相似性匹配算法进行了比较。实验结果表明,我们的方法可以显著提高匹配效率,同时保持高精度。 关键词:模型匹配,相似性匹配,哈希,剪枝 Abstract: In software engineering, model matching is a core task widely applied in model-driven engineering, software refactoring, requirement management, code inspection, etc. Due to the fact that models usually contain a large number of elements and complex structures, model matching problems become increasingly challenging. Similarity-based matching is a popular model matching approach that matches model elements by computing semantic similarities. However, due to the high computational complexity of similarity-based matching algorithms, they suffer from poor efficiency. To improve the efficiency of similarity-based matching, we propose an acceleration method based on On-The-Fly similarity preserving hashing. This method uses a hash table to map elements to buckets and employs similarity preserving hash functions to compute similarities within buckets, thus avoiding expensive similarity computations during the matching process. In addition, we propose a hash conflict-based pruning strategy to further improve the matching efficiency. We conduct experiments on multiple datasets and compare our method with existing similarity-based matching algorithms. Experimental results show that our method can significantly improve the matching efficiency while maintaining high accuracy. Keywords: Model matching, similarity-based matching, hashing, pruning.




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