- Nothing is impossible for the person who doesn't have to do it.
不记得有多少次,我总是对很多事情想当然,前提是不是我做。但是一旦是要我做的话,就会有很多抗拒的理由了。所以,站着说话不腰疼就是这个意思。 - You can con a sucker into committing to an impossible deadline, but you cannot con him into meeting it.
你可以通过各种方式骗一个人答应你完成某事,但是你并不能保证他就一定能够兑现。所以,任何的承诺,都应该是在双方充分了解的情况下,经过理智思考而做出的决定,这样的承诺才会比较容易兑现。 - At the heart of every large project is a small project trying to get out.
- The more desperate the situation the more optimistic the situatee.
一旦事情搞砸了,就会有人希望情况更糟,因为可以浑水摸鱼。摊子全烂了才好,这样就不用收拾了,否则还要擦屁股。 - A change freeze is like the abominable snowman: it is a myth and would melt anyway when heat is applied.
需求不改变,这只是一厢情愿而已,一旦有个风吹草动就坚持不住了。所以,要时刻准备着应对变化。 - A user will tell you anything you ask, but nothing more.
只有问对了正确的问题,你才能得到准确的用户需求。不正确的问题,只能让你误入歧途。虽然说需求来自用户,但还需要我们进行大量的分析和加工。 - Of several possible interpretations of a communication, the least convenient is the correct one.
朗朗上口的口号和说辞,听起来很动人,可不一定正确。 - There's never enough time to do it right first time but there's always enough time to go back and do it again.
开始时急于完工,很多细节容不得好好考虑。到了后期,虽然时间充裕,却又不愿意去修改完善了,而留下了永远的遗憾。 - The bitterness of poor quality lasts long after the sweetness of making a date is forgotten.
虽然按时完工了,但是糟糕的质量会在随后的日子里一直纠缠着你。有人说产品发布的时候,工作才刚刚开始而不是结束。 - I know that you believe that you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
虽然你说明白了,但是你想的真的和我想表达的是一个意思么?很多时候,根本就不是一回事,每个人想的都只是自己认为的东西。 - What is not on paper has not been said.
口说无凭,一定要写下来。白纸黑字的,大家才会认真对待。 - A little risk management saves a lot of fan cleaning.
做最坏的打算,这样事情就不会比这个更坏了。 - If you can keep your head while all about you are losing theirs, you haven't understood the plan.
- If at first you don't succeed, remove all evidence you ever tried.
隐藏所有自己曾经失败过的痕迹,只留下漂亮的成绩单。 - Feather and down are padding, changes and contingencies will be real events.
变化是常态,不变才是奇怪。 - There are no good project managers - only lucky ones.
没有好的项目经理,只有幸运的。偶尔的成功并不代表什么,只能说你运气好而已。 - The more you plan the luckier you get.
计划并不能保证你可以按时完成,但是可以让你不断的接近事实,更有机会按时完成而已。 - A project is one small step for the project sponsor, one giant leap for the project manager.
项目的成败,维系在项目经理的身上,可谓责任重大。 - Good project management is not so much knowing what to do and when, as knowing what excuses to give and when.
好的项目经理往往更擅长于在合适的时候给出合适的借口,而不是在正确的时间做正确的事情。 - If everything is going exactly to plan, something somewhere is going massively wrong.
当一切一帆风顺的时候,你可要小心了,肯定有很大的问题被隐藏了。 - Everyone asks for a strong project manger - when they get one, they don't want one.