uC/OS-II 函数之任务相关函数

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对于有热心的小伙伴在微博上私信我,说我的uC/OS-II 一些函数简介篇幅有些过于长应该分开介绍。应小伙伴的要求,特此将文章分开进行讲解。上文主要介绍了OSInit()初始化函数,本文介绍任务相关的函数:OSTaskCreate()任务创建函数1,OSTaskCreateExt任务创建函数2,OSTaskSuspend()任务挂起,OSTaskResume()唤醒任务


2、函数原型:INT8U OSTaskCreate(void (*task)(void *pd), void *pdata, OS_STK *ptos, INT8U prio);
void (*task)(void *pd):指向任务代码首地址的指针。
void *pdata:指向一个数据结构,该结构用来在建立任务时向任务传递参数。
OS_STK *ptos: 指向堆栈任务栈顶的指针
INT8U prio:任务优先级






2、函数原型:NT8U OSTaskCreateExt (void (*task)(void *pd),void *pdata, OS_STK *ptos,INT8U prio ,INT16U id, OS_STK *pbos,INT32U stk_size,void *pext,INT16U opt)
void (*task)(void *pd):指向任务代码首地址的指针。
void *pdata:指向一个数据结构,该结构用来在建立任务时向任务传递参数。
OS_STK *ptos: 指向堆栈任务栈顶的指针
INT8U prio:任务优先级
INT16U id: 任务ID,2.52版本,无实际作用,保留作为扩展用
OS_STK *pbos: 指向堆栈底部的指针,用于OSTaskStkChk()函数
INT32U stk_size:指定任务堆栈的大小,由OS_STK类型决定
void *pext:定义数据结构的指针,作为TCB的扩展
INT16U opt) :存放于任务操作相关的信息,详见uCOS-II.H


1、主要作用: 无条件挂起一个任务。调用此函数的任务也可以传递参数 OS_PRIO_SELF,挂起调用任务本身。当前任务挂起后,只有其他任务才能唤醒被挂起的任务。任务挂起后,系统会重新进行任务调度,运行下一个优先级最高的就绪任务。唤醒挂起任务需要调用函数OSTaskResume()。任务的挂起是可以叠加到其他操作上的。例如,任务被挂起时正在进行延时操作,那么任务的唤醒就需要两个条件:延时的结束以及其他任务的唤醒操作。又如,任务被挂起时正在等待信号量,当任务从信号量的等待对列中清除后也不能立即运行,而必须等到被唤醒后。
2、函数原型:INT8U OSTaskSuspend(INT8U prio);
3、参数说明:prio为指定要获取挂起的任务优先级,也可以指定参数 OS_PRIO_SELF,挂起任务本身。此时,下一个优先级最高的就绪任务将运行。
OS_TASK_SUSPEND_IDLE:试图挂起μC/OS-II中的空闲任务(Idle task)。此为非法操作。


1、主要作用: 唤醒一个用 OSTaskSuspend() 函数挂起的任务。OSTaskResume() 也是唯一能“解挂”挂起任务的函数。
2、函数原型:INT8U OSTaskResume(INT8U prio);


*                                                uC/OS-II
*                                          The Real-Time Kernel
*                                            TASK MANAGEMENT
*                              (c) Copyright 1992-2013, Micrium, Weston, FL
*                                           All Rights Reserved
* File    : OS_TASK.C
* By      : Jean J. Labrosse
* Version : V2.92.08
* ---------------
*   uC/OS-II is provided in source form for FREE evaluation, for educational use or for peaceful research.
* If you plan on using  uC/OS-II  in a commercial product you need to contact Micrium to properly license
* its use in your product. We provide ALL the source code for your convenience and to help you experience
* uC/OS-II.   The fact that the  source is provided does  NOT  mean that you can use it without  paying a
* licensing fee.


#include <ucos_ii.h>

*                                      CHANGE PRIORITY OF A TASK
* Description: This function allows you to change the priority of a task dynamically.  Note that the new
*              priority MUST be available.
* Arguments  : oldp     is the old priority
*              newp     is the new priority
* Returns    : OS_ERR_NONE            is the call was successful
*              OS_ERR_PRIO_INVALID    if the priority you specify is higher that the maximum allowed
*                                     (i.e. >= OS_LOWEST_PRIO)
*              OS_ERR_PRIO_EXIST      if the new priority already exist.
*              OS_ERR_PRIO            there is no task with the specified OLD priority (i.e. the OLD task does
*                                     not exist.
*              OS_ERR_TASK_NOT_EXIST  if the task is assigned to a Mutex PIP.

INT8U  OSTaskChangePrio (INT8U  oldprio,
                         INT8U  newprio)
    OS_EVENT  *pevent;
#if (OS_EVENT_MULTI_EN > 0u)
    OS_EVENT **pevents;
    OS_TCB    *ptcb;
    INT8U      y_new;
    INT8U      x_new;
    INT8U      y_old;
    OS_PRIO    bity_new;
    OS_PRIO    bitx_new;
    OS_PRIO    bity_old;
    OS_PRIO    bitx_old;
    OS_CPU_SR  cpu_sr = 0u;                                 /* Storage for CPU status register         */

#if OS_ARG_CHK_EN > 0u
    if (oldprio >= OS_LOWEST_PRIO) {
        if (oldprio != OS_PRIO_SELF) {
            return (OS_ERR_PRIO_INVALID);
    if (newprio >= OS_LOWEST_PRIO) {
        return (OS_ERR_PRIO_INVALID);
    if (OSTCBPrioTbl[newprio] != (OS_TCB *)0) {             /* New priority must not already exist     */
        return (OS_ERR_PRIO_EXIST);
    if (oldprio == OS_PRIO_SELF) {                          /* See if changing self                    */
        oldprio = OSTCBCur->OSTCBPrio;                      /* Yes, get priority                       */
    ptcb = OSTCBPrioTbl[oldprio];
    if (ptcb == (OS_TCB *)0) {                              /* Does task to change exist?              */
        OS_EXIT_CRITICAL();                                 /* No, can't change its priority!          */
        return (OS_ERR_PRIO);
    if (ptcb == OS_TCB_RESERVED) {                          /* Is task assigned to Mutex               */
        OS_EXIT_CRITICAL();                                 /* No, can't change its priority!          */
        return (OS_ERR_TASK_NOT_EXIST);
#if OS_LOWEST_PRIO <= 63u
    y_new                 = (INT8U)(newprio >> 3u);         /* Yes, compute new TCB fields             */
    x_new                 = (INT8U)(newprio & 0x07u);
    y_new                 = (INT8U)((INT8U)(newprio >> 4u) & 0x0Fu);
    x_new                 = (INT8U)(newprio & 0x0Fu);
    bity_new              = (OS_PRIO)(1uL << y_new);
    bitx_new              = (OS_PRIO)(1uL << x_new);

    OSTCBPrioTbl[oldprio] = (OS_TCB *)0;                    /* Remove TCB from old priority            */
    OSTCBPrioTbl[newprio] =  ptcb;                          /* Place pointer to TCB @ new priority     */
    y_old                 =  ptcb->OSTCBY;
    bity_old              =  ptcb->OSTCBBitY;
    bitx_old              =  ptcb->OSTCBBitX;
    if ((OSRdyTbl[y_old] &   bitx_old) != 0u) {             /* If task is ready make it not            */
         OSRdyTbl[y_old] &= (OS_PRIO)~bitx_old;
         if (OSRdyTbl[y_old] == 0u) {
             OSRdyGrp &= (OS_PRIO)~bity_old;
         OSRdyGrp        |= bity_new;                       /* Make new priority ready to run          */
         OSRdyTbl[y_new] |= bitx_new;

    pevent = ptcb->OSTCBEventPtr;
    if (pevent != (OS_EVENT *)0) {
        pevent->OSEventTbl[y_old] &= (OS_PRIO)~bitx_old;    /* Remove old task prio from wait list     */
        if (pevent->OSEventTbl[y_old] == 0u) {
            pevent->OSEventGrp    &= (OS_PRIO)~bity_old;
        pevent->OSEventGrp        |= bity_new;              /* Add    new task prio to   wait list     */
        pevent->OSEventTbl[y_new] |= bitx_new;
#if (OS_EVENT_MULTI_EN > 0u)
    if (ptcb->OSTCBEventMultiPtr != (OS_EVENT **)0) {
        pevents =  ptcb->OSTCBEventMultiPtr;
        pevent  = *pevents;
        while (pevent != (OS_EVENT *)0) {
            pevent->OSEventTbl[y_old] &= (OS_PRIO)~bitx_old;   /* Remove old task prio from wait lists */
            if (pevent->OSEventTbl[y_old] == 0u) {
                pevent->OSEventGrp    &= (OS_PRIO)~bity_old;
            pevent->OSEventGrp        |= bity_new;          /* Add    new task prio to   wait lists    */
            pevent->OSEventTbl[y_new] |= bitx_new;
            pevent                     = *pevents;

    ptcb->OSTCBPrio = newprio;                              /* Set new task priority                   */
    ptcb->OSTCBY    = y_new;
    ptcb->OSTCBX    = x_new;
    ptcb->OSTCBBitY = bity_new;
    ptcb->OSTCBBitX = bitx_new;
    if (OSRunning == OS_TRUE) {
        OS_Sched();                                         /* Find new highest priority task          */
    return (OS_ERR_NONE);
*                                            CREATE A TASK
* Description: This function is used to have uC/OS-II manage the execution of a task.  Tasks can either
*              be created prior to the start of multitasking or by a running task.  A task cannot be
*              created by an ISR.
* Arguments  : task     is a pointer to the task's code
*              p_arg    is a pointer to an optional data area which can be used to pass parameters to
*                       the task when the task first executes.  Where the task is concerned it thinks
*                       it was invoked and passed the argument 'p_arg' as follows:
*                           void Task (void *p_arg)
*                           {
*                               for (;;) {
*                                   Task code;
*                               }
*                           }
*              ptos     is a pointer to the task's top of stack.  If the configuration constant
*                       OS_STK_GROWTH is set to 1, the stack is assumed to grow downward (i.e. from high
*                       memory to low memory).  'pstk' will thus point to the highest (valid) memory
*                       location of the stack.  If OS_STK_GROWTH is set to 0, 'pstk' will point to the
*                       lowest memory location of the stack and the stack will grow with increasing
*                       memory locations.
*              prio     is the task's priority.  A unique priority MUST be assigned to each task and the
*                       lower the number, the higher the priority.
* Returns    : OS_ERR_NONE                      if the function was successful.
*              OS_ERR_PRIO_EXIST                if the task priority already exist
*                                               (each task MUST have a unique priority).
*              OS_ERR_PRIO_INVALID              if the priority you specify is higher that the maximum
*                                               allowed (i.e. >= OS_LOWEST_PRIO)
*              OS_ERR_TASK_CREATE_ISR           if you tried to create a task from an ISR.
*              OS_ERR_ILLEGAL_CREATE_RUN_TIME   if you tried to create a task after safety critical
*                                               operation started.

INT8U  OSTaskCreate (void   (*task)(void *p_arg),
                     void    *p_arg,
                     OS_STK  *ptos,
                     INT8U    prio)
    OS_STK     *psp;
    INT8U       err;
#if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3u                 /* Allocate storage for CPU status register               */
    OS_CPU_SR   cpu_sr = 0u;

    if (OSSafetyCriticalStartFlag == OS_TRUE) {

#if OS_ARG_CHK_EN > 0u
    if (prio > OS_LOWEST_PRIO) {             /* Make sure priority is within allowable range           */
        return (OS_ERR_PRIO_INVALID);
    if (OSIntNesting > 0u) {                 /* Make sure we don't create the task from within an ISR  */
        return (OS_ERR_TASK_CREATE_ISR);
    if (OSTCBPrioTbl[prio] == (OS_TCB *)0) { /* Make sure task doesn't already exist at this priority  */
        OSTCBPrioTbl[prio] = OS_TCB_RESERVED;/* Reserve the priority to prevent others from doing ...  */
                                             /* ... the same thing until task is created.              */
        psp = OSTaskStkInit(task, p_arg, ptos, 0u);             /* Initialize the task's stack         */
        err = OS_TCBInit(prio, psp, (OS_STK *)0, 0u, 0u, (void *)0, 0u);
        if (err == OS_ERR_NONE) {
            if (OSRunning == OS_TRUE) {      /* Find highest priority task if multitasking has started */
        } else {
            OSTCBPrioTbl[prio] = (OS_TCB *)0;/* Make this priority available to others                 */
        return (err);
    return (OS_ERR_PRIO_EXIST);
*                                  CREATE A TASK (Extended Version)
* Description: This function is used to have uC/OS-II manage the execution of a task.  Tasks can either
*              be created prior to the start of multitasking or by a running task.  A task cannot be
*              created by an ISR.  This function is similar to OSTaskCreate() except that it allows
*              additional information about a task to be specified.
* Arguments  : task      is a pointer to the task's code
*              p_arg     is a pointer to an optional data area which can be used to pass parameters to
*                        the task when the task first executes.  Where the task is concerned it thinks
*                        it was invoked and passed the argument 'p_arg' as follows:
*                            void Task (void *p_arg)
*                            {
*                                for (;;) {
*                                    Task code;
*                                }
*                            }
*              ptos      is a pointer to the task's top of stack.  If the configuration constant
*                        OS_STK_GROWTH is set to 1, the stack is assumed to grow downward (i.e. from high
*                        memory to low memory).  'ptos' will thus point to the highest (valid) memory
*                        location of the stack.  If OS_STK_GROWTH is set to 0, 'ptos' will point to the
*                        lowest memory location of the stack and the stack will grow with increasing
*                        memory locations.  'ptos' MUST point to a valid 'free' data item.
*              prio      is the task's priority.  A unique priority MUST be assigned to each task and the
*                        lower the number, the higher the priority.
*              id        is the task's ID (0..65535)
*              pbos      is a pointer to the task's bottom of stack.  If the configuration constant
*                        OS_STK_GROWTH is set to 1, the stack is assumed to grow downward (i.e. from high
*                        memory to low memory).  'pbos' will thus point to the LOWEST (valid) memory
*                        location of the stack.  If OS_STK_GROWTH is set to 0, 'pbos' will point to the
*                        HIGHEST memory location of the stack and the stack will grow with increasing
*                        memory locations.  'pbos' MUST point to a valid 'free' data item.
*              stk_size  is the size of the stack in number of elements.  If OS_STK is set to INT8U,
*                        'stk_size' corresponds to the number of bytes available.  If OS_STK is set to
*                        INT16U, 'stk_size' contains the number of 16-bit entries available.  Finally, if
*                        OS_STK is set to INT32U, 'stk_size' contains the number of 32-bit entries
*                        available on the stack.
*              pext      is a pointer to a user supplied memory location which is used as a TCB extension.
*                        For example, this user memory can hold the contents of floating-point registers
*                        during a context switch, the time each task takes to execute, the number of times
*                        the task has been switched-in, etc.
*              opt       contains additional information (or options) about the behavior of the task.  The
*                        LOWER 8-bits are reserved by uC/OS-II while the upper 8 bits can be application
*                        specific.  See OS_TASK_OPT_??? in uCOS-II.H.  Current choices are:
*                        OS_TASK_OPT_STK_CHK      Stack checking to be allowed for the task
*                        OS_TASK_OPT_STK_CLR      Clear the stack when the task is created
*                        OS_TASK_OPT_SAVE_FP      If the CPU has floating-point registers, save them
*                                                 during a context switch.
* Returns    : OS_ERR_NONE                      if the function was successful.
*              OS_ERR_PRIO_EXIST                if the task priority already exist
*                                               (each task MUST have a unique priority).
*              OS_ERR_PRIO_INVALID              if the priority you specify is higher that the maximum
*                                               allowed (i.e. > OS_LOWEST_PRIO)
*              OS_ERR_TASK_CREATE_ISR           if you tried to create a task from an ISR.
*              OS_ERR_ILLEGAL_CREATE_RUN_TIME   if you tried to create a task after safety critical
*                                               operation started.
INT8U  OSTaskCreateExt (void   (*task)(void *p_arg),
                        void    *p_arg,
                        OS_STK  *ptos,
                        INT8U    prio,
                        INT16U   id,
                        OS_STK  *pbos,
                        INT32U   stk_size,
                        void    *pext,
                        INT16U   opt)
    OS_STK     *psp;
    INT8U       err;
#if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3u                 /* Allocate storage for CPU status register               */
    OS_CPU_SR   cpu_sr = 0u;

    if (OSSafetyCriticalStartFlag == OS_TRUE) {

#if OS_ARG_CHK_EN > 0u
    if (prio > OS_LOWEST_PRIO) {             /* Make sure priority is within allowable range           */
        return (OS_ERR_PRIO_INVALID);
    if (OSIntNesting > 0u) {                 /* Make sure we don't create the task from within an ISR  */
        return (OS_ERR_TASK_CREATE_ISR);
    if (OSTCBPrioTbl[prio] == (OS_TCB *)0) { /* Make sure task doesn't already exist at this priority  */
        OSTCBPrioTbl[prio] = OS_TCB_RESERVED;/* Reserve the priority to prevent others from doing ...  */
                                             /* ... the same thing until task is created.              */

        OS_TaskStkClr(pbos, stk_size, opt);                    /* Clear the task stack (if needed)     */

        psp = OSTaskStkInit(task, p_arg, ptos, opt);           /* Initialize the task's stack          */
        err = OS_TCBInit(prio, psp, pbos, id, stk_size, pext, opt);
        if (err == OS_ERR_NONE) {
            if (OSRunning == OS_TRUE) {                        /* Find HPT if multitasking has started */
        } else {
            OSTCBPrioTbl[prio] = (OS_TCB *)0;                  /* Make this priority avail. to others  */
        return (err);
    return (OS_ERR_PRIO_EXIST);
*                                            DELETE A TASK
* Description: This function allows you to delete a task.  The calling task can delete itself by
*              its own priority number.  The deleted task is returned to the dormant state and can be
*              re-activated by creating the deleted task again.
* Arguments  : prio    is the priority of the task to delete.  Note that you can explicitly delete
*                      the current task without knowing its priority level by setting 'prio' to
*                      OS_PRIO_SELF.
* Returns    : OS_ERR_NONE             if the call is successful
*              OS_ERR_TASK_DEL_IDLE    if you attempted to delete uC/OS-II's idle task
*              OS_ERR_PRIO_INVALID     if the priority you specify is higher that the maximum allowed
*                                      (i.e. >= OS_LOWEST_PRIO) or, you have not specified OS_PRIO_SELF.
*              OS_ERR_TASK_DEL         if the task is assigned to a Mutex PIP.
*              OS_ERR_TASK_NOT_EXIST   if the task you want to delete does not exist.
*              OS_ERR_TASK_DEL_ISR     if you tried to delete a task from an ISR
* Notes      : 1) To reduce interrupt latency, OSTaskDel() 'disables' the task:
*                    a) by making it not ready
*                    b) by removing it from any wait lists
*                    c) by preventing OSTimeTick() from making the task ready to run.
*                 The task can then be 'unlinked' from the miscellaneous structures in uC/OS-II.
*              2) The function OS_Dummy() is called after OS_EXIT_CRITICAL() because, on most processors,
*                 the next instruction following the enable interrupt instruction is ignored.
*              3) An ISR cannot delete a task.
*              4) The lock nesting counter is incremented because, for a brief instant, if the current
*                 task is being deleted, the current task would not be able to be rescheduled because it
*                 is removed from the ready list.  Incrementing the nesting counter prevents another task
*                 from being schedule.  This means that an ISR would return to the current task which is
*                 being deleted.  The rest of the deletion would thus be able to be completed.

#if OS_TASK_DEL_EN > 0u
INT8U  OSTaskDel (INT8U prio)
#if (OS_FLAG_EN > 0u) && (OS_MAX_FLAGS > 0u)
    OS_FLAG_NODE *pnode;
    OS_TCB       *ptcb;
#if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3u                            /* Allocate storage for CPU status register    */
    OS_CPU_SR     cpu_sr = 0u;

    if (OSIntNesting > 0u) {                            /* See if trying to delete from ISR            */
        return (OS_ERR_TASK_DEL_ISR);
    if (prio == OS_TASK_IDLE_PRIO) {                    /* Not allowed to delete idle task             */
        return (OS_ERR_TASK_DEL_IDLE);
#if OS_ARG_CHK_EN > 0u
    if (prio >= OS_LOWEST_PRIO) {                       /* Task priority valid ?                       */
        if (prio != OS_PRIO_SELF) {
            return (OS_ERR_PRIO_INVALID);

    if (prio == OS_PRIO_SELF) {                         /* See if requesting to delete self            */
        prio = OSTCBCur->OSTCBPrio;                     /* Set priority to delete to current           */
    ptcb = OSTCBPrioTbl[prio];
    if (ptcb == (OS_TCB *)0) {                          /* Task to delete must exist                   */
        return (OS_ERR_TASK_NOT_EXIST);
    if (ptcb == OS_TCB_RESERVED) {                      /* Must not be assigned to Mutex               */
        return (OS_ERR_TASK_DEL);

    OSRdyTbl[ptcb->OSTCBY] &= (OS_PRIO)~ptcb->OSTCBBitX;
    if (OSRdyTbl[ptcb->OSTCBY] == 0u) {                 /* Make task not ready                         */
        OSRdyGrp           &= (OS_PRIO)~ptcb->OSTCBBitY;

    if (ptcb->OSTCBEventPtr != (OS_EVENT *)0) {
        OS_EventTaskRemove(ptcb, ptcb->OSTCBEventPtr);  /* Remove this task from any event   wait list */
#if (OS_EVENT_MULTI_EN > 0u)
    if (ptcb->OSTCBEventMultiPtr != (OS_EVENT **)0) {   /* Remove this task from any events' wait lists*/
        OS_EventTaskRemoveMulti(ptcb, ptcb->OSTCBEventMultiPtr);

#if (OS_FLAG_EN > 0u) && (OS_MAX_FLAGS > 0u)
    pnode = ptcb->OSTCBFlagNode;
    if (pnode != (OS_FLAG_NODE *)0) {                   /* If task is waiting on event flag            */
        OS_FlagUnlink(pnode);                           /* Remove from wait list                       */

    ptcb->OSTCBDly      = 0u;                           /* Prevent OSTimeTick() from updating          */
    ptcb->OSTCBStat     = OS_STAT_RDY;                  /* Prevent task from being resumed             */
    ptcb->OSTCBStatPend = OS_STAT_PEND_OK;
    if (OSLockNesting < 255u) {                         /* Make sure we don't context switch           */
    OS_EXIT_CRITICAL();                                 /* Enabling INT. ignores next instruc.         */
    OS_Dummy();                                         /* ... Dummy ensures that INTs will be         */
    OS_ENTER_CRITICAL();                                /* ... disabled HERE!                          */
    if (OSLockNesting > 0u) {                           /* Remove context switch lock                  */
    OSTaskDelHook(ptcb);                                /* Call user defined hook                      */

#if defined(OS_TLS_TBL_SIZE) && (OS_TLS_TBL_SIZE > 0u)
    OS_TLS_TaskDel(ptcb);                               /* Call TLS hook                               */

    OSTaskCtr--;                                        /* One less task being managed                 */
    OSTCBPrioTbl[prio] = (OS_TCB *)0;                   /* Clear old priority entry                    */
    if (ptcb->OSTCBPrev == (OS_TCB *)0) {               /* Remove from TCB chain                       */
        ptcb->OSTCBNext->OSTCBPrev = (OS_TCB *)0;
        OSTCBList                  = ptcb->OSTCBNext;
    } else {
        ptcb->OSTCBPrev->OSTCBNext = ptcb->OSTCBNext;
        ptcb->OSTCBNext->OSTCBPrev = ptcb->OSTCBPrev;
    ptcb->OSTCBNext     = OSTCBFreeList;                /* Return TCB to free TCB list                 */
    OSTCBFreeList       = ptcb;
#if OS_TASK_NAME_EN > 0u
    ptcb->OSTCBTaskName = (INT8U *)(void *)"?";
    if (OSRunning == OS_TRUE) {
        OS_Sched();                                     /* Find new highest priority task              */
    return (OS_ERR_NONE);
*                                  REQUEST THAT A TASK DELETE ITSELF
* Description: This function is used to:
*                   a) notify a task to delete itself.
*                   b) to see if a task requested that the current task delete itself.
*              This function is a little tricky to understand.  Basically, you have a task that needs
*              to be deleted however, this task has resources that it has allocated (memory buffers,
*              semaphores, mailboxes, queues etc.).  The task cannot be deleted otherwise these
*              resources would not be freed.  The requesting task calls OSTaskDelReq() to indicate that
*              the task needs to be deleted.  Deleting of the task is however, deferred to the task to
*              be deleted.  For example, suppose that task #10 needs to be deleted.  The requesting task
*              example, task #5, would call OSTaskDelReq(10).  When task #10 gets to execute, it calls
*              this function by specifying OS_PRIO_SELF and monitors the returned value.  If the return
*              value is OS_ERR_TASK_DEL_REQ, another task requested a task delete.  Task #10 would look like
*              this:
*                   void Task(void *p_arg)
*                   {
*                       .
*                       .
*                       while (1) {
*                           OSTimeDly(1);
*                           if (OSTaskDelReq(OS_PRIO_SELF) == OS_ERR_TASK_DEL_REQ) {
*                               Release any owned resources;
*                               De-allocate any dynamic memory;
*                               OSTaskDel(OS_PRIO_SELF);
*                           }
*                       }
*                   }
* Arguments  : prio    is the priority of the task to request the delete from
* Returns    : OS_ERR_NONE            if the task exist and the request has been registered
*              OS_ERR_TASK_NOT_EXIST  if the task has been deleted.  This allows the caller to know whether
*                                     the request has been executed.
*              OS_ERR_TASK_DEL        if the task is assigned to a Mutex.
*              OS_ERR_TASK_DEL_IDLE   if you requested to delete uC/OS-II's idle task
*              OS_ERR_PRIO_INVALID    if the priority you specify is higher that the maximum allowed
*                                     (i.e. >= OS_LOWEST_PRIO) or, you have not specified OS_PRIO_SELF.
*              OS_ERR_TASK_DEL_REQ    if a task (possibly another task) requested that the running task be
*                                     deleted.
#if OS_TASK_DEL_EN > 0u
INT8U  OSTaskDelReq (INT8U prio)
    INT8U      stat;
    OS_TCB    *ptcb;
#if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3u                     /* Allocate storage for CPU status register           */
    OS_CPU_SR  cpu_sr = 0u;

    if (prio == OS_TASK_IDLE_PRIO) {                            /* Not allowed to delete idle task     */
        return (OS_ERR_TASK_DEL_IDLE);
#if OS_ARG_CHK_EN > 0u
    if (prio >= OS_LOWEST_PRIO) {                               /* Task priority valid ?               */
        if (prio != OS_PRIO_SELF) {
            return (OS_ERR_PRIO_INVALID);
    if (prio == OS_PRIO_SELF) {                                 /* See if a task is requesting to ...  */
        OS_ENTER_CRITICAL();                                    /* ... this task to delete itself      */
        stat = OSTCBCur->OSTCBDelReq;                           /* Return request status to caller     */
        return (stat);
    ptcb = OSTCBPrioTbl[prio];
    if (ptcb == (OS_TCB *)0) {                                  /* Task to delete must exist           */
        return (OS_ERR_TASK_NOT_EXIST);                         /* Task must already be deleted        */
    if (ptcb == OS_TCB_RESERVED) {                              /* Must NOT be assigned to a Mutex     */
        return (OS_ERR_TASK_DEL);
    ptcb->OSTCBDelReq = OS_ERR_TASK_DEL_REQ;                    /* Set flag indicating task to be DEL. */
    return (OS_ERR_NONE);
*                                       GET THE NAME OF A TASK
* Description: This function is called to obtain the name of a task.
* Arguments  : prio      is the priority of the task that you want to obtain the name from.
*              pname     is a pointer to a pointer to an ASCII string that will receive the name of the task.
*              perr      is a pointer to an error code that can contain one of the following values:
*                        OS_ERR_NONE                if the requested task is resumed
*                        OS_ERR_TASK_NOT_EXIST      if the task has not been created or is assigned to a Mutex
*                        OS_ERR_PRIO_INVALID        if you specified an invalid priority:
*                                                   A higher value than the idle task or not OS_PRIO_SELF.
*                        OS_ERR_PNAME_NULL          You passed a NULL pointer for 'pname'
*                        OS_ERR_NAME_GET_ISR        You called this function from an ISR
* Returns    : The length of the string or 0 if the task does not exist.

#if OS_TASK_NAME_EN > 0u
INT8U  OSTaskNameGet (INT8U    prio,
                      INT8U  **pname,
                      INT8U   *perr)
    OS_TCB    *ptcb;
    INT8U      len;
#if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3u                             /* Allocate storage for CPU status register   */
    OS_CPU_SR  cpu_sr = 0u;

    if (perr == (INT8U *)0) {
        return (0u);

#if OS_ARG_CHK_EN > 0u
    if (prio > OS_LOWEST_PRIO) {                         /* Task priority valid ?                      */
        if (prio != OS_PRIO_SELF) {
            *perr = OS_ERR_PRIO_INVALID;                 /* No                                         */
            return (0u);
    if (pname == (INT8U **)0) {                          /* Is 'pname' a NULL pointer?                 */
        *perr = OS_ERR_PNAME_NULL;                       /* Yes                                        */
        return (0u);
    if (OSIntNesting > 0u) {                              /* See if trying to call from an ISR          */
        *perr = OS_ERR_NAME_GET_ISR;
        return (0u);
    if (prio == OS_PRIO_SELF) {                          /* See if caller desires it's own name        */
        prio = OSTCBCur->OSTCBPrio;
    ptcb = OSTCBPrioTbl[prio];
    if (ptcb == (OS_TCB *)0) {                           /* Does task exist?                           */
        OS_EXIT_CRITICAL();                              /* No                                         */
        *perr = OS_ERR_TASK_NOT_EXIST;
        return (0u);
    if (ptcb == OS_TCB_RESERVED) {                       /* Task assigned to a Mutex?                  */
        OS_EXIT_CRITICAL();                              /* Yes                                        */
        *perr = OS_ERR_TASK_NOT_EXIST;
        return (0u);
    *pname = ptcb->OSTCBTaskName;
    len    = OS_StrLen(*pname);
    *perr  = OS_ERR_NONE;
    return (len);

*                                       ASSIGN A NAME TO A TASK
* Description: This function is used to set the name of a task.
* Arguments  : prio      is the priority of the task that you want the assign a name to.
*              pname     is a pointer to an ASCII string that contains the name of the task.
*              perr       is a pointer to an error code that can contain one of the following values:
*                        OS_ERR_NONE                if the requested task is resumed
*                        OS_ERR_TASK_NOT_EXIST      if the task has not been created or is assigned to a Mutex
*                        OS_ERR_PNAME_NULL          You passed a NULL pointer for 'pname'
*                        OS_ERR_PRIO_INVALID        if you specified an invalid priority:
*                                                   A higher value than the idle task or not OS_PRIO_SELF.
*                        OS_ERR_NAME_SET_ISR        if you called this function from an ISR
* Returns    : None
#if OS_TASK_NAME_EN > 0u
void  OSTaskNameSet (INT8U   prio,
                     INT8U  *pname,
                     INT8U  *perr)
    OS_TCB    *ptcb;
#if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3u                         /* Allocate storage for CPU status register       */
    OS_CPU_SR  cpu_sr = 0u;

    if (perr == (INT8U *)0) {

#if OS_ARG_CHK_EN > 0u
    if (prio > OS_LOWEST_PRIO) {                     /* Task priority valid ?                          */
        if (prio != OS_PRIO_SELF) {
            *perr = OS_ERR_PRIO_INVALID;             /* No                                             */
    if (pname == (INT8U *)0) {                       /* Is 'pname' a NULL pointer?                     */
        *perr = OS_ERR_PNAME_NULL;                   /* Yes                                            */
    if (OSIntNesting > 0u) {                         /* See if trying to call from an ISR              */
        *perr = OS_ERR_NAME_SET_ISR;
    if (prio == OS_PRIO_SELF) {                      /* See if caller desires to set it's own name     */
        prio = OSTCBCur->OSTCBPrio;
    ptcb = OSTCBPrioTbl[prio];
    if (ptcb == (OS_TCB *)0) {                       /* Does task exist?                               */
        OS_EXIT_CRITICAL();                          /* No                                             */
        *perr = OS_ERR_TASK_NOT_EXIST;
    if (ptcb == OS_TCB_RESERVED) {                   /* Task assigned to a Mutex?                      */
        OS_EXIT_CRITICAL();                          /* Yes                                            */
        *perr = OS_ERR_TASK_NOT_EXIST;
    ptcb->OSTCBTaskName = pname;
    *perr               = OS_ERR_NONE;

*                                       RESUME A SUSPENDED TASK
* Description: This function is called to resume a previously suspended task.  This is the only call that
*              will remove an explicit task suspension.
* Arguments  : prio     is the priority of the task to resume.
* Returns    : OS_ERR_NONE                if the requested task is resumed
*              OS_ERR_PRIO_INVALID        if the priority you specify is higher that the maximum allowed
*                                         (i.e. >= OS_LOWEST_PRIO)
*              OS_ERR_TASK_RESUME_PRIO    if the task to resume does not exist
*              OS_ERR_TASK_NOT_EXIST      if the task is assigned to a Mutex PIP
*              OS_ERR_TASK_NOT_SUSPENDED  if the task to resume has not been suspended

INT8U  OSTaskResume (INT8U prio)
    OS_TCB    *ptcb;
#if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3u                                  /* Storage for CPU status register       */
    OS_CPU_SR  cpu_sr = 0u;

#if OS_ARG_CHK_EN > 0u
    if (prio >= OS_LOWEST_PRIO) {                             /* Make sure task priority is valid      */
        return (OS_ERR_PRIO_INVALID);
    ptcb = OSTCBPrioTbl[prio];
    if (ptcb == (OS_TCB *)0) {                                /* Task to suspend must exist            */
        return (OS_ERR_TASK_RESUME_PRIO);
    if (ptcb == OS_TCB_RESERVED) {                            /* See if assigned to Mutex              */
        return (OS_ERR_TASK_NOT_EXIST);
    if ((ptcb->OSTCBStat & OS_STAT_SUSPEND) != OS_STAT_RDY) { /* Task must be suspended                */
        ptcb->OSTCBStat &= (INT8U)~(INT8U)OS_STAT_SUSPEND;    /* Remove suspension                     */
        if (ptcb->OSTCBStat == OS_STAT_RDY) {                 /* See if task is now ready              */
            if (ptcb->OSTCBDly == 0u) {
                OSRdyGrp               |= ptcb->OSTCBBitY;    /* Yes, Make task ready to run           */
                OSRdyTbl[ptcb->OSTCBY] |= ptcb->OSTCBBitX;
                if (OSRunning == OS_TRUE) {
                    OS_Sched();                               /* Find new highest priority task        */
            } else {
        } else {                                              /* Must be pending on event              */
        return (OS_ERR_NONE);
*                                           STACK CHECKING
* Description: This function is called to check the amount of free memory left on the specified task's
*              stack.
* Arguments  : prio          is the task priority
*              p_stk_data    is a pointer to a data structure of type OS_STK_DATA.
* Returns    : OS_ERR_NONE            upon success
*              OS_ERR_PRIO_INVALID    if the priority you specify is higher that the maximum allowed
*                                     (i.e. > OS_LOWEST_PRIO) or, you have not specified OS_PRIO_SELF.
*              OS_ERR_TASK_NOT_EXIST  if the desired task has not been created or is assigned to a Mutex PIP
*              OS_ERR_TASK_OPT        if you did NOT specified OS_TASK_OPT_STK_CHK when the task was created
*              OS_ERR_PDATA_NULL      if 'p_stk_data' is a NULL pointer
INT8U  OSTaskStkChk (INT8U         prio,
                     OS_STK_DATA  *p_stk_data)
    OS_TCB    *ptcb;
    OS_STK    *pchk;
    INT32U     nfree;
    INT32U     size;
#if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3u                           /* Allocate storage for CPU status register     */
    OS_CPU_SR  cpu_sr = 0u;

#if OS_ARG_CHK_EN > 0u
    if (prio > OS_LOWEST_PRIO) {                       /* Make sure task priority is valid             */
        if (prio != OS_PRIO_SELF) {
            return (OS_ERR_PRIO_INVALID);
    if (p_stk_data == (OS_STK_DATA *)0) {              /* Validate 'p_stk_data'                        */
        return (OS_ERR_PDATA_NULL);
    p_stk_data->OSFree = 0u;                           /* Assume failure, set to 0 size                */
    p_stk_data->OSUsed = 0u;
    if (prio == OS_PRIO_SELF) {                        /* See if check for SELF                        */
        prio = OSTCBCur->OSTCBPrio;
    ptcb = OSTCBPrioTbl[prio];
    if (ptcb == (OS_TCB *)0) {                         /* Make sure task exist                         */
        return (OS_ERR_TASK_NOT_EXIST);
    if (ptcb == OS_TCB_RESERVED) {
        return (OS_ERR_TASK_NOT_EXIST);
    if ((ptcb->OSTCBOpt & OS_TASK_OPT_STK_CHK) == 0u) { /* Make sure stack checking option is set      */
        return (OS_ERR_TASK_OPT);
    nfree = 0u;
    size  = ptcb->OSTCBStkSize;
    pchk  = ptcb->OSTCBStkBottom;
#if OS_STK_GROWTH == 1u
    while (*pchk++ == (OS_STK)0) {                    /* Compute the number of zero entries on the stk */
    while (*pchk-- == (OS_STK)0) {
    p_stk_data->OSFree = nfree;                       /* Store   number of free entries on the stk     */
    p_stk_data->OSUsed = size - nfree;                /* Compute number of entries used on the stk     */
    return (OS_ERR_NONE);
*                                           SUSPEND A TASK
* Description: This function is called to suspend a task.  The task can be the calling task if the
*              priority passed to OSTaskSuspend() is the priority of the calling task or OS_PRIO_SELF.
* Arguments  : prio     is the priority of the task to suspend.  If you specify OS_PRIO_SELF, the
*                       calling task will suspend itself and rescheduling will occur.
* Returns    : OS_ERR_NONE               if the requested task is suspended
*              OS_ERR_TASK_SUSPEND_IDLE  if you attempted to suspend the idle task which is not allowed.
*              OS_ERR_PRIO_INVALID       if the priority you specify is higher that the maximum allowed
*                                        (i.e. >= OS_LOWEST_PRIO) or, you have not specified OS_PRIO_SELF.
*              OS_ERR_TASK_SUSPEND_PRIO  if the task to suspend does not exist
*              OS_ERR_TASK_NOT_EXITS     if the task is assigned to a Mutex PIP
* Note       : You should use this function with great care.  If you suspend a task that is waiting for
*              an event (i.e. a message, a semaphore, a queue ...) you will prevent this task from
*              running when the event arrives.

INT8U  OSTaskSuspend (INT8U prio)
    BOOLEAN    self;
    OS_TCB    *ptcb;
    INT8U      y;
#if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3u                     /* Allocate storage for CPU status register           */
    OS_CPU_SR  cpu_sr = 0u;

#if OS_ARG_CHK_EN > 0u
    if (prio == OS_TASK_IDLE_PRIO) {                            /* Not allowed to suspend idle task    */
        return (OS_ERR_TASK_SUSPEND_IDLE);
    if (prio >= OS_LOWEST_PRIO) {                               /* Task priority valid ?               */
        if (prio != OS_PRIO_SELF) {
            return (OS_ERR_PRIO_INVALID);
    if (prio == OS_PRIO_SELF) {                                 /* See if suspend SELF                 */
        prio = OSTCBCur->OSTCBPrio;
        self = OS_TRUE;
    } else if (prio == OSTCBCur->OSTCBPrio) {                   /* See if suspending self              */
        self = OS_TRUE;
    } else {
        self = OS_FALSE;                                        /* No suspending another task          */
    ptcb = OSTCBPrioTbl[prio];
    if (ptcb == (OS_TCB *)0) {                                  /* Task to suspend must exist          */
        return (OS_ERR_TASK_SUSPEND_PRIO);
    if (ptcb == OS_TCB_RESERVED) {                              /* See if assigned to Mutex            */
        return (OS_ERR_TASK_NOT_EXIST);
    y            = ptcb->OSTCBY;
    OSRdyTbl[y] &= (OS_PRIO)~ptcb->OSTCBBitX;                   /* Make task not ready                 */
    if (OSRdyTbl[y] == 0u) {
        OSRdyGrp &= (OS_PRIO)~ptcb->OSTCBBitY;
    ptcb->OSTCBStat |= OS_STAT_SUSPEND;                         /* Status of task is 'SUSPENDED'       */
    if (self == OS_TRUE) {                                      /* Context switch only if SELF         */
        OS_Sched();                                             /* Find new highest priority task      */
    return (OS_ERR_NONE);
*                                            QUERY A TASK
* Description: This function is called to obtain a copy of the desired task's TCB.
* Arguments  : prio         is the priority of the task to obtain information from.
*              p_task_data  is a pointer to where the desired task's OS_TCB will be stored.
* Returns    : OS_ERR_NONE            if the requested task is suspended
*              OS_ERR_PRIO_INVALID    if the priority you specify is higher that the maximum allowed
*                                     (i.e. > OS_LOWEST_PRIO) or, you have not specified OS_PRIO_SELF.
*              OS_ERR_PRIO            if the desired task has not been created
*              OS_ERR_TASK_NOT_EXIST  if the task is assigned to a Mutex PIP
*              OS_ERR_PDATA_NULL      if 'p_task_data' is a NULL pointer

INT8U  OSTaskQuery (INT8U    prio,
                    OS_TCB  *p_task_data)
    OS_TCB    *ptcb;
#if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3u                     /* Allocate storage for CPU status register           */
    OS_CPU_SR  cpu_sr = 0u;

#if OS_ARG_CHK_EN > 0u
    if (prio > OS_LOWEST_PRIO) {                 /* Task priority valid ?                              */
        if (prio != OS_PRIO_SELF) {
            return (OS_ERR_PRIO_INVALID);
    if (p_task_data == (OS_TCB *)0) {            /* Validate 'p_task_data'                             */
        return (OS_ERR_PDATA_NULL);
    if (prio == OS_PRIO_SELF) {                  /* See if suspend SELF                                */
        prio = OSTCBCur->OSTCBPrio;
    ptcb = OSTCBPrioTbl[prio];
    if (ptcb == (OS_TCB *)0) {                   /* Task to query must exist                           */
        return (OS_ERR_PRIO);
    if (ptcb == OS_TCB_RESERVED) {               /* Task to query must not be assigned to a Mutex      */
        return (OS_ERR_TASK_NOT_EXIST);
                                                 /* Copy TCB into user storage area                    */
    OS_MemCopy((INT8U *)p_task_data, (INT8U *)ptcb, sizeof(OS_TCB));
    return (OS_ERR_NONE);
*                              GET THE CURRENT VALUE OF A TASK REGISTER
* Description: This function is called to obtain the current value of a task register.  Task registers
*              are application specific and can be used to store task specific values such as 'error
*              numbers' (i.e. errno), statistics, etc.  Each task register can hold a 32-bit value.
* Arguments  : prio      is the priority of the task you want to get the task register from.  If you
*                        specify OS_PRIO_SELF then the task register of the current task will be obtained.
*              id        is the 'id' of the desired task register.  Note that the 'id' must be less
*                        than OS_TASK_REG_TBL_SIZE
*              perr      is a pointer to a variable that will hold an error code related to this call.
*                        OS_ERR_NONE            if the call was successful
*                        OS_ERR_PRIO_INVALID    if you specified an invalid priority
*                        OS_ERR_ID_INVALID      if the 'id' is not between 0 and OS_TASK_REG_TBL_SIZE-1
* Returns    : The current value of the task's register or 0 if an error is detected.
* Note(s)    : The maximum number of task variables is 254

INT32U  OSTaskRegGet (INT8U   prio,
                      INT8U   id,
                      INT8U  *perr)
#if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3u                     /* Allocate storage for CPU status register           */
    OS_CPU_SR  cpu_sr = 0u;
    INT32U     value;
    OS_TCB    *ptcb;

    if (perr == (INT8U *)0) {
        return (0u);

#if OS_ARG_CHK_EN > 0u
    if (prio >= OS_LOWEST_PRIO) {
        if (prio != OS_PRIO_SELF) {
            *perr = OS_ERR_PRIO_INVALID;
            return (0u);
    if (id >= OS_TASK_REG_TBL_SIZE) {
        *perr = OS_ERR_ID_INVALID;
        return (0u);
    if (prio == OS_PRIO_SELF) {                  /* See if need to get register from current task      */
        ptcb = OSTCBCur;
    } else {
        ptcb = OSTCBPrioTbl[prio];
    value = ptcb->OSTCBRegTbl[id];
    *perr = OS_ERR_NONE;
    return (value);

*                                    ALLOCATE THE NEXT AVAILABLE TASK REGISTER ID
* Description: This function is called to obtain a task register ID.  This function thus allows task registers IDs to be
*              allocated dynamically instead of statically.
* Arguments  : p_err       is a pointer to a variable that will hold an error code related to this call.
*                            OS_ERR_NONE               if the call was successful
*                            OS_ERR_NO_MORE_ID_AVAIL   if you are attempting to assign more task register IDs than you 
*                                                           have available through OS_TASK_REG_TBL_SIZE.
* Returns    : The next available task register 'id' or OS_TASK_REG_TBL_SIZE if an error is detected.

INT8U  OSTaskRegGetID (INT8U  *perr)
#if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3u                                    /* Allocate storage for CPU status register           */
    OS_CPU_SR  cpu_sr = 0u;
    INT8U      id;

    if (perr == (INT8U *)0) {
        return ((INT8U)OS_TASK_REG_TBL_SIZE);

    if (OSTaskRegNextAvailID >= OS_TASK_REG_TBL_SIZE) {         /* See if we exceeded the number of IDs available     */
       *perr = OS_ERR_NO_MORE_ID_AVAIL;                         /* Yes, cannot allocate more task register IDs        */
        return ((INT8U)OS_TASK_REG_TBL_SIZE);

    id   = OSTaskRegNextAvailID;                                /* Assign the next available ID                       */
    OSTaskRegNextAvailID++;                                     /* Increment available ID for next request            */
   *perr = OS_ERR_NONE;
    return (id);

*                              SET THE CURRENT VALUE OF A TASK VARIABLE
* Description: This function is called to change the current value of a task register.  Task registers
*              are application specific and can be used to store task specific values such as 'error
*              numbers' (i.e. errno), statistics, etc.  Each task register can hold a 32-bit value.
* Arguments  : prio      is the priority of the task you want to set the task register for.  If you
*                        specify OS_PRIO_SELF then the task register of the current task will be obtained.
*              id        is the 'id' of the desired task register.  Note that the 'id' must be less
*                        than OS_TASK_REG_TBL_SIZE
*              value     is the desired value for the task register.
*              perr      is a pointer to a variable that will hold an error code related to this call.
*                        OS_ERR_NONE            if the call was successful
*                        OS_ERR_PRIO_INVALID    if you specified an invalid priority
*                        OS_ERR_ID_INVALID      if the 'id' is not between 0 and OS_TASK_REG_TBL_SIZE-1
* Returns    : The current value of the task's variable or 0 if an error is detected.
* Note(s)    : The maximum number of task variables is 254

void  OSTaskRegSet (INT8U    prio,
                    INT8U    id,
                    INT32U   value,
                    INT8U   *perr)
#if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3u                     /* Allocate storage for CPU status register           */
    OS_CPU_SR  cpu_sr = 0u;
    OS_TCB    *ptcb;

    if (perr == (INT8U *)0) {

#if OS_ARG_CHK_EN > 0u
    if (prio >= OS_LOWEST_PRIO) {
        if (prio != OS_PRIO_SELF) {
            *perr = OS_ERR_PRIO_INVALID;
    if (id >= OS_TASK_REG_TBL_SIZE) {
        *perr = OS_ERR_ID_INVALID;
    if (prio == OS_PRIO_SELF) {                  /* See if need to get register from current task      */
        ptcb = OSTCBCur;
    } else {
        ptcb = OSTCBPrioTbl[prio];
    ptcb->OSTCBRegTbl[id] = value;
    *perr                 = OS_ERR_NONE;

*                                    CATCH ACCIDENTAL TASK RETURN
* Description: This function is called if a task accidentally returns without deleting itself.  In other
*              words, a task should either be an infinite loop or delete itself if it's done.
* Arguments  : none
* Returns    : none
* Note(s)    : This function is INTERNAL to uC/OS-II and your application should not call it.

void  OS_TaskReturn (void)
    OSTaskReturnHook(OSTCBCur);                   /* Call hook to let user decide on what to do        */

#if OS_TASK_DEL_EN > 0u
    (void)OSTaskDel(OS_PRIO_SELF);                /* Delete task if it accidentally returns!           */
    for (;;) {

*                                          CLEAR TASK STACK
* Description: This function is used to clear the stack of a task (i.e. write all zeros)
* Arguments  : pbos     is a pointer to the task's bottom of stack.  If the configuration constant
*                       OS_STK_GROWTH is set to 1, the stack is assumed to grow downward (i.e. from high
*                       memory to low memory).  'pbos' will thus point to the lowest (valid) memory
*                       location of the stack.  If OS_STK_GROWTH is set to 0, 'pbos' will point to the
*                       highest memory location of the stack and the stack will grow with increasing
*                       memory locations.  'pbos' MUST point to a valid 'free' data item.
*              size     is the number of 'stack elements' to clear.
*              opt      contains additional information (or options) about the behavior of the task.  The
*                       LOWER 8-bits are reserved by uC/OS-II while the upper 8 bits can be application
*                       specific.  See OS_TASK_OPT_??? in uCOS-II.H.
* Returns    : none
void  OS_TaskStkClr (OS_STK  *pbos,
                     INT32U   size,
                     INT16U   opt)
    if ((opt & OS_TASK_OPT_STK_CHK) != 0x0000u) {      /* See if stack checking has been enabled       */
        if ((opt & OS_TASK_OPT_STK_CLR) != 0x0000u) {  /* See if stack needs to be cleared             */
#if OS_STK_GROWTH == 1u
            while (size > 0u) {                        /* Stack grows from HIGH to LOW memory          */
                *pbos++ = (OS_STK)0;                   /* Clear from bottom of stack and up!           */
            while (size > 0u) {                        /* Stack grows from LOW to HIGH memory          */
                *pbos-- = (OS_STK)0;                   /* Clear from bottom of stack and down          */

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关于UCOSII实时操作系统 第一讲 初识uCOSII 4 1、uCOSII单任务实验: 4 2、uCOSII多任务实验: 6 3、任务状态之间的转换: 9 4、空闲任务和统计任务简介: 9 5、任务的三要件: 9 程序代码、私有堆栈、任务控制块 9 6、任务控制块TCB(P80) 9 7、创建任务 9 8、任务的栈空间 10 9、栈的增长方向: 10 第二讲 调度运行机制 11 1、任务挂起和恢复 11 2、任务挂起、恢复的状态转换 13 3、时钟节拍ISR 15 4、时钟节拍函数OSTimtick() 16 5、延时系统调用 16 第三讲 任务管理uCOSII 17 1、任务删除 17 2、任务请求删除实验 19 3、在源码增加打印信息一般步骤 24 4、OSTaskDelReq()函数理解流程图 25 第四讲 互斥性信号量管理 26 1、优先级反转 26 2、信号量SEM使用 26 3、互斥信号量Mutux使用 29 4、关于信号量程序分析 32 5、关于互斥信号量分析 32 6、OSMutexPend()函数流程图 33 7、OSMutexPost()函数流程图 33 第五讲 消息邮箱 34 1、基本概念 34 2、对于OSMboxPend()理解 34 3、对于OSMboxPost()理解 34 4、消息邮箱管理一般程序 35 5、使用OSMboxQuery() 38 6、OSMboxPend()函数Timeout等待超时程序 38 7、OSMboxPost()函数邮箱状态为FUll程序 40 8、关于OSTimeTickHook(void)使用 41 第六讲 信号量集 43 1、信号量集案例 43 2、OSFlagPend()源码 46 3、OSFlagPost()源码 51 第七讲 动态内存 54 1、内存管理基本概念 54 2、内存管理基本概念 54 3、内存管理案例 54 4、案例分析 69 5、教学案例: 71


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