
@TOCI am writing this Editorial on a Sunday morning at anambient temperature of around 22 C while listening to theradio (Bang & Olufsen, Model Beolit 1000) tuned to ClassicFM at a frequency of 101.5 MHz. My computer (Apple MacintoshiMac with Intel 2 GHz Core Duo processor, OSX 5.2) hashad the ‘‘mouse’’ replaced by a trackball (Kensington ExpertMouse, Model K64325) and uses a word processing program(Word 2004 from the Microsoft Office for Macintosh 2004suite). I am sure you are immediately interested! Curious perhapsas to why I am giving you these facts.
If you were interested in radios you would perhaps knowthat Bang & Olufsen (B & O) is a very expensive and innovativebrand of electronic equipment, based in Denmark, and thatthis model is a portable radio that is over 40 years old. It isnot digital but it still produces clear reproduction of all analogueradio broadcasts on MW, LW and SW. Indeed I boughtit a few years before moving to the USA in 1969 so that I couldlisten to the BBC wherever I was in the world. The radio stillworks perfectly and, believe it or not, it gives me the sameprograms as any other analogue radio purchased today,regardless of manufacturer, with perhaps even better clarityof reproduction.
As a scientist you will know that the Apple Macintoshrange of computers has been innovative in the field of computerdesign and user interface. You will also know that theword processing program Word_ is the most used programof its type in the scientific community. The great majority ofelectronic submissions to CARBON are produced using thisprogram.
Why do I tell you this? Simply because it is part of the acceptedformat for writing a scientific paper. But is it important?NO!
The document is the same regardless of computer andoperating system used. You cannot tell from reading this Editorialanything about the system I amusing, and that is how itshould be. The equipment manufacturer and model isirrelevant.
I recently received a manuscript which spent two pagestelling me about the makes and models of all equipmentsused. Two different SEMs, two different TEMs, one of whichwas equipped with EDS and EELS instrumentation, a Ramanspectrometer and a TPD apparatus, etc. The length was evenlonger because each instrument was given a separate subsection,wasting a lot of space. Was all this information necessary?If the reader wishes to check the authors’ results doeshe need to assemble the same suite of apparatus? Surely not!While I well recognise that different instruments can havedifferent resolutions etc., the make and model are usuallyirrelevant. If TEM A gives different pictures from TEM B,how do I know which to believe? And if this is the case, surelyall results are suspect. In giving such information we are perhapssimply often showing off how rich our laboratories are,or are we simply providing free advertising for the instrumentmanufacturers?
Some authors will have noticed that in the last year or so Ihave sometimes deleted such information from manuscriptswhen I consider it to be irrelevant, and I thought it appropriatethat I explain why, and at the same time point out that weshould keep our papers short and to the point (concise andprecise). Give essential information, and don’t pad!
You may have noticed that in the second paragraph I referredto ‘‘Bang and Olufsen (B & O)’’. Why did I include theinformation in parentheses? Was it necessary? Of coursethe answer is ‘‘no’’. I never used it again in the Editorial (untilnow that is). The purpose of placing abbreviations in parenthesesis to define them for future use. If you are not goingto use them, there is no need to define them! On the contrary,is there really any need nowadays to define TEM and SEM?How many of you did not know what I was talking aboutwhen I used these abbreviations earlier? Almost certainly,none of you. But still almost every author who uses resultsfrom these instruments insists on making the definitions,sometimes several times.
The point I am trying to make is that we often includeirrelevant information in our manuscripts and in so doingwe lengthen them unnecessarily. Writing a scientific paperis a serious matter and needs to be approached carefully. Bearin mind that the care taken to write your paper may be seenas an indication of the care taken to do your experiments.Eliminate everything that is unnecessary, and at the sametime make sure you include all that is necessary.
This morning’s mail included a review of a manuscript inwhich the authors described a pyrolysis process for carbon fibers.The make and model of the furnace was given but therewas no mention of the size. From the time in the furnace andthe speed at which the fiber passed through it the reviewerwas able to calculate the furnace length as 2.5 Km! Obviouslysome vital information was missing!
What then is the purpose of the Experimental section? It iscertainly important, and a member of our Editorial AdvisoryBoard wrote a recent letter to ask why the section was insmaller print because he thought it an important componentof the manuscript and found it difficult to read. (Such is nolonger the case with the new manuscript format.)
The Experimental section has two purposes:
a. To allow readers to repeat the experiments if they wish.This might involve (i) checking dubious results, and/or(ii) preparing identical materials for further investigation,and
b. To convince readers that the work has been done systematically and thoroughly using appropriate equipment.
Because of this the section should contain ALL informationneeded for another person to repeat the experiment. Thismeans details of sample preparation, sources of materials,purity, particle size, times and temperatures and synthesisof intermediates. It should also include details of importantexperimental parameters used in analytical and measurementtechniques, such as voltages, wavelengths and strainrates.
In some respects the Experimental section is analogous toa recipe in a cookery book. It lists ingredients and proceduresbut does not specify the use of particular equipment.
What then should we do with instrumental details? Theanswer surely lies in the technology that is now available tous. Looking back over the last 25 years as Editor-in-Chief ofCARBON Journal one sees two major changes. One is the electronicsubmission process and the other is the availability ofSupplementary Material on the website. The first of these beganas an option but is now a requirement. The second is anoption that, in my opinion, should be made a requirement.One of its components should be a list of the equipment used.This would free space in the journal and would in no way devaluethe manuscript.
A final point concerns the way people describe instruments,especially electron microscopes, both scanning andtransmission. Many of you will know that I started researchon graphite nearly 50 years ago by studying neutron radiationdamage in natural single crystals of Ticonderoga graphiteusing a transmission electron microscope. In those days the‘‘workhorse’’ of electron microscopes was the Siemens ElmiskopI. The best resolution was around 10A°(1 nm). To us itwas a ‘‘high resolution’’ instrument, certainly much higherthat some of the early instruments where 5 nm was as goodas one could get. Nowadays I am often told that both a TEMand a HRTEM (high resolution) were used, (or an SEM and aFESEM) and this morning I came across a paper in press foranother journal that promises ‘‘super resolution’’. Is ‘‘super’’better than ‘‘high’’? The resolution is what is seen on themicrograph, and that depends on many factors, especiallythe magnification at which the micrograph was taken. A picturetaken at 5000• on a HRTEM cannot show high resolution.Surely it is enough to say that ‘‘the sampleswere examined bytransmission and scanning electron microscopy’’ and to giveinstrument details in the Supplementary Material? I have oftenasked the question ‘‘at what point does an instrument becomehigh resolution?’’ and have never received a clearanswer. One person said that it was high resolution when itwas capable of lattice resolution, but that only raises thequestion: ‘‘which lattice?’’ I wonder whether anybody makesa low resolution transmission electron microscope, and whyis there no high resolution scanning electron microscope?Scientists can be very inconsistent!
I am convinced that the Experimental section of almost allpapers could be significantly shortened. It should concentrateon providing the information that the reader really needs tohave in order to be satisfied on the above two points, and providea list of equipment used in the Supplementary Materialsection. Surely that is enough!


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