





  1. youtube的链接——产品营销部门提供的有些老旧的产品信息,以及我们的Alabama Slammer(看了视频,自然会明白)正在做的有关如何利用我们的卡的技术层面的若干讯息——Liz是迄今为止行业内最棒的支持RAID的技术人员,因此很值得一听。我对youtube的唯一问题是干扰。youtube页面右边列出的那些视频看上去都比RAID要有意思得多。Description: :-)

  2. Facebook ——唔,我以为这只是上传菜肴图片的地方话说回来,我还挺喜欢它的(请原谅我的小玩笑),原因是我在上面找到了自己的一个视频(这些东西最后会流落何方,无人能预料)。

  3. Adaptec大学——虽然是最后一个提及,但其重要性不容小觑。这里有各种各样有关RAID、存储以及我们的产品与运用途径等信息。我花了大量时间、精力写下这些信息(并由专人负责编辑、理顺)。虽然需要注册才能访问,但其实一切都是免费提供的。一旦进入了系统,其中包含的大量资料即可供您在闲暇时刻细细浏览。查阅下目录,看看所含的内容,然后再到“my learning”瞧瞧自己已经完成了哪些部分,还有尚未阅读完或根本还未触及的内容等等。可以随时随意回来作个参考。

       好了,现在您会不再使用GoogleBaidu)吗?肯定不会咯,因为有大量有用的信息可以借此访问到(我自己也经常使用),但说道Adaptec的卡,您还是应该考虑从正确的人那里获取正确的信息——Adaptec by PMC

Learning aboutstorage (the hard or easy way) …

      Google and youtube arewonderful places to get information, but as always there is a question-markover the authenticity, quality and downright accuracy of the informationprovided by all and sundry in their posts and blogs. Now while I’m not castingaspersions over those that provide all this wonderful information, wouldn’t itbe nice to get something directly from the horses mouth? (Australian-speak for“Vendor”).

      Well, you can.

      On our website home page(www.adaptec.com) , if you look closely enough, you’ll find the following:

  1. youtube link – some older stuff about our products from the product marketing and an ongoing effort by our Alabama Slammer (you’ll get it when you listen to the video) on technical aspects of how to do stuff with our cards – Liz is by far the best RAID Support Tech in the business so she’s well worth listening to. My only problem with youtube is getting distracted. All that lovely interesting stuff that appears down the right side always looks more interesting than RAID 
  2. Facebook – hmmm, I thought this was only for putting pictures of your last meal … however I liked it (pardon the pun) because I found one of my videos on there (you never know where this stuff will end up).
  3. Adaptec University. Last, but certainly not least, this is a major source of all sorts of information on RAID and storage in general, and our products and how to use them in particular. I should know … I spend quite a bit of time writing this stuff (then having it cleaned up by a lovely lady whose English is a whole lot betterer than mine :-)).Yes, you have to register, but no we don’t ask for your first-born as a down-payment (in fact it’s free), but once you are in, there is a wealth of information to peruse through at your leisure. Look at the catelog to see what is available, then go to “my learning” to see what you have completed, not read or not even started yet, etc. You can come back to this as often (or as little) as you like.

      So should you stop using Google? Heck no, there is tons of valuable stuff out there (I use it all thetime), but you should also consider getting the right word from the rightpeople – Adaptec by PMC.





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